I needed something frivolous to do when the blizzard hit, keeping me cabin bound for a few days. Please check out the piece I posted: Meghan Wants to be the Global Queen of Woke. I suggest that the above cartoon is the truth of the matter.
I also updated my page, Epstein Didn't Kill Himself. There are 55 or so new images added. I maintain that mine is the most complete page of Epstein memes on the Internet since about 460 images are provided for you to share. UPDATE #5: YOUR CARTOON SPECIAL: #EPSTEIN DIDN'T KILL HIMSELF: JAN 16, 2020.
Stilton says:
For only the third time in our nation's history, an American President
is facing an impeachment trial to determine whether or not he will be
removed from office. Such an event demands a full accounting of the
facts, a deep understanding of the events which have brought us to this
perilous state, and insightful, informed analysis of the trial as it
None of which you're going to find here, Lord knows, because we're sick
of this shameful sham and won't dignify it with anything resembling
"work" on our part.
Rather, we will ridicule the Democrats' preposterous march to the Senate
to deliver the articles of impeachment by pointing out that they
reminded us of the Wicked Witch of the West's guards, the Winkies,
strutting about while intoning: "Yo-ee-oh, Yo-ee-oh, Yo-eeoh, Ee-Ohhhh-ya!" These
morons looked like they were carefully carrying a vial of nitro
glycerine rather than multiple sheets of used toilet tissue.
Not that the idiocy started with that pinheaded procession...
In signing the articles of impeachment, Nancy Pelosi used over a dozen pens ~ served to her on silver platters and embossed with her own signature
in taxpayer-funded gold ~ in order to create historic souvenirs to gift
to her co-conspirators and, in all likelihood, raise a few bucks on
Despite her assurances that this was a sad and solemn chore, Pelosi
grinned like a botox-enhanced Cheshire cat during the signing. Unlike
the Cheshire cat, however, she failed to disappear afterwards, which was
(and is) a decided disappointment.
Mainstream "news" sources described the proceedings in the most serious
of terms, some calling the signing and delivery of the articles
"sacramental." We, on the other hand, found the delivery to be more excremental,
reminding us of nothing so much as chimps in a zoo flinging their feces
just for the sheer pleasure of seeing how far they can spread their
While there will surely be twists, turns, subtleties and surprises in
the actual impeachment trial, we don't plan to pay much attention to it.
The articles of impeachment are a partisan farce and (the latest) coup
attempt. Trump will beat it handily and, we hope, win re-election in a
landslide owing to a growing realization in our country that the
Democrats are out of control and against our system of government,
Constitutional checks and balances, justice, and basic decency.
As is the horse they rode in on.
Guess who. This was taken back in the late 1960's. I still have that lovely old pin; the burgundy velvet 1920's dress is tucked in a cedar chest. I thought I was ugly, had no idea I was sorta cute because back then, being "stocky even with mammoth mammaries" was a huge drawback as men constantly reminded me. Their eyes rarely strayed above my ample chest level. How many years of their lives do so many young women waste their time obsessing over small faults when they are, in fact, at peak beauty and fertility?
Worried about climate change? JUST GO KOSHER! That'll fix everything, folks. Funny these all sound like Communist, Green Deal, suggestions.
The following clip is from THIS article currently posted at Henry Makow.com. It totally backs up the above image! As a Canadian, I find the work by Fozdyke rather upsetting but there is nothing one can do by such warnings. They merely confirm what I already knew/know.
Years ago, in preparation for this situation, the Australian media began to refer to "Fire Season" rather than "Summer". As I have said before, Max Egan of Crowhouse is doing excellent work on this horrific situation. Head to his YouTube channel and listen to the truth.
They want to use Australia as a threat to the rest of the world to enforce their globalist environmental agenda so are trying to hide the stolen water and weather manipulation and pin it all upon "climate change". "Climate change" has precious little to do with enormous water holdings from closing down rivers and everything to do with corporate greed.
Twenty years ago I almost moved to Bairnsdale to be with the man I loved. He passed away 20 years and 14 days ago so I never went. This is how the area looks today. At that time there were some fires in the area but nothing like this. We knew the fires were from arsonists as well. I knew a man who owned a cattle farm; he saw the future and sold everything because the river was being dried up by upwater dams created by big business.
I remember asking one much loved friend what he was planning to do the next day; exhausted from fighting fires, this legislative lawyer told me the day would be spent on his big plow cleaning up the family's fields of dead cattle and horses. The stench and the flies was overwhelming.
I have lost contact with this family I loved so much; they live(d) back in the Snowy River area mountains, far from civilization. I can only pray they are all right but I know that if those fires back then wreaked so much havoc on their rural existence, things must be very difficult for them at this time.
My fiance's winery was never rebuilt; the forests were no longer suitable for sustainable logging. Their orchards were burnt out; they all had to scatter to cities.
I remember asking one much loved friend what he was planning to do the next day; exhausted from fighting fires, this legislative lawyer told me the day would be spent on his big plow cleaning up the family's fields of dead cattle and horses. The stench and the flies was overwhelming.
I have lost contact with this family I loved so much; they live(d) back in the Snowy River area mountains, far from civilization. I can only pray they are all right but I know that if those fires back then wreaked so much havoc on their rural existence, things must be very difficult for them at this time.
My fiance's winery was never rebuilt; the forests were no longer suitable for sustainable logging. Their orchards were burnt out; they all had to scatter to cities.
This photo was taken by a relative in the Philippines from her porch. The erupting Taal Volcano is in their backyard but they are safe. I don't get to post family photos often!
Taal contributes to the smoke, not just Australia.
The Canadian tribes have all approved the pipeline. THESE agitators are NOT natives but they are the face of the ORGANIZATION that is blocking the pipeline for the global agenda. Above are agitators from Quebec.
Apparently this photo was taken at a border spot between Canada and the States. It does say a thousand words!
A friend took this photo the other day. This is here in town, our short short snow season. There is still some snow but the worst melted within days. One rainfall and it will all be gone. Every few years we get one of these blizzards just to maintain our membership in Canada!
Yes, a FOLDING CHAIR! Funniest thing ever.
An interesting, almost invisible, glass house up in the trees.
Bernie Sanders moved another step closer to the White House recently
when he stunned his political opponents by securing the endorsement of diminutive actor Danny Devito.
The impact can hardly be overstated, considering the accepted truth of
the old political idiom: "As goes Danny Devito, so goes Rhea Perlman."
Unsurprisingly, Bernie is making a big deal out of the endorsement of a
microscopic sitcom star because it will hopefully distract the media
from the fact that, as revealed by Project Veritas, one or more of
Sanders' campaign field organizers has let the cat out of the bag about
the draconian, anti-American nightmare that a Sanders administration could represent.
Kyle Jurek, who has been paid around $10 grand from Bernie's coffers so
far, says on videotape that "cities will burn" if Sanders doesn't win,
"cops will get f*cking beaten in Milwaukee," and, as was the case in
Cuba, "if you want to fight against the revolution, you're going to die
for it, motherf*cker!"
Jerek went on to explain that Bernie's much touted "free education and
free college" would really amount to propaganda mills and re-education
camps for the "Nazis" who aren't meeting the Left's expectations, and
finished his diatribe explaining that "the only thing fascists
understand is violence, so the only way you can confront them is with violence."
All of this seems at odds with amiable Bernie's promises of free
everything for everybody always, but falls right into place with
historical accounts of pretty much every socialist revolution ever.
Although Jurek, which might well be pronounced "jerk" for all we know,
may represent the fringier edge of Sanders' camp, it is an inescapable
truth that the kind of socialism Bernie is proposing can only end in
violence, poverty, and fascistic control of our nation.
Danny Devito or not, we can't cast a vote for that.
Somewhere in the UK hides this famous photo op. And yes, it is very popular with tourists. Imagine the inhabitants of the home above instructing folks, "Yes we live at the corner of Butthole and Hump."
How many?
When I was younger, I would have considered this guy a nasty brute; now I just wonder why I did not see the truth. But heck I was pretty liberal back in the day.
Pickled beets. Looks so good.
Bloomberg more or less said that this hero, who perfectly nailed a shooter during a church service, saving so many lives, should NOT have had his weapon and the people should have called the police instead. It would have taken 15 minutes for help to arrive. What planet does this hateful creature live on? It certainly is not a place with a jot of common sense.
In this short video, Nancy basically admits she is Jewish, NOT Roman Catholic. "My Father Was a Shabbos Goy".
Mamma Lynx and her kit enjoying spring.
I would like to see a more formal source of the price, but every one I have seen is outrageously high. This is the costliest. These pens are why Nancy delayed delivering the papers to the government; she was waiting on her publicity giveaway. To those pointing out that Trump has given away pens as souvenirs omit the fact that he paid for them out of his own picket.
Before the struggle beings. Wonderful fishing shot.
Trump signed with a $1.99 Sharpie.
Bullets. Tell me she was just doing her job with great sorrow again!
I could SO live here, a great home for an introvert. Just so long as it is "connected" to the rest of the world.
OMG I just noticed this meme comes from an Obama organization but I so agree with the message I will let it stand regardless.
This toothless lass is having an absolutely awesome experience.
Taxes and Liberals tend to take advantage of anything that makes one smile.
Thank you, Mr. James Perloff!
Who runs Great Britain? Who determines rules of speech? Who decides the rules?
If you are outrageously wealthy, you too can bathe in tubs cut from crystals and semi precious stones. This Baldi Amethyst tub was cut from a stone weighing over 10 000 pounds. At $122,000 it is one of the cheaper luxury tubs out there! Some will set you back a mere couple of million. They are available in Malachite, Lapis Lazuli, and almost any stone you can think of. The Malachite and Lapis tubs are beyond gorgeous! The Rose Quartz a dream. Yes, I know a bath is a bath is a bath, but these things are objects of art. But then, I cannot take baths anyhow due to bad knees, have to shower.
Actress and entrepreneur Gwyneth Paltrow is selling candles called "This Smells Like My Vagina." Or we should say she was
selling them, because the first run of $75 candles has already sold
out, presumably to pervy customers who were no longer satisfied with
their "This Smells Like Canned Cat Food"
This presumably opens the door for a flood of other self-scentered liberal celebrity products: Robert De Niro's "This Smells Like My Feet" platform shoes, Joe Biden's "This Smells Like My Female Constituents" shampoo, Greta Thunberg's "This Smells Like My Stolen Childhood" lighter fluid, Stephen Colbert's "This Smells Like the Wax in My Tiny Deformed Ear" cotton swabs, Joy Behar's "This Smells Like My Loud, Sour Farts" air defreshener and, of course, Bill Clinton's "This Smells Like My Intern" cigars.
There is now a surplus of transgender and diverse dolls being pushed on children. Remember when babies and all dolls had no sexual organs? Well now a great number of them come with boy parts despite being dressed as a pretty fairy or a baby girl doll!
Best seal portrait, EVER.
Just up a few miles from my home, this is the place Meghan currently calls home. Local media is already covering her every move.
Great diversion from the Andrew / Epstein scandal.
JT is thrilled to have fellow Trump hating royals moving to OUR country.
The floating homes just down the street.
A prophetic letter to Prince Harry from Meghan's brother. Interesting read and he is very bang on.
Dreams of summer on a cold winter's day...
Loved the three owls, fish and the seal. Thanks for your posts Noor.