By the time I get these things posted and ready to go, I am too confuddled to remember all the snazzy quips and ideas I had to share. Probably for the best anyhow! Meanwhile, I hope everything goes well for you all.
The world may be rioting around us but this is the season to pull together with our loved ones and gather our strengths for the times to come. To bask in who and what we are, our roots, traditions, our futures. To still remain ever-vigilant while enjoying good food and drink, playing games, laughing and loving together. Remembering what matters in life.

What can I say? This pup won my heart, so handsome in his golden wig!
That's me! When did I start to look so old?
(No it isn't really me.)
Oh, Amy! You really are very funny to think that way.
The original Yellow Vests?
This Canadian cartoonist is an absolute treasure. I stumbled across his page the other day and grabbed his old stuff and his latest. He does not hold back ~ very rare in Canadian humour. As for the above, I don't know the situation in New Brunswick, but it seems this cartoon is applicable to politicians no matter where you look, especially if they are Liberal/Democrat.
My parents used to refer to me as the Purple Sheep of the family meaning in their terms I was a challenge but not a criminal. Hmmmm. I had one black sheep brother and he eventually turned out very well, the rest were typical.
Why is it up to Canadians to make up for the emissions of the US or the EU or China? This is purely a shift of international capital. It is not as if any of this money will go towards cleaning up much but it will enrich people who follow a much darker agenda.
Canada is leading the charge in terms of "hate speech" when it comes to drafting this ludicrous legislation. This includes "re-educating" the media on how to discuss the migration issue and how to confuse the entire issue in the minds of the citizens with the most to lose.
I told you this artist doesn't hold back!
This is beyond brilliant.
Oppressing me
I’m at a university
A student in
Gender studies
Learning about
Yes that’s their tune
And I’m a man-
But don’t assume!
My gender is
All up to me
Why are you invalidating
My lived
I hate myself
‘Cuz I am cis!
‘Cuz I am cis!
I’m a privileged
White male
And my skin is pale
So I am oppressing you!
I am very very very privileged
I am very very very privileged
This campus is
A safe space
You’re not allowed
You don’t behave
You upset
The minorities
You support white supremacy
I know because
I’m very woke
I’m very woke
I knew the first
Time that you spoke
Was on your lips
Pushing outdated
Thinking about
Only yourself
Threatening Student’s Mental Health
Don’t you know we’re
All victims of
Some trauma that
You have brought up?
Hate speech
Is not free speech
And so I will screech
That “Your words are blasphemy!”
I know because
I have a degree
I have a degree
In sociological studies
I grew up in
The suburbs
I spend all my
Time on tumblr
But I know what it's
Like to be poor
I’ve never had
A job before
Why do I need
One anyway
Why can’t I stay
Home and get paid?
Exploits me
That's what my
Professor told me
I know it’s true
He hates money
That’s why he taught
The class for free
Or at least only took
State money
From taxpayers but
That's free to me!
Yeah, I read Karl Marx
Socialism works
I love to watch
Young Turks
You can not earn
economic privilege,
economic privilege,
is non existent!
is non existent!
I know you use
Dog whistle terms
I’ve cracked your code
So I have learned
To read your mind
That’s why I may
Accuse you of thoughts
You didn't say
And the oppressed
My world view
Is not complex
Of hierarchies
Oppress all the
All other analysis
Simply uphold
It’s black and white
That’s what I hear
It’s not complex
But it is clear
Simplicity for me
Is the key to see
All of society
And if you
disagree with me
disagree with me
I’ll accuse you of bigotry
Privileged White Male
So sick and twisted. Delightful.
Thanks again, Mr. Perloff!
They keep calling it a Nazi thing; this whole movement is a move towards Communism on an international scale; this is why the French began the yellow vest movement. It is against the false call of GLOBALISM just as much as the cost of fuel.
Do you ever have this feeling?
The Democratic states are not terribly generous givers! Enlarge the maps and look around a little. Draw your own conclusions.
Nancy Pelosi's comments (accurately quoted above) following a meeting that she and Chuck Schumer shared with President of the United States Donald Trump.
The idea that this loathsome old colostomy bag will likely again be Speaker of the House makes us feel like we've got skunk tinkle all over us.
This globalist-favouring Italian cartoonist already draws Salvini in the most hateful Nazi cliches believes Putin and Trump are behind the downfall of things in Europe.
As proven in Strasberg this week, all the barriers in the world cannot protect anyone in Europe from these vile creatures bent on our destruction.
RUSSIA? Well, they certainly cannot blame themselves for this mess, can they?
Allegedly the Macrons long before they were the Macrons...
The guy was screaming "Allah Akbar" as he shot people but these idiots look for a motive? Perhaps a barista set him off by erring with his coffee? He and his bestie had just had a spat?Anything but saying the obvious truth.
Have you ever wondered where the expression "Blowing smoke (in or out) of your ass"? There is a true medical explanation for it. Get educated, Dear Reader!
His great great maternal grandmother apparently married a Jew so this is the claim.
The young man on the right was publishing scientific journals when he was a child and is very proud of his achievements and his race. He is not a social darling!
Artist comment: Fun fact: 28% of gay men have had over 1,000 sexual partners.
Morning Joe co-host Mika Brzezinski (whose last name is the single most valuable word you can play in Scrabble) made an unfortunate on-air faux pas Wednesday, when she called Secretary of State Mike Pompeo "a wannabe dictator's butt boy.
another case in which if you scratch a liberal (and frankly, we think
that's always a good idea), you quickly find the kind of deep-rooted
intolerance and bigotry that they accuse others of having.
Here at Stilton's Place, we're unapologetically Gay-friendly and would
never think of using a homophobic slur to demean someone with whom we
disagree politically. Not that Brzezinski limited herself to that ~ just
for good measure, she also questioned whether Pompeo's comments
(about the Saudi Crown Prince's possible involvement in the highly
kinetic killing of dissident journalist Jamal "Surprise Party"
Khashoggi) were "the words of a patriot."
Mika later acknowledged that her insinuation that Pompeo is some kind of treasonous ankle-grabber represented a "super bad choice of words."
Could you winter over in a hut like this if you were supplied?
I get travel, travel, sex. Hmmmm.
What animal lines the walls of this Scandinavian cabin? I haven't a clue.
How predictable was this once the Liberals and Feminists and Gender critters decided to take this patriarchal, decent organization down?
Afrikaans and Israeli have no place on this list! Well not in the top 10!
Do you have a secret hankering to live in a remote cabin in the woods, Noor? You keep showing us these cozy-looking log structures surrounded by gigantic trees beside a tranquil lake... Might be nice in some ways, especially in the warm season, but there would be certain drawbacks. Settle for a summer cottage, then back to the city with public transport, convenient shopping and universal medical care all close at hand during the winter?
ReplyDeleteI was conceived while my parents built a log cabin in the remote forest on the shore of our private lake. Dad bought the land in the 1940's for 6 cents a square foot; now it is the playground of the wealthy. But we were there at all times of the year. We had a home in our small town, now a heritage house in a lovely area, but the city was not near. The cottage is where I grew up on every level, the place of my heart. In fact, when I pass, I wish my ashes to be spread where I was conceived and then spent those years. We had to drive up in the winter to clear the roof of snow and enjoy the frozen lake and winter. Now I would appreciate indoor plumbing however. We hauled water up then Dad put in a pump. Dad had to sell it all eventually but it is still part of my being. So, my dear, my "secret hankering" is not terribly secret! Next post I will put up a photo or two of the place. I have posted the few photos from this area before. Also, when I was younger, I homesteaded which was rural living from the roots up. Could not do that now however.
DeleteLooking forward to seeing the photos! I have lived deep in the country myself, a few cattle, a few sheep, it was most rewarding. "Could not do that now, however"!
DeleteMika Brzezinski's comments would have been apt if referring to Trudeau. The way he aquiesced, to the American authorities, to arrest the Chinese business woman was purely political and nothing to do with international law.