Strange new addition to the Georgia Guidestones. The Georgia Guidestones is therefore not abandoned but alive and well.
The monument is maintained, updated and monitored. In short, the
commandments inscribed on the stones are not a philosophical fantasy
dreamt up by strange people 34 years ago, it is a concrete plan that
firmly believed in by the elite. The stone has already been torn down and destroyed by activists.

Needless to say "Russia" should be replaced by "America/Israel
This is what they want you to fear regarding Ebola.
Stephen Harper announces Canada's commitment to war in Syria....
War and Peace
Common sense....
And then there are the testimonies of the many guards and people who worked for her only happy to speak out on her abusive ways....
If anyone can translate this, I would be most thankful.
I did a search for "Mohel cartoons" and this image came up. It screamed "Briss!" to me. What about you?
Politically incorrect but the "Jesus and Mo" series is quite amusing for the disrespectful.
Some things never change....
Dated but cute. Boys will be boys.
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