“There is within America an unseen nation that salutes a foreign flag, follows a foreign agenda, receives assistance from powerful foreign agencies, who has achieved great wealth, great power, who hold many high positions in our government as they have in governments past.
They have the longest history of genocide and the longest history of expulsion from their host country of any group in history.
The Jews formed together into tribes over 2,000 years ago and began to make war upon their neighbors. They continue this war today.
These nomadic tribes were extended families with high levels marriage within the kinship group and marriage to blood relatives. Judaism was a tribal religion with hereditary priests and like the religions around it practiced human sacrifice in the early years.
The list of societies upon whom the Jews engaged in war and genocide is a long one. The Bible is essentially a history of Jewish genocide and conquest and the attempts of the Jews to enslave and dominate other peoples.
Like the pagan Nazis Judaism is a religion of blood and soil, territory and power, war and conquest. The lands that God “gave” to the Jews included the lands of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites, Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaim, Amorites, Canaanites, Girgas***es, and Jebusites. The book of Joshua is a celebration of invasion, rape, murder, plunder, slaughter and genocide.
Historically, the wanderings of the Jews across the globe commence in the fourth century before our era. About 331 B.C. Alexander transported some Jews to Alexandria, Ptolemy sent some of them to Cyrenaica, and about the same time Seleucus led some of them to Antioch.
When Jesus was born Jewish colonies flourished everywhere, and it was among them that Christianity recruited its first adherents. There were Jews in Egypt, in Phoenicia, in Syria, in Coele-Syria, in Pamphylia, in Cilicia, and as far as Bithynia.
In Europe they had settled in Thessalia, Boeotia, Macedonia, Attica and Peloponnesus. They were to be found in the Great Isles, on Euboea, on Crete, on Cyprus, and at Rome. “It is not easy to find a place on earth,” says Strabo, “which has not received that race.”
Why were the Jews hated in all those countries, in all those cities? Because they never entered any city as citizens, but always as a privileged class. Though having left Palestine, they wanted above all to remain Jews, and their native country was still Jerusalem, i.e., the only city where God might be worshiped and sacrifices offered in His Temple.
At Alexandria they were quite numerous. According to Philo, Alexandria was divided into five wards. Two were inhabited by the Jews. The privileges accorded to them by Caesar were engraved on a column and guarded by them as a precious treasure. They had their own Senate with exclusive jurisdiction in Jewish affairs, and they were judged by an ethnarch.
They were ship-owners, traders, farmers, most of them wealthy; the sumptuousness of their monuments and synagogues bore witness to it. The Ptolemies made them farmers of the revenues; this was one of the causes of popular hatred against them. Besides, they had a monopoly of navigation on the Nile, of the grain trade and of provisioning Alexandria, and they extended their trade to all the provinces along the Mediterranean coast.
They accumulated great fortunes; this gave rise to the Iinuidia auri Judaici. The growing resentment against these foreign cornerers, constituting a nation within a nation, led to popular disturbances; the Jews were frequently assaulted, and Germanicu, among others, had great trouble protecting them.
Since the destruction of their Temple in 70 AD the Jews have again dispersed to many nations as an invisible nation, the nation of Israel, living within the borders of other nations, an invisible nation with its own policies, elections and goals.
Historically, in societies where there were large numbers of Jews, they repeatedly become a powerful, elite group only to fall from power for their activities and be expelled and/or slaughtered. The Jews have been expelled or slaughtered in over a hundred countries, city-states and provinces for their activities the last 1,000 years. An intelligent person would ask why.
"We can live among other nations and states only as long as we succeed in persuading them that the Jews are not a distinct people, but are the representatives of a religious faith who, therefore, constitute a 'religious community,' though this be of a peculiar character. As a matter of fact, this is the greatest of our falsehoods.
"We are obliged to conceal our own particular character and mode of life so that we will be allowed to continue our existence as a parasite among the nations." ~ THE HIDDEN TYRANNY, THE INTERVIEW WITH HAROLD WALLACE ROSENTHAL
The Jews are a highly ethno-centric people. They are conditioned from early life to think of the Jews and the “other”, the goim (or goyim). Good is what is good for the Jews.
Where they abide in any numbers they often coalesce into exclusionary, authoritarian groups that often have tremendous solidarity and cohesiveness. They cooperate in highly organized, and mutually reinforcing groups that can be quite effective in achieving Jewish goals.
With their cohesiveness and sometimes hyper-ethnocentrism the Jews form an Ethnic Intelligence Apparatus that promotes their economic and cultural interests over and above the interests of the nation in which they live.
In the last century we have evidence of this promoting their own interests of those of their host country. In both WW1 and WW2 they betrayed Germany, a country in which they were flourishing. Then they declared war on Germany and started an international embargo against all things German. This was all part of the build up that brought Hitler to power and set the stage for WW2.
The founder of the Rothschilds. used it to great effect. Where they abide in any numbers they often coalesce into exclusionary, authoritarian groups that often have tremendous solidarity and cohesiveness. They cooperate in highly organized, and mutually reinforcing groups that can be quite effective in achieving Jewish goals.
With their cohesiveness and sometimes hyper-ethnocentrism the Jews form an Ethnic Intelligence Apparatus that promotes their economic and cultural interests over and above the interests of the nation in which they live. The founder of the Rothschilds. used it to great effect.
Historically one of the major themes of anti-Jewish movements has been Jewish economic domination. Western societies are individualistic in their basic approach; the Jewish cultural form is collective with a strong sense of group identity. The Chosen People of God and the “other”.
In the midst of a disunited middle class, whose members are engaged in a perpetual struggle against one another, the Jews stand united as one. This is the secret of their success. Their solidarity is all the stronger in that it goes so far back. Its very existence is denied, and yet it is undeniable.
"At a very early date, urged on by the desire to make our way in the world, Jews began to look for a means whereby we might distract all attention from the racial aspect.
"What could be more effective, and at the same time more above suspicion, than to borrow and utilize the idea of a religious community? We've been forced to borrow this idea from the Aryans.
"We Jews never possessed any religious institution which developed out of our own consciousness, for we lack any kind of idealism. This means that a belief in life beyond this terrestrial existence is foreign to us.
"It is a collection of instructions for maintaining the Jewish race and regulating: intercourses between us and the goy. Our teachings; are not concerned with moral problems, but rather with how to 'get.' ~ The Hidden Tyranny, Interview with Harold Wallace Rosenthal
The Jews came together in their synagogues, not only to listen to the reading of the Law, but also for the discussion of their private affairs and for the purpose of exchanging views upon the general course of events.
All the synagogues were closely connected in a vast federation which included within its scope the entire ancient world, progressing parallel with the expansion of the Macedonian power and Hellenistic civilization. They communicated with one another by messengers and kept one another in constant touch with events, the knowledge of which was likely to prove useful.” ~ Bernard Lazare, Antisemitism
Zionism is an ideology of blood and soil and the ideology of even secular Zionism involves “Jewishness” even though there is no racially pure separate group of Jews.
The most powerful and numerous group ~ the Ashkenazi ~ are ethnically Eastern Europeans from Khazar who converted in the middle ages.
It is the Sephardic Jews and Arab and Christian Palestinians ~ second-class citizens in Israel ~ who actually share the blood of the original Jews of the Bible. For this reason even while many religious Jews reject Zionism, secular Zionism itself needs religion for its raison d’etre for there is no real tie of blood to which they can otherwise appeal.”
“Jews are at the extreme of this Middle Eastern tendency toward hypercollectivism and hyperethnocentrism. The profound depths of Jewish ethnocentrism are intimately tied up with a sense of historical persecution.
Jewish memory is a memory of persecution and impending doom, a memory that justifies any response because ultimately it is Jewish survival that is at stake.”~ Source: Kevin MacDonald, Understanding Jewish Influence
“There are contrasting cultural forms between the Middle Eastern tribalism of the Jews and the people of the individualistic West. There is within Judaism a hatred of those who are non-Jews, a sanctified contempt for the “other”.
A racewise outlook similar to that developed by the Nazis in Germany. Kevin MacDonald spoke of it in “Understanding Jewish Influence” as a “normative, fanatical hatred”.
Judaism taps into the human capacity for hate
and uses it for group survival.
After all, it is the goyim who stand in the way of the Jews fulfilling their holy scripture and building the third kingdom, from fulfilling the holy scripture that calls them to rule over the goyim.
What we have just temporarily belongs to us, it actually belongs to the Jews who are the Chosen People and they can get their property back by whatever means they choose.
Judaism is a tribal, racist religion with fanatical elements. It is an ethnic/national religion that throughout its history has been known for fanaticism and messianic expectations.
Historically it seeks economic dominion over the “other” through the Jews Ethnic Intelligence Apparatus. The Chosen People and the “other”, sub-human according to the scriptures.
In the holy book of the Talmud, dealing with the non-Jews who are often referred to as goyim or akum, it says: Book of Baba Mezia, 114b it says “The Jews are called human beings, but the non-Jews are not humans. They are beasts”, in Schene luchoth haberuth, p 250b: “Although the non-Jew has the same body structure as the Jew, they compare with the Jew as a monkey to a human.”
Do you think we would hear about it from the Jews if our scripture said: “The Christians are called human beings, but the Jews are not humans. They are beasts”. Or. “Although the Jew has the same body structure as the Christian, they compare with the Christian as a monkey to a human.”?
Source: The New American Order
For more understanding of how this culture operates please read THE HIDDEN TYRANNY ~ THE INTERVIEW WITH HAROLD WALLACE ROSEN. It is an eye opening read that will change your thinking forever about the world and how these people think and operate.
To bring home the point regarding beasts as mentioned above I present two recent cartoons that were floating around the net a month or so ago.
When this cartoon came out, the ADL raised a huge fuss because they were offended by a very minor reference to the ancient Jews by the Minister.
HOWEVER, THIS cartoon from a Jewish magazine was treated as merely a joke and a parody! Despite complaints, it was let stand.
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