Soros shocktroops
ED Noor: It is good my family never looks at my blog since they detest my politics so deeply. They, as good Canadians, would be shocked by the words of Jonathan when he lets loose with his disdain for the indentity and sexual politics of this social "bowel movement" known as anti-Trumpism. AKA An anti-Trump "pink pussy revolution" in full swing internationally. What those of us who "know" know is this: The feminist movement is a strong component of the Communist movement, intended primarily to destroy the family bond, much more so than elevate the status of women over the decades.
Things ARE better for women now, but these spoiled children don't know how to appreciate what they have instead of focusing on their genitals. THEY need to "check their privilege" at the door, all of them, and look to what they are really representing when they knit silly pink hats, don safety pins, and protest against the many luxuries they already have.
I believe that the Ashley Judd rant, while not as anarchistic as the shill Madonna (dreaming of blowing up the White House), set the bar for total yidiocy as she blamed Trump for paying taxes on feminine products. Seriously, she has to be read to be believed. All that fluoride and dumbing down and celebrity culture is showing good results for the cabal.
Things ARE better for women now, but these spoiled children don't know how to appreciate what they have instead of focusing on their genitals. THEY need to "check their privilege" at the door, all of them, and look to what they are really representing when they knit silly pink hats, don safety pins, and protest against the many luxuries they already have.
I believe that the Ashley Judd rant, while not as anarchistic as the shill Madonna (dreaming of blowing up the White House), set the bar for total yidiocy as she blamed Trump for paying taxes on feminine products. Seriously, she has to be read to be believed. All that fluoride and dumbing down and celebrity culture is showing good results for the cabal.
By Jonathan Azaziah
Okay. We’ve been here before. We’ve done this dance, we’ve seen this movie, we’ve binge-watched this TV show and played this game so let’s dispense with the pleasantries and call a Soros-funded gathering of degenerates, agents and fuckwits what it really is:
This #WomensMarch is backed by some 50 organizations funded by the one-man “regime change” machine known as George Soros, a deadly, serpentine billionaire Jew and long-time lieutenant of the Rothschild family who has the blood of tens of millions of human beings on his scaled, nailed and frail reptilian hands.
Wherever there is a fake revolution happening anywhere in the world ~ it really doesn’t matter what continent ~ look for the signatures of Sorosite organizations and find out whatever the government under attack is doing that presents an obstacle to US-‘Israeli’ interests.
And while the #WomensMarch is oozing a foul-smelling, ultra-blatant hypocrisy from every last one of its hideous pores, from the perspective of Soros and his allies, there is something inherently strategic about it, i.e. keeping war with Russia on the table and Russophobia at the forefront of American consciousness in the wake of Donald Trump saying that a detente with Russia would be good for the world.
All across the protest lines, Russophobic and anti-Putin banners could be found, (baselessly and despicably) depicting and calling Donald Trump a Russian agent and propagating the (baseless and despicable) idea that Russia is waging cyber warfare on the US. What anti-Russian hasbara has to do with a march for “women’s rights” is beyond me but the Sorosite agenda is obvious:
Derail constructive, solid, cooperative ties between the incoming Trump administration and the Kremlin before they even get off the ground.
Regardless of the decent intentions of small handfuls of people who have been swept up into this hysteria,
Regardless of the decent intentions of small handfuls of people who have been swept up into this hysteria,
we are undoubtedly witnessing
one of George Soros’s color revolutions
unfolding right here
in the Belly of the Zio-Beast.
one of George Soros’s color revolutions
unfolding right here
in the Belly of the Zio-Beast.
And now we return to the hypocrisy. Because there is really nothing as blood-boiling as seeing hordes upon hordes of lesbians, colonial feminists, sickeningly effeminate men, colonized Muslims and other gleaming delightfuls march against Trump under the pretext of “women’s rights”, when he hasn’t done anything as of yet, but didn’t have the courage to mobilize a fraction of these numbers against Barack “The Goyim Think I’m Swagtastic” Obama’s global crime spree.
~ The #WomensMarch slow-faces didn’t think President Kill List drone-bombing little girls in the rural villages of Pakistan was “patriarchal” enough?~ Shifting to Afghanistan, they didn’t think Obama’s night raids that terrified Afghan women and their babies, not to mention routine rapes of Afghan women by NATO soldiers, were “misogynistic”?~ Speaking of misogyny, what’s the deal with Saudi Arabia, the literal KINGS and PRINCES of women-hatred?~ These globs of redundant and repugnant protoplasm (ED Noor: Oh, Jonathan, don't spare us on these magnificent flights of verbal precision!) don’t find Al-Saud’s wanton slaughter and siege of Yemeni women and babies protest-worthy?
~ The Saudi regime preventing women from driving, leaving their homes and barely breathing or thinking without getting lashed doesn’t “trigger” the #WomensMarch buffoons? They don’t want a “safe space” where they can freely discuss Saudi Arabia locking women up for Instagram photos and walking down the street without a male “guardian”?
~ No words, let alone worldwide demonstrations, for Hillary Clinton, who these nauseating, two-faced, extremist-liberal bags of steaming shit inexplicably adore and worship, claiming to be “Super-Feminist” and “Pantsuit Wonder Woman” while taking tens of millions in petro-cash from the brutal Saudi tyrants? Of course not!
~ What of the Donbass in Ukraine? “Fascist” gangs, backed by the CIA on Obama’s orders and funded by the Jewish billionaire trifecta of Poroshenko, Kolomoisky and Pinchuk, carried out atrocity after atrocity against Russian and Russian-speaking women. Not one #WomensMarch demonstrator in sight for the martyrs of Novorossiya.
~ No such #WomensMarch for Palestine either, where Zionist occupation forces routinely gun down, rape, torture, tear gas, beat, kidnap and drop white phosphorus bombs on women, female teenagers and baby girls.
~ Libya had the best women’s rights record and highest human rights index in all of Africa. President “Hope, Change and Drones” laid waste to the Libyan state and today, with the former Green Jamahiriya being reduced to a Takfiri haven, women are treated as horrifically as they are in Saudi Arabia. Where the fuck are the #WomensMarch “heroines”?!
~ Obama promised he’d leave Iraq. Instead, he created Daesh and these Wahhabi-Takfiri goons, working hand-in-glove with the Kurdish-Jewish mafia and Mossad in Erbil, opened up a global sex trafficking machine of Iraqi and Syrian women. Still not “misogynistic” enough for the #WomensMarchers to give half a damn.
~ Yes. Then there is Syria. Beautiful, wonderful, pluralistic, secular Syria, a state of so many Arab-Islamic milestones in women’s rights and gender equality and once one of the safest countries on Earth.

Obama and Hillary Clinton brought Takfiri terrorism to this ancient land, the heart of the Fertile Crescent, all in hope to overthrow Dr. Bashar al-Assad as a means of pleasing ‘Israel’ and the Jewish Power Matrix.
Washington’s “moderates” chopped off the heads of women in Aleppo, Homs, Hama and Daraa, and the liberals didn’t make a peep. The US ZOG’s “freedom fighters” put women in cages in Damascus and sold others for “Jihad al-Nikah”, and the Democrats forgot that they had an ability to speak.
The Empire’s “rebels” sent little girls to blow themselves up in police stations and slaughtered children with family members in the government and the army, and the “antiwar” crowd disappeared into a parallel reality.
And when the American regime slaughtered over 100 Syrian Arab Army soldiers and wounded dozens more in Deir Ezzor, among them women who were defending their nation from the ****ACTUAL**** misogynistic barbarity of ISIS, paving the way for a Daesh advancement which still haunts Syria today and bringing the world to the brink of World War III, none of these duplicitous, ignominious fucks mustered up the energy to protest.
They’ll demonstrate against Donald Trump
on behalf of George Soros
and the “leftist” wing of World Jewry though!
THAT, these “revolutionaries” and “anarchists”
will surely do.
Since words have been minced just a skosh throughout this exercise ~ a bad habit of mine, I apologize
Fuck your LGBT rights.
Fuck your “women’s rights”.
Fuck your fake liberal universalism.
Fuck your freedom.
Fuck your democracy.
None of this has anything to do with the havoc America has wreaked on the globe for the last 8 years. And it wasn’t a Republican in the Oval but a Democrat ~ Mr. Nobel “Peace” Prize.

With this noted, and with the anti-Russian agenda on such vivid display, it’s of the utmost certainty that this ain’t a #WomensMarch.
Indeed, it never was.
It’s a #SorosMarch. And the ones whom these Sorosite charlatans are marching upon are the murdered Pakistanis, Afghans, Syrians, Palestinians, Libyans, Ukrainians, Iraqis and Yemenis they never ONCE spoke up for because they were (and remain) too busy carrying poisoned water for Obama and Zio-Killary Clinton.
I posted this awhile back as sort of a "cartoon".... But it ain't funny.
Just sayin'...
I loved the virago screeching: "All men are pigs, women are equal to men." Side splitting... ;~)
ReplyDeleteDateline, Honolulu: Statehouse, Saturday, January 22, 2017. Rally in solidarity with the women's march. All white except for a sprinkling of Japanese men who consider themselves homosexual because it was also a 'social justice' rally. Repeat: ALL WHITE, all anti-Trump. Brainwashed young women, but there were older women there too. A male moderator gave a bright spot when he said, ' ... many men' support the women, not 'all men.' I was passing by collecting bottles and cans which I do as a form of exercise. Hawaii is rabidly democratic yet I am sure all the wealthy Asian elites here with stock holdings have noticed the rally, the financial rally. Entirely from Trump presidency.