RIP Tom Petty, the great musician/songwriter who contributed greatly to the musical score which was part of so much of our lives. Whenever faced by adversity, "I Won't Back Down" (below) was my personal anthem more often than I can remember. In fact, it is even on the short songlist I have compiled for the day that my family celebrates my life and subsequent departure.
Twenty five years ago, my daughters (at the ages 6 and 9) were arrested during the BC Clayoquot old forest battles. The drive to the camps were long and we sang a lot to pass the time. A favourite memory is when they took Tom's "Free Falling" and rewrote the words as a logging song ~ "Tree Falling" and warbled it to their heart's content. Good times.
My brother saw Tom's performance a few weeks ago in Vancouver and said he was still amazing and entertaining as always. Tom's passing was icing on the cake after a very bad day ~ after the horrific losses in Las Vegas ~ the passing of a beloved entertainer, often my only companion as I drove long distances, has left me drained and almost without emotion. Just tired of the horribleness of it all.
Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers
~ I Won't Back Down

I heard about Las Vegas through one of those 6 am emergency family calls. "She is all right" and I was, "Who? What?" Apparently my niece was there, at the Mandalay for the concert. By the time I heard about it, she was back home with her children, a tad spooked, but all right. So let no one pull this hoax idiocy here. It did happen, bodies fell, people died, but we have no idea of the truths behind it. Yet.
Remember how they tend to post innocent young photos of killers when they wish to sway public opinion? (Think Trayvon Martin for example.) In the case of Ms. Heyer, they posted a school photo of her, maybe 20 years old. The modern Heather was a very large woman, easily in the 300 pound range, and I can say right now, looking like that is why I am fasting so hard! Fear of getting to that size. Her heart and lungs had to be stressed.
I cannot stare at this little feller long enough. He is just so cutely demonic. And he twitches like a newborn with startle reflex.
Seriously. An immigrant, hostile to Canadian life and people, has just committed a horrific crime and this brainless effete TURD can only remind us that "diversity is a strength"? He just has to go.
To be honest, I am never sure if these folks are serious or joking. It is so over the top it seems like satire.
Enlarge this and let your imagination run wild. I found myself thinking of lives lived in the misty past, the slow but defined pace of life, the clothing, the foods, the beautiful women who were responsible for the smooth running of such a jeweled establishment; the need to be on a private island. Pure fantasy that was, once upon a time, reality for a people long ago when the world was clean and values meant something.
One very cool wise Dad.
Casting pearls before swine has always been a waste of time.
I am not a Mandela fan. He was just another Commie whose "rule" in South Africa has been a ruin for so many people, let alone the ruin of the nation. But if he is right once, why not pass it on?
As with almost all reading pieces, the above enlarges so you can actually make sense of things.
Artist Comment: Outlaw Democracy: You know you’re engaging in real, actual grassroots peoples’ democracy when you bring an entire centralized government apparatus down on you in an attempt to stop the voting. A shout-out in solidarity with the people of Catalonia from Washington, DC, the capital city of the US, where we’ve also had the Federal government try to stop us from having a referendum.
Artist's Comment: Oh, For F**k's Sake, Not Again: Islamist terror strikes southern France as
two people (lovely girls) are stabbed to death by a knifeman screaming "Allahu Akbar"
near a railway station in Marseilles on Saturday. The man was then promptly sent to hell in a hail of police gunfire.
Oktoberfest Beauty!
I promise no more Hef, but these were more to the point.
Now remember this is coming from the Jerusalem Post.
I don't know what it says.
Check out Genie's 'new' blog: The Gharqad Tree
Ah, yes, they are finally gunning for musical super giant Roger Waters. As if they can really cause this advocate too much problem other than their eternally pestilent annoyance factor. The above enlarges.
As with all other immediate evidence after an event, this too will disappear because it will not fit in with the party line story of a solo gunman.
Conspiracy theories are popping up all over the place. As with the above. Myself, as usual, I prefer to watch things come out, let the dust settle for awhile to see what is really going on. There is no sense on wasting time speculating beyond the usual givens of such situations. And even then, those givens vary widely from event to event. Judging by other photos of the Paddock, he is not Gene Rosen.
What is of interest is the multiple shooters theory but, as with Orlando, Florida, or all of the others, we will most likely never know the real truth behind this tragedy. First responders and truth-telling eye-witnesses are shut down.
We see the hoax theory tossed around. No, this event happened, I believe my niece, and the West is in an uproar, hence not paying attention to other events going on under their noses or in distant countries around the globe.
What is of interest is the multiple shooters theory but, as with Orlando, Florida, or all of the others, we will most likely never know the real truth behind this tragedy. First responders and truth-telling eye-witnesses are shut down.
We see the hoax theory tossed around. No, this event happened, I believe my niece, and the West is in an uproar, hence not paying attention to other events going on under their noses or in distant countries around the globe.
Apparently an LA officer leaked a series of photos of their findings in the room of the alleged killer. I say "alleged" simply because I don't think he acted alone. They found Mr. Paddock as above; they say he photographed himself doing all of the shooting, but until we see it, I remain skeptical. In one photo there is a slip of paper on a table and they say it is possibly his "manifesto" of sorts. We shall see.
Also a silly claim by a terrorist group who is hard up to remain relevant.
Artist Comment: The Slaughterhouse Six: While the media plays politics by insisting that Sunday's atrocity in
Las Vegas was the "worst mass shooting in U.S history" and somehow
linking it back to Trump, I counter that by reminding them of at least
six other mass shootings which make Las Vegas look like a picnic,
including killing sprees which featured the use of the Gatling
machine-gun to slaughter hundreds of indigenous Americans in the 19th
Multi-millionaire. Had a few airplanes. Several homes. A girlfriend who is now "a person of interest" to whom he recently wired $100 000 in the Philippines. Pretty normal looking guy. Certainly not a radicalized Muslim ~ a WHITE guy. Oh, whose father was once in the Top 10 of the FBI's Most Wanted List back in the 1960's and, upon turning himself in, got very light treatment. Descriptions of the father paint a psychopath but nothing in this man's life even approaches illegality. Don't think he even ever had a parking ticket from the sounds of it.
I will be honest. I would never have thought a pussy-hat-wearing man could be a terrorist. But it is leaking out more and more just how much he detested Trump. His brother claims he had no political interests but that was quickly proven wrong. What I did notice in the interview with the brother was his inability to look at the camera and his fidgeting when asked specific questions about his brother; I don't think he was lying; I think that the 2 brothers had widely diverse opinions on matters. Maybe a small amount of misleading impressions, but he seems pretty truthful on the whole. Something made him uneasy beyond the horror of the situation he was in. Perhaps Paddock was radicalized; who knows?
Then there are the foreigners who are Latino. Or East Indian. Or from so many other countries.
Even though he is not Jewish, David Letterman is looking pretty rabbinical these days!
So sick. Makes any decent person nauseous. See: Child Pornography in the Classroom
Cartoons utilizing the iconic Vegas sign are everywhere ~ just as was the Playboy bunny head after the passing of Hefner. However, these below were a cut above the rest.
Remember this nutcase from last week? Her poor poor parents. Chances are they have lived hard lives to support her and provide her with a desirable American university education. This obnoxious and rather slow seeming person spoke English with a strong accent at times but she is American born? How did those lovely eyes and that sweet mouth morph into such twisted anger and hate? Even her skin has deteriorated. But she still plucks her eyebrows.
"And we can't blame it on Trump ~ or can we?"
You tease, Chelsea!
More reasons to avoid JMSM magazines.
Breaking free.
"We understand how oppressive that song can be and if you accept our
offer, you will never have to hear it again," said a joint spokesperson.
"We would also invite them to deposit their funds in our banks and
invest in our countries. It would be worthwhile." ~ The People's Cube
Obama goes on apology tour to counter Trump's foreign policy. ~ The People's Cube
Photo shopping and fake news.
what a global treasure you are...
ReplyDeleteClowns to the left of me...
Miliekowsky is a clown...A "Jewish" clown...
jokers to the right
No one on Earth HAS to believe in "JEWISH" narrative...@ John 8:44