And so it continues in Gaza. This blog has always supported the people of Palestine in their struggle to live in dignity peace. I find it depressing at how much anti Palestinian fervor there is out there as this latest battle carries on in the Middle East. I don't even want to talk about it or I will never get this post up before dawn. America is (((ewish))) crazy and, thanks to the current freshmen Democrats Ilhan and Tlaib, more than ever ready to hate the Palestinian people, forgiving Israel of its genocidal crimes on the Gaza Strip, or even worse, think no crimes were committed in the first place.
I see even more destruction ahead for Palestinians from Israel and America in the hopes that the people might be more open to relocating to another land such as the KSA, rumored to be part of a potential "peace plan" in the works between Israel, Palestine, and other ME nations. To be honest, I don't see this going very far from the Palestinians. Their land is beautiful and they wish to remain as stewards of the land they have loved for so very long.
I see even more destruction ahead for Palestinians from Israel and America in the hopes that the people might be more open to relocating to another land such as the KSA, rumored to be part of a potential "peace plan" in the works between Israel, Palestine, and other ME nations. To be honest, I don't see this going very far from the Palestinians. Their land is beautiful and they wish to remain as stewards of the land they have loved for so very long.
Absolutely the best portrait of Mooch I have ever seen. This is the one she should have had hung for perpetuity in the White House portrait hall."Bitter angel" is such a perfect description of this nasty critter.
I watched the final part of Miss USA, last week. The winner, Miss North Carolina, is an accomplished woman as well as beautiful. Of that there is no argument. All the young women I saw of every racial combination were quite accomplished. Of the three final contestants, two were black and the third, Miss New Mexico, was a lovely very fair skinned Latina. She did not stand a chance. But all THREE winners of these pageants are black? That is overkill.
This is a tough lesson to learn while still remaining compassionate. It is difficult to remain open-hearted and -minded when you have been burned badly, but it can be done.
Baby steps?
This man was one of the greatest educators in North America. Ever. His work and insight are painful to read because he really cares about the future of the nation and its young.
Poignant as hell. Eh?
Why? Bees, for heaven's sake. Bees.
This happened just up Island, a scenic drive over a mountain from where I sit. You don't get much further West Coast Lalaland than this. A definite message to Trudeau, but then he has never cared much about the Coast anyhow. His voting base is back East. I am sure Elizabeth May is thrilled, but I lost interest in her ages ago.
A bit of a problem for solar power up in parts of Canada for many months of the year.
This vile man refused to allow South African seekers into Canada, denying there was a problem in South Africa. We were told that the SA government denied they were refugees because there was no problem in that country, something we know is patently false. Hussen refused the entry; many have since been murdered. This story was hidden from the public; this ungrateful Somali hates White people and is almost never seen in their company unless it is one of his political allies.
This reminds me of church on Sundays at our cottage. Mom would wake us up early and stuff this same meal down our throats, cooked on a wood stove I might add, and then we would do a mad drive to Mass some 30 miles away at a small log cabin church in the middle of the forest. No seat-belts in those days I might add. The drive was a white knuckle drive on winding roads, it was hot August; I tossed my breakfast more than once and never have liked fried eggs since. But it sure looks nummy.
I miss the taste of bread toasted over an open wood stove!
John Taylor Gatto refers to Communism in the American educational system. Marxism enforced.
I heard this last night and I really thought it was a parody account; then when I was driving today they were discussing AOC and this ludicrous grab for attention. Surely this is just another bid for media spotlight? You have to hear her silly voice as she wonders and utters those words. It HAS to be her parodying herself or just playing her massive audience. I mean ~ No one can really be that foolish?
Joe is a time traveler!
Most of us are aware of that fact. However, this is the face of another enemy with dual loyalties in our midst. It does not bode well for Conservative America, why both enemies must be rooted out at some point. No more dual citizenship for beginners.
Canada's Somali Minister Ahmen Hussen has that same aggressive sneer and look as Ilhan, sheer contempt and disdain for others. It is an ugly look.
On Saturday, unrestrained joy broke out in Los Angeles when the city renamed a small section of road to honor soon-to-be-indicted former president Barack Obama.
Mind you, none of the road is new or upgraded (or as Barry would say, "You didn't build that"),
as that would have required actual shovel-ready jobs to be performed,
which was forbidden by California's "Department of Irony Suppression."
Instead, shiny new street signs were posted, carefully handcrafted by
the prison inmates whom Democrats hope to have voting again (and again
and again) in time for the 2020 elections.
Knife storage or a bad day at the office?
American beauty.
This is yet another message telling us to die off. People deciding not to pollute with children to save the future, etc etc etc. The messages are coming every day now it seems. There is no denying things are wrong, but it is not all about climate change. It is about greed and activities and loss of habitat. It is about hunters who drive animals to extinction. The human die off is already in progress. I know this sounds garbled but there is no positive message to give. Chemtrails. Nuclear radiation. Wars. Foods. There has been a war waged against us for quite some time. And the natural world is a form of collateral damage it seems.
G5 is responsible already for the deaths of thousands of living creatures during its experimental stages. It is not a good picture, but there is also very little one can do beyond living their best in accordance with natural law and common sense.
They used to just call it seasonal change aka weather.
Accurate assessment
THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER! And yes, that is worthy of capitals. This is such a huge lie, false bill of goods being forced upon the Canadian populace as part of the globalization process under UN mandate. Also a form of wealth redistribution as planned for the past decades to balance the world, lowering our Canadian standards to that of the third world, much as is being done in the States.
So, not only are we giving our wealth to Third World nations, but we are simultaneously being forced to take in their unwanted populations of folk incompatible with our national culture. Gosh. Whatever could go wrong here?
And there is not ONE Canadian politician who is truthfully offering a solution to this morass we are in. Not one who is not compromised somehow to the globalist programme of international communism.
"It's a boy!" were the first words the world heard in regards to the sweet newborn whose mother so loudly declared would be raised "gender neutral". More liberal logic.
Let's talk about killing all the fun of driving! That is like the cable cars of San Francisco or even Toronto.
What makes a man?
What was the good Lord saying when he struck the Vatican with lightening upon this evening?
This humble little hut is for sale in San Francisco for the asking price of $1,000,000. It will definitely sell for much more. It is at the end of a winding lane, you cannot even drive to the front; to get to the house you must use a public stairway. The interior is very small but beautiful beyond words, a gem, with a view of the oceans to die for. I could live there!
We believe that those on the Left are about to get one heck of a wake-up
call courtesy of Attorney General Barr, and the soon-to-be-released
report detailing DOJ Inspector Michael Horowitz's investigation of the unethical and illegal tactics used to spy on, and frame, Donald Trump. Legally speaking, we could be looking at a tsunami which will sweep away the biggest political players on the Left.
But the mainstream media is doing very little to cushion the coming blow
for their gullible audience members. As a case in point, we were
stopped dead in our tracks upon encountering this headline from the
Associated Press: "Fines, jail time? Trump team resists oversight, Dems dig in."
Okay, first things first ~ the Trump team isn't resisting oversight, it's resisting overthrow. But back to the ludicrous article which is a not-so-funhouse mirror version of what's really going on...
WASHINGTON, AP - They're talking at the Capitol about jailing people. Imposing steep fines. All sorts of extraordinary, if long-shot measures to force the White House to comply with Democratic lawmakers' request for information about President Donald Trump stemming from the special counsel's Russia investigation."When the president denies the Congress documents and access to key witnesses, basically what they're doing is saying, Congress you don't count," according to Rep. Elijah Cummings. "We simply cannot have a presidency that is run as if it were a king or a dictator in charge."
The article then details the draconian measures Democrats are planning to further obstruct justice by filing contempt of Congress motions against Barr,
and threatening to lock Trump staffers up in a super-secret "Capitol
Prison," despite repeated denials from the House and Senate that such a
spiderweb-filled, subterranean dungeon actually exists. Because that's the level of insanity currently in play.
And so we come back to the red pill and the blue pill that those on the
Left will soon have to choose from. They may find the red one hard to
swallow...but it's going to be a lot easier on them than the
I don't think this would have me walking to the ice cream shop for a Sunday treat! Does anyone else remember Sunday family drives with the destination a beloved ice cream store somewhere in the middle of a small town or .. just along the highway? I will stick with vanilla over buggy stuff.
KFC apparently does not sell in Israel very well. In my search this was about all I could find!
For other similar quotes, scroll to the bottom of this page and see what you can find in the quotes from these lovely folks.
Some folks are pretty upset about this packaging.
Amen to that, sweet child.
Drooling. Even though I could hardly eat too much of this wonderful looking steak!
Her parents must be so proud.
This artist did a short series on life that I found quite sweet and insightful.
Heads should fly for this oversight! And how could the actress not notice and quietly remove the cup?
Oh, the stories she will tell her grandchildren!
Some days I feel just like that hapless zebra. Don't we all?
A life we can all relate to!
Hello Noor
ReplyDeleteYes I rather see John Candy on the bill then J.T. . Speaking of John Candy, here is a article you might like to read. Been awhile since I have left a comment. I read you blog with anticipation. http://reclaimingjames.blogspot.com/2011/09/john-candy-and-other-dead-overweight.html?m=1. Ok I'll see you later...Steve in Lakeside Ca.