I can only hope that you are enjoying spring as much as I. All that fasting is showing real results now and it is so much easier to get out into the fresh air. And I have a huge wardrobe to do it in! Clothes from 20 years ago now fit loosely. Moving is so much more pleasant.
I am far from done but my next goal includes walking tall and straight with the balance of my much younger self, swinging from the hips. Or and completing this loss thing. Almost done. Been about a year now!
I am far from done but my next goal includes walking tall and straight with the balance of my much younger self, swinging from the hips. Or and completing this loss thing. Almost done. Been about a year now!
Get out and absorb that Vitamin D while the going is good.
Thirty minutes of political humour. Please enjoy. The tunes are great and the visuals amusing. The ideas are pretty good too!

Another Pearl from Perloff.
Yeah, Harper was just as disappointing as Trudeau but in a Trumpish fashion here.
Some sick Canucks plan to spend their long weekend on the border welcoming illegals. Liberalism, no matter where it is manifesting, is a cancer.
This is the Communist crap they are teaching in schools these days. Enlarge, read, go out and undo the damage.
Lest we forget....
A friend of mine who lives in the mountains of North Carolina left a political chat room the other day to prepare dinner. A mutual friend posted the above, suggesting this was the dinner and said adding cranberries fresh from the local bog made this a meal fit for the gods of North Cackilacki.
NOT news you will hear on the regular media.
The Royal Whatchamacallit is in a few hours.
I don't plan on waking up to watch it....
Due to Ivanka's appearance on the world stage in Jerusalem the other day, this is quite the multi-faceted cartoon with potential to become a classic.
VERY bad news for the French people. Macron was just awarded the Charlemagne Prize for his work in the past (and future) to further promote and implement the genocidal Kalergi-Coudenhouve Plan. Previous winners include Merkel, Pope Francis, and Szarkozy. Full list of previous recipients of the Charlemagne Prize can be found HERE. Only read the list because it is factual. This is a link to Wikipedia and their information on such matters is Israel friendly and unreliable.
We all need to do this regularly. It is a matter of survival. And it reminds us of why we do what we do. I know I am overdue for a good long drive through to the wilds somewhere!
Education can open doors to a life never planned; a life of realizing dreams, personal fulfillment, travel, if your attitude and timing are right. It is all so very serendipitous but common sense and a positive attitude, so hard to maintain in today's world, give wings.
It is really bad but I laughed realllly at this one.
It's a miracle! (In someone's mind). Pages written by St. Anne Frank, Patron Saint of the Hollowco$t, have been revealed recently. Apparently the child even discusses sex and LGBT issues using the quaint vernacular of the time. It is my humble opinion that these new pages must be written with the correct materials to qualify as a genuine Miracle of the BIC. One cannot have a religion without saints and there cannot be saints without their miracles. So these pages must be written with BIC!
Update: These are previously censored pages. Ah, it is all so clear now! OMG How obvious are these pathetic ploys?
This self-hating liberal woman posted a series of tweets against White folks then wound up with this finale. Responses were not quite as positive as she possibly expected. My take is she is reverting the black male to a sex object which is both sexist and racist to the max. A lot of black men and women thought the same thing and let her know it.
The perfect bicycle path. Oh I miss cycling so badly. No matter how fit I get, this is a thing of the past unless I get a ride that moves on its own.
Words can be da bomb.
Before the days of hatred, when people of different cultures lived together, there was none of this self-pity for poor hungry Ahmet. Life went on as usual. Things were what they were and people generally accepted things with a bit more grace than today.
Fasting is part of spirituality and most Muslims take great pride in going without during the daylight hours. Ahmet would not feel poorly watching these folk gobble down sausages. A silly cartoon.
"Wait till you get to know him, Daddy!
His eyes are so dreamy!"
Chuck and Alyssa should offer their guest rooms to these lovely men.
Etymology is such an interesting subject.
All about Israel.
Never about the people who don't exist.
Palestinian prison
Does anyone really think this is genuine? I found it a tad nauseous a la Anne Frank exploitation.
Very few people understand that Palestinians are standing on the front line against Israel and the NWO/NJO for the rest of the world; we must care. The world they suffer in daily is our future in a Talmudic (Communist) world if we do not take care and resist.
Guatemala in Jerusalem
Very misleading. You would think that the Palestinians are as well-muscled (armed) as the Israelis. Not the case.
There will be no peace upon the planet until this wound is healed.
Oddly, the satirical Onion, with its over-the-top fake headlines, captures the Israeli spirit better than the rest of the regular media!
The Jewish owned American media has this attitude completely.
Interesting thought. Possible.
I post these anti Hamas cartoons simply because I believe that the Palestinian people, so desperate and in need, are being used to promote an agenda; however, we all know that most Israeli hasbara regarding Hamas is slanted right from the getgo.
Cartoonists, even those I post regularly, are calling Hamas out as well as the Israelis. The more ignorant post as if all Palestinians down to the youngest children in the jails, are Hamas terrorists. The ignorance is unbelievable.
Most of Mr. Branco's work is flawless; I post him a lot; however, the above cartoon shows me he doesn't 'get' Jewish ownership of the media which, from what I have seen, has mainly ignored events in Palestine other than the Embassy opening.
Cartoonists, even those I post regularly, are calling Hamas out as well as the Israelis. The more ignorant post as if all Palestinians down to the youngest children in the jails, are Hamas terrorists. The ignorance is unbelievable.
Most of Mr. Branco's work is flawless; I post him a lot; however, the above cartoon shows me he doesn't 'get' Jewish ownership of the media which, from what I have seen, has mainly ignored events in Palestine other than the Embassy opening.
It does not help that there are a few videos doing the internet rounds showing "victims of Israeli violence" in contrived videos. A row of dead Palestinians, until you notice movement under the cloths and eventually a head popping out. They were as false looking as the Syrian films (White Helmet produced) of the false gas attack a month or two ago.
Normally, Mr. Ramirez, I agree with your work. But in this instance, I believe you miss the heart and soul of the Palestine people. Look into why these people are so hopeless that they do this? It is not a lemming thing.
Now this is more like it!
A Hamas official acknowledges that the majority of people killed in recent border violence were militants.
A few cartoons from Jewish media by their most beloved cartoonist. It is with a sick tummy I post these but you should see a little "Jewish humour" first hand.
Offensive.Very. Note the swastikas.
How arrogant is this cartoon?
Jerusalem on the top of the world,
the rest of us below in the swamp.
Jerusalem on the top of the world,
the rest of us below in the swamp.
Shades of Golda Meir.
Those concerned Jews. Sheesh. Most of them are cheering and pushing for this bloodthirsty genocide. What is this idiocy they print to appear so genuine and sad that the Palestinians are running into their bullets? What is it? High level hasbara.

This is quite the symbolic inspirational painting.
Very positive.
School fees in Zimbabwe
For decades I found myself oscillating back and forth. Palestinians will never be content while Israel exists; Israel will never be happy as long as Palestinians are around. I see no solution, so it must not be a problem. It must be something else pretending to be a problem. Do you have any idea what it might be? It looks a lot like a nasty divorce case. After all the couple counseling and arbitration. The hatred is palpable. They need to put a couple of thousand miles between them.