Good cartoon!
Afghani warlords are destroying their environment.
African Oil Rigs in the African Savannah
Necessary when draining the swamp.
Endangered Species and Palm Oil
Freedom of Speech.
Artist Commentary: Okay, Trump isn't really going to be pee-boarding anyone (darn it), but just because a story isn't true is no reason not to report it. At least, in 2017 that seems to be the prevailing journalistic philosophy after a number of news outlets, with varying degrees of enthusiasm and hyperbole, published reports that the Russians were ready to blackmail Donald Trump with secret videos of the billionaire in a Moscow hotel room, paying prostitutes to perform a "golden showers" scenario (peeing) on a bed once used by Barack and Michelle Obama.
For more head over HERE.
Enlarge to read.
Israel is attacking Damascus again. The eternal problem these aggressive demons.
Artist comment: I’m at the point now where I’m thinking it was actually worth it all, just to finally see the Democratic Party having to eat its own dog food.
It’s been two months since they lost, and those clowns are still at it ~ shrieking, bitching, red-baiting, blame-shifting; it was the Greens, Wikileaks, the Russians, the Bernie Bros, the Russians, the non-voters, the Russians, the Russians, the Russians ~ you get the idea.
My suggestion to all you Democrats out there is to quit your damn whining and choke it down. There’s not a speck of cereal, you know.
How can protestors possibly taken seriously when they dress like this to attend government sessions, in this case the hearing for Sessions. The outfits, and these are just a few from Code Pink, remind one of a circus.
Now, tell me again what a bastion of feminine pulchritude Michelle Obama is. Those are linebacker shoulders, people.
Ah, yes, the dream of almost $73 M in holidays and enough lingerie and clothing to stock Europe.
This has to be the most unfortunate sign ever created. Ever. Embarrassing to the max.
Sometimes you just have to laugh.
Breaking News! Russian hackers located.
A Saudi Arabia- Iran connection?
Ah, yes, Meryl. Lots on that pathetic speech of hers. I have seen maybe one movie of hers and that evening I was watching another on TV and thinking what trash it was. It was SO about the destruction of family and morals. Meanwhile, she was on the GG being so terribly ungracious. When one is given a lifetime achievement award, one normally offers up thanks for their good luck, yada yada yada. Instead this out of touch elitist attacks, basically, the people who attend her films. Well that will be changing after this. Oh, and if you want a real giggle, head over HERE for anagrams on "Meryl Streep". Very funny.
THIS is how the liberals portray her. Belch.
California and liberals.
A child of war.
Learning the basics from Daddy Dearest.
The JMSM is still trying to tell us that Trump is putting out fake news... when all he is doing is responding to their fake news!
Straight out of the Al Gore model of environmental activism.
Canadians are rapidly falling out of love with young Trusty Justy and he has begun a "road tour" to talk with "the common folk" and try to revive the magic. So far his stops have resulted in awkward (as in real answers wanted) and the initiative is not succeeding. After all, it is winter and he cannot remove his shirt.... Nope, Canadians are beginning to awaken here and there ~ perhaps a little bit of that is also the Trump effect.
Please enlarge.
I asked the artist if he would have drawn a similar cartoon for Hillary had she won.
We will allmiss Stilton Jarlsberg SO MUCH when he retires from his cartoon strip. He will be retiring the minute Trump is inaugurated, feeling his job for the last eight years, fighting liberalism, has worked for now and he needs to move on to life in general. I am still reeling from that announcement.
Those familiar with these collections of cartoons know how deeply I abhor this particular cartoonist, the darling of the Likud factor in Israel. But, golly gee, if he doesn't "get" this one bang on! Proof that, indeed, miracles do occur. The next day he was back to his usual crud but this was worth sharing.
Yeah, some good ones, but your bias is still showing Noor. About putting America first, SOUTH America matters too, and has a say in this debate. Check out your map of the hemisphere if you need help with geography. Also NATIVE AMERICANS object to more of the same "business as usual" that Trump represents - reality show CEO of USA Inc. Trump has already been exposed for the lying Zionist puppet HE is, just as much as Obama has been. He's already being set up for WW III by the exiting POTUS. Putin is also CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. Hate to say it, as much as I'm a fan, he's PLAYING the game and IS a Grand Master chess player against a field still playing checkers.
ReplyDeleteYou are right. However, I cannot publish what I cannot find. As for Trump, yes I have said all along he could easily turn around and stab us all, but for now I am giving him the benefit of the doubt simply because almost no one else is. South America. what little I do find makes little sense to me since it is usually in a Latin tongue. I would post from CHINA if I could find a good source and "PC" and media control have killed off a LOT of briliant editorial content of value. As for Putin, Trump, etc, to be honest, I give it little attention because it is so much bs. Hardly worth the headache since all we really can do is watch events unfold and then try to figure out what they have pulled on us this time... some of us, of course, with more educated guesses than others. But, as I say, I cannot post what does not exist.
DeleteWhat is it that doesn't exist Noor? Evidence that Trump is a double-crossing back stabbing scalawag, pedophile, rapist, liar, etc. etc etc ad nauseam. I have PLENTY of links to post if you need proof.
DeleteWe need HIGHER character than that to occupy the highest office of leadership in this country. We certainly can't go much lower. We're already draining SEWERS looking for candidates to fill the offices of POTUS, SCOTUS, and CON-gress in this country, never mind "draining swamps". He already filled a swamp looking for candidates for his Cabinet.
I'm already keeping track of how Joker OBOMBA is helping Clown Trump set up the stage for the next series of events they plan to pull on us. Very enlightening and frightening as well.
We've already been screwed out of our voice by having the popular vote overidden by the Electoral College again. And the REAL winner was screwed out of even getting into the finals by a rigged primary that marginalized the majority voice in the country, the Millenials, now re-branded the poor "snowflakes."
They are OUR future and children for crying out loud, and should be the benefactors of a better future WE WORKED so hard to provide them.
Instead we give them a world where 8 men can own as much wealth as half the earth's population!
As an elder who has seen just about all the crap this system can dish out, I'm glad this will just about put the last nail in the coffin of the rotten & Satanic Rothschild system for good.
I, too, am an elder of sorts now, not that the term carries as much weight as it once did. It is obvious we see this creature Trump from different angles and, to be honest, I am tired of arguing over him. As an elder I am at the point where I just sit back and, more or less, observe what I can.
The world will do what it will do regardless of what we little folks attempt, but that does not mean apathy.
If you had just listened to the latest podcast from Mark Glenn, too complicated at this moment for me to interpret cos I just listened to it and need to do so again, you might understand where I am coming from. That is all I can say at this point.
For now we have to work with what we are given and that, alas, is DJT, a man now hated as much by the JMSM as Hitler, Putin combined. If for nothing else, I admire him for the quality of his enemies. That system you mention is the reason things are taking the filthy turns they have as of late.
Not that I am saying he is Jesus, of course, but Trump is the FIRST person since then, to publically call out the media tool of the modern Pharisees:
"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness."
They're playing you and the rest of people who aren't really aware that there's no salvation in politics. We just fight and squabble over resources & personalities who control most of the worlds wealth, leaving us to fend for ourselves, and calling the tune we all dance to.
DeleteRemember that Trump is controlled by the same bankers that Hillary was.
Actually, Goldman Sachs ‘Hacked’ the Presidential Election
Just get into a better place so you can see the bigger picture Noor. Be as INDEPENDENT of the political mess as possible so you can see the bigger picture. See things as GOD sees them and you'll understand why we're going through all of this, and why we HAVE to go through it to learn anything from it.
Still have the greatest political cartoons on the internet!
Bless you Noor.
Octogon The Empire of Darkness - YouTube
Remember, "Behind every great fortune lies a crime" Honore de Balzac
Octagon is no longer available at that link. At least in Canada anyhow.
DeleteStill looking for links you might find that will work for you Noor, and learning how to negotiate your website. Keep missing where to post responses directly to you. Always miss the "Reply" button.
DeleteHere's another incredible video about the Swiss Pharaohs, & their connection to the Templars & Vatican. They're at the heart of the evil in this world. The MONEYCHANGERS.
HIDING in plain sight@ Now we know why the Swiss were never bombed in WWII. It's were the MONEY is!
The Pharaoh Show; Alien Predators in Human Appearance - Swiss Secret Symbols in Switzerland
chatzefratz Stop The Criminal Swiss Nazi Templars of Octogon
Now we know why the Swiss Guard are guarding the Vatican?
The Pharaoh Lineage "The Priest of Amon Ra and the connection to Switzerland
Consciousness. They can't operate in awareness. We're now waking up. We must wake more of us up Noor. Freemasons = Templars.
Hope you can access something from one of these links Noor. Good luck. XOXO
Super and very funny.
ReplyDeleteSee if you can access ANY of the videos from the 2 websites that carry the Octogon video Noor:
ReplyDeletegiureh Stop The Criminal Swiss Nazi Templars of Octogon
Abel Danger videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRGIwParDeoovmhflq9Agmg
Love your work Norr for all this years,Thank you,and yes ,lets see what happens,8 years ago Obama gain a piece prize for wining .
ReplyDeleteThe reaction of trump and the brexit is promissing for those that realy seek and understand change for the best of all humanity.
I never in my life seen or read such a high scale of blunt propaganda in the negative way.
This is a great time to save all the mainstream videos and hopefully make some great expose fake media videos in 2 years if Americans realy fell the promissed change for the best,and as a mather of fact,in the world.
That will be hard to spin ...but like a vicious creature,i know they will try,and you will be here regestring the hipocrisy with your awsome cartoon compilations that speak volumes above the sensibility of those who kill in the name of sensibility.