Above: A Trump rally. The hardest working man in politics today.
The following images speak louder than Liberal media-rigged polls and analyses.

Check out the difference in numbers above and ask yourself which candidate is simply counting on privilege and corruption to hijack the crown? Meanwhile, cameras are not supposed to be showing the truth of rally attendance as exampled below. Meanwhile, CNN is insisting that, in the case of political rallies, "size doesn't matter".
The following images speak louder than Liberal media-rigged polls and analyses.
Hillary Clinton campaign just got caught trying hide this from the
public. We all know Hillary has pathetic attendance at her rallies,
but she just hit a NEW LOW as the entire 5,000
seat auditorium was basically empty.
It gets even worse… Reporters were apparently told not to take
pictures of the crowd the event started so the seats wouldn’t be empty. As
you’ll see below, the reporters waited, and the seats were still empty…
So they published
the pictures!
Morris, a national correspondent for KCUR, tweeted a photo showing a worker
moving walls to shrink the meeting room. He even mocked the Clinton campaign by
saying he waited until the event started…Check out the pictures below!
Convention hall turned out lights in un-occupied part of
hall for @HillaryClinton
speech, now partitioning it off pic.twitter.com/O5Az8EfiRD ~ Brian Abel
(@BrianAbelTV) September 8,
From American
cutting down the room by a third with lower than expected turnout for (Clinton
in Kansas City) speech,” Morris reported. A
perhaps more brutal image shows a vast amount of empty seats during her speech.
Workers cutting the room down by a third with lower than
expected turnout for #clintonkc
speech. pic.twitter.com/L60YFfBpO1 ~ Frank Morris (@FrankNewsman) September 8,
Abel of 41 Action News tweeted several photos showing the cavernous empty room. Stolen photos
Here are the requested “during speech” pics of KC
convention hall pic.twitter.com/ZRGOm77xnO
~ Brian Abel (@BrianAbelTV) September 8,

A short movie:
Back to the man who works rather than put out press releases.
Oh, my! I had forgotten this one!
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