Most of today's offerings concern the current horrific situation in Palestine. Social media is drowning in trolls defending Israel; very aggressive and taking over conversations in a manner that destroys the give and take of those who disagree with Israel's deplorable actions.
This just makes me laugh.
Welcome to Noahide Law.
Gas went up another 5 cents per liter yesterday. Trudeau is NOT in my good books.
Justin & John Podesta whispering in a corner.
Seen somewhere in Saskatchewan.
I wonder if Cheney still uses that mechanical heart since he was unable to "take" to transplants.
This did not age well, HRC.
Truly an awesome experience!
A recent letter to Trump from Harper. Enlarges.
California has an STD problem.
Where is American feminism on THIS issue? They support killing babies at a furious rate but don't fight to bring America in line with the rest of the world (even the third world) when it comes to the most basic bonding an infant requires! This is a form of criminal neglect.
No comment.
You know the truth by now.

"It did not exist prior to the development and expansionism of European capitalism."
Hi, Noor. Look at this:
Fewer and fewer babies in the USA!
Thank you Noor for the Margot Kidder remembrance. It was sweet as well as those you had a year and a half for Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. It seems small compared to what's going on in this crazy world, however they played parts in movies that make me remember the happier times and more light hearted sweeter movies.