Midsummer already! Already into the dog days of summer. Just enjoy life. One of my favorite Italian sayings is “Dolce far Niente“, which means “the sweetness of doing nothing." This is that season when it is best to do that nothing outdoors if possible! Under a shady tree with a drink and a book for me, please. A bowl of Ranier cherries and the day is perfect. Honestly, they are totally superior to the normal red (albeit delicious) traditional cherry.
As usual, I ask you to enjoy what is on tap for today and share widely. Everything is up for grabs. And I do hope you are enjoying the European images.
Meanwhile, in South Africa, a place where there is no genocide against the Boer farmers.
And now South Africa follows the same path of destruction and devastation.
Ain't he just too precious?
Stilton says: Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader "Are you sure I'm not Sandra Day O'Connor?"
Ginsburg thrilled Leftists this week with the announcement that,
despite being older than actual dirt, she intends to remain a withered
and frequently dozing member of the Supreme Court for another five years.
This presumes, of course, that the Kickstarter campaign she has created
to pay for "a recirculating pump and a metric buttload of formaldehyde"
will be successfully funded.
And while we may joke about Ginsburg's age, it's only fair to note that there's no reason that age alone should disqualify anyone from sitting on the Supreme Court.
After all, the giant Galapagos tortoise can live over 100 years. The
Greenland Shark can top 200 years. And the spiny Red Sea Urchin lives
even longer. And any of these death-defying centenarian miracles of nature would be a better Justice than Ginsburg, who was making bad decisions long before the last of her neurons packed up their bags and retired to Florida.
Still, in this magical age of modern medicine, it's entirely possible that Ginsburg may be kept alive for another five years. Somehow...
This being the case it's entirely possible that we'll all have to suffer
through another five years of Ginsburg's ideologically questionable
rulings and her insistent (and highly questionable) belief that women's
paychecks are less than those of men.
For the record, Stilton's Place believes strongly that both sexes should receive equal urnings...and we hope that Justice Ginsburg can take personal advantage of this egalitarian policy sooner rather than later.
One person. 150 relatives.
MacLeans is NOT a reliable news source.
And look who wants to jump into the fray in Toronto: another acknowledged terrorist organization, the JDL, recognized as such in most Western nations.
Occupy Democrats ~ An Obama organization. I could not believe people really think this way. Pretty funny. "cool black guy" and "the chick". Oh, my gosh. Very funny.
Another one. Hard to believe.
The most hilarious news story of the day relates to the fact that Barack
Hussein Obama, allegedly a past president, is taking to the campaign
trail once again to stump for Democrats in the upcoming midterm
Barry is quick to insult President Trump, but we've noticed that he
pretty much has nothing to say regarding how things were better in any
conceivable way during his nightmarish two term reign. Quite the
contrary; the things which Donald Trump has accomplished with relative
ease were declared absolutely impossible by the Obama administration. And in fairness, those accomplishments were impossible for an anti-capitalist anti-American.
Almost undeniably, the secret to Donald Trump's spectacular success has simply been not being Barack Obama. The
economy booms, jobs take off, and other nations - friends and foes - no
longer have the mindset that America can be pushed around and taken
advantage of.
As far as we're concerned, getting Barry back out
in public is the best thing that could happen for the mid-term
elections. Because to really appreciate the Trump revolution, we need
constant reminders of how bad everything was under the annoying,
insufferably vain poseur we were stuck with for eight wretched years.
At the foot of the mountain slope and as an end of the big ground floor,
the Neptune's well which belonged to the total concept of the garden
creation by Maria Theresia in the 1770s rises. The well lies in the main
axis between castle and Gloriette, on the edge of the big ground floor
which concludes the greater than full-size figures, while they accent at
the same time the crossing to the hill. The originally staying empty
Neptune group, was deposited in the 19th century with a tree scenery.
1776 it was begun with the excavations for the basin and after a
four-year-old construction time the well arrangement could be still
completed before the death of the monarch. The draught came in all
probability from Johann Ferdinand Hetzendorf of high mountain, the
figure group of Sterzinger marble was created by Wilhelm Beyer.
the centre of the figure group Neptune with the trident stands in the
hand in a mussel carriage about a rock grotto. To his lefts there is a
nymph and to the rights the sea goddess Thetis kneels. She asks Neptune
to favour the navigation son's Achilles who was broken open to the
conquest of Troy. On the foot of the rock grotto romp about, half a
person and half a fish, the Tritonen belonging to Neptune's suite with
mussel trumpets in the hand which can move person and animal into fear
and terror. They steer the so-called Hippokamen, sea horses with whom
Neptune drives on the seas.
Excuse for my bad English!
Interior: Stephansdom in Vienna. It would be easy to spend at least a day simply studying this magnificent edifice.
By order of Herzog Philipp of Wurttemberg the palace was built in the style of the Italian neo-Renaissance in the middle of the 19th century. Because the Duke but soon left his residence, began to rebuild the Palace into a hotel. In 1873, the ceremonial opening of the hotel took place in the presence of Emperor Franz Joseph and his wife.
The salient building far away visibly towers above the Ringstraße, which leads approximately around the historical center of Vienna. The building, originally under the name palace Württemberg delighted, is a 5-storey construction block with sechsachsigem weakly stepping out Mittelrisalit. In the gable is a figure group, which represents a woman shape on chariots, pulled from deer and lion (the Württembergian coat of arms animals). In the third and fourth projectile large stone balconies lie in the Mittelrisalit. The porch of the main entrance is disguised with white Carrara marble.
Here is an interesting link: HD Virtual Tour - Hotel Imperial
Exterior: Stephansdom in Vienna
A simple flower shop in Vienna
Castillo de Colomares in Benalmádena (Spain), according to the Guinness
Book of records, is the largest monument, with an area of 1,500 square
meters which was dedicated of the discovery to America.
plans, only with his vision, formed Dr. Esteban Martín y Martín with the
aid of two bricklayers, between 1987 and 1994 a building which
(Byzantine, Romanesque, Gothic and Moorish) brings together virtually
all architectural styles in an impressive symbiosis.
The castle
is a replica of the three caravels (Santa Maria, Pinta and Nina), with
which Columbus sailed to America, represents. During the tour of the
castle, you will discover even those with just 1.96 square meters, the
smallest chapel in the world. Castillo de Colomares, a dreamlike place
for amateur photographers.
Erasing Saigon.
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the
energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the
world.” ~ Henry Kissinger
The mind boggles.

This woman is too woke for me! But her superior logic and scientific thinking makes me understand some of the crazy dark magic that we hear coming out of Africa!
So much media hysteria over virtually nothing really. It seems to be one of the main media distraction talking points this week. Since I don't watch the JMSM I don't know if they discuss it or not but editorial cartoonists are almost all hysterical about the plastic gun non-issue.
(((Goldberg))) ain't no white person.
Shameless. Where are their Holocaust reparations?
This person has thousands of followers. And she is serious about what she is. They love her.
I love this .gif. Very inspirational. Whoever this woman is, I thank her for the time she took to make this during her transformation. Wish I had thought of it when I started!
Florida manatees are dying from this algae.
Ucluelet Sunset. Just up Island on the West side.
I believe this letter from a Torontonian (Forrest Hill is a wealthy, primarily Jewish area of Toronto), refers to Monika and Albert Schaeffer. Perhaps not, I don't know about them in Auckland. However, this is how confused Eddercated Canucks think. "Letter of the Week" indeed! Pfft.
Stilton says: We're not about to let the 30th anniversary of the Rush Limbaugh Show go
by without a proper show of respect, admiration, and affection for the
greatest radio personality, and one of the most vital political minds,
of our times.
There is quite simply no one else like Rush. His insights, analysis,
humor and optimism are completely off the charts - and the fact that the
Left is utterly baffled by him only adds to our delight.
Remember when Al Franken and Janeane Garofalo launched "Air America
Radio" hoping to create a liberal version of the Limbaugh magic? Their
efforts were nightmarishly uninformative and unfunny, and they stunk up the airwaves so badly that the entire network collapsed.
Rush goes on and on, coming into our homes and workplaces with an
intimacy that makes him into much more than a celebrity entertainer.
He's become a friend, a mentor, and a calming voice in decidedly
non-calming times. Much like the late Paul Harvey, Rush Limbaugh is an
American institution in the very best sense of the term.
Not that we always held him in such high regard. When Limbaugh's show
first came to WBAP in Dallas, we tuned in only because he was said to be
an absolute wild man, saying crazy things for sane people to laugh at. His was a freak show, like the old Joe Pyne broadcasts.
And so we tuned in to laugh...and laugh we did. But to our surprise, not at Rush but rather with
him. Rather than wacky rants and diatribes, El Rushbo was speaking
common sense at a time when sense wasn't common in the least. He made
sense of the world and the news in a way we hadn't experienced
before...and soon we were hooked.
Without exception, the people who say they hate Rush are people who have never seriously listened to his show objectively for a few days. They're afraid to, for the best of all possible reasons: he'll change their minds. And the average Leftist would rather go on being wrong forever rather than admit they've been duped.
It's no exaggeration to say that without Rush Limbaugh, neither "Hope n' Change" nor "Stilton's Place" would ever have happened.
So thank you, Mr. Limbaugh, and here's hoping that the next 30 years will be as much fun as the first 30 have been!
Meet the new non-biased new editor at the New York Times. Lovely Korean woman.
I present this without comment upon the extreme hypocrisy involved. If you replaced the word 'white' with black she would've been kicked out immediately.
No surprise here. But SERIOUSLY?!
Medicare for all would cost 30 trillion dollars over ten years
ReplyDeleteA little research would probably reveal that more than that is being spent now--and that nearly all of it ends up in the pockets of insurance companies.
I feel sorry for the Americans, with their exorbitantly expensive, grotesquely inefficient for-profit health service industry. World-class care for those who can afford to pay the steep price for it, suffering and death for those who can't. We in Canada are truly blessed, with our universal health care. I myself have had reason to be glad of it more than once.
Yes I have had reasons to be glad of it also. Had a few accidents or illnesses over the decades; but now I avoid them at all cost. That is a major reason for my own personal transformation; part of me felt guilty if others had to pay for bad health I brought upon myself by a lifetime of bad decisions. But I know from family members in the medical field (surgeons on down the line) that our Canadian system is in tough shape. Things have really changed over the decades, really changed.
DeleteThe health care system still seems to be pretty functional here in Quebec. Don't know about BC. And you can't always avoid illness or injury, y'know, however careful you are. Good on you for doing your best, though. Bonne santé !
DeleteCuriosity in France:
DeleteState medical aid, a device to ensure 100% free and priority care for illegal immigrants.
Cost of this device at the expense of the French and for the benefit of rapists, thieves, terrorists, African dealers: 1 billion euros per year since 1983.
(attention to the scale: France is a tiny country of 65 million inhabitants with the GDP of dwarf in comparison with the USA)
Since 1983, any chandestin illegal situation in France is better accommodated in the system of care than any French:
1- The French must work to benefit from medical aid, failing to prove his work he must fill out administrative forms and declare all his property and have to benefit from medical aid.
2-The clandestine illegal situation has no paper to provide, he enters the hospital everything is free, no administrative procedure to perform.
3-In case of need of organ transplant, the clandestine in illegal situation is priority on any French for the acquisition of a graft on the lists of organ transplantation. !!!
4-The Frenchman working on his own account in a craft trade does not benefit from any of the systems listed above, he is obliged to co-ordinate with a private organization at a price of gold without ever being able to claim any help concerning the care medical. Any clandestine or foreigner who has never paid taxes in France, and never worked in France, is a thousand times more favored than the artisan.
You can transpose my remarks for pensions, any foreigner who has never worked in France and of retirement age, benefits from a retirement (700 $ / month) without having to provide any proof. This always at the expense of the French.
But despite all this, the French are treated as racists permanently by their corrupt politicians and all the parasites on the planet and Africa, rapists, terrorists, killers, dealers etc ... (85% of cases of justice and police in France concern only African invaders, this for 40 years without interruption)
It was my little newsletter about what's happening in Europe, things that no media will ever tell you.
With that you can already foresee that these devices will eventually be slammed on France to be applied to your country, you will see the quality of care drastically decrease as we saw it drop in 1983.
Your system is already ready, it only takes tiny administrative changes, with Africans coming to Canada, it's only a matter of time before your healthcare system benefits them.
Once this is done, you will see an acceleration of the arrival of illegal immigrants wishing to be treated for free at the expense of Canadians.
Recall the case Aylan Kurdi having used to make the Europeans feel guilty, what the media never say is that the father wanted to come to France only to have his teeth treated and to benefit from dental implants at the expense of the French, who can not afford dental implants:
One of the most abject media manipulations since only the father was equipped with a lifejacket. (the child's body was moved for the purpose of the photo to put on the scene and the child would still be alive if the father had given his lifejacket)
Justin Trudeau is working overtime to create this same situation in Canada before he is booted out next election.
DeleteYou can have leeches or a society responsible to the people who paid into it. You cannot manage both.
This is very logical since the Marxist leftists have been leeches and dictators forever.
DeleteThey bear very badly to be already relegated to the trash of history especially in Europe, so they play the technique "after me the end of the world" as they have always done.
To destroy is the one and only thing that Marxists know how to do, and the only thing they have done since 1789.
They destroy political regimes, destroy peoples, traditions, lifestyles, languages, traditional values that worked perfectly for over 1700 years etc ...
You have to put yourself in the place of these degenerates, the republic is already in complete and total failure although having changed form five times between 1870 and 2018 in the case of France (first, second, third, fourth and fifth republic )
As a reminder, the French monarchy had only three royal dynasties in 1700 years, taxes were ridiculous (5%), payable in kind, rates of monetary wear were prohibited to all except Jews who practiced rates of monetary wear between 180% up to 400% per month !!!
(I know it is shocking, but the administrative archives supporting the studies of history are unambiguous on the question.) DOmmage for the Jewish vampires, Europe has always benefited from a very fastidious administration, one misses any detail of the life of a thousand years ago, everything remained in the archives)
The citizens never went to war it was the nobles and knights who left there for them, and the armed conflicts were of a magnitude and mortality very limited compared to all the conflicts observed since 1789 .
1789 date of the so-called French revolution, actually a Jewish revolution, Freemason, stuffed with German foreigners and Protestant English not tolerating French Catholicism ...
Reminder: the so-called French revolution killed more French civilians than the first world war + the second world war + the Napoleonic wars combined + 500 years of Spanish inquisition.
This is the historical reality of the so-called French Revolution, it is mainly because teaching forbids giving these figures that I ceased to be a teacher. (In France this profession should be requalified of "Marxist professional brainwashing and deculturation")
In 2018 the republic is a political system devoid of all meaning, much more derived than any historical monarchy was before it fell.
One thing should make you smile for once: Everyone is just talking to you about a new irreversible world order, etc. You have to be controlled one way or another.
In reality it is the so-called republiquains regimes which are at the end of their life, and the political leeches sabotage to the maximum the things to create the chaos in order to us occupper, this to avoid that we-occuppions them!
Beware, Marxist also exists among Republicans, it is an orientation, a vision, before being a label.
If people had read Marx's minimum reading they would know that Hitler was a pure Marxist who had fulfilled 8 out of 10 conditions of the Communist Party manifesto. That no other marcist will ever achieve.
Hitler himself said that his only disagreement with Marx was globalism against nationalism, otherwise Hitler claimed to be Marx's ideology.
I'd have to translate what Hitler said about Marx and what Marx said about pacifism.
The Jew Karl Marx was a butcher having ALWAYS wanted to sow death, in this Stalin was never a revival of Marxism but rather the heart of the Marxist project.
For the image "The French people are not white" it is extremely amusing since the whites expelled and exterminated in all Africa after 1950-1960, up to the South African white farmer ... ... Boers and other whites who have never denied that Africa was a continent of niggers.
ReplyDeleteAny non-racist population in any country in the world that has to support Africans at home becomes systematically racist, whether in Europe, Russia, all over Asia, and around the world.
What is the only common denominator in such a case, of different peoples, different traditions, different religions, different cultures?
=> The African!
But despite the facts of this scientific experiment, the rubbish of popliticians dare to say that all the peoples of the world are problem, the Africans and their behaviors have nothing to do in the results although they are the only and unique common denominator.
PS: My best friend is North African (a successful and highly educated university that is rare for an African), so he is half as white as an Arab, he would rather die than having to marry a woman of his own. North African ethnicity and die twice if he were to marry a Negress.
It must be said that he knows Negroes perfectly, this explains that.
You put it quite well actually. I noted, when I was wasting time at the Dubai airport, one of the funnest people-watching places in the world. There were beautiful very educated looking African families; wealthy, strikingly attired. There are definitely some top tier folks there; your friend should not cut off his options. I mean these women and daughters were striking. Major exceptions to the rule, however.
Delete@Noor al Haqiqa
DeleteMy friend being North African is much freer in France of his tastes, opinions and freedom of expression than I will ever be in my own country.
(at the age of 25, arrived in France for a year, he is obviously more free of his words in less than a year that I have never been in thirty-nine years)
We perfectly understand him and me.
I have worked in Africa for many years, so no one will be able to deceive me about the multi-millennial nature of Africans, their mentality, their way of life, their huge untapped natural resources, their family structure.
I fully understand my friend, since we have introduced a little intellectual game between us "You prefer to have foam legs or a flock of ducks that follows you everywhere and all the time":
-If he had to choose between a North African and a Black, he would take North Africa.
-If he had to choose between a West or a North African or a South African he would take the West.
-If he had to choose between a leftist West and a North African (even an Islamist) he would choose a North African because as he says "nothing is more degenerate than a woman left in the West".
-If he had to choose between a negress and a leftist of any color, in any case, as he often says "I would rather die than marry or even be forced to sleep once with a Negress".
It's not that my friend is allergic to his culture, on the contrary he knows every bit of it, but as he says, "African culture is ultra-limited, totally non-existent until the year 1700-1800 concerning Africa. black.
It has never happened in Africa for more than 10,000 years, the pyramids of Egypt are a tiny region of ridiculous historical duration.
The only events that happened in Africa were imported by others, by the Arabs, the Chinese, the Europeans but never by the African. It is so true that the historic mosques in Africa were built by white European slaves captured by the Barbarians and enslaved for three centuries.
(Personally I know the history of the Middle East well, if we compare the tiny Persia to the entire African continent, the Persians have produced more culture over two thousand years than the 52 gigantic African states have ever produced in 10,000 years ... Persia = Iran strong of this observation we can not help but see that leftists hate the oldest and most cultural nations on the planet such as Iran-Persia and Europe ... it's obvious)
Be careful, do not confuse North Africans with Arabs, North Africans have never been Arabs, it is the political elites of North Africa who overnight told their people "Now you are Arabs" . (In the 60s)
The North Africans have nothing to do with the Arabs in reality, the Roman Empire has known three North African emperors in a row. This is a little proof that the Roman Empire was the opposite of racist this since the first millennium, since these emperors controlled all Europe and the entire Roman Empire of the West and East.
But all this is history, the real one, in 2018 and since my birth, every day my rubbish of politicians repeat to me every day that we are populist and racist since time immemorial. lol
Our rubbish of politicians put in place the conditions of a big civil war throughout Europe, in a totally deliberate and conscious way.
You can wish them good luck, in case of civil war our politicians will be responsible and guilty, ultra-priority targets for a lot of people trained, informed, aware.
All I can say is wow and ty for sharing.
DeleteAs usual I try to give you what you offered me.
DeleteYou do not realize that your blog allowed me, by the links to the right of the images, to find documentation that I was looking for a long time, and that I was realizing when it already existed.
This allowed me to gain a lot of time, to finish my study on the USA, and thus to be able to move to another subject much faster than expected.
We can estimate the time gained at six long months, six months gained that I have available to put them to contribution on other subjects.
(List the false names, the real names of the 85% of Jews in the first Bolshevik government of 1919 ... So you see the importance of the task that this saving of time allowed me.) And it is indirectly thanks to you !!!)
Since I am one of the faithful followers of your blog, I learn a lot of things in image, I deepen the topics in North America from the information that I find at home.
open season on white niggers would solve a lot of the PROBLEMS
ReplyDeletecaused by "JEW" worshipping....
of course 6 million filthy blood sucking parasites in the ovens of truth
would stop the holocaustianity religion in white people nations,
overnight, then the street signs would read Martin Luther Blvd.
and the Africans would be in the own countries,
and live happily ever after
and the Palestinians could return to their homeland
no one on EARTH has to stay in the stool sculpture deity cult compound
Birobidjan....the homeland of the Proselytes to Talmudic Judaism,
before Jewtopia...which is Hell.
curiously, the stupid changes true ploy is still being used by the uncompromising Jew worshipping braindeadgoy, curious that.
As always, a lot of truth there, my friend.
DeleteRead : (2003), Two Hundred Years Together on Russian-Jewish relations since 1772, aroused ambiguous public response
DeleteAleksandr Solzhenitsyn
If you only have to read one book in your life, read that one!
You will understand that Jews do the same thing, wherever they go, for millennia: Destroy other peoples.
Too bad that Hervé Ryssen (French author) is not translated into English, he wrote an excellent book "History of anti-Semitism, seen by a goy and given to the place"
A history book retracing 3,500 years of the life of the Jews, who for 3,500 years spent their entire lives stealing, exterminating other peoples, manipulating, plundering, conspiring, etc ...
The Jewish holiday of Purim as many Jewish holidays commemorates the massacre of the Persians, a story of Jewish mistress, false rumor of conspiracy, which allowed a Jew to kill the minister of the king of Persia + all his children to end up exterminating 70,000 Persians on the sole basis of an unfounded rumor.
That's what Jews do everywhere, all the time, since the dawn of time.