The hottest days of the year are here. Fires are raging everywhere again, this time up Island as well. The skies are not so bad as last year ~ yet ~ but things are dim and darkened by the air pollution, despite the, at the moment, brisk winds blowing through.
Meanwhile, we sit around teaching the puppy tricks, waiting for Grandchild #1 to make her entrance; every time the phone rings I run, wondering if this is "the" call! Yesterday little Mom walked 5 k just because it felt good; hoping it might get things moving; not a chance. This really is exciting! I love my son-in-law for being the type of man to make this possible for the woman he loves. Sometimes I wonder, if I had not allowed my clueless young self to be so mucked over by feminism and that whole agenda of the 1960's, would I have had these same simple fulfilling moments; for my life was much more difficult due to my choices. Ah, hindsight!
Another shooting in Canada; Fredericton today. 4 dead; they still have not announced the name of the shooter who survived. Canadians are getting "woke"; now they need to take the next steps to doing something about our current predicament.
Enjoy your summer; we are already half done! Berry season ends far too quickly.
Justin says: "Look at my arrogant, virtue-signally, oh-so-smug smirk, as I single-handedly tell the Wahhabi how to run their country." To be honest, I am glad he is cutting business with the Saudis since these weapons are being used to decimate the people of Yemen. However, how does he manage to insult these people yet invite the lowest of their kind into our country?
Ford is in for the media-spawned Trump treatment.
I don't know if I ever want to get on one of these things again. This is terrifying!
A visit the the Berlin Cathedral.
I like that Boris is not folding.
Remember this child?
Grrrr. But look at who posted this.
I am no Jones fan for a plethora of reasons although I cut my teeth 20 years ago on some of his material ~ until I realized this was kindergaarten and it was time to move on. That being said, what is being done to AJ, this de-platforming of the Right, is taking place to not only silence dissent but also to silence conservative voices for this coming election. AJ is merely the tip of the iceberg. What shocks me is how so much media supports his being shut down without pointing out that they could be next.
If they were serious about hate speech, there would be no more Sarah Jeongs on line; but we know they are only serious about silencing free thinking.
These tweets still stand.

And if you have to pee at 3 am?
Fox kit.
Story HERE
Good morning, Noor. Best wishes for that impending arrival! Hope all goes well. Do keep us posted, we're waiting with bated breath.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, that shot of the chap cultivating his garden, which is bursting with lovely fresh produce, should be viewed side by side with the second-last cartoon showing a supermarket full of nothing but American stuff. Not true! The supermarkets do try to sell you American stuff, but you don't have to oblige them by buying it.
Enjoy your weekend!
Hi Noor, always my column "the news of France and the European dictatorship":
ReplyDeleteThe law FOR pedophilia is passed in France (resulting from the recommendations of the masonic sect UN WHO).
From now on, a raped child will have to prove that he was not consenting.
Before this socialist law [promoted by the pedophile Jews (pleonasm) of France] it was up to the individual accused of child rape to prove that the minor child was consenting.
Always stronger: From the start of the school year in September 2018, the French national education (pedophile and Marxist), sexual education classes on masturbation and the "happiness" of sex between adults and children (4 years) will be given to children from primary school level.
To avoid parents being able to escape from these classes taught by degenerates, the French national education decided to hide from parents the dates concerning these courses of early sexualization of children and incitement to pedophile relations.
Apart from that the speeches are always the same:
- "African invaders and terrorists / rapists / murderer Muslims are a chance for France";
-The legal age of retirement is declining, taxes are drastically increasing as millions of African predators / rapists / killers have to be invaded.
-The shops of the cities of the province close massively, to dissolve this desertification as in time of war, the mayors make paint (at our expenses) false shops in trompe l'oeil !!!
-The speed limit has increased to 80 kilometers per hour, instead of 90 kilometers per hour. All signs are changed at Frais des Français. The socialist dictatorship of Emmanuel Macron has already doubled the tax revenues collected through fines. (this was the initial goal of this measure, soon we will have to travel by bike to be sure to avoid the minutes)
- The French national media do not reveal any more hundreds of rapes, attacks, assassinations caused by the invaders Africans ert Moslems. (African and Muslim invaders for whom Jewish VIP rats actively militantly attack, I will never forget them, it will be ruthless!)
I will become a fan of the first type that will create an ultra-deadly attack against the UN, the WHO, the Bilderbeg, or the Masonic sect of the Grand Orient De France.
My wife and month dream every night of the same thing: Learn that the 560 corrupted of our national assembly were exterminated in an attack caused by one of their little protected African and / or Muslim.
ReplyDeleteThe African and Muslim invaders, their impact on Europe:
The proliferation of extremely violent attacks that have marked the news since the beginning of the summer is worrying the police.
"I cry my revolt. That's enough. Stop! Today is us. And tomorrow who still? I do not want to do politics. I speak as a mother. A mother who has just been abducted. I want it to stop. I appeal to all politicians of all kinds. Do something. Our country is sinking into violence. We must stop that. Save our children, damn it! Save our children! "
"If we take only July and early August in reference, it is true that we are witnessing a wave of violence with extremely serious events. But I think this increase in violence is part of a broader picture. France is becoming more and more violent. "
"Today, in France, one can die for a glance"
Statistics confirm the feeling that can be felt from reading the regional press, which relays these dramas: the victims of intentional assault are on the rise ... for the fourth year in a row (+ 4% in 2017). The increase "is more sensitive than the previous year"
"An individual who inadvertently crosses the eyes of someone who feels challenged is likely to be caught in a fight that can end in death. Today, in France, one can die for a glance, "says Olivier Hourcau.
"The fight will start on a futile motive: a look, a jostling. Very quickly, it can slip. One will take out a knife, or go get it in his car or grab a shard of bottle. You know, a weapon by destination, it's very easy. Before, it usually stopped with punches. Today the weapons go out very quickly, the violence is unbridled, brutal. "
"These are groups that fall on an individual and ask him if he has fire, money, a cigarette and, whatever the result, they can end up beating him. There is not necessarily a typical profile. It's a bit like the thugs that we see in the demonstrations that, when you take them alone, are everyone's mister. Then once in a group, in a particular context, they are able to totally unleash themselves. However, those who come to hyper-violent acts have for the most part an already well-documented criminal record and antecedents. "
"People are becoming more and more alcoholic with explosive mixtures, drugs included. It has become so commonplace that we almost talk about it. It is back to the morals to go out on weekends with his chest loaded with bottles. Obviously, with the lack of control and control that leads, we come to dramas when the spirits are warming up. Some youth gangs, after drinking excessively, are looking for a fight. It is enough that they cross a man, a woman, a couple and we can quickly arrive at dramas. It can affect everyone, "
"It is enough that you come across a gang of thugs who have decided to raid. You also have a lot of tourism which attracts delinquency. We are also subject to strong migratory pressure, which means that today we can see facts that we saw less before: a lot of robberies, robberies with violence, break-ins. All this accumulates. Now, to say that Paris is a cut-throat, I find it a little excessive, "says Loïc Lecouplier.
"In the province, we see the same phenomenon of gang of offenders who are particularly targeted at vacationers. It's not unique to the province or Paris, it's unique to France in general.
"All of this is also the fault of people's indifference. Each one defends his skin and the witnesses of aggressions often show a rather shocking apathy. When passers-by, in much greater numbers than the attackers, witness aggression and do not move, they are guilty of failing to assist anyone in danger, "he says.
****What this guy does not say is that every time whites intervened to defend another whites against the black bands of Muslims or any other African, the rescuer found himself in prison for " racism" !!!****