Stilton says: We've got to be honest and give Democrats credit where credit is due. In
the face of the ongoing impeachment trial and the bizarre
threats...err, campaign promises...being offered up by the leading
Democrat presidential contenders, a world-cleansing plague doesn't seem
like an entirely bad idea.
In this case, the possible culprit is a fast-mutating coronavirus from
China which, hopefully, President Trump excluded from domestic
importation in his recent trade agreement. The virus is thought to have
originated in bats, after which it was passed to snakes,
where it transformed into a new form which can affect humans and be
passed by coughing, sneezing, or a simple House majority. No, wait ~
scratch that last one. We're getting our plagues mixed up.
There is additional speculation that the deadly new virus might have
been transmitted to humans owing to Chinese folks in the Wuhan province
dining on "bat soup" which, no kidding, is soup with a dead, still-furry, bared-teeth bat in it.
By the way, be careful if you click that link, because the consumption
of "bat soup" with chopsticks is something you can never unsee. We don't
know if Wuhan restaurants also have waiters who come to your table and
offer to top your soup with fresh-ground rat turds, but it doesn't seem
out of the question.
Wait, did we say rat turds? Well there we go, thinking about the impeachment trial again...
By the way, for some common sense regarding this Coronavirus, Lew Rockwell speaks common sense and is worth reading.
By the way, for some common sense regarding this Coronavirus, Lew Rockwell speaks common sense and is worth reading.
Let me remind you that my blog roll to the right is an excellent source for news with a slant to the right. Come by and check it out frequently.
Once again, James Perloff nails it. Much of his pithy political humour/work is scattered about today's offerings. Enjoy. However, this one is the zinger.
Another Perloff zinger.
Take note, America.
Boeing's diversity policy rules the skies
Superb concept of the modern Tower of Babel.
(((These folks))) have competition?
Perhaps if Trudeau was not such an incompetent Trump hating fool things would have gone better for Canadians in these talks. Trudeau's narcissistic virtue-signalling to his UN globalist buddies comes at a high cost for the rest of of us. China looks at him as a weak thing calling him "Little Potato", and we all know how predators are when they come across a good meal.
The world ignores the genocide of Christians in Africa. Boko Harum has been working overtime.
Most of the Davos cartoons I found were very anti Trump and pro Greta being there. We all know nothing much is accomplished at these summits so they have to find something to pick on. One thing we can agree on, the child was there to "shame" all those awful leaders, especially Mr. Trump.
Feast (family photo by the way)
Banana Leaf placemat/dishes are absolutely the fastest way to tidy up after.
No helmet. No safety gear. Why do I think he might be a soy boy?
His ads and promos are already all over NY television.
Stilton says: Eternal charmer and definitely not a candidate (wink-wink,
nudge-nudge) Hillary Clinton is teasing an upcoming four-hour
documentary series called "Hillary" in which she speaks honestly and
frankly about important issues like what a dung ball Bernie Sanders is.
"He was in Congress for years," Hillary sneers. "He had one senator support him. Nobody likes him, nobody wants to work with him,
he got nothing done. He was a career politician. It's all just baloney
and I feel so bad that people got suckered into it. He should be
strangled in his jail cell."
Okay, she didn't actually mention the part about a jail cell, but we all know she was thinking it. Just like we know what the Left is really thinking about the recent Second Amendment Rally...
American beauty
Open for jokes on this one. Share yours with me please. I am going with "Democrat Dream of an After Impeaching Trump Celebration". Nancy is the one holding up the remains of Mr. Trump.
Even a Democrat gets it right once in awhile!
Virtue signalling kills another pleasure.
I got yer heaven on earth. Right here.
Up with the child; down with Trump.
We also owe Mike over at 90 Miles From Tyranny for many images posted here over the years. However, Mike posts good alternative news articles as well. In fact, this blog is so well kept I wonder if Mike ever sleeps! You guys might like his girlie stuff as well. They aren't in your face but in his special feature postings.
A silly cartoon deriding those who do not adore Greta.
The life of a farmer
Sometimes I have no idea what the artist is trying to say but fully appreciate the art and skill involved. And I know he is saying something deep; just not politics I am aware of yet.
AIDS is sweeping over Africa once again.
Has never eaten soy:
I ate tofu sometimes back in the 1970's. In 1980 I was pregnant; tofu was the only thing to give me nausea. I never went back!
That spraycan should read Communism, not socialism.
Time to learn a new cooking skill simply because I love brownies! First I will master "decarbing" making "Cannabutter" and then start baking.
Predator and Prey
A Kingfisher picking up dinner.
Note the date of Branco's cartoon. 2018.
Funny that. Imagine no evidence of anything concrete!
A rare person: A Canadian cartoonist who tells it like it is!
I admit it: I watch one soap every day. Have watched it for 35 years now. This darn impeachment sham has made a mess of it! I would prefer to watch Victor Newman than Adam Shiff. At least the soap is REAL!
Blueberry treasure that will taste like summer gold when eaten on an icy February morning! Jam on toast. Num.
Ladies of the desert showing off their pantaloons.
Enlarge to read small print.
How can you tell I am back seriously working on my weight loss again? I post images of food I can't possibly eat but makes my mouth water anyhow. I am getting my calories vicariously. This meal looks beyond scrumptious. Remove anything that might be cilantro and I would be very happy.
The Divine Miss M. Nice headress but nothing Carmen Miranda would be caught dead in.
It bit.
Dinner is served.
Colombia is one of the ((Deep States))) bitches, so if 3 al CIA Duh thugs got passports there...no, don't tell me, I'll figure this out.
ReplyDeleteP.S. Looks like my move to another blogging host is imminent. Blogger sent me 2 strikes in the span of 24 hours.
One of the strikes is for a post did months ago. They're using the excuse that those blogs were hate speech.
One pointed out all the Jews in the ongoing Trump impeachment circus, which several Jew MSM outlets wrote about and were almost giddy with the power of being able to do that.
Another one pointed out that Youtube is a kiddie porn outlet. I used actual examples from Youtube to make my point.
I love it when the truth so PO people they'll do anything to shut one up.
The noose tightens, old friend. We just keep at it for as long as we can. And keep getting up again. I hope you don't lose a damn thing if this happens.