This expands to a legible size.
Canada's Voter ID system works perfectly. Why mess with it?
Communist globalist architecture. There is a reason some folks prefer nationalism! They don't like that dark sameness.
In The Name Of Mankind ~ Jan Kleintjes ~ 1914
Hat tip to 90 Miles From Tyranny for this absolutely magnificent piece of art macabre. Please enlarge to study its beauty and the messages contained therein. There is so much more depth of spirituality to be plumbed in vintage macabre art than the schlock value of more modern offerings. Again this week, there are several pieces from this proudly deplorable site posted here for your enjoyment.
Thanks to James Perloff.
Connect the dots, dear reader! When Communism is being enforced, once they have passed their usefulness, among the first of the population to be eradicated are the intellectuals. This especially includes educators (Unless of the Tribe) from the cultural Marxist system from the Frankfurt School. One of this establishment's goals was to infiltrate America's educational systems to corrupt society from the bottom up, meaning beginning with the children. On the other hand, with Pol Pot under Kissinger's guidance in Cambodia, this meant the assassination of anyone who wore glasses since this indicated potential literacy.
Creating peace.
Love, love, love this couple.

Antifa daycare
Yep, sure looks like Republican graffiti to me! Gotta laugh at such lame yidiocy. Conservatives don't play that victim game. A thoroughly liberal/Jewish victim tactic.
I suppose the free phones Obummer gave out a few years ago were not good enough for her?
Back to those Communist educators.... sigh. We must get them away from children.
Methinks those gender-bending meds have serious psychological side effects.
And I tell everyone I am a 5'4' woman, perfect figure, violet eyes, lashes for days, flawless skin and shiny sharp teeth, with long blonde curls below the waist, a walk that slays men where they stand, and they all believe me..... Rolls eyes. Who is honest in the computer world? Alas, precious few of us. And yes, that is what I look like. Believe at your own risk!
Blind optimism. Sometimes it works!
I suggest NEVER.
Justine virtue signalling at the UN
Trust babies both without a clue about the cost of anything.
This current marijuana debate is terribly contentious. As a lifelong smoke, it bores the heck out of me. I doubt things will be ready by July 1, 2018. "We don't have enough breath analyzer trained road police." is one excuse. Liquor stores want in on the action. (Bad idea!) No one can decide what forms the product can take ~ smoke, edible, balms, oils, so on. How to make it the same grade from one side of the nation to another, an impossible task. And so on. All ludicrous. Oh and then there is regulation of sales, of production, or ... again you get the idea. I am sure many of the difficulties come from figuring ways to make maximum tax profits from the endeavour. I also believe Justine floats this part of his agenda whenever his popularity is flagging because, pathetically, many Canadians voted for him on the pot issue.
One dead, one PM. Methinks someone got it wrong but then, HRC was not ticked off at Justine.
No, Stephen, never. These "either or" situations are not natural. Those who select potential leaders for the unwashed electorate tend to offer up the worst of both ends of the spectrum. Harper was detested and voted out for a reason. Trudeau is detested for a reason. Neither candidate is much of a deal to the people.
Please read the letter in Comments below from Daniel from Spain in which he explains the truth of what is going on with Catalonia and how misleading these cartoons are. This is, of course, no surprise to me and it seems, from what Daniel says, the (((usual suspects))) are behind this push for separation which I see as another step towards the Balkanization of Europe.
Pedestrian overpass somewhere in China.
I could not last more than 10 seconds.
One never drank or did drugs. The other was an addict to sex, drugs, alcohol ~ and married to HRC.
Martin is a despicable excuse for a human being but this is simply not right.
These folks are SERIOUS! As IF!
How the German media portrays the opposition to Merkel.
The Home Coming Marine by Norman Rockwell, 1944
Hong Kong is losing its freedoms one by one.
The mountains of Iceland.
Israel and Kurdistan. A lot of questions here. Meanwhile 200 000 Israelis plan to move there when the country is created. The Kurds have made a deal with the devil.
Artist's Comment: Athlete's Foot: A common skin condition of the feet characterized by red and inflamed areas of discomfort. On this International Day of Peace and with the Israeli-Palestinian
peace process (hopefully) back on the cards after Trump's meeting today
with Palestinian President Abbas, I think all parties will have to apply
some healing aloe vera of Peace onto the inflamed areas of that foot. Good luck with that.
"Why we are so sorry to kill Palestine babies. They make us do it!"
That famous image of the two boys? Staged. Both Jewish.
They just can't help themselves!
I love how much power they are giving President Trump when they make up these ludicrous things.
Having worked in school yards for many years in the past and dealt with so many childish altercations, I can state without hesitation that, when it came to getting the story, the above image is completely accurate.
It was nauseating but I checked the story. Beyond trashy enough to leave me wanting to shower, the thing that struck me was how... Antifa-ish these youngsters were. My conclusion: Let us hope they don't breed. Of course, this particular pursuit makes that entirely a possibility.
Even the Royal Prince in England was given the same decree at his school! So, no learning about friends and relationships but, below, lots of need to learn about gender issues.
Great observation.
The Demise of the Middle Class
The Tic
Heck, when I used to visit my ex husband's Philippine family back in the 1980's, the babies would stare and then cry when they saw me. They had never seen a white person with red hair in their house before. Just the way things are, certainly not racism dear lord.
Remember the pioneers? Did they not do the dirty work for so many people by crossing the nation?
Love this. Resistance.
Cover of some men's magazine. The captured American women are out to take down a Nazi camp to save the world from Hitler.
Oh, dear! How on earth did "Jewish Nazi Porn" get there? Please accept my deepest apologies.
Ooops. I did it again! Darn, so sorry, folks.
Hi,I´m Daniel from Spain,and I think that the point of view exposed in these cartoons about the catalonian (and illegal) referendum in Spain is deadly wrong. It´s shown like if the Spanish Government seems to be the bad guy of the film,and the catalonian people were treated like slaves under and opressive or dictatorial regimen;something that is a terrible mistake.
ReplyDeleteCatalonia is one of the wealthiest parts of the country,with economic ,juridical and social privileges that no other region has,except Basque Country(the other historical secessionist region of Spain) ,and Madrid ,the capital.
Those privileges are consequence of the unlimited blackmail that every spanish government has been submitted by both secessionist regions since Democracy was established in Spain , because the law that they are against (The Spanish Constitution) for not allowing them to celebrate a referendum without counting with the rest of country´s people in orther to break the territorial integrity of Spain protected by that law ,at the same time gives them enough power in Presidential Elections that make them the key factor to decide who is in the driving seat of the Goverment in exchange of those kind of privileges. As an example,in Catalonia you are fined with impunity if you name your Family Bussines,shop or store in spanish (oficial lenguage of the country) and not in catalan (oficial lenguage also in Catalonia). If something similar would happen in Madrid,then the name of nazis or Hitler would be drummed in all the spanish media (does it sounds familiar to you?).
The spanish media is almost totally controlled by zionists hands,portraying almost every effort of suffocate (by the legitimate law voted in 1978 in all the country as a whole,not by the force or by any illegal way) any try of break of the Constitutional regime or territorial integrity ,as an act of fascism or a coming back at the times of General Francisco Franco,(the dictator that ruled Spain until his dead in 1975), where this kind of issues were punished with dead or jail.
As a curious detail, I want to remark that General Franco was a “marrano”,spanish word used in times of Isabel The Catholic to name the jews that were converted to catholicism;in other words...a descendant of crypto-jews. Few people in my country know about this,and of course is never mentioned in any place. As you can see,my country was ruled by a jewish butcher,but everyone think that was a catholic.
The secessionist catalonian block is under the control of that tribe behind all coloured revolutions,arab springs ,etc,etc ,that are being created in order to destroy the stability ,life and territorial integrity of every country in the world: “The chosen people of God” or "chosenites",aka The Jews,as you can see in this images..
Israel has offered his economic support to Catalonia in case that the independence process finally wins,and said that they´ll put an embassy in there.
PS. My political ideas are opposed to those of the Government but one thing is that, and a completely different one is to be part of my country´s destruction in pieces based in historical,territorial and political lies, like another Yugoslavia,by the will of these hook-nosed demons from hell.
Thank you so very much for your explanation and description of these matters. Whenever there is meddling and division we can always look to the usual suspects.
DeleteYou are very welcome,but if there is someone to thank ,that´s you ,for all the priceless work you do in this website. People like you,makes me believe that there is still hope for the world,although that in the end I´m one of those who thinks that in a macroscopical scenario,it´s doomed.Not because there are no good people out there ,but because I consider that the only way to achieve a happy ending for mandkind is by a WORLDWIDE and SIMULTANEOUS revolution in order to kick out of power those in charge behind the curtains,something almost impossible due of their control of money supply ,propaganda,social networks and the internet,the key factors in today´s societies.
ReplyDeleteWith all the pain in my heart,I consider that there is only a microscopical,or individual way of escaping danger while keeping our style of life and decency intact,an that is keeping us informed in order to try to anticipate the future and not hit us full,and this website is one of those sanctuaries that makes this possible. So thank you very much from the bottom of my soul.