What a week. This time you will find material on Che Guevara and his significance today, Pokemon and Russians. As you might imagine, Conservative cartoonists are having a ball with Harvey Swinestein, so expect to need a bath by the end of it all. Hopefully, I will never again expose you to so much Hollyweird in one post! But interestingly, Harvey shows up with a lot of Democrats. Enjoy and please pass these and the URL around. And keep your toes warm, winter is coming.
Interesting Tweet from Henry Makow
Try dialing those numbers yourself.
Remember, everything enlarges for easier reading.
Revenge of the starlets. It was Katherine Hepburn who once said that, when she went to deal with Hollywood movie moguls, she always wore her highest heels to tower over them and used her most regal manners to keep them in line.
I picked this up at a liberal site. Almost all the commentators were cursing the "White privilege" of the artist.
Hipsterizing Famous People ~ The Dalai Llama
Hipster Churchill
Hipster Abe
Hipster Che which leads us to the fact that Che, the great Communist fighter, is a very hot commodity in the capitalist world. It has been 50 years since his passing. Let us celebrate how the world views this creature today.
This fool who takes himself so seriously always makes me laugh.
Yes, you Liberal idiot, he did say these things. Shocked yet?
At a Hillary fund-raiser. It's Chee-sus
When a Communist fighter ends up on currency....
The dark slide into Communism:
Then we have this twit trying to remain relevant:
"LOST?" This yidiot is deluded. These Liberal traitors were denounced by the people, an entirely different process obviously too subtle for him to comprehend.
This Benghazi survivor has a few words for Eminem.
The JMSM seems to emphasize that Weinstein is a "White Man" whilst in the Jewish media they openly discuss Jewish perversion in Hollywood as an issue.
Emmie might have been lashing out because his friend is in trouble?
Oh this one is priceless!
International Celebration of the Girl Child
Meanwhile in Palestine, the IDF continues to terrorize young boys. Today they swooped into a village and arrested 8 children. Let that Communist purge continue. Palestine is US. These people are the front line.
Seriously. Someone actually said this ~ seriously. A Governor, no less! Sigh.
These inane conversations are what make Twitter fun. You just cannot help but laugh once you have a few quick-witted contacts.
Yet another.
I wish this was intended to be funny. But it isn't. CNN has plunged to dew depths of absurdity.
The media in Myanmar are extremely muzzled in what is permitted to say regarding the plight of the Rohinga, one of Saudi Arabia's projects. Murders and rapes of Buddhists by Takfiri terrorists are regularly
documented in Bangladesh, where the growing Wahhabi death cult is
receiving copious funding from Saudi Arabia.
Hat Tip to Mike at 90 Miles From Tyranny
Cutest puppy.
Liberal logic
Why does one have to be at the expense of the other? Are they running short of pedestals?
Your call. It is no wonder Europe is a cultural shock for those migrants.

Basic Communism 101
Old Yeller. The dog had to be shot. I was 6.
Mz Make-America-Brown-Again teaching her college classes about stuff they really really really need to get ahead in life.
Pity the young man who is faced with the modern emasculating Scout Movement.
Politicizing the Scouts against Trump. Most of the boys who did not make the JMSM were very happy with their President. But not according to the media.
One liberal comment to the cartoonist went along the line of "Well you white folks really like it when the slaves dance like fools for your entertainment."
Despite the personal possession and use of cannabis being legal in DC,
residents of Federally-subsidized Section 8 public housing are
prohibited from smoking in their homes. Because Congress prohibits DC
from enacting Tax’n'Regulate and the DC government prohibits public consumption in bars and clubs,
folks in Section 8 have the choice of risking immediate eviction and
possible imprisonment by smoking in their homes, or smoking on the
street and risking arrest for smoking in public, like this poor working-class slob. It’s no wonder Section 8 is often referred to as “prison you pay rent for”.
Very good point!
Syrian terror holes and Al-Nusra vengeance.
Blackbird9 did an excellent show on the destruction of art earlier this week. During that time I pulled up a piece by Picasso as an example of the corruption and ugliness he contributed to the world. The Kiss, 1969. This couple looks very Jewish; the blue and white are an interesting colour choice .
So very true. Scan your memories for proof.
The Reneg? I would say reviewing a lot of bad deals by incompetents.
Thank you, James Perloff.
ReplyDeleteYour Saturday cartoons are a HUGE PAIN IN THE ASS!!!
I sit here cackling at all of them...and before I know it, I have sat in my chair for an hour and I have A HUGE PAIN IN THE ASS!!