Good morning/afternoon/evening all! My only request is that you just enjoy and share what is offered here today! Thank you for coming by to check out what is on tap today. Just the usual conservative spin on too many things. Including the odious Weinstein revelations. Remember to get out and enjoy these last days before winter begins to settle in.
This cartoon gave me a huge smile. Such things DO happen!
The site I picked this up on is very Liberal. All the commentary was cussing Columbus, a Jew, with great venom. My interpretation was the Talmudic future of modern atheistic kill-all-joy Communism.
Black humour at its best.
The numbers don't lie.
How true is THIS? I am so old school I still use a land line. Just leave a message on the old-fashioned machine. I may or may not return the call.
Less of this...
...and more of this!
Possibly the formulae have been altered due to pressure but who cares? You should not be supporting this organization anyhow! It is the territory of primarily confuddled Liberals who care not about Starbuck's avid support of Israeli practices. The boycott is in full effect.
The resemblance is uncanny ~ Michael Moore's twin.
REALLY!? "Swinestein"?
This girl is totally triggered.
(Does this dress make me look like Michelle Obama?)
Kiss these, Harvey.
This is what Natural marriage is all about. Complementary halves made whole.
Some of us learn this lesson far too late in life. Met a few wolves in my time, not to be confused with men who happened to have the Wolf as a totem animal.
Gender stereotypes in play are both natural and beautiful. This does not mean they do not share activities together!
And now we go to the pitiful Sanctuary state of California, on the road to total destruction by the nastiest of Liberal lawmakers.
It took a little time before I was certain, but this image from Senator Scott Wiener's Twitter site announcing his work on the issue of senior transgenders, is him.
That this tall string-bean of a man with the rat face has an obvious agenda is obvious with the deviant alphabet folks of San Francisco, his voter base. He panders to his own people, the gay agenda. May the death and pain of EVERY person who dies as a result of the laws he created and had passed regarding exposing others to HIV, be on his head and that of Governor Gerry Brown, the moon-bat crazy enough to have signed it into law.
This is not about doggie droppings. Life in a sanctuary state ~ life in a public potty.
Crimson lipstick and false nails do not improve this deviant Senator much.
The Senator does not consider these types of criminals.
What is it about (((men))) with the last name Wiener? And when did having AIDS become a crime? It is all about personal feelings and perception of being a victim, not reality. Who better than (((Wiener))) to "understand" all of that yidiocy. Warped thinking of course.
Meanwhile in Ottawa, Canada:
All eyes on Catalonia
Catalonian Sunset: The threat of civil war looms in Spain as Catalonia declares its independence.
Columbian Guerillas
The (((Democrats))) have not changed their red agenda all that much over the decades. I remember when this book was published and so widely distributed by the JMSM. Hoffman, one of the original Chicago Seven, never really stopped his activities although others moved on to different life styles including Wall Street.
Che wanted to be a leprechaun?
Dear lord, the original message has been so terribly warped over the decades, but then, that was the intention of the social manipulators who simultaneously brought us Hefner's playboyism, Steinhem's radical feminism, modern entertainment, education, psychedelics, "free" love, the "death of God", and all those other things that have so changed the world for good and bad since the 1960's.
People my age who support the radical agenda of today sadden me because they do not see any truth, learned any lessons, or accept any responsibility for what they have done. Or are doing with support of modern anarchy. The goals of modern anarchy are far-reaching and the same as they were with the Bolsheviks 100 years ago, but the right to be deviant is at the top of their agenda to grab today's self centred navel gazers and daycare graduates.
To them Communism means the ability to be as lewd as you wish with whoever or whatever you fancy and detest all that is normal, a threat. And have the government pay for everything from surgery to life long meds to birth control and everything in between.
No more pretty dresses for you, woman. No more nice suits for you, Sir. Forego all individualism when you dress in black. Declare wearing silk a crime against insects to be worn risk of imprisonment or a fine. And. No. Colour. Ever. Unless it is a pink pussy hat.
Drawing attention to their poor grammar is Nazi or Fascist so I won't.
How do these folks expect to be taken seriously?
The Noahide Rainbow of which the rabbis speak is now the flag of deviance.
The insignia of the Transgender-Anarcho-Communist group. Yep. really.
Some wise stuff in this Wednesday's offerings but this is, to be honest, the best life advice EVER. Coming from one who is getting up in years, I cannot emphasize this truth enough.
Your body will not always be able to do what you want to do. Enjoy adventure while you can. This makes settling down later so much more worthwhile and meaningful.
Viserion awakens ~ Zionized!
Especially when the Swedish people can be privileged to pay for their upkeep. The British are already paying for some men to have four wives.
"1984" on steroids
One of my oldest friends was of Italian/Irish descent: she taught on a local reserve ~ was one of their most respected instructors. Every year, one of her first projects was to teach her indigenous students that White folks originally came from many tribes who warred also, that Europeans came from many different cultures.
A very powerful event. Christianity and the power of prayer. The international message was pure.
Meat scandal in the EU. The West has been getting the finest cuts while the East has been paying the same for the lesser cuts.
Old enough to be sold to the highest and lowest pervs in the land but not allowed to buy spoons without ID. The image below speaks volumes.
He is often a quiet man. An observer.
It is typical that the media focuses on every protest against Trump, but no one has ever mentioned the frequent groups of Haitians camped outside the Clinton quarters.
That is why they are frequently disposed of when their user date is past.
Suddenly, no surprise, (((he claims victim-hood))) after shooting off his mouth with hatred.
Often this is also a patient man.
Las Vegas Massacre: A Sceptic's Perspective: The official
"lone gunman" narrative for the Las Vegas massacre questioned.
I just put these images regarding Las Vegas up. It is up to you, the reader, to discern the value. We will be living with this horror for a long time and there are many unanswered questions. I doubt the answers will come out for a long time, if ever. Yes, the man could have just snapped, but more and more it seems there is a lot of scripted media and few truths coming out.
Gambling. Drug running. Obama and air planes. White House connections. Human trafficking or smuggling. Previous employment. Gun running. All, some, or none of those could be part of the background but I avoid anything remotely conspiratorial simply because too many Yidiots are already out there pumping much foolishness out, many hoping to profit from their "work" via YouTube and other such outlets.
I do not presume to be an expert; I will wait until the real experts speak which could easily be never.
The artist was put in FB jail for posting this work. So, at his request, I share it with you.

Facts mean nothing in the face of Communism.
How self-defeating is this feminist attitu? It is so very negative a view on personal relationships. "Give a man the power" is just wrong. Sharing is much more the way it goes.
Huh? Hollywood-think?
Ronald is weeping. He was looking for a... girlfriend? Boyfriend? What is it?
Gosh, what tragic news! Poor guys.
What about Conan?
Top child is Fred Savage. He looks like a Rachel clone.
Melancholy Monster: If you're feeling down, most likely there's a Melancholy Monster roosting on your roof. Re-posted for World Mental Health Day, October 10.

Keep this crap out of Canadian hockey.
Please remember, dear Reader, serious as it was, awful as it is and will be for a long time, the Las Vegas tragedy is still a diversion from some of the greater dangers facing Americans. People need to get beyond the diversion of Las Vegas and use that energy to be prodded into action against the Deep State
regarding the coming nuclear war or GMO starvation or other planned
major crisis event.
These Highlanders need pink knitted pussycat hats, don'tcha think?
DaVinci reinterpreted.
Perfect symmetry.
Read the scandalous words of this traitorous (((person))) and become righteously indignant.
We need more of THIS.
The people who built America.
Twitter conundrums for the politically incorrect.
It finally struck me today that what is considered PC depends greatly upon what American party is in power at the given time. The Left has gradually managed to gain the upper hand manipulating the general population through annexation of internet, communications, and entertainment industries.
Although my views have shifted greatly over the past decade or two from my lifelong disdain of "conservative values", I have swung back. Primarily, the values that I reveled over have morphed into movements I could not support any longer. Women's liberation was no longer about discovering your own body but about protecting the rights of individuals whom I could not support with good conscience.
Harvey Wienstein would be a "hell yeah" on this one.

This amazingly realistic doll was halted en route to New Zealand.
Japan is already working on child sex robot dolls. Meanwhile British pedophiles, convicted or not, are pushing to make these dolls legal.
Is that Jimmy Kimmel? Must be from his Sarah Silverman days.
Photographed by a Swedish Twitter connection camping somewhere in Scandinavia.
Plain and simple.
It will change your life.
The Last Leaves of Autumn. Dementia Awareness. The prolific, Peter Kreiner, an Australian artist amazes me with the wide variety of subjects he covers on a daily basis. This one is particularly delicate in theme and concept.
The complicated relationship of Pakistan and the United States.
Now for the sewer of Harvey Weinstein. Just a few visual reminders of the hypocrisy of those who support him. Shudders. That little piglet at the top of the page had good reason to be insulted at the name "Swinestein"! Let the images speak for themselves.
"Stereotypes exist for a reason."
Do you really think (((these folks))) are not fully aware of all these things?
Enlarge to read. They KNOW.
They simply try to keep it to themselves.
They simply try to keep it to themselves.
All the way to the White House.
This traitorous liar has referred to the creature as "god" in highly public situations.
Amazing how this unfeminine looking creature designs and sells fine clothing, much of which is extremely provocative; her advertising pushes the prepubescent transgender sexual movement among her now (I pray) rapidly diminishing list of clients.
So every woman who wears her risque gowns is "asking for it"?
Michael on crude words, Trump and Harvey. Never mind his real time current offenses and abuses versus the crime of Trump and that ludicrous "pussy scandal". "She" would TRUST "her daughter" working for that creature.
Boycott boycott. Dang this woman looks pretty tribal. And ugly to boot. A reflection of her scruples or lack thereof perhaps?
Thanks for posting ..I liked the alien cell phone .
ReplyDeleteDo you remember this man , most people have forgotten .
ReplyDeleteYa Ya Yeahway
Good morning, Noor. I remember noticing one of the cartoons you posted: it showed a young man saying approximately, "It's true that I have been expelled from 157 prep schools, Uncle Martin, but it wasn't because I had done anything bad. It was just that the headmasters and teachers at all those schools were prejudiced against me for no reason." I found that that really resonated! I'd be very pleased if you would post it again one of these days.