Ed Noor: The best part of these incriminating videos is the oh, so predictive response of CNN included at the very end. They attack the creator of the videos and let us know he is a criminal who manipulates material to reach his own conclusions and that none of the events described in this "barroom talk" ever took place. Yeah, sure. Whatever....
Dirty Tricks Operative Unwittingly Provides Dark Money Trail to the DNC and Clinton CampaignViolence at Trump Rallies Traced to Clinton Campaign and the DNC Through Process Called BirddoggingShady Coordinated Communications Chain between DNC, Clinton Campaign, Hillary Clinton’s Super PAC and Other Organizations RevealedKey Clinton Operative: “It doesn’t matter what the friggin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherfucker”
Project Veritas Action has just released the first video in a multi-part series which exposes the dark secrets at the highest levels of the DNC and Clinton presidential campaign. Using hidden cameras, undercover journalists reveal key players coordinating clandestine operations in support of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The video, supported by emails recently released by WikiLeaks, shows that the dirty tricks, lines of communications and the money trail lead all the way to the top.
The video discloses numerous examples of
behind-the-scenes shady practices with consequences most Americans have seen on
national television at Donald Trump campaign rallies across the country. What
the media hasn’t reported is that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National
Committee has been directing these activities with, at very best, a very thin
veil of plausible deniability. This series of videos is the culmination of a
year-long investigation by the undercover journalists at Project Veritas
Scott Foval is the National Field Director for a non-profit organization named Americans United for Change. In the video, he told an undercover investigator that they contract “directly with the DNC and the [Clinton] campaign both.”
Scott Foval is the National Field Director for a non-profit organization named Americans United for Change. In the video, he told an undercover investigator that they contract “directly with the DNC and the [Clinton] campaign both.”

“The [Clinton] campaign pays DNC, DNC pays
Democracy Partners, and Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, The Foval
Group goes and executes the shit…”continued Foval. “Democracy Partners is the
tip of the spear on that stuff.”
Bob Creamer founded and is listed as a partner on
the website of the Democratic consulting firm Democracy Partners. He is the
husband of Jan Shakowsky, a congresswoman from Chicago. In 2005, he pled guilty
to tax violations and bank fraud.
“Wherever Trump and Pence are going to be, we have
events and we have a whole team across the country that does that both
consultants and people from the Democratic Party,” Creamer told an
investigator. “And the Democratic Party apparatus and the people from the
campaign, the Clinton campaign and my role with the campaign, is to manage all
The undercover investigation reveals compelling
evidence of a dark money conspiracy and likely violations of federal campaign
coordination laws by the Hillary Clinton campaign, Clinton’s Super PAC
Priorities USA and the Democratic National Committee.
“The thing that we have to watch, is making sure
there is a double blind between the actual campaign and the actual DNC and what
we’re doing,” states Foval while describing the conduit of information between the DNC,
Clinton campaign, Political Action Committees, the AFL-CIO and other
organizations. “There’s a double blind there. So they can plausibly deny
that they knew anything about it.”
Foval explains, “The campaigns and DNC cannot go
near Priorities, but I guaran-damn-tee you that the people who run the Super
PACs all talk to each other and we and a few other people are the hubs of that
“I just had a call with the campaign and the DNC,
every day at one o’clock,” says Creamer subordinate Zulema Rodriguez.
When discussing what sorts of dirty tricks Foval,
Creamer and others manage at the bequest of the DNC and Clinton campaign, a
Project Veritas Action investigator asks Foval if he would recognize Foval’s
“Oh, I know you do,” responds Foval. “Everybody
“You remember the Iowa state fair thing where Scott
Walker grabbed the sign out of the dude’s hand and then the dude kind of gets
roughed up right in front of the stage right there on camera?” Foval asks.
“That was all us. The guy that got roughed up is my counterpart who works for
Foval adds that they “planted multiple people in
that front area around him and in the back to make sure there wasn’t just an
accident happen up front, there was also a reaction that happened out back.”
Foval also references Shirley Teeter, a
sixty-nine-year-old lady who claims that she was assaulted at a Trump rally in
North Carolina.
Paid by Hillary Clinton. A profession activist. And a misleading photo damning "Trump violence: from the sympathetic liberal media. She claimed being attacked by a blind man...
“She was one of our activists,” he says while
introducing the term bird dogging to the political lexicon.
The phrase bird dogging also appears in an email released by WikiLeaks where
Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook suggests it might be a tactic to employ to
shore up support with Hispanic voters.
“So the term bird dogging, you put people in the
line, at the front which means that they have to get there at six in the
morning because they have to get in front at the rally, so that when Trump
comes down the rope line, they’re the ones asking him the question in front of
the reporter, because they’re pre-placed there,” explains Foval.
“To funnel
that kind of operation, you have to start back with people two weeks ahead of
time and train them how to ask questions. You have to train them to bird
“I’m basically deputy rapid response director for
the DNC for all things Trump on the ground,” says a new character in the undercover video.
This character says his name is Aaron Black, but it is really Aaron Minter. “Yeah, and
nobody is really supposed to know about me.”
In the hidden camera video, Black shares credit
with Creamer for the Chicago Trump rally which was shut down.
“So the Chicago protest ~ when they
shut all that,
that was us,” says Black/Minter.

“So B and I did the Chicago Trump event where we
shut down, like all the yeah…” confirms Rodriguez, who also admitted to
shutting down the highway at a Trump event in Arizona.
“I’m saying we have mentally ill people, that we
pay to do shit, make no mistake,” says Foval in the video. “Over the last
twenty years, I’ve paid off a few homeless guys to do some crazy stuff, and
I’ve also taken them for dinner, and I’ve also made sure they had a hotel, and
a shower. And I put them in a program. Like I’ve done that.
But the reality is, a lot of people especially our union guys. A lot of
our union guys…they’ll do whatever you want. They’re rock and roll. When
I need to get something done in Arkansas, the first guy I call is the head of the
AFL-CIO down there, because he will say, ‘What do you need?’ And I will
say, I need a guy who will do this, this and this. And they find that
guy. And that guy will be like, Hell yeah, let’s do it.”
George Soros still has control of the voting machines so all is not lost for Hillary yet.
This is the latest release, the third video in a multi-part series that is sending shockwaves through the DNC and the Clinton campaign. The first video explained the dark secrets and the hidden connections and organizations the Clinton campaign uses to incite violence at Trump rallies. The second video exposed a diabolical step-by-step voter fraud strategy discussed by top Democratic operatives and showed one key operative admitting that the Democrats have been rigging elections for fifty years. This latest video takes this investigation even further.
Project Veritas Action Reveals the Diabolical Step-By-Step Voter Fraud Strategy
Democrats Have Been Rigging Election for Fifty Years and Here Is
the Proof
This is
the second video in a multi-part series that is sending shockwaves through the
DNC and the Clinton campaign. The first video explained the dark secrets and
the hidden connections and organizations the Hillary Campaign uses to incite
violence at Trump rallies. This latest video takes the investigation even
Project Veritas Action undercover journalists catch Scott Foval, the National
Field Director for Americans United for Change, saying,
“We’ve been bussing people in to deal with you fuckin’ assholes [Republicans] for fifty years and we’re not going to stop now, we’re just going to find a different way to do it.”
One of
the highest-level operatives for the DNC who admits to being “no white knight”
said that the Democrats have been rigging elections for fifty years.
Foval then
goes on to explain the sinister plot and how they avoid getting caught. The
undercover reporter asks why they can’t just “bus in” voters but get them to
use their own personal vehicles. Foval describes how they avoid being detected
and free of criminal charges.
“Would they charge each individual of voter fraud? Or are they going to go after the facilitator for conspiracy, which they could prove? It’s one thing if all these people drive up in their personal cars. If there’s a bus involved? That changes the dynamic.”
How do
they keep it a secret from the American people and the FEC? Foval explains, “So
you use shells. Use shell companies.”
final straw is Foval and the Democrats don’t think journalists, the media or
the law can do anything to stop him, the DNC and the Hillary Clinton
“The question is, whether when you get caught by a reporter, does that matter? Because does it turn into an investigation or not? In this case, this state, the answer is no, because they don’t have any power to do anything.”
thinks we don’t have the power to stop him and the shady and corrupt tactics of
the Democrats to rig this election.
ED Noor: The things he has said and done on these tapes should be enough to invalidate the election process as flawed up until this point! Should this scumball be allowed to merely surface elsewhere to spread his Soros-sponsored corruption?
George Soros still has control of the voting machines so all is not lost for Hillary yet.
This is the latest release, the third video in a multi-part series that is sending shockwaves through the DNC and the Clinton campaign. The first video explained the dark secrets and the hidden connections and organizations the Clinton campaign uses to incite violence at Trump rallies. The second video exposed a diabolical step-by-step voter fraud strategy discussed by top Democratic operatives and showed one key operative admitting that the Democrats have been rigging elections for fifty years. This latest video takes this investigation even further.
III of the undercover investigation dives further into the back room dealings
of Democratic politics. It exposes prohibited communications between
Hillary Clinton’s campaign, the DNC and the non-profit organization Americans
United for Change. And, it’s all disguised as a duck.
Project Veritas Action undercover journalists catch Democracy Partners founder
directly implicating Hillary Clinton in FEC violations.
“In the end, it was the candidate, Hillary Clinton, the future president of the United States, who wanted ducks on the ground,” says Creamer in one of several exchanges. “So, by God, we would get ducks on the ground.”
It is
made clear that high-level DNC operative Creamer realized that this direct
coordination between Democracy Partners and the campaign would be damning when
he said:
repeat that to anybody.”
It was
earlier this year when people wearing Donald Duck costumes started showing up
at Donald Trump events all over the country. Brad Woodhouse is the president of
Americans United for Change (AUFC) and he worked with Robert Creamer, Scott
Foval, and DNC Rapid Response Coordinator Aaron Black to launch their “Donald
Ducks” campaign.
the first video in this series, Woodhouse fired Scott Foval, his national field
In the
video, the operatives go on to explain their plot.
“Let me tell you something. I think she [Hillary Clinton] has the right instinct on this. This thing is resonating, but that story is not exactly what you want to hear about how presidential decision-making happened,” said Woodhouse.
the originator of the Donald Ducks scheme was supposed to remain secret.
Robert Creamer goes on to add, “I was actually on a plane to go to London last week ~ Christina Reynolds [Deputy Communications Director for Hillary for America] calls saying, ‘I have good news and bad news. The good news is the candidate would like to have a mascot following around the duck ~ I mean, Trump.’”
then says, “If the future president wants ducks, we will put ducks on the
Hillary's Duck handing out souvenirs.
Clinton and the DNC wanted the Donald Ducks agitators at Trump and Pence
campaign events. The direct involvement of the campaign and the Democratic
National Committee with Americans United for Change and activists wearing
Donald Duck costumes smacks strongly of illegal coordinated campaign
campaign law experts have told us
“The ducks on the ground are likely public communications for purposes of the law. It’s political activity opposing Trump, paid for by Americans United for Change funds but controlled by Clinton and her campaign.”
of Clinton’s campaign were on daily conference calls which PVA journalists
witnessed with Creamer, AUFC managers and their operatives. They were
talking about where to send the duck and the “ducks message.” Not only
was the campaign in on it, but apparently Donna Brazille’s Democratic National
Committee was in on it as well.
last week’s stories released by Project Veritas Action, Americans United for
Change fired Scott Foval and Robert Creamer announced to the DNC that he was
stepping down from campaign responsibilities. James O’Keefe and Project Veritas
Action have filed a complaint with the Federal Elections Commission.
And CNN, Hillary's 7th main contributor is having conniptions:
And CNN, Hillary's 7th main contributor is having conniptions:
If James O'Keefe is a criminal then we are all criminals though mostly un-indicted presently. Anyway they go on and slander him by saying that he has a bad record of misleading the public with previous videos. No real details on the slanderous statements. It must be terribly corrosive saying these things to thousands of people on a daily basis. Worse than doing pornography for a living in my opinion and for far larger salaries.
ReplyDeleteAmazing how many Jewish names there are in this election fraud.
ReplyDeleteThe fix is in, (((Wall Street))) and Israel have declared Clinton to be their man, she'll steal the WH and Hell will follow come 2017.
Greg, I am fighting accepting this theft with every fibre of my being. After seeing JFK go down, it is tough to see things culminate under HRC. Come 2017? Try when the people see what has been stolen from them. AND they have it figured out according to winning just essential states to make it appear there was a .... "fight in the polls" ~ I have a feeling the American people are not THAT stupid. Every one I speak to says... everywhere they go they see Trump signs and no Clinton. I have a feeling the Pope and Elizabeth were on to something when they told us last year was our last Christmas.....