These are late. Why? Because no sooner had I collected the material than I received THE call to come to meet my new Grandson! The baby we thought was a girl, according to the medical specialists, has turned out to be a boy! A practical joker right from the start; the expression on Mom and Dad's faces when they saw his sex was priceless. Fortunately they had a few good Danish male names to work with so that was no problem.
Meanwhile, my daughter, exhausted from just having given birth, looked as if she had just stepped out of a natural beauty photo shoot. She is a tiny thing; amazing that an almost 9-pound boy came from her; they had predicted a small girl child of maybe 5.5 pounds. The pride in her glowing eyes as she showed me her babe is something that will bring me to tears for the rest of my days.
So after this joyous time, I returned home, poured myself a stiff celebratory drink (Grapefruit and vodka), and began to put these up. Late, but up for you none the less. The unbearably sweet scent of a newborn unwashed baby is beautiful. Sweet, slightly exotic, intoxicating. HIGHLY addictive on the deepest bonding level. I did not want to stop inhaling as deeply as I possibly could. Such a primal scent; through the millennia; now I remember why I do what I do. This first-time Grandmother is blissed, blessed, and very high on life.
You will find a lot of work by this gentleman in today's posting. I promised him I would put in a link to his page on FB so here it is. His wit is acerbic ~ to the point; he cuts to the bone. His material is viciously funny so I back-scrolled and gathered a fair bit of his work for you. I hope you enjoy him as much as I do.
Guaranteed cosy during the long winters.
My part of the world. I live 3 blocks from the ocean with a clear view from where I sit. Today it was like the end of the world, the smoke from the fires a heavy blanket hiding all views. What people call climate warming in this part of the world, does not include the fact that this island was stripped of its old growth forests over the past decades; desertification has resulted in less moisture being retained by the soil and here we are; the fogs which once did not lift until noon now are gone by 9 am. Eventually things go dry. And we don't have mosquitoes here; just saying.
Mitt defending Antifa.... Go figger. Is he naive or hateful?
Communist Theory 101.
I told you he was wicked. This is so much my sense of humour.
Another Clinton body bag?
RIP Elvis.
I believe those "Russians" were actually (((Bolsheviks))) fresh from slaughtering so many million White Russians.
No worries about the settlements of invaders in the towns? Or the crimes?
Rubber band guns; a whole new world of weaponry.
Every. Single. Time.
Feel the hate.
At one time, I agreed with this nonsense although I still held down a job. Like, in the 1960's and 70's. We all had our foolishness.
But even back then, I doubt I was ever THIS foolish! I mean, seriously?
Seriously. This artist gets it. No wonder he is limited in terms of reaching an audience.
However, here I say, "The third Abrahamic religion is not to be mentioned here?"
It is interesting to see these primarily leftist cartoonists attack Alex Jones, most likely at the behest of their employers.
Offensive nasty biker with that patch on his vest. (Arm raised)
So glad the grandson has arrived safely, Noor! Heartiest congratulations to you all. And (just in passing) three rousing cheers for the incomparable Canadian health care system!
ReplyDeleteI very much like the "Just say 'no' to industrial food" cartoon. Death to Monsanto!
Hope those forest fires are brought under control soon. I can see that your part of the country is beautiful (especially with no mosquitoes!).
Grapefruit and vodka sounds as though it might be rather sour. Do you sweeten it at all^
DeleteCongratulations to the parents and grandparents for the baby, happy event.
For the part on global warming; Vincent Courtillot demonstrated that there was no more global warming in a conference at the University of Nantes.
You have charts in this video:
Vincent Cortillot is not a joker:
Graduated from the École des mines de Paris, Stanford University, and Paris 6 and Paris 7, Doctor of Science, Vincent Courtillot is a professor of geophysics at Paris-Diderot University. He was director of the Institute of Earth Physics in Paris until January 12, 2011, replaced by Claude Jaupart. He has taught at Stanford, the University of California, Santa Barbara and Caltech. He was a member of the Institut Universitaire de France. He also held administrative responsibilities at the Ministry of Higher Education during the term of office of his colleague and friend Claude Allègre.
For the image on the General George Smith Patton Jr. in 1945, during my history studies his writings and letters make that General Patton was one of the many triggers of my insatiable curiosity for the true story.
(History the opposite of the official 1933-1945 story, and yet we can not say that I like Socialists and Marxists like Hitler and Stalin but the truth is the truth ..).
A child from primary school is able to calculate the impossibility of certain events.
(It required 180 kg of charcoal for the cremation of a single body, in the midst of the shortage of coal, it should leave traces in the archives of such quantities of coal, same concern for the necessary cremation times and the number of available ovens etc ...)
The socialists Goebbels and Hitler were right about France, they said "if we do nothing, in thirty years France will be an African country".
If I could explain the story in detail, you would understand why Winston Churchill and Theodore Roosevelt hated Colonel Charles de Gaulle.
(Charles de Gaulle deserter from 1940 then having a putsch in 1944 alongside the first Communists Nazi collaborators in the name of Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.Charles de Gaulle the Socialist and his putsch explains alone how France is factually a social-communist country for 70 years)
If the citizens do not understand anything about the world today, it is because their history has been falsified, when they know the true story the current situation will seem to them the logical consequence of 70 years of Mafia and historical, political and media manipulations.
Sentiment #1, Thank You. My sleep patterns run amok since his birth, I am so excited.
DeleteAs for the rest,I really do try to be accurate in what I present. Patton was a wonderful man. I think I have a quote of his down below in the list of statements on various folk.
DeleteI can understand for sleep, I'm the same as you, as soon as I have something in mind sleep is disturbed.As my wife says: "A fly is able to wake you up, you sleep with one eye open."
I confirm that Patton was wonderful, I discovered through archives and historical books, the prefabricated image that I had collapsed in a few days.
I do not try to shock with my words even if they are shocking for people having swallowed the official version.
A marvelous Frenchman from a legally elected government who had never deserted, having taken over responsibility for the country when he was 85 years old: Marshal Pétain. (Survivor of the First World War, he had learned everything and gave everything to General De Gaulle the deserter, who returned to the liberation in 1944 had only one obsession: to condemn to death an old man over 85 years Marshal Petain)
Everyone does not know what England did against the French army under French command (not German), but some events are to know:
The same styles of attacks have been repeated in Syria, in Black Africa, etc ... Each time the English people beat each other and sacrificed equipment and men to kill French soldiers. (their "allies")
The deserter colonel sentenced to death for desertion De Gaulle, paid by the British, organized the battle of Gabon, a French deserter refugee in England set up his illegal army to go and kill French soldiers in Gabon with the help of England (the USS Liberty is an anecdote next to all the acts of high treason De Gaulle):
This is called putsh:
Deserter De Gaulle and England continued to kill French people in Dakar:
With this information you know more than 98% of French non-university history specialists.
From there you will understand that since August 1944 France has had a putsch which explains why there are only two parties in France:
-A Gaullist party (De Gaulle) that is socialist and is called right, and a communist party that calls itself socialist.
Two parties complicit in a coup d'etat and the falsification of the history of the country, hence the French exception regime that has lasted for 70 years, since the two parties are complicit in the same crime and solidarity. This is a single party posing as socialist while it is communist, and another party called "social right" while it is a socialist party.
Both offer you the historical truth that few people know.
You will better understand some of my comments about the Perfidious Albion.
Congratulations Grandma! - I must confess that when I first became a grandfather it was quite a shock to my self-image but, fortunately, I soon got over it ...
ReplyDeleteMy wife and I are blessed to be able to take care of our youngest, 9 month old grandson, while mama is at work. It can be quite taxing on the body at times (bending, lifting and carrying) but is so worth it - we see things in the development of the child that we missed with our own kids while we were working and generally living in the madscrabble of youth ... we have more time now to appreciate the finer things of life ...
May your Grandson bring you love and joy.
No shock here. At least not yet. I am, after all, 70 now. Later today I get to hold him for the first time. Excited as all heck.
DeleteThank you for your kind wishes. Part of the joy is watching my daughter blossom into a fulfilled and beloved wife. I done good.
ReplyDeleteToo bad you do not speak French, this video will make you laugh:
This woman, whose continent has remained pre-historic forever, says:
"We are the first in humanity, the first in all if it were a classroom we would be the first: We invented science, mathematics, writing, philosophy, pyramids, society. [...] It is not a revolt that is preparing for Madame, it is a large-scale revolution that is getting ready. »Assures an anti-white negress (video)
But the most fantastic is that it says that the blacks are preparing a world revolution (in those who welcome them).
As my wife told me when I heard this video in spite of her: "They are completely crazy, they have always been as in 1900 they were still cannibals, they are always crazy and will always be crazy"
As a reminder, Africa alone holds more than 60% of the world's fertile lands, as well as the largest mineral reserves of metal ores, rare earths, gold, diamonds, oil, etc.
In spite of this, Africa and Africans have NEVER been able to create the least wealth, the least manufactured product, the least transformation into a finished product, etc. NEVER!
Africa as a percentage of world reserves;
Copper 97%
Coltran 80%
Cobalt 50%
Gold 57%
Iron 20%
Uranium and phosphates 23%
Manganese 32%
Valadium 41%
Platinum 49%
Oil 14%
Diamonds 60% of world reserves
Despite this, Africans are unable to do anything, preferring to loot others !!!
At least now you understand what is the project of the African invaders ...
A document in English from the United Nations Organization that will make you understand what the Western countries are undergoing, for whom, why, and for which sect (for those who know that the Jews are the ultra-major ethnic UN):
Congratulations on the birth of your grandson.
ReplyDeleteCastro's son commits suicide, leaves note confirming that Justin Trudeau is his half brother. Quelle surprise.
ReplyDeleteUK: Corbyn capitulates and agrees to serve Jews ad vitam aeternam
https://www.i24news.tv/fr/actu/international/europe/181910-180816-gb-corbyn-s-incline-se-dit-dispose-a-adopter-la-definition-de-l-antisemitisme- under condition
For months, Jewry has been engaged in a veritable extortionist enterprise against the British left. Corbyn, allied with various Muslim anti-Zionist international groups, had excited the hatred of these Hebrews at a rarely-reached level.
Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn is expected to adopt all the terms of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's (IHRA) definition of anti-Semitism after refusing to admit certain elements. the British media reported on Thursday.
When a nation tolerates the Jews within it, it ends up being devoured by them.
The Jews organized the headquarters of the British Labor Party and led a global campaign of harassment until full surrender.
It is precisely this campaign and its modalities that make the requirements of Jewry even more outrageous.
Fought by the global Jewish network, Corbyn is ordered to deny the existence of this network by the same network.
Based on the most aggressive Jewish racism, Corbyn is summoned by this network to deny the very existence of Jewish racism.
Jewry will finally demand and obtain from Corbyn that it denies the existence of a fifth Jewish column acting for the benefit of Israel at the very moment that Bibi is launching fierce attacks from Tel Aviv against him.
The nerve of these Jews is really limitless.
It goes without saying that Corbyn's opposition to the Jews can only be explained by the growing influence of the radical fringes of the Muslim population who are progressively infiltrating Labor.
At least, since the subject of property rights in Palestine is on the table.
On the rest, namely the invasion of the country by the masses of the Third World, Jews and Muslims are in the same position.
Finishing with the Jews: bad idea
What must be remembered from this episode is that red anti-Zionism, by its intrinsic antiracism and anti-fascism, is neutralized from the outset by the fact that it initials this story of Jews transformed into Marseille soap.
With this story, Jews can extort anything from anyone silly enough to give it any importance. This martingale is the key to international Jewish tyranny.
The Jews intend to continue to receive the dividends of the criminal war that these killers carried out between 1939 and 1945 in Europe against Europe.
This is the starting point of this confrontation: "the international alliance for the memory of the holocaust", a tool devoted to the religion of the unspeakable, which requires Corbyn to satisfy all its requirements .
It is not tomorrow the day before that a leftist white can make a Jew feel guilty in the name of anti-racism. In this area, the Marxist pupil will never go beyond the Jewish master.
There is no point in dealing with the Jews, trying to outflank them on the left.
If you try, you end up like Corbyn said that only Jews are incapable of being racist when, in practice, they are the only ones to be so ferociously.
And if on Monday you were "for peace in Palestine," on Friday you sign before the cameras the right of the Jews to annex what they want and crush as many Arabs as necessary to achieve it.
The following Monday, you are finally allowed to resume your activities, that is, ranting about white racism in the streets of London.
To defeat the Jew, one must destroy his policy and his policy is reduced to one axis: triangulation through the racial balkanization of white societies.
To implement this balkanization, he destroys the instinct of white conservation by the psychological weapon of guilt that spreads his press.
The keystone of this guilt is the gassing of 19 million Jews between 1923 and 1967 by the Nazis.
This anti-Zionist leftism is only a waste of time. Worse, an extension of the anti-Aryan Semitic spirit.
It's time to stop beating around the bush.
It is a good cartoon about Viktor Orban, just in time, because his daughter has a small shitty scandall in central-europe.
Orban invested his daughter to the goverment tourist policy:
And so on: