More on the greatly maligned Qaddafi further down.
Canadians get their chance on Monday. I am not happy with my choice particularly but am doing what I can to get this rotter out. It feels like before the Trump win in 2016 when all the people wanted was to ensure Hillary did not get the win.
Today's post covers some fairly dark matters and there are plenty of quotes. I tried to toss in as much simply funny material as possible but this still feels like a darker offering than usual.
I would prefer to ignore the impeachment farce, but it cannot be left alone. As well, attention is paid to the NBA sellout and the cowardice of LeBron James.
Today's post covers some fairly dark matters and there are plenty of quotes. I tried to toss in as much simply funny material as possible but this still feels like a darker offering than usual.
I would prefer to ignore the impeachment farce, but it cannot be left alone. As well, attention is paid to the NBA sellout and the cowardice of LeBron James.
American beauty back in the day.
Siblings. Brothers. Russian.
Justin channels his inner dictator.
Two boys and one man.
How I felt while considering where to cast my ballot!
This image almost makes me want to taste and drink that perfect cup of creamy coffee, something I have not done in 25 years. I can almost smell it, feel the consistency on my tongue.
Three men who made positive change and were loved by millions. What wonderful legacies they left behind.

environmental problems originate in the hubris of imagining ourselves as the
central nervous system or the brain of nature. We're not the brain; we are a
cancer on nature.
AIDS epidemic, rather than being a scourge, is a welcome development in the
inevitable reduction of human population... If it didn't exist, radical
environmentalists would have to invent it.
believe that human overpopulation is the fundamental problem on Earth
Today" and, "We humans have become a disease, the Humanpox
must make this an insecure and inhospitable place for capitalists and their
projects. We must reclaim the roads and plowed land, halt dam constructions,
tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions
of acres of previously settled land.
three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million
worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with it's
full complement of species, returning throughout the world.
is no more honorable thing any of us can do with our lives than to work to put
part of the world off-limits to the activities of human beings.
something. Pay your rent for the privilege of living on this beautiful,
blue-green, living Earth.
optimum human population of earth is zero.
must all work together in order to save the environment and the world that we
live in from further change.
a chainsaw rips into a 2,000 year old redwood tree, it's ripping into my guts.
When a bulldozer plows through the Amazon rainforest, it's ripping through my
side. And when a Japanese whaling ship fires an exploding harpoon into a great
whale it's my heart that's being blown to smithereens.
human race could go extinct and I for one would not shed any tears.
advocate biodiversity for biodiversity's sake. It may take our extinction to
set things straight.
is the cancer of nature.
get into an argument with a customer. If you win the argument you will almost
invariably lose the sale. And i don't like your chances for a sale if you lose
the argument either.
is a cancer in the biosphere.
Ice Age is coming and I welcome it as much-needed changing. I see no solution
to our ruination of earth except for a drastic reduction of the human
founded Friends of the Earth to make the Sierra Club look reasonable. Then I
founded the Earth Island Institute to make Friends of the Earth seem
shackled rivers!...The finest fantasy of eco-warriors in the West is the
destruction of [Glen Canyon] Dam and the liberation of the Colorado [River].
heroes used to be cowboys.
Back to Marx...
Typical summer day at the cottage. Family. Food. Fun.
I promise to seek out a more legible copy of this image for you all.
This quote did not age well but alarmists still worship the works of this (((writer))), author of The Population Bomb.
The mother of the year should be a sterilized woman with two adopted children
~ Paul R. Ehrlich
Lest ye forget where this began:
Al Gore, scion of an old obligated Communist family, was hand picked by the Club to carry the message forward.
Cult or religion? I call it hysteria in the form of religion. Like Obama, this child has been used to influence our Canadian election. They shipped her to the heart of Alberta oil country to star in one of her Friday actions earlier today. She was surprised to find herself not terribly welcome. But everyone should be glad to know she travels in a "free Prius" from NYC!
Media is just so biased.
Can you just imagine that?
All due apologies to Adolphe.
Love and devotion. No privacy.
Filthy pedophile philosophy.
What does this obscenely wealthy traitor know about communism that the rest of us don't? If ever such a thing as "White privilege" existed, it is what raised and shaped this communist brat.
Oh, dear!
Yes, Muammar was threatening the Europeans ~ but not as portrayed by international media. He was asking for a few paltry million dollars for the upkeep of the millions of invaders that he was detaining (primarily at his own expense) for years in Libya. They made fun of him, not realizing he was begging them to save themselves from what has taken place since the fall of Libya under the Obama/Clinton administration.
At risk. Thanks Obama. Thanks Hillary.
In these days of "Eat the Babies" this might be an unwise image to post!
Now THIS is a vegetarian feast. Every bite looks good, the beets...
For those of you keeping score, here's the story about Nancy Pelosi staging a highly choreographed walkout on the President, here's the story about there being twice as many illegal aliens in our country than were previously reported (and the number is still erroneously low), and here's the story in which scientists say that less neural activity translates to a longer life...which raises the terrifying possibility that Democrat freshman Alexandria Foccacia-Croutons may actually be immortal.
Frankly, we occasionally think about buying a loud shirt and a stylish
hat and popping in front of a camera to do a stand-up comedy act about
current news events (eons ago, we actually did stand-up comedy, albeit
nothing political).
But video seems to be a young person's medium and, additionally, one
that looks suspiciously like work. Moreover, Youtube seems pretty
consistent about trying to bury anyone with a conservative viewpoint ~ let alone a politically incorrect sense of humor.
For the guys.
Not photo-shopped. Natural phenomenon. Bleh.
Again, not photo-shopped. Absolutely stunning!
Again, speaking as a pedophile.
The great Freemason. He came to America to teach such Freemasonic rituals and hung with Anton LaVey, Timothy Leary, and other heavy hitters.
Robin Williams, Post mortem photo.
Summer evening magic.
Throw in lightening and the mad rustling of disturbed trees in the winds and I would be in heaven. Sometimes we had three thunderstorms circling around overhead up in Muskoka. Awesome show of nature.
The side of Mr. Trump that bothers me so greatly.
Jared and the Rebbe, two Chabadnicks.
Image 16: A more appropriate response from the Chick-Fil-A employee would be: "My pleasure!" See
ReplyDeleteThanks for the posts Noor, the rhino and the peacock, awesome.
ReplyDeleteWell, you warned them, Noor, but did they listen? Here Justin and the Liberals are back in again, albeit not with a majority this time. I look forward to a great spate of vitriolic cartoons!
ReplyDeleteGood thing there's gorgeous nature photos, to soothe me from that Robin Williams death pic...