to bear witness to their beloved fathers death
~ and the memorial ceremony
at the Staple Center in LA, on Tuesday July 7 2009

a healthy and young looking Michael Jackson
on his " Victory Tour " USA 1984
Michael left behind a valuable trust, a great treasure of music, among many other praise worthy act's, humanitarian charity work,and environmental focused campaigns which reached global awareness to save our ravaged mother earth, he campaigned to protect and preserved the Amazon, the last greenbelts on our planet.
To everybody whom had the privilege to get to know him, Michael's gracefulness was well known. When he performed on stage he was the megastar. In real life he desired his privacy; he did not trust people; he avoided contact with strangers, but he became a genuine friend to those he knew well and trusted. Michael was as pure in heart as a child, he loved his fans whom followed him on his tours around the world and he loved kids, he played with them as if he was one of them.

Michael learned not to trust, after that he was "utterly betrayed" by a British sensation-journalist, hired for blood money, aimed to destroy Michael's reputation. These lies became a disaster for Michael, causing him physical pain and mental anguish.
When the documentary "Living with Michael Jackson’ ~ conducted by the British journalist Martin Bashir was screened in February 2003, allegations of molesting kids came up against him. While filmed at Michael Jackson's estate, the beloved Neverland, by editing out parts where Michael was phrased as a great father to his own children, Martin Bashir portrayed Michael as a pedophile to other children.
Michael said in a videotaped statement that Bashir "utterly betrayed" him. Bashir's presence as a guest at Neverland was intrusive; he came there to violate the home and peace of Michael and his family; in a callous self-interest, masked as sympathy. " Bashir persuaded me to trust him, he said to me that the documentary would be an honest and fair portrayal of my life".
“Today I feel more betrayed than perhaps ever before ~ Bashir is someone, who had got to know my children, me and my staff, whom I let into my privacy, my heart and the truth; he then sacrificed the trust that I placed in him by producing this terrible and unfair documentary".
In 2005, a weak and sickly Michael was tried and acquitted of child molestation allegations, the accusations had provoked a decline in his health. Michael got a small revenge when a footage of Bashir, was aired on American television.
The man who had earlier said that Neverland was a “dangerous place” for children ~ here praised Michael's skills as a parent. He told Michael: “Your relationship with your children is spectacular. It almost makes me weep when I see you with them, because your interaction with the children is so natural, so loving and so caring.”
Michael ex-wife Debbie Rowe in 2001, two years prior to Bashir's documentary, made a petition asking to sever her parental rights. She wrote that she thought that Jackson was doing a very good job parenting his children: “Michael has been a wonderful father to our children, and I do not wish to share any parenting responsibility with Michael because he is doing so well without me.” Michael divorced Debbie after 3 years of marriage.
Michael is gone now; how did he die? Michael gave his soul to the world. He was born a bright star. With his lyrics and music, the marvelous chord sequence and the pristine purity of his voice, he will touch the hearts of many for generations to come. Thanks Michael for your music, thanks for your humanity, a great heritage to all the many millions( including the author) who understood, appreciated, and truly loved you.

LIVING WITH MICHAEL JACKSON ~ This televised version contains many alterations of parts of interviews with Michael. The crucial parts have been cut to show Jackson as a crazed pedophile.
LIVING WITH MICHAEL JACKSON TAKE 2 ~ The damage done, we now see Michael's rebuttal of the damning version released by Bashir. Here you hear the comments complete without the editing and alterations.
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