Life was not so kind to Barbie and Ken.
Gourmet bush cooking.
Up here in Pacific Rim British Columbia, over the past few weeks I have been receiving at least 4 or 5 robocalls in Chinese daily at all hours of the night and day. There is absolutely nothing I can do to stop it which is most annoying.
(((Lest the world forget.)))
Meanwhile, back in South Africa...
This is the man who has flown to riots to lead the way for Antifa groups. In Europe.

Those folks really are drawing some pretty desperate conclusions about the laws changing in Georgia and Alabama. Things are changing.
To be honest, rape and incest should, imho, be legitimate reasons for abortion within the first few months.
Beautiful chemclouds now part of a lovely photograph. These are the new "homgenitus cirrus" cloud formations the weather people are trying to normalize. Did you know the Rothschilds own the world's weather control and reporting agencies? They bought them all up a few years ago.
Thank you again, Mr. Perloff, for absolutely nailing this ugly terrifying situation threatening all of us.
"Leave the gun, take the canoli."
Just interesting when you break it down.
This stall in the Philippines is the freshest, tastiest I have seen for a long time. A salad with those nasturtiums would be so delicious.
This gun really appeals to me. Love the trappings.
Some day she will wonder why she is still waking up alone in an empty bed with just her cats. She might wonder why men don't want her any more because even now, young, she is not terribly attractive. Open legs don't actually attract the best men!
Converse Sneakers hops onto the child drag agenda featuring Desmond in their latest promotion. WRONG!
When I was about 5, my father took me up to our cottage for the weekend. This was before we had the road blasted in and involved hiking through the heavy bush. It was May which means Blackfly season was in full swing. I remember late Sunday evening running through the door when we got home, eager to see Mom. She was watching Doris Day singing this song, forever imprinted into my memory. Also imprinted was her turning to Dad with an upset tone and saying "Look at that child! I cannot send her to class tomorrow looking like that! Didn't you use spray?" Even our spaniel was bitten badly. I had not even felt those bites back then.
A bleached whale?
Quail eggs, sausage, mushrooms and fresh tomatoes. OMG looks so good.
Part of the plight of the Palestinian people.
Another division being created and millennials and younger groups are jumping on the bandwagon. In their opinion, Boomers are no more than parasites who take money that could be applied to student loans. SERIOUSLY? Did those people not work and pay into these programmes for most of their working lives? Was money not deducted from every paycheque to care for them in their retirement years? I am tired of being told I am responsible for everything and that the world fell apart under my watch as if we consciously messed up. I have admitted we made many errors, especially with our laxness towards Communism in its many disguises, and here we are.
Two very beautiful young women. But they are not the same!
Trump and Orban.
Now what?
"This gun really appeals to me. Love the trappings." I've never noticed lipstick on a bullet before.
ReplyDeleteThanks for all the effort you have put into this site over the years. You've forced me to re-schedule Saturdays with the same alarming regularity that The Vinyl Cafe used to in the days before Harper.
Best Regards from Tx.
Thanks for all your work Noor, I really like your posts of the night sky, beautiful.
ReplyDeleteHappy Victoria Day, Noor! Here in Quebec, of course, we don't celebrate Queen Victoria's birthday, today is the fête des Patriotes. The Patriotes were the chaps who led the rebellion of 1837 and were hanged, some of them, for their pains. We were taught in school that they had been a bunch of ungrateful rebels who deserved to be hanged, but their memory is honoured today—not in the ROC, to be sure, but certainly here. Anyway, have a good one, call it what you will.