I am short on words this week, please just enjoy what is on tap for you. It is the second anniversary of Charlie Hebdo and most international cartoonists are filling the media with it. Sorry but I could not be bothered considering the truths of the matter so none here.
Cartoons about cyber WW3? This and the one above are definitely worth thinking about. It goes far far beyond "fake news".
This cartoonist has never stood against Trump. Most of his work is very aware and he "gets it". The commentary to this image is he awoke from a dream that Trump had been shot during the inauguration process. He was not a happy artist. Another powerful image from this man is further below, the amazing "Destroyer of Worlds".
Laugh yourselves silly at this.
"Hashtag Matchey Matchey"
Deliciously funny.
Life lesson of value.
The current condition of Europe. Shall it be "the EU" or return to "nation states"?
And that is all I will say about that situation that was apparently "just a crime" ~ not a hate crime. And certainly it was not racially motivated....

Meanwhile, back in Canada:
This elegant minimalist cartoon is titled "Destroyer of Worlds".
Did the British really think that Brexit would really come to pass with any ease at all?
Politics in Italy
Sweet, hmmm? Isn't he just the cutest? Anyone got a rock? Or does he speak for the cabal?
Mexico is not too happy about this one.
I wonder why this conservative artist did not honour Obama in the same manner.
This cartoon was released just prior to the death of the entire Choir a few weeks ago. Purely a very sad coincident that has, I am sure, made the artist think twice.
An old cartoon from just prior to the election madness began.
Subtle but succinct.
Some people, alas, really think this is the real Trump...
This the only international Trump cartoon I post this week and ONLY to show what it is like out there. This one is at least artistically passable even if the whole concept is nauseating. EVERY image of Trump involves his bottom and / or feces. Whether well done or crudely drawn, the contempt is almost overwhelming.
The tweeting apicallypse...
Gosh. Not to sound paranoid here, but do you detect a theme in these tweets?
Thanks again...!
ReplyDeleteBrilliant selection once again! Do you know who wrote 'First they came (Zionist version in your post?) I know of the original but this version is very good. https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-aWX05hp9ym4/WHCQWGSJxzI/AAAAAAACcrU/vP2Pn47EWKMEABDI8_LD0I_wdqskhMmpwCLcB/s1600/jews%2BS.jpg-large.jpg