ED Noor: I post this simply because we need to strengthen our children. No mention of the usual suspects, just a humourous look at a few changes we can make to increase their sense of well-being in a world designed to keep them weak and afraid. I also own the fact that my own generation helped to create this situation and for this, we owe our young an apology. The reasons for this turn of events is complicated and deep, but, in the end, we must own our own mistakes. And a safer kinder world as it has become is just the polar opposite.
By Daisy Luther
With all of the ridiculous new regulations, coddling, and societal mores that seem to be the norm these days, it’s a miracle those of us over 30 survived our childhoods.
Here’s the problem with all of this babying: it creates a society of weenies.
There won’t be more more rebels because this generation has been frightened into submission and apathy through a deliberately orchestrated culture of fear. No one will have faced adventure and lived to greatly embroider the story.
Kids are brainwashed ~ yes, brainwashed ~ into believing that the mere thought of a gun means you’re a psychotic killer waiting for a place to rampage.
By Daisy Luther
With all of the ridiculous new regulations, coddling, and societal mores that seem to be the norm these days, it’s a miracle those of us over 30 survived our childhoods.
Here’s the problem with all of this babying: it creates a society of weenies.
There won’t be more more rebels because this generation has been frightened into submission and apathy through a deliberately orchestrated culture of fear. No one will have faced adventure and lived to greatly embroider the story.
Kids are brainwashed ~ yes, brainwashed ~ into believing that the mere thought of a gun means you’re a psychotic killer waiting for a place to rampage.
ED Noor: My family is a case of point up here in Canada ~ children and siblings! Mention the word “gun” and there is a spate of negative conversation if positive sounds are made towards them being in public hands. I mentioned an interest in sport shooting recently and the outburst was beyond belief. WHY would I want to go near those dangerous things?
They are terrified to do anything when they aren’t wrapped up with helmets, knee pads, wrist guards, and other protective gear.
Parents can’t let them go out and be independent or they’re charged with neglect and the children are taken away.
Woe betide any teen who uses a tool like a pocket knife, or heck, even a table knife to cut meat.
Lighting their own fire? Good grief, those parents must either not care if their child is disfigured by 3rd-degree burns over 90% of his body or they’re purposely nurturing a little arsonist.
Heaven forbid that a child describe another child as “black” or, for that matter, refer to others as girls or boys. No actual descriptors can be used for the fear of “offending” that person, and “offending” someone is incredibly high on the hierarchy of Things Never To Do.
“Free range parenting” is all but
illegal and childhood is a completely different experience
these days.
All of this babying creates incompetent, fearful adults.
Our children have been enveloped in this softly padded culture of fear, and it’s creating a society of people who are fearful, out of shape, overly cautious, and painfully politically correct. They are incredibly incompetent when they go out on their own because they’ve never actually done anything on their own.
When my oldest daughter came home after her first semester away at college, she told me how grateful she was to be an independent person. She described the scene in the dorm. “I had to show a bunch of them how to do laundry and they didn’t even know how to make a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese,” she said. Apparently they were in awe of her ability to cook actual food that did not originate in a pouch or box, her skills at changing a tire, her knack for making coffee using a French press instead of a coffee maker, and her ease at operating a washing machine and clothes dryer. She says that even though she thought I was being mean at the time I began making her do things for herself, she’s now glad that she possesses those skills. Hers was also the room that had everything needed to solve everyday problems: basic tools, first aid supplies, OTC medicine, and home remedies.
I was truly surprised when my daughter told me about the lack of life skills her friends have. I always thought maybe I was secretly lazy and that was the basis on my insistence that my girls be able to fend for themselves, but it honestly prepares them for life far better than if I was a hands-on mom that did absolutely everything for them. They need to realize that clothing does not get worn and then neatly reappear on a hanger in the closet, ready to be worn again. They need to understand that meals do not magically appear on the table, created by singing appliances a la Beauty and the Beast.

If the country is populated by a bunch of people who can’t even cook a box of macaroni and cheese when their stoves function at optimum efficiency, how on earth will they sustain themselves when they have to not only acquire their food, but must use off-grid methods to prepare it? How can someone who requires an instruction manual to operate a digital thermostat hope to keep warm when their home environment is controlled by wood they have collected and fires they have lit with it? How can someone who is afraid of getting dirty plant a garden and shovel manure?
Did you do any of these things and live to tell the tale?
While I did make my children wear bicycle helmets and never took them on the highway in the back of a pick-up, many of the things on this list were not just allowed, they were encouraged. Before someone pipes up with outrage (because they’re *cough* offended) I’m not suggesting that you throw caution to the wind and let your kids attempt to hang-glide off the roof with a sheet attached to a kite frame. (I’ve got a scar proving that makeshift hang-gliding is, in fact, a terrible idea). Common sense evolves, and I obviously don’t recommend that you purposely put your children in unsafe situations with a high risk of injury.
But, let them be kids. Let them explore and take reasonable risks. Let them learn to live life without fear.
Raise your hand if you survived a childhood in the '60s, '70s, and '80s that included one or more of the following, frowned-upon activities (raise both hands if you bear a scar proving your daredevil participation in these dare-devilish events):
All of this babying creates incompetent, fearful adults.
Our children have been enveloped in this softly padded culture of fear, and it’s creating a society of people who are fearful, out of shape, overly cautious, and painfully politically correct. They are incredibly incompetent when they go out on their own because they’ve never actually done anything on their own.
When my oldest daughter came home after her first semester away at college, she told me how grateful she was to be an independent person. She described the scene in the dorm. “I had to show a bunch of them how to do laundry and they didn’t even know how to make a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese,” she said. Apparently they were in awe of her ability to cook actual food that did not originate in a pouch or box, her skills at changing a tire, her knack for making coffee using a French press instead of a coffee maker, and her ease at operating a washing machine and clothes dryer. She says that even though she thought I was being mean at the time I began making her do things for herself, she’s now glad that she possesses those skills. Hers was also the room that had everything needed to solve everyday problems: basic tools, first aid supplies, OTC medicine, and home remedies.
I was truly surprised when my daughter told me about the lack of life skills her friends have. I always thought maybe I was secretly lazy and that was the basis on my insistence that my girls be able to fend for themselves, but it honestly prepares them for life far better than if I was a hands-on mom that did absolutely everything for them. They need to realize that clothing does not get worn and then neatly reappear on a hanger in the closet, ready to be worn again. They need to understand that meals do not magically appear on the table, created by singing appliances a la Beauty and the Beast.

If the country is populated by a bunch of people who can’t even cook a box of macaroni and cheese when their stoves function at optimum efficiency, how on earth will they sustain themselves when they have to not only acquire their food, but must use off-grid methods to prepare it? How can someone who requires an instruction manual to operate a digital thermostat hope to keep warm when their home environment is controlled by wood they have collected and fires they have lit with it? How can someone who is afraid of getting dirty plant a garden and shovel manure?
Did you do any of these things and live to tell the tale?
While I did make my children wear bicycle helmets and never took them on the highway in the back of a pick-up, many of the things on this list were not just allowed, they were encouraged. Before someone pipes up with outrage (because they’re *cough* offended) I’m not suggesting that you throw caution to the wind and let your kids attempt to hang-glide off the roof with a sheet attached to a kite frame. (I’ve got a scar proving that makeshift hang-gliding is, in fact, a terrible idea). Common sense evolves, and I obviously don’t recommend that you purposely put your children in unsafe situations with a high risk of injury.

But, let them be kids. Let them explore and take reasonable risks. Let them learn to live life without fear.
Raise your hand if you survived a childhood in the '60s, '70s, and '80s that included one or more of the following, frowned-upon activities (raise both hands if you bear a scar proving your daredevil participation in these dare-devilish events):
ED Noor: Even better! I survived the 50’s!
1. Riding in
the back of an open pick-up truck with a bunch of other kids.
2. Leaving
the house after breakfast and not returning until the streetlights came on, at
which point, you raced home, ASAP so you didn’t get in trouble
3. Eating
peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the school cafeteria
4. Riding
your bike without a helmet
5. Riding
your bike with a buddy on the handlebars, and neither of you wearing helmets
7. Swimming
in creeks, rivers, ponds, and lakes (or what they now call *cough* "wild swimming")
ED Noor: I
grew up in Ontario cottage country in the middle of the forest and spent most
of my life in a lake. Only a few years ago did I begin to use “chemical dip
pools” for exercise; it had taken me decades to accept public pools as an
option! “Wild swimming’? OMFG.
8. Climbing
trees (One park cut the lower branches from a
tree on the playground in case some stalwart child dared to
climb them)
ED Noor: On
the street my children were raised, every autumn when the trees dropped their
leaves and the nests were seen, the tree in front of our house had no nests.
Ever. It was the block “kid tree” and we welcomed the kids to use it. No one
ever broke anything although many a parent did suffer heart palpitations as a
dear one aimed for the top.
9. Having
snowball fights (and accidentally hitting someone you
Noor: How can you live in snow country and never have committed this horrendous
10. Sledding
without enough protective equipment to play a game in the NFL
ED Noor; Ride
a sled with a helmet? Oh give me a break. It is already tough enough pulling
the sled back up the hill without a frigging helmet.
11. Carrying
a pocket knife to school (or having a fishing tackle box with sharp things
on school property)
12. Camping
Noor: I will go a step further and suggest wilderness camping where you hike
in, not just drive in with an RV and plug it in.
13. Throwing
rocks at snakes in the river
14. Playing
politically incorrect games like Cowboys and Indians
ED Noor: Neil Young in 1952 being politically offensive at the rick kids' camp across the water from our cottage and private forest land. Chances are Neil and I swam in the same lake at the same time!
15. Playing
Cops and Robbers with *gasp* toy guns
16. Pretending to shoot each other with sticks we imagined were guns
Noor: Sticks? My brothers had toy pop guns that made noises!
17. Shooting
an actual gun or a bow (with *gasp* sharp arrows) at a can on a log,
accompanied by our parents who gave us pointers to improve our aim. Heck, there
was even a marksmanship club at my high school
18. Saying
the words “gun” or “bang” or “pow pow” (there's actually a freakin’ CODE about “playing with invisible
19. Working
for your pocket money well before your teen years
20. Taking
that money to the store and buying as much penny candy as you could afford,
then eating it in one sitting
Noor: Early math calculations. Many a child learned basic math skills over
penny candy back in the day! That eagerness to get as much as you could for
your pennies. Er, what’s a penny?
21. Eating
pop rocks candy and drinking soda, just to prove we were exempt from that urban
legend that said our stomachs would explode
22. Getting so
dirty that your mom washed you off with the hose in the yard before letting you
come into the house to have a shower
23. Writing
lines for being a jerk at school, either on the board or on paper
24. Playing
“dangerous” games like dodgeball, kickball, tag, whiffle ball, and red rover
(The Health Department of New York issued a
warning about the “significant risk
of injury” from these games)
Noor: When I was 5 or 6 I can remember amazing freedom to walk anywhere in
Toronto in my neighbourhood including the 6 blocks to school. As a teenager,
the walk to my highschool was about 1.5 k and was through residential areas and
along a creek. The last time I was in the town the creek was now all blocked
off so that no one could tumble into the very small body of water! Apparently
the route was no longer considered, after decades, to be safe.
Come on, be honest. Tell us what crazy stuff
you did as a child.
Teach your children to be independent this summer.
We didn’t get trophies just for showing up. We were forced, yes, forced ~ to do actual work and no one called protective services. And we gained something from all of this.
Our independence.
Do you think our ancestors who fought in the revolutionary war were afraid to climb a tree or get dirty?
Those of us who grew up this way (and who raise our children to be fearless) are the resistance against a coddled, helmeted, non-offending society that aims for a dependent populace. In a country that was built on rugged self-reliance, we are now the minority.
Nurture the rebellion this summer. Boot them outside. Get your kids away from their TVs, laptops, and video games. Get sweaty and dirty. Do things that make the wind blow through your hair. Go off in search of the best climbing tree you can find. Shoot guns. Learn to use a bow and arrow. Play outside all day long and catch fireflies after dark. Do things that the coddled world considers too dangerous and watch your children blossom.
Daisy Luther lives in a small village in the Pacific Northwestern area of the United States. She is the author of The Organic Canner, The Pantry Primer: A Prepper's Guide to Whole Food on a Half-Price Budget, and the soon-to-be-released The Prepper's Water Survival Guide: Harvest, Treat, and Store Your Most Vital Resource. On her website, The Organic Prepper, where this article first appeared. Daisy uses her background in alternative journalism to provide a unique perspective on health and preparedness, and offers a path of rational anarchy against a system that will leave us broke, unhealthy, and enslaved if we comply. Daisy's articles are widely republished throughout alternative media.
OMG a photo of little Neal Young?
ReplyDeleteGood post. I was born with a lot of enthusiasm and wanderlust..God knows my parents had a difficult time capturing me. I am an AF brat and got moved around a lot so I'm experienced in "wild swimming" in alligator canals, riding horses, chasing bulls (and getting chased back) and swinging on jungle vines. And so much more! I had a slightly older brother who had to go with me everywhere, aye, he was my leader! And my dad was a 'Colemen' enthusiast so Yosemite is a familiar place for me. I don't think an only child gets the best deal although they do tend to get the best toys! And their mothers don't let them go out of sight, even. My 4 kids...well, I am not in "Kansas" anymore....meaning times have changed and I had to pay attention and apply more restrictions. Alas.
I grew up in rural Nebraska during the 1940's and 1950's. My small town had about 3500 people. Boys were encouraged to be strong and tough. And we spent as much time out doors as possible. Surprisingly there was little sickness and few serious accidents. As far as I know no one was autistic. In those days Nebraska had the highest population of old people with many having never even left their county or state. I had access to guns, matches, tools, etc. I was told not to use the table saw. I did all sorts of electronic things just tinkering around. I also took powder out of shot gun shells and made my own little cannon that fired a lead slug into a telephone pole. I did have a rather fine sense of cause and effect and was fairly careful. Worst accidents were cutting my fingers with a sharp carving knife. But never needed stitches. Dropped ahead in time into the city I now live in which is one of the "best places" in the USA to raise children I would surely find it very boring. And a little crazy. Since my childhood university education has become wide spread; and clearly the present society is the product.
ReplyDeleteI grew up wade fishing and water skiing in the St. Johns River in Florida. One of the most alligator infested rivers in the world. It is now said to contain bull sharks adapted to fresh water and piranhas as well as the newly arrived Burmese python.
ReplyDeleteMyself and a friend of mine, at 16, camped out on the Oklawaha river in the Ocala National forest for 3 days sleeping on the ground. You know I wouldn't do that again today.
I swam 2 miles out in the Atlantic off St. Augustine Beach, Florida. The kid with me noticed some dorsal fins between us and the shore. We made an arc around them and it must have looked like air boats. When we got back to the beach everyone was laughing because the fins were porpoise fins.
ReplyDeleteOnce upon a time before I gave up guitar, I used to play riding hardships through broken harbors all alone in the night! Another favorite was bad moon rising by Creedence Clearwater. My friend used to say you really like that one don't you. I said this is not just a song, it s a prophecy.
I am getting old and don't have too many regrets, it was a wild ride. In fact my cousin Wild Bill who runs the Doc Holliday museum told me he wants that on his cremation urn. "It was a wild ride".
My only regret was from dancing school. A girl I knew told me if I took her to the final dance, anything I wanted was in it for me. I chickened out. I have hated myself ever since!!!