Canadians just got another really good reason to change governments. Sooner than later. The fact that our government was consulted and eager to be involved in the implementation of the UN Migration Pact signed December 12, 2018, in Morocco. Everything Trudeau has said about immigration is made law right here with the signing of this pact. I swear this virtue signalling fool did this to spit in the face of the American President to impress his globalist friends.
A dream we must bring about in 2019 although indications are he could still win. We in the West don't love him but the East, that is another story.
The epitome of frump and a disgrace to Canadians. On the world stage you just don't suggestively dangle a shoe let alone flash your cellulite to the camera.
These appear all around the globe in the papers of the impoverished nations which have signed the Migration Pact.
There are photos going about showing the Peace Bridge with the three flags flying, accusing Canada of having sold out, just put the UN flags up. Sorry. Wrong.
My boyfriend, The Northern Star. Hmmm. Interesting backdrop for this little ditty. Not like we are being told anything, is it?
Canada is still under "soft" Communism meaning the general populace is still clueless and the rest in denial. One never knows when that will change, however. The signing of the pact is proof of this assertion and applies to any who signed it against or without the approval of the citizenry.
How we detest this smirk today; he wore this shirt telling us just what was down the line on his Communist agenda back even before he won the election on the strength of his dreamy eyes and great hair. Even then he had the depth of a finger bowl.
This is what Christmas looked like when I was a child. I remember the big displays at the Eaton's Store in downtown Toronto. We would stare for ages at the mechanized Christmas displays in the windows before going in to Toyland to look about.
Looking at the faces I see, from R to L.
45. Respect. Doing her duty. 44. Extreme arrogance. Pouting. 42. Looking at some woman. No Presidential funeral for me. 39. Who cares?
Actually this photo is from the inspection of the Christmas Tree to the White House. I remember simply because of that cape Melania wears.
Should have flown with Jesus instead!
I had always noted the difference in skin tone between parents and daughters in the case of the Obamas.
Predictive programming?
I really don't understand this one at all.
MMM. Summer treat.
Lest ye forget....
Not joking. A few years ago I bought a book and some good materials and painted this same mandala ~ painstakingly because I think it was only my second.
A comic doing a charity gig at a university was asked to sign the above prior to getting the job! How to kill enthusiasm and humour.
Berlin pulled out of the UN Migration Pact and the government is in the process of falling as a result. Brazil has already announced it will pull out next year.
I sure am rooting for you Canadians to elect someone who is pro Canada and get rid of Trudeau. I'm American and I wish Trudeau could be deported to Cuba.
ReplyDelete"Don't be a landwhale"
ReplyDeleteYes, and you might have added, don't have been laid by all sorts of other chaps. Turns us off, does that.
PART 1/2
As I have not done for a long time some news from France, some additional information not to make you manipulate and stay in caution.
antichronology of the facts:
Marion Marechal Le Pen is not the person you think. The most informed circles are aware in France:
-Marion Maréchal Le Pen is the daughter of Roger Auque, a Jewish French secret agent working for the Mossad in parallel who confessed in his memoirs that he was always an agent of the Mossad (who paid him more than France)
-Marion Marécha Le Pen last year presented his project of a political training center to the public. It did not do it in France but in the USA before a meeting of Zionists.
-Marion Maréchal Le Pen, like his aunt Marine Le Pen (married to the Jewish Zionist Louis Aliot) are both philosophers and not hostile to the Masonic sect.
Better yet, the youngest senator in France is a senator representing Marine Le Pen, his name is David Rachline, a Jewish Zionist too.
-In the 1980s, Jean Marie Le Pen and his ex-wife, mother of Marine Le Pen were in family dispute (divorce).
At the time the lawyer of Pierette Le Pen (Jean Marie's wife) was represented by a lawyer Freemason Philosemite and anti Front National (he described as fascist and Nazi) named Gilbert Collard.
Pierrette Le Pen publicly accused her husband of anti-Semitism in the context of his divorce, at the time Marine Le Pen relayed the accusation and sided with his mother.
This Gilbert Collard is currently number two of Marine Le Pen's party. (weird is not it)
Always better, because with the Le Pen clan there is always better:
A parliamentary inquiry commission on the National Front (80s-90s) revealed to ultra-left investigators (and in good faith) that the Front National was protected by the Directorate of Internal Intelligence.
Some members of the commission of inquiry have deepened the subject, they discovered that:
-The National Front was given to Jean-Marie Le Pen by General De Gaulle in 1956. (De Gaulle, the Socialist who made a coup with the Communists in August 1944, then practiced a political purge in placing communists at the head of justice and the army, we must know ...)
General de Gaulle's aim of giving Le Pen the National Front was to recover and deflect the most right-wing Frenchmen, then deflect them towards socialism. (basically serve as an infiltration and diversion machine)
This was done at the time, when Algeria unleashed a Marxist war against the French, just coincidence the next morning that French engineers discovered oil in Algeria (and just after oil tanks were built)
This is the role of Jean Marie Le Pen, it was necessary to recover and moderate traumatized having served in Algeria against Islamist and Marxist butchers of the FLN.
Already at the time, the Algerian Communist Party composed of a majority of metropolis Frenchmen and Jews (it must be said) had sided with the independent Algerian FLN and practiced attacks against French and Algerians !
I have all the names of these communists, which they officially did. There is an overrepresentation of terrorists posing Jewish communist bombs who terrorized Algeria and France in the name of Algerian independence.
Where it's quite amusing is that these anti-French Jewish names all have descendants on current French television (Dominique Farrugia, Alain Chabbat, etc ...)
People do not understand anything about the Algerian war or the reality of the National Front.
For the National Front I just explained that it is a scam created by the state to infiltrate, moderate and control any challenge.
PART 2/2
As for the Algerian war it's quite simple to understand: The only motivation was after 1945 the Trotskyist neo-conservative Jews of the USA wanted to control and destroy Europe. (The neo-conservatives were from both sides of the Cold War, both among the Kominterm Communists and among the anti-Communist Americans)
Triggering the Algerian war helped weaken France and deprive it of oil.
The same joke was replayed later in Europe by the oil crisis of 1973. (which affected only Europe, since the US was an oil exporter)
The pretext for this oil crisis, mentioned by the King of Saudi Arabia and the Algerian Communist President Boumedienne, was: "We have just suffered a six-day war with Israel, since we are in conflict with the Jews. Europeans to put pressure on Israel "
(1 A six-day war is a joke, why not a three-hour war? 2 Why did not the Algerian Communist and the King of Saudi Arabia put pressure on the US, which is actually much more influential? in Israel that Europe ??? A vast joke)
We can easily understand the motivations (anti-European), the hidden alliances, knowing the following of what happened in 1973:
1973 Oil blackmail of the OPEC countries against the ONLY EUROPE.
1973 Rothschid-Giscard law prohibiting the French state from borrowing at zero rates near the Bank of France and forcing it to borrow with interest near private banks.
1973 The Jewish mythomaniac Simone Veil created the law in favor of abortion in France, passing abortions from 43,000 a year to 250,000 a year!
The same year, the old Jew Simone Veil demanded and created the law of family reunification so that every immigrant in France can bring all his family there. (so to bring all the terrorists of the FLN who come to expel us from Algeria)
To know: Simone Veil according to her tattoo number of deported number of deported of a different age and died in the Nazi camps.
This is the most complete and brief summary I can give you, I hope it will help you to understand things better.
If you have any questions or objections, I will come back to answer you.
(I save you the amount of documentation related to these remarks, because it is in French but I can send you the full documentation if you wish)
Marine Le Pen and Marion Maréchal Le Pen are scams, after Marine Le Pen herself scuttled live on French television during the last elections: Everyone, even the most dreamy, most in hope, even the anti-conspiracy fundamentalists have finally admitted that it is now obvious.
It is a very very old habit in France (since 1930) to create protest and nationalist political movements on the basis of agents. Creating such bodies and putting their own pawns allows the power to maintain control over any protest movement. It's been over a hundred years that's how it is in France.
That's why the yellow vests specifically chose not to be attached to the least political party, the least trade union, the least political figure and no leader.
TO KNOW: The media conceal that the clashes between the police and the yellow vests have nothing to do with the demonstrations. In fact, while the police are busy with the demonstration, it is our African occupiers living in the suburbs who disembark massively during the demonstrations to smash and plunder the shops.
The anti-fa Georges Soros mingle with them, their goal is to degenerate the movement but it is useless, it is the fifth week that we show, if the events are calmed for Christmas, they are ready to take over February, because in February the taxes will be taken directly at source, on the payroll and not as usual at the end of the year.
(This provision allows the state to withdraw sums illegitimately tax way, and to be able to repay the sums improperly levied two years later! Roughly for a worker being paid the median wage $ 1600, it is 200 $ less on your payroll each month!)
At the same time, the ongoing migratory invasion, the Islamization of France and Muslim terrorism in France never stop.
Important to note: What I am talking about is happening also and in the same way in Belgium, tiny country of the Parliament of Eurodictature, country in which Freemasonry is represented in an incredible way at all levels.
ReplyDeleteThe "nationalist" elected Bart De Wever comes from a Jewish family ... Same scenario as with the FN, assembly of recovery pure juice to make us swallow the spare wheel of National-Zionism (it's like being cancer lover and cancer cure both)
Well, let's be honest, I traveled a lot in Europe but I never saw a country as openly Masonic as the tax haven of Switzerland. In Switzerland nothing is hidden, almost every monument or architexture worship Sue Isis (translate sister Isis)
The Masonic symbolic initiates understand at a glance why Switzerland has always been spared by the First and Second World Wars where all the countries to its north, south, east and west were terribly affected.
Freemasonry, banks, international institutions like the Bank of International Settlements are the Swiss specialties (the money laundering of drugs also)
This country is therefore the most perfect illustration of what serves and serves the Masonic sect. (Masonry mother of the republics, one understands from then on what is synonymous with republic: Mafia sect!)