Not even four weeks into 2019 and things are already at a fever pitch of insanity. The Liberals and their media have been caught in lies and threatened by major lawsuits several times to the point of some issuing insincere apologies; AOC is providing us with amused terror as we study the produce of the Harry Potter generation moving into the Communist politics of the new Democratic Party; AOC's beloved Venezuela has fallen due to political interference, the IMF already at the gates; China is making great moves to solidify itself as an international power but many participants in these schemes are pulling out, China will take debts out in blood or land; Donald Trump just caved for a few weeks on the Shutdown. What chess game is he playing? Cherry on the top of the tree? NYC painted the town pink in celebration of the privilege of being able to slaughter a baby hours before birth. More on all of these things below.
Goodness. Then there is the Covington story which, like the Yellow Vest movement is being as kept under wraps as possible.
Where I am, we are suddenly having days of warmth. In a day or two snowdrops will come up, some over-eager trees will grow a little green; but the cold winter returns very soon.
Speaking of Nathan Phillips, aka Red Cloud. Here is what his neighbours have to say.
They truly do not get past the cognitive dissonance. The two signs are self-contradictory!
The Canada/China Dispute(s). The Chinese see great weakness in our "Little Potato" and will take full advantage as they already are. The moment he began pushing for feminism in China, it was over for us.
Yes, Real. Beyond silliness!
Trudeau's Canadian Carbon Tax in action, folks. If you don't think this is a transfer of wealth, you are quite naive. Why else does he gouge Canadians and give billions away to other nations for things that do not improve or help our lives here. This is the UN 2030 agenda being implemented on yet another level, one intended to impoverish Canadians.
Then there is THIS. Old ploy.
Look at the purple hands on that old devil. This indicates almost no blood circulation, a lizard-like cold skin. It makes me wonder what keeps Henry alive; how many body parts have been taken to keep this vile corpse alive.
These are, as the MSN initial report on the Covington Catholic situation described as "4 young black men reading quotes from the Bible"! Only 4 men seemed responsible for the horrible things said to the boys. The group claims they instigated "divine healing" as a result of their actions.
A rather dirty-minded physically imposing creature. This is the man who said so many foul things to the boys. For an hour. Great recruiting tactics for his "movement" however which is based on white hate. He was one of the men described by the MSN as "a young Black man quoting from the Bible." In their hubris, his cameraman posted the entire situation from a relatively impartial viewpoint; from this video the truth of the event came out and Nathan Phillip's patant lies were shown to be just that ~ fabrications.
Within hours of the situation with the Covington Catholic boys, Phillips and his cohorts attacked the DC Basilica during a Mass. They attempted to move and and disrupt the ongoing ceremony. This professional agitator was out for opportunity.
Outside the Basilica.
The refrigerator repair man, Private Phillips, on a mission for self-aggrandizement.
Clap if you agree.
Stilton Says:
We're going to let the visuals carry
most of the load today, owing to the extraordinarily stupid nature of this
whole darn story. It begins with some Catholic kids visiting Washington DC to
learn how our national capital works. And boy, did they!
The most credible of the many
versions floating around is that a group of kids from Covington Catholic High
School suffered extensive verbal abuse from protesters in Washington (including
from some black protesters calling a black Covington student a
"nigger" and screaming that his white friends would someday
"steal your organs") then, as long as everyone else
was making noise, they asked their school chaperone if they could shout out a
few innocent school cheers.
Into this mess steps a tom-tom thumping Native American (and long-term liberal activist) who marches up into the face of a MAGA-hat wearing kid who...(trigger warning: this gets pretty damn graphic!)...smiles back at the man. Oh, the humanity!
Seriously, that's all that happened. But it was plenty enough to send the news services and social media (but we repeat ourselves) into paroxysms of outrage. Theoretically, the "smirking" young Trump lover somehow dissed the Native American Drummer Boy...causing the world to go nuts.
Some social media loudmouths called for a school shooter to massacre the students at Covington Catholic High School (and indeed, the school had to be closed yesterday as police encircled the building). But there were also some milder threats...
Into this mess steps a tom-tom thumping Native American (and long-term liberal activist) who marches up into the face of a MAGA-hat wearing kid who...(trigger warning: this gets pretty damn graphic!)...smiles back at the man. Oh, the humanity!
Seriously, that's all that happened. But it was plenty enough to send the news services and social media (but we repeat ourselves) into paroxysms of outrage. Theoretically, the "smirking" young Trump lover somehow dissed the Native American Drummer Boy...causing the world to go nuts.
Some social media loudmouths called for a school shooter to massacre the students at Covington Catholic High School (and indeed, the school had to be closed yesterday as police encircled the building). But there were also some milder threats...
A Saturday Night Live writer offered to fellate anyone who punched
the innocent Catholic kid in the face. We're pretty sure that making
such an offer is an overt criminal act (maybe two or three of them), but does
give us a pretty good idea of the skill set that (ahem) "writers"
bring to SNL auditions, resulting in absolutely humorless shows.
And because the drum-thumping Native American claims that some kids were chanting "build the wall" (which, in hindsight, a lot of Native Americans probably wish they'd done around 1491), the news incorporated that angle into the story too...
And because the drum-thumping Native American claims that some kids were chanting "build the wall" (which, in hindsight, a lot of Native Americans probably wish they'd done around 1491), the news incorporated that angle into the story too...

See what we did here?
Wading face-first into this sticky
controversy, Stormy "For Two Bucks I'll Throw in a Handi-Wipe"
Daniels said that an electrified wall should be built around the
Covington Catholic school to keep "disgusting punks" who believe in
making America great again and the sanctity of life from interacting with decent
people like lying, contract-breaking, dollar bill-grabbing, sperm bank
"night deposit" sluts and their crooked sleaze-ball attorneys.
And because Stormy is still considered a Progressive feminist heroine by women whose highest aspiration is apparently to somehow become a sex object used for the sick pleasure of anyone with a sawbuck (ie, a writer for "Saturday Night Live"), her opinion would have carried a lot of weight...had the dimwitted "flavor of the month" not also had something apocalyptic to say:
And because Stormy is still considered a Progressive feminist heroine by women whose highest aspiration is apparently to somehow become a sex object used for the sick pleasure of anyone with a sawbuck (ie, a writer for "Saturday Night Live"), her opinion would have carried a lot of weight...had the dimwitted "flavor of the month" not also had something apocalyptic to say:

Okay, we're not positive her statement categorically proves that the world is coming to an end in 12 years, but it sure as hell suggests that the electoral system which put her in Congress is officially on life support.
Taken together, there's a lot to think about when connecting all of the stories above. And since those on the Left aren't particularly gifted when it comes to "thinking," we're going to helpfully boil all of this down to a simple truism:
You progressives have no chance of beating President Donald Trump in 2020 until you can demonstrate that your whole damn party isn't at least marginally more sane than he is. At the moment, that's not looking likely to happen.
Both letters enlarge.
President Trump has agreed, for now, to postpone his State of the Union address after Speaker of the House Nancy "They're Not Wrinkles, They're Laugh Lines" Pelosi forbade use of the House chamber (where the speech is traditionally given) because of inadequate security personnel during the government shutdown, as well as the fact that on the speech's assigned date, Ms. Pelosi is throwing an "impossible-to-reschedule" Matlock viewing party in her heavily-fortified (by taxpayers) mansion.
There are also unsubstantiated reports which, if true, would be highly disturbing, that Nancy cancelled the speech rather than risking another rebuttal afterwards standing side-by-side with Chuck Schumer, who reportedly takes Viagra to keep from blinking during television appearances.
Nancy additionally brushed off the State of the Union address as "so unimportant" for Americans, who would only be confused by hearing about the myriad successes of the Trump administration, and the highly questionable accomplishments of Democrats.
High on that latter list (and likely high on some kind of illegal drugs) would be the Democrats' abortion-related pieces of legislation in New York. These ghouls have declared that there is a Constitutional right to abortion, that abortions should be freely available up to (and presumably including) a baby's due date, that abortions will not be required to be performed by doctors (no doubt putting some extra cash in the pockets of Benihana chefs), and the removal of all protections previously offered to a baby who survives an abortion attempt.
Meaning that a living newborn child who has somehow managed to dodge toxic injections, serrated knives, industrial shop-vacs, and spinning saw blades can still be given the Gallagher watermelon treatment using a giant wooden mallet with no criminal repercussions for the raincoat-wearing "technician."
Ironically, one of the reasons that Democrats like Pelosi are so Hell-bent on flooding our nation with illegal aliens is that they can't figure out why there aren't enough Americans being born to fill all the jobs.
Yeah, that's a head-scratcher, alright, albeit one that the Pro-Life kids from Covington High School seem to have unraveled without Andy Griffith's help.
Who makes the final decision?
Many of these cartoons accurately point to American Interventionism in Venezuela. We have watched it for decades in that country, the attempts on the life of Chavez. But this is Wall Street's insatiable greed for fossil fuels; it is all about the natural wealth of the country.
Macron's hypocrisy.
Just a very interesting fact because all images of that story disappeared, even from cartoons sites!
Amazing selection of creative political cartoons that say a lot with few words. Also, nice mountain lake pictures! Thank you very much.
ReplyDeleteYou know, I can never really tell if times are crazier than ever. Look back at any time and what's happening is crazy!