I received this long email from my friend Arthur. It is late, I am tired, but THIS must be posted ASAP for you all to share the news. The war is far from over, but the beginning salvos have been sounded. The first part is Arthur's introduction to what you are to read.
I have other articles myself on some of these and other issues which will go up soon. I have a lot of pieces on pornography and these folks, as well as the slave trade. I swear, this is not a moment too soon. Chances are also good that over the next few days I might add a few more links etc to this piece.
Hopefully, much much more to come as these scum are exposed to the light of decency and truth. May they shrivel in the brightness of their exposure. Damn I wish I could write as beautifully and powerfully as Arthur does!
Gilad Atzmon's short article/commentary on the increasing exposure of crimes committed by Jews is a most welcome addition to the growing list of criticism of political Zionism that's building across the internet with each passing day.
Given the fact that the Zionist Jews have held the global media in their iron-fisted grasp for a century or longer I cannot stress enough the joy of now being able to witness, in all its grandeur and importance, this amazing technological tool known as the world wide web.
Like a spider's web surrounding the earth with its sensitive, sticky digital filaments ~ picking up any and all nuances of movement and change ~ the Internet is proving over and over that it's anarchic design (allowing for the only pure form of individual expression and uncensored data) is the consummate avenue open to humanity in which information can come through freely for human mind consumption based upon personal choice and free will.
As such, the INTERNET is the Achilles Heel
to any and all who are found out
committing crimes against either humanity
or the Earth Mother and her myriad children.
to any and all who are found out
committing crimes against either humanity
or the Earth Mother and her myriad children.
Being the new electronic Sword of Truth pulled forth in Arthurian style from the Stone of Ignorance and Lies, its obvious purpose, in a world growing more and more debt and war weary and truth deprived, is to slash through the Gordian underbrush of lies and the detritus of deceit created by this Rothschild-induced, satanic syndicate of mind-control and expose to the clear light of day the ongoing machinations by Jews who formerly would have escaped the notice of masses.
Referencing all these recent revelations to my own battle with B'nai Brith Canada and its somewhat sordid record of abuse via the unconstitutional use of Section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Act as well as other controversial examples, I find the actions of these stalwart censors for Israel and Zionism to be a growing part of the overall picture of sinister subterfuge that's plagued humanity for much too long.
Along with those specific crimes that Mr. Atzmon pin-points in his pithy piece I would also add some Canadian examples such as the recent arrest of Quebec's former Regional Director of B'nai Brith Canada, Bill Surkis, a prominent member of Montreal's Jewish community who was charged with possessing and accessing child pornography.
Along with those specific crimes that Mr. Atzmon pin-points in his pithy piece I would also add some Canadian examples such as the recent arrest of Quebec's former Regional Director of B'nai Brith Canada, Bill Surkis, a prominent member of Montreal's Jewish community who was charged with possessing and accessing child pornography.
It's an established fact amongst those who have researched the subject that the Jews are responsible for the creation of the Pornography Industry. It's also an admitted fact that the creators of this multi-million dollar "business" are proud that its main purpose is to undermine and destroy Christian morality.
Yet, for all that, they still spend millions of dollars to convince average Canadians that their primary reason for existing is to fight against "anti-Semitism" and "discrimination".
Yet, for all that, they still spend millions of dollars to convince average Canadians that their primary reason for existing is to fight against "anti-Semitism" and "discrimination".
All of this is bogus of course; a cover-up.
They are in existence under false pretenses.
Their modus operandi is not to prevent unjust discrimination against Jews but to prevent honest debate and criticism of the racist Jewish state of Israel and its attendant political ideology known as Zionism.
They are in existence under false pretenses.
Their modus operandi is not to prevent unjust discrimination against Jews but to prevent honest debate and criticism of the racist Jewish state of Israel and its attendant political ideology known as Zionism.
We must not forget that B'nai Brith International was established by the Rothschild Jews in New York City back in 1843 as a Masonic Lodge. Seventy years later, in 1913, it produced an off-shoot known as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) whose primary function was to defame and smear anyone who criticized Jewish supremacy with the egregious epithet "anti-Semite."
As readers will likely be aware by now this same practice of smear is still being used on myself and RadicalPress.com as well as others in Canada who have the temerity to challenge the assumed supremacy of the Rothschild Zionist Jews.
And so I thank Gilad Atzmon for highlighting this issue for us. I'm certain that as the months pass we will be seeing more and more examples of such perfidy presenting themselves to the tender touch of the www for all to witness.
Shine your Light for Love, Peace & Justice for All,
Arthur Topham
Canada's Radical News Network
"Digging to the root of the issues since 1998"
Time to Talk about the Rise of Jewish Crime?
By Gilad Atzmon
July 24th, 2009
Gilad Atzmon
"I am what you call a matchmaker," Rosenbaum is quoted as saying at a July 13 meeting with the two undercover agents.
"I'm doing this a long time," the complaint says Rosenbaum told the two agents. He then added: "Let me explain to you one thing. It's illegal to buy or sell organs. … So you cannot buy it. What you do is, you're giving a compensation for the time."
Rabbi Yitzchak Levi Rosenbaum of Brooklyn
As we learn from Liberal Democrat Shadow Home Secretary Chris Huhne that “Britain is setting a shameful new record in anti-Semitic incidents this year,” we also happen to be informed by every press outlet about the massive New Jersey Corruption Sweep: A shocking tale of money-laundering and human organ trading led by a bunch of Rabbis.
Agents led suspects from F.B.I. headquarters in Newark on Thursday. The inquiry began with questions on money laundering.
The NY Times reports “It was replete with tales of the illegal sales of body parts; of furtive negotiations in diners, parking lots and boiler rooms”. In an article titled the “Jewish Launderette” [editor's note: this is in Hebrew only] the Israeli Ynet takes it further providing the juicy details.
“The FBI raided synagogues and arrested a few Rabbis. One of those who are held in custody is Rabbi Yitzchak Levi Rosenbaum of Brooklyn who is suspected of trading in body parts.
He is charged with a decade-long activity selling kidneys, exploiting both ill and poor donators. He would convince a donator to sell his kidney for $10.000. Rabbi Levi Rosenbaum would then sell the kidney to the needy for $160.000.”
“The FBI raided synagogues and arrested a few Rabbis. One of those who are held in custody is Rabbi Yitzchak Levi Rosenbaum of Brooklyn who is suspected of trading in body parts.
He is charged with a decade-long activity selling kidneys, exploiting both ill and poor donators. He would convince a donator to sell his kidney for $10.000. Rabbi Levi Rosenbaum would then sell the kidney to the needy for $160.000.”
I may raise the inevitable question here, can you imagine your local priest or Imam trading in ‘body parts’? Can you think of a Muslim cleric or a pastor trying to buy your kidney or sell you one in a ‘parking lot’ or in a 'diner’?
Here is my suggestion to Liberal Democrat Shadow Home Secretary and everyone else who happens to be ‘concerned’ with the ‘rise of anti-Semitism’.
In the light of Israeli brutality, the conviction of gross swindler Madoff and the latest images of Rabbis being taken away by FBI agents, it is about time we stop discussing the rise of anti-Semitism and start to elaborate on the rise of Jewish Crime.
Former B'nai Brith Canada Regional
Director faces child-porn charges
Director faces child-porn charges
May 29, 2009
B'nai Brith's Bill Surkis
Bill Surkis, a prominent member of Montreal's Jewish community, was led to court in handcuffs Friday to face two charges related to accessing and possessing child pornography.
Surkis, 69, is the former Quebec Regional Director of B'nai Brith Canada, a Jewish advocacy group. He also worked in the education sector for 47 years, serving as academic dean at John Abbott College for more than two decades.
He was released on bail, on a number of conditions that restrict his access to children and the Internet.
Virus check on computer revealed pornographic material.
The child pornography was allegedly discovered after Surkis took his computer to a store to be checked out for viruses.
"It was the people at the computer store who noticed these images on his computer," said CTV Montreal's Rob Lurie, reporting live from the Montreal courthouse.
"We're talking about 23 videos, allegedly of child pornography, found on the hard drive of his computer," Lurie added.
The employees at the computer notified police of the suspicious material.
Surkis turned himself in on Thursday, and spent the night in jail.
Surkis spoke briefly to reporters Friday afternoon before leaving the Montreal courthouse.
"They're serious charges. We're looking into them. My lawyer's working with me. We're coming back to court on September 24th and we'll proceed from there."
Surkis said members of the Jewish community will be disappointed by the news of the charges against him, but said he remains hopeful that he will maintain his reputation.
"They know me as a staunch individual, they know that I've stood for what is right. I continue to stand for what is right. That's why we're doing the things that we're doing so that we can clear my name."
When Surkis was asked how the pornographic material ended up on his hard drive, his lawyer, Steven Slimovitch, intervened.
"Look, I think that's something that we can discuss when the time comes...it's not a question of denying...it's a question of looking at what is it we're talking about, looking at everything, and dealing with everything," said Slimovitch.
"We're not hiding. We voluntarily went to the police station yesterday. We are fully cooperating with the police. We've accepted the conditions that the crown prosecution has put (in place) and we're taking the matter very, very seriously," he added.
British anti-Semitism doubled
after Gaza war
British anti-Semitism doubled
after Gaza war
By Cnaan Liphshiz
"Britain is setting a shameful new record in anti-Semitic incidents this year," Liberal Democrat Shadow Home Secretary Chris Huhne said Thursday in reaction to a report by Britain's Jewish community which speaks of an unprecedented number of anti-Semitic hate crimes.
The Community Security Trust (CST), which monitors anti-Semitism and provides security for the Jewish community in Britain, said that it had recorded 609 anti-Semitic incidents across the U.K. from January to June this year - over double the 276 for the same period last year, mostly connected to Israel's operation in Gaza.
Huhne added that "it is absurd that home-grown bigots should hold British Jews responsible for the actions of a foreign government. We cannot have overseas conflicts echoed on Britain's streets."
The report names 2009 the worst year since CST's records began in 1984, with the number of incidents already exceeding that of the previous record year, 598 in 2006. Israel's conflict with Hamas in Gaza and southern Israel is cited in the report as the main reason for the record high, since it "produced an anti-Semitic reaction."
Of the incidents, 286 occurred in January, with over half of them (158) featuring direct reference to the fighting.
"This was by far the worst single month ever recorded, but the anti-Semitic surge continued," the report said. February saw 111 anti-Semitic incidents. Levels had returned to "normal" by May, with 51 incidents.
In response to the report, British Foreign Office Minister Ivan Lewis said: "I am deeply concerned by the rise in the number of anti-Semitic incidents as reported by the CST today. The British government is firmly committed to tackling and reducing all forms of racism including anti-Semitism. We simply cannot tolerate those who seek to use foreign conflicts to justify racism and criminal acts against any U.K. citizen."
"The U.K.'s Jewish community is an integral part of the rich fabric that makes up modern Britain and must be able to live their lives free from fear of verbal or physical attack. The Government was in regular contact with senior community figures and the CST during the Gaza conflict and remains alert to their concerns," he added.
44 Charged by U.S. in
New Jersey Corruption Sweep
New Jersey Corruption Sweep
Louis Lanzano
Associated Press
Associated Press
Agents led suspects from F.B.I. headquarters in Newark on Thursday. The inquiry began with questions on money laundering.
Published: July 23, 2009
Robert Stolarik
The New York Times
The New York Times
A two-year corruption and international money-laundering investigation stretching from the Jersey Shore to Brooklyn to Israel and Switzerland culminated in charges against 44 people on Thursday, including three New Jersey mayors, two state assemblymen and five rabbis, the authorities said.
Peter J. Cammarano III, leaving the courthouse in Newark, was elected Hoboken mayor in June. He is accused of agreeing to help a supposed developer with his projects in exchange for cash.
The case began with bank fraud charges against a member of an insular Syrian Jewish enclave centered in a seaside town. But when that man became a federal informant and posed as a crooked real estate developer offering cash bribes to obtain government approvals, it mushroomed into a political scandal that could rival any of the most explosive and sleazy episodes in New Jersey’s recent past.
It was replete with tales of the illegal sales of body parts; of furtive negotiations in diners, parking lots and boiler rooms; of nervous jokes about “patting down” a man who turned out to indeed be an informant; and, again and again, of the passing of cash ~ once in a box of Apple Jacks cereal stuffed with $97,000.
“For these defendants, corruption was a way of life,” Ralph J. Marra Jr., the acting United States attorney in New Jersey, said at a news conference. “They existed in an ethics-free zone.”
Mr. Marra said that average citizens “don’t have a chance” against the culture of influence peddling the investigation had unearthed.
Even veteran political observers were taken aback by the scope of the investigation. The mayors of Hoboken, Secaucus and Ridgefield were among those arrested.
“This is so massive,” said Joseph Marbach, a political scientist at Seton Hall University. “It’s going to just reinforce the stereotype of New Jersey politics and corruption.”
The arrests had immediate reverberations in the governor’s race, and a member of Gov. Jon S. Corzine’s administration was forced to resign after federal agents raided his home.
The authorities laid out two separate schemes, one involving money laundering that led to rabbis and members of the Syrian Jewish community in Brooklyn and in the Jersey Shore town of Deal, where many of them have summer homes. The other dealt with political corruption and bribery and involved public officials mostly in Jersey City and Hoboken, where the pace of development has been particularly intense in recent years.
Linking the two schemes was the federal informant who was not named in court papers but whom people involved with the investigation identified as Solomon Dwek, a failed real estate developer and philanthropist who was arrested in May 2006 on charges of passing a bad $25 million check at a bank in Monmouth County, N.J.
Early on, Mr. Dwek helped investigators penetrate an extensive network of money laundering that involved rabbis in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn, where the Syrian Jewish community is based, and in Deal and Elberon, towns on the Jersey Shore.
Mr. Dwek, a well-known member of the Syrian Jewish community whose parents founded the Deal Yeshiva, never concealed that he was facing bank fraud charges, instead telling targets, who included three rabbis in Brooklyn and two in New Jersey, that he was bankrupt and trying to conceal his assets, according to people involved in the case. The targets, in turn, accepted bank checks Mr. Dwek made out to charities that they oversaw, deducted a fee, and returned the rest to him in cash.
Much of the cash they provided him came from Israel, and some of that in turn came from a Swiss banker, prosecutors said. All told, some $3 million was laundered for Mr. Dwek since June 2007, prosecutors said.
The case shifted to focus on public corruption, prosecutors say, after one of the men accused of money laundering, Moshe Altman of Monsey, N.Y., a Hudson County developer, introduced Mr. Zwek to a politically connected building inspector in Jersey City, who then steered him to another city official, Maher Khalil.
Mr. Khalil, who is accused of accepting $30,000 in bribes from Mr. Dwek, made a series of referrals to what he called “players,” helping Mr. Dwek to branch out to a web of public officials, mayoral and council candidates, and their confidants.
Mr. Dwek ~ now operating under an assumed identity, according to people involved in the case ~ honed an approach: introduced to a local influence-peddler, he would say he was looking to build high-rises or other projects in their city or county.
He would offer $5,000 in cash for an upcoming campaign, or as a straight-up bribe, with the promise of more to come, and with earnest pleas that his official requests be “taken care of.” And he would pull the money out of the trunk of his car.
He also came up with a lingo: corrupt payments were “invitations,” approvals for development projects were “opportunities.” The communities where his pitch appears to have worked included Jersey City, Hoboken, Bayonne, Ridgefield and parts of Ocean County.
Among the public officials arrested were Mayor Peter J. Cammarano III of Hoboken, who was a City Council member before he took office as mayor on July 1, and Mayor Dennis Elwell of Secaucus, both Democrats; Assemblyman L. Harvey Smith of Jersey City, also a Democrat; and Assemblyman Daniel M. Van Pelt, a Republican from Ocean County.
Like some of the others arrested, Mr. Smith, a former teacher, ran for office on an anticorruption platform, telling The New York Times: “I don’t take cash. I don’t let people give me things.” He is charged with taking $15,000 in bribes.
Mr. Van Pelt, who sits on an assembly committee that oversees the Department of Environmental Protection, was accused of accepting money to help the informant obtain environmental permits. In a meeting in Atlantic City in February, prosecutors charged, Mr. Van Pelt assured Mr. Dwek that the environmental agency “worked for” him, then took $10,000 in cash and told the informant to call him “any time.”
The bulk of the corruption charges arose in Hudson County. The president of the City Council in Jersey City, Mariano Vega Jr., and the city’s deputy mayor, Leona Beldini, were also arrested. Mr. Vega took three $10,000 payments before and after the municipal elections in May, prosecutors said. Anthony R. Suarez, the mayor of Ridgefield, in Bergen County, was charged with accepting $10,000 in bribes.
The court papers suggest the ease, and the relatively modest payments, with which local officials seemed willing to be part of the scheme.
In Hoboken, prosecutors charge in their complaint, Mr. Cammarano, then a councilman running for mayor, eagerly agreed in a meeting at the Malibu Diner this year to help Mr. Dwek with his projects in exchange for cash. Prosecutors said that when Mr. Dwek asked for assurances that his requests would be expedited by the Hoboken City Council, Mr. Cammarano replied, “I promise you,” adding, “You’re going to be, you’re going to be treated like a friend.”
Mr. Dwek responded that he would give a middleman $5,000 in cash for Mr. Cammarano and another $5,000 after his election as mayor.
“O.K.,” Mr. Cammarano replied, according to the complaint. “Beautiful.”
And Mr. Cammarano expressed confidence that he would be elected no matter what, according to the complaint. “Right now, the Italians, the Hispanics, the seniors are locked down,” he is quoted as saying. “Nothing can change that now.”
“I could be, uh, indicted,” he continued, “and I’m still going to win 85 to 95 percent of those populations.”
It is not clear from the federal documents whether Mr. Dwek indeed owned any properties or whether any of the developments he proposed were ever built.
In the money laundering scheme, the rabbis arrested included Saul J. Kassin, 87, a leader of the Syrian Jewish community in Brooklyn and New Jersey; Mordchai Fish and Lavel Schwartz, both rabbis in Brooklyn; and Eliahu Ben Haim and Edmund Nahum, who lead congregations in Deal.
Rabbi Nahum, prosecutors said, told Mr. Dwek that he should spread his money through a number of rabbis. “The more it’s spread the better,” Rabbi Nahum said, according to the complaint.
Another man in Brooklyn, Levy-Izhak Rosenbaum, was accused of enticing vulnerable people to give up a kidney for $10,000 and then selling the organ for $160,000. Mr. Dwek pretended to be soliciting a kidney on behalf of someone and Mr. Rosenbaum said that he had been in business of buying organs for years, according to the complaint.
Weysan Dun, the special agent in charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Newark office, emphasized that the case was motivated by neither religion nor politics. That is an important point since New Jersey governor’s race pits a former United States attorney, Christopher J. Christie, a Republican, under whom the investigation began, against the Democratic incumbent, Mr. Corzine, whose administration was caught up in the arrests Thursday.
Agents raided the home of Joseph V. Doria Jr., commissioner of the state’s Department of Community Affairs. Mr. Doria, who is also the former mayor of Bayonne, resigned hours later at Governor Corzine’s request, officials said.
“Any corruption is unacceptable ~ anywhere, anytime, by anybody,” the governor said in a statement. “The scale of corruption we’re seeing as this unfolds is simply outrageous and cannot be tolerated.” He also called for the resignations of Mr. Smith and Mr. Van Pelt.
Mr. Christie called it a “really tragic day,” and said that he had worked “extraordinarily hard” to combat corruption in his seven years as a prosecutor, but that, “unfortunately, today is another example that there is much work still to be done.”
Outside Hoboken’s City Hall on Thursday, where a sign still had Mr. Cammarano’s predecessor’s name on it, residents chatted about the news. Some said they had come to expect as much from their politicians.
Others retained the capacity for shock. Carlos Ochoa, 63, a city street sweeper, said he had volunteered for the new mayor’s campaign. “I’m very disappointed,” he said. “I had a lot of expectations of him.”
Reporting was contributed by Kitty Bennett, David W. Chen, Kareem Fahim, William K. Rashbaum, Nate Schweber and Karen Zraick.
This article has been revised to reflect the following correction:
Correction: July 25, 2009
A chart in some editions on Friday with an article about the arrest of 44 people in a New Jersey corruption investigation misstated the title of Joseph V. Doria Jr., a state official who resigned after federal agents raided his home. He was the commissioner of community affairs, not the director of consumer affairs.
Arthur Topham is the Publisher and Editor of RadicalPress.com. He is currently involved in a free speech battle with the League for Human Rights of B’nai Brith Canada.
He is also in extremely dire need of financial support to sustain this battle with the forces of repression and censorship as he is not able to work during this period of intense litigation with the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the CHR Tribunal. Any donations therefore would be most welcome. Please see the following url on the Home Page (upper right hand corner)
http://www.radicalpress.com/?page_id=657 regarding donations. Also there is a “DONATE” button there for Paypal or here at https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4466120 . Feel free to use any of them if you can help out. Thanks.
For the Full Monty on the complaint case involving RadicalPress.com and B’nai Brith Canada please see: http://www.radicalpress.com/?page_id=995
(Anyone seen this recent web item?)
David Letterman's hate is as old as some ancient Hebrew prophets.
Speaking of anti-Semitism, it's Jerry Falwell and other fundy leaders who've gleefully predicted that in the future EVERY nation will be against Israel (an international first?) and that TWO-THIRDS of all Jews will be killed, right?
Wrong! It's the ancient Hebrew prophet Zechariah who predicted all this in the 13th and 14th chapters of his book! The last prophet, Malachi, explains the reason for this future Holocaust that'll outdo even Hitler's by stating that "Judah hath dealt treacherously" and "the Lord will cut off the man that doeth this" and asks "Why do we deal treacherously every man against his brother?"
Haven't evangelicals generally been the best friends of Israel and persons perceived to be Jewish? Then please explain the recent filthy, hate-filled, back-stabbing tirades by David Letterman (and Sandra Bernhard and Kathy Griffin) against a leading evangelical named Sarah Palin, and explain why most Jewish leaders have seemingly condoned Palin's continuing "crucifixion"!
While David, Sandra, and Kathy are tragically turning comedy into tragedy, they are also helping to speed up and fulfill the Final Holocaust a la Zechariah and Malachi, thus helping to make the Bible even more believable!
(For even more stunning information, visit MSN, Google etc. and type in "Separation of Raunch and State," "Michael the Narc-Angel," "Bible Verses Obama Avoids," and "Hate Bill Favoritism.")
What is so terrifying is that the Jews already control the U.S. government through their powerful lobbys. The Jews also control the courts, the media, major corporations and the banks. This has already happened and the Jews are now so entrenched in powerful positions that it will be virtually impossible to give this country back to the people, the 95% who have been exploited by the Jews. I wish this were a simple problem with a simple solution but it appears insoluble. Every country in the world where Jews have invaded have expelled them, including England. The Occupy Wall Street movement recognizes that the Jews are largely to blame for the current economic crisis because of their economic and finacial trickery. An example of this is the bundling of worthless mortgages, called "derivatives," bribing the rating agencies to rate them "AAA" and then selling them to unsuspecting investors. Another example is the powerful Jewish-controlled hedge funds which still manipulate Wall Street. This keeps me up at night as I am in danger of losing everything because of the Jews and their criminal activities.