You almost did not get this! It is late, what else is new? Around dinner time all electricity was knocked out by high winds. Quite long sitting in the dark with a few candles, considering the fragility of my situation actually. Took a few hours to fix and we were back in business. The walls are still vibrating with the winds. And so the season is actually behaving as it should!
I would like to welcome all the new folk who are coming by to visit. Numbers have been up for the past few weeks. I work hard at this and it is so rewarding... I imagine many of you are coming in from GAB...
And again, don't forget the blog roll to the right. Everything seems to be covered there by someone better off serving serious news than I. The main topic here tonight seems to be the ADL and their regulation of speech, thought, EVERYTHING. In the past I did some deep dives into the ADL, they are a terrorist organization. I imagine those articles have also been removed from my files...
Blessings all! See you in a few days....

No one cares. You are pretty silly; your hubris is blinding you to your TDS.
The artist got it right, the broken glass was outside on the patio, not inside where it would be if the "intruder" had broken in.
Even less appetizing than fake meat! In plastic shells.
Does this look like eggs to you? Shudders. I doubt if even those bears would pay much attention to this slop. Ever since discovering the term "goyslop" awhile ago, I have applied it to almost every food going! They use a small melon-baller to scoop out the egg white and then you put the yolk whatever into it so it LOOKS like an egg.
Of course you remember this lovely woman? Barbara Lerner Spectre....
For many years this man and his dog climbed to the top of a local mountain. The dog is old, unable to make the climb ~ worn out and unable to walk. Here, he will go to sleep forever, in the arms of the man who loves him. The emotions the man must be experiencing....
The Chicago World's Fair
We had these dishes up at our cottage, very fragile glass. This green and also cornflower blue. Mom's fresh fruit pies looked just as nummy as this one. We baked on the wood stove at the time.
Then you have (((Greenblatt and Adam Silver))) out to destroy Kyrie Irving for speaking his truths as well. He is getting the full Gibson treatment and will probably never be forgiven for his temerity. Enforcing the Noahides is very important business for these chabadniks. All he did was suggest that Jews were involved in the slave trade. You are not allowed to criticize or speak truths regarding the ones who rule you.
Shoot this monster. And he is indeed a monster; he and Fauci are kindred spirits when it comes to torturing creatures "for science".
I am hearing that "pregnant person" phrase in many ordinary conversations now. I filled out a medical form a few weeks ago and that phrase was used. It is reprehensible how they are normalizing gender-confusing concepts so that a few decades from now, this will be the only accepted terminology. It is theft from women of the one thing no man can do: GIVE BIRTH.
I could spend the entire day commenting on your various cartoons. That black couple who served only bread at their wedding was such a depression era reality. I grew up on a farm so I never had to go hungry...BUT the poverty of that time left it's imprint on anyone who had to live through it.
ReplyDeleteAssisted suicide!!! This is a subject that will always be controversial. If the powers that be would leave it at "voluntary", then all is good. Anyone who tells me there is no merit in the availability of such has never seen a loved one or a close friend die in pain.... The trouble is, I have no doubt THEY will push this to encompass everyone. And on the subject of digital ID... if you can't figure that out, you're either young of really stupid.
It's almost hilarious to see the pandemic pushers now asking for amnesty! NO PANDEMIC AMNESTY... refer to the Nuremburg trials et al for an explanation.
And on the subject of woodstoves, my mother always said a woodstove turns out better baking than electric,
And lordy do you have some great scenic shots of nature. Some of my best memories are of wandering in the wilds.
Death on demand.
ReplyDeleteNow by choice, at any age you want.
Within a decade, by an age determined by the government.
Be careful what you're asking for.
Hi Noor,
ReplyDeleteMany thanks for all the time and great judgement that you put into your selections every week. Sincerely appreciated, in part because they generally reflect my own views on many of the issues you cover. ;-))
However, I don't totally agree with the 2 flags (Brazil and USA) presented for Rigged Elections as being equals - for the USA, definitely yes (in 2020 and before), for Brazil, not as clear (in the case of this latest election, but yes in the earlier one "won" by Bolsonaro). I lived in Brazil for many years, and was involved in government policies from my responsibilities there.
Lula initially swept into power (2003-2010) with very high popular support almost exclusively from the working classes, but proceeded to govern for the good of Brazilians as a whole. He left office with the highest approval rating of any political leader in the world, by far. His successor, Dilma, who attempted to continue Lula's popular mandate, was overthrown by a CIA-instigated coup (where have we seen that before? Oh, Brazil, for one), and Lula was blocked from running again by another CIA-sponsored dirty tricks operation called Lava Jato (Car Wash), under which he was jailed for allegedly having accepted "bribes" (such as a "free apartment" from a construction firm). The new "criminal record" disqualified Lula from running against Bolsanaro (CIA-approved) the first time, which Lula would have won by a landslide. The Brazilian Supreme Court subsequently ruled that Judge Moro, who led Lava Jato, had acted illegally, and freed Lula and expunged his false "criminal record", allowing him to run again. See this UN Human Rights Commission report: So Lula's win this time around was no surprise to the majority of Brazilians, who greatly missed the economic benefits of Lula's social policies while under Bolsonaro's regime. The "closeness" of the voting results, however, showed that "vote counting" is still a strong factor; Lula's win margin should have been much higher (imho).
Hope this helps to add some context to the Brazilian election system, namely, when there are irregularities, it's usually due to the "sub rosa" interventions of a well-known three-letter agency.
Saludos from Spain!
Your fan de La Belle Province
Another disappointment from your blogroll, I'm afraid, Noor: it turns out the chap calling himself the Cultural Action Party of Canada is a rabid Anglo supremacist. His stuff is not worth reading, I'm sorry to say.
ReplyDeleteHi Noor Great posts as always, 336 the deep space image is awesome. Bet they had fun getting that tire off the cow.
ReplyDeleteI agree with anonymous about Lula, he pulled millions of Brazilians out of poverty and the rich hated him for it.
Keep well.