Memorial Day. Best way to honour the fallen is to pay these men and women tribute; then party the day away with those you treasure, savouring the blessings of your life with gratitude and exuberance.
This is a Canadian tee shirt. The "Your Skin is not White" line quite disturbed me. It was being marketed at a (Liberal) Green gathering discussing AOC's ludicrous Green New Deal as applied to Canada. They figure the shirt will influence everyone to connect over these issues come election time and vote for their representatives. They are trying to cast a wide net here.
Some idyll in Northern Europe.
Antifa idiots.
Bankers and Communists. Two sides of the same coin. One group funds and organizes; the other serves as enforcers of their agreed-upon agenda of international domination.
Much more HERE.
Oh yes! Everything is so bubble-wrapped and candy coloured that life seems flat at times. What I really dislike is how they have taken all the good white-knuckle roads with the curves and views, straightened them out so both the thrill and the glimpses of spectacular views are gone.
Yes, this is Joe Biden speaking.
"Like my cologne? It's called chloroform."
We've got to be honest with you ~ today's news just looked like more
slices of the same stale, mold-covered white bread that the media keeps
feeding us while saying that penicillin is good for us.
But rather than leave this valuable space blank today, we thought we'd share the photo above which can't possibly have a legitimate explanation.
We're not sure if Biden is whispering a threat or just getting wood
while trying to suck out a helpless child's eyeball, but we find this
image pretty darn disturbing.
Of course, some people (including a plurality of Democrats) may have other opinions...

FINALLY some shovel-ready jobs!
And as long as we're going down this road, last night we were perusing some amusing vintage ads from days gone by and found this one which immediately made us think of Biden and his young victim...
With the announcement that Bill "The Worst Mayor in America" De
Blasio has thrown his hat into the badly overstretched ring, there are
now 24 Democrats vying to become the next presidential candidate to be
beaten by Donald Trump like a fluffy egg white meringue atop a Loser
Lemon pie.
Frankly, we can't wait for these clowns to take the debate stage
and hear how they struggle to differentiate their policy positions from
each other. After all, they pretty much all want the same things: higher
taxes, more government control, socialism that will actually work for
the first time ever, "Medicare for all," reparations for slavery,
freedom to abort babies who start to get annoying after a year or two, a
"living wage" for jobs which can be done by three-toed sloths, the
banning of guns and other things that "look scary," the repeal of Free
Speech, replacing coal and oil with clean and affordable imaginary
energy sources, official ratification that there are 732 different
genders whose dignity demands that they all need different bathrooms and
glory holes and, most importantly, all of the candidates are promising
to feed Donald Trump into a wood chipper feet first so that everyone on
the Left can enjoy the expression on his face.
With all of this policy overlap, some of the candidates are having to stake out very
narrow niche positions just to get noticed. Bernie Sanders has recently
announced that he'll make Larry David his vice president, so that any
succession of power would be undetectable by the naked eye. Beto
O'Rourke promises to be a strong advocate for Irish people who believe
themselves to be Hispanic.
Cory "Spartacus" Booker has promised that, if elected, he will serve his
entire term dressed as a gladiator. Joe Biden is breaking from the pack
by making it clear that no one hates old white men who have been in Washington forever more than he does.
Elizabeth Warren expects to pick up momentum with her catchy slogan: "A
Slightly Less Annoying Hillary." And of course, Kamala Harris is
separating herself from the pack by pointing out that none of her worthy competitors has nearly as much experience blowing Willie Brown.
Democrats, this is your circus and these are your monkeys. The rest of us are just going to pour some stiff drinks and enjoy the really big show.
This image is a keeper.
The Mayor who led Antifa in other riots in the past few years.
The Mayor who led Antifa in other riots in the past few years.
Carved right into a mountainside. This is home is wildly romantic.
But this place touches my heart even more! I can hear the birdsong.
Do you see any Northern Europeans? Just rainbow boy! The fellow holding the pole possibly but unclear unclear. All the victim groups planting the flag, makes me feel all warm and tingly inside. Not. This is reminiscent of Communist poster propaganda along the line of China and other Communist nations. Every nation under social attack begins to see this sort of
Do you see the hikers in the background? Little do they know...There are lots of these creatures roaming about the Island; lots of them. Everyone who has been here awhile has bear stories to tell.
How is this for anti-White messaging from David Horsey, chief cartoonist for the (((LA Times)))? This message is being blatantly forward into the public mind, sneaked into the discourse via "humour". Needless to say, Trump is not his president.
The Three Kings
Us vs Them. This is how they are trying to sell the EU elections and nationalism.
Any form of nationalism is portrayed as "Nazism" it seems. This is being used as a scare tactic in Europe.
The perfect breakfast albeit a tad heavy on the carbs. A tall glass of water and the above meal would leave one set for the day.
High fashion in London. This quite famous pro-size model insists she is healthy. If she is, it won't last; age and gravity take their toll on the joints. She would have serious sag issues with those tats if she shrank her flesh!
It has come to this.
I could account for but one beef rib and some of that slaw; that would be more than enough.
This is my stance also.
Crushed blackberries in an old cheddar grilled cheese sandwich. oh. My. Goodness.
Officer! That EMT person mis-gendered me! Right here in the middle of an earthquake firestorm!
Are you on some kind of lettuce-only diet, Noor? All those shots of heavy, greasy food, together with your longing comments, are suggestive of something or other...
ReplyDeleteNo. 167 reminds me very much of the Transkékéko, a trail in the western Abitibi, where I used to live. I have walked it many a time. Beautiful country.
For some reason I find myself getting hungry while I view your cartoon.
ReplyDeleteGuess what? Trump is not only a Jew, but Trump is a "Kabbalist" Jew, according to page 181 of his book.
ReplyDeleteTrump? Only the latest Sith Lord who will continue to torch relations with traditional allies.
Funny "coincidence" page 181 = 19/20 which are two of their main numbers:
MAGIC of the 19, 13 and 14 with tons of proof/examples!