July 15, 2009
Now, we all should know something is up. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out. In fact, I consider those who blow it all off as hogwash as fairly naïve (which is a nice way of saying blithering idiot). Something’s going on ~ you can just sense it. Plus, if you know some of the more unmentioned, but factual history of the last hundred years or so, and are not blinded by PC, you’ll be able to spot it. Some call it ”hiding in plain sight.”
I once read (or think I did) this one particular quote and I’ve looked for it a lot in the past, but just can’t find it anywhere. I think it was from Machiavelli, but I don’t know for sure. So I’ll just rewrite it and call it my own:
“It not WHO they talk about that’s in charge, but who they DON’T talk about, that are the real powers that be.”
Just who don’t they talk about? If you simply watch TV (woe unto you), you can get some sense of it if you read between the lines a little and make mental notes on what they seem willing to discuss and what they don’t. Make note how they slander any racially-awakened Whites, White patriot communities of any sort, or use tin-foil hat ridicule tactics on the “left-winger,” but still PC 9/11 truthers, since they might get too close to the real deal. Which, ironically enough, is the true raison d’être behind “PC” in the first place. Read on.
Going back to the first part of this series “Are Bigfoot and Aliens Jewish?,” I pointed out that regular Jewry is NOT under some secret orders from Jew headquarters, since such a thing is clearly ridiculous. But the real powers that be, have socially and politically enlisted hundreds of thousands of foot soldiers through the owned media and by quietly financing educational foundations that indoctrinate the masses with the PC mantra; all of which effectively shields the real Power Structure, since they are undoubtedly Jewish.
It’s quite simple really, when you think about it. And diabolical.
All of the Political Correct business, all of the Holocaust and Jew victimhood stuff, all of the evil White Man racism biz ~ all of it is expressly designed to silence and intimidate White people from speaking out and forming political groups dedicated to White interests. If such things existed, attention would quickly fall on those really behind the curtain. They’ve understood this simple logic and group dynamic for quite some time.
In doing all this, they’ve effectively turned their own race into Public Relations spinmeisters for Israel and Jewry in general, right along with making them extremely militant and paranoid about any White who dares breath a word about them.
Even saying the “Jew” word is now virtually off-limits in the media. When uttered, it must be in conjunction with the victimhood angle, absolutely never anything to do with any conspiracies, unless it is done in a contemptuous fashion, like ridiculing Medieval Whites for believing some evil superstitions about the Jew (along with great TV imagery of ignorant and unwashed White Europeans).
One recent example: The History Channel they did this thing on Freemasonry and Freemason symbols. They showed the US seal on the back of the dollar and did a cute graphic of the stars forming a “hexagram” which moved over to the left corner forming an anagram of MASONS. How sinister.
Funny thing: They completely failed to mention that it was also the Star of David, or the Rothschild Shield, even though it stood out like a sore thumb to any viewer with half a brain.
No, I’m not saying it was the mark of Jewry on us all. Could be. But what I am trying to say here, is that they blatantly ignored the possibility. Another thing that went carefully unmentioned, is all the specifically Jewish Freemason organizations that we know are out there, like the giant international ADL and the completely Jewish Freemason lodges from Israel to Manhattan.
What they don’t want to do, and I do know for a fact that they have express orders not to, is feed the “Conspiracy People” or, God forbid, all us evil White racist, NeoNazis out here.
There’s a lot of talk about who are really pulling the strings in this world: Freemasons, Illuminati, Sabbateans, Satanists, Moloch worshipers, Fabian Marxists, The Joint, Gnomes of Switzerland, The Black Pope, Committee of 300, Lizards from extra dimensions, etc. etc. Everybody has got some theory. Someone may well be right, but chances are, it’s probably some odd combination. But one thing for sure, it probably has a name used only by them, which none of us out here in the real world knows.

Illuminati symbolism on Kiddies tv?
What we do know for certain is that the Globalist community does exist and is kept hidden from the general public, more or less. There’s all kinds of factual data that proves this conclusively, with quite a few people and organizations tracking the various players and groupings; they put together all the biographical sketches and insider info that form a bigger picture of who they are and what they are up to right now.
One of the most fascinating groups that track the Globalists and fully disclose just who is who and what they do, is The Institute for the Study of Globalization and Covert Politics (ISGP).
We know that the mainstream media has express orders not to discuss this Globalist community. The media is owned by them and the yellow Journalists know that one phone call from someone high-up in the food chain will mean the end of their cushy journalism career. Hell, same kind of thing goes on at your office all the time.
Intelligence agencies, like the CIA, work in a similar fashion, power-wise, but they also have a “need to know” levels of secrecy. You have your “Desks,” which are departments concerned with one region or country. The analysts that staff these desks know full-well that they are not allowed to go into other areas, or to draw conclusions that point to the wrong people. Wrong as in keep your mouth shut about them. They don’t want to be “reassigned” or worse, get their security clearance downgraded a notch or two.
There’s always the next level up, where one is supposed to let them make the conclusions and decisions about x and y. And more often than not, even they defer to higher people in the food chain so as to not be seen as “bucking the system.” It’s all CYA.
This is how something like 9/11 can be easily accomplished. Impenetrable “walls” already exist that uses people’s natural instinct to keep their jobs, the fat paychecks and pensions intact down the road. After-all, Johnny and Sue want to go to that expensive Ivy League school and your wife would kill you for ruining her in social circles, right?
Of course, intelligence people do put two and two together, but it takes a helluva lot for them to talk openly. Besides, they probably only have access to smallest part in the first place and they know that it would be easy to track where it came out of. That’s not to say they are not any latter-day “Deep Throats” out there (there are), those who pass on little tidbits on what they see or hear to those they most trust out here in the regular world.
Imagine the bigger picture as a set of concentric rings, like a target. From an individual perspective, within the circle you belong, it looks like a vertical thing, the “career ladder.” And all of us poor slobs out here, are on the outer circle for life, right along with almost all the media peons. The true Globalist hierarchy is the next circle in, these are the folks who are apart of an “old boy network” to end all old boy networks.
It appears that they are three main Globalist groups. First, the biggest and most in control, is called the Pilgrims Society and was founded back in the 19th century. And the Pilgrims are certainly not all Jewish (the early members were often “anti-Semitic”), but the core financial interest is based on the Rothschilds, Warburgs and other German Ashkenazim Jews who control the Axis of Wall Street, the City of London and Central Banking of the Western nations.
These are the true financial powers behind the NWO and organizations like the CFR, Trilaterals, IMF, CIA/Mossad, Israel and things we can only guess about.
The second, the 1001 Club, appears more worldly, maybe even more New Ager and Nouveau riche. The third is called Le Cercle, or Pinay Circle, and is kind of old hat, originally comprised of anti-communists, blue-blood monarchies and the Vatican. But Zionists and Jew/Israel organizations are embedded in all three, which is the usual method of Jewry ~ having fingers in all pies so as to keep International Jewry informed and on top.
Often, members of one group belong to the others (like Rockefeller), so there isn’t really a whole lot of difference. All seem to have liberal, conservative and reactionary elements to various degrees. The Anglo/US Pilgrims are the real powerhouse NWO mafia and are much more radically Zionist, then ever before. Quite probably, they are now totally Zionist for all intents and purposes.
You don’t apply for entrance to these people! That’s right, you are apart of it or you’re not. Some are born into it (like Bush with his silver spoon stuck in his mouth). That’s not to say people are not groomed and promoted into it (like Obama); most of the time before they even know it.
First, they have to know whether or not you got a big mouth, plus have something about you that they think they can use. Or better yet, have something on you that they can use against you, should it ever come to that (like Obama with his birth location problem).
Face the facts, America. Our presidents must be approved by NWO Big Jewry or they don’t get anywhere. Remember how shabbily they treated Ron Paul in the media? Paul was the only candidate saying the things that THEY don’t want Americans to hear.
Usually, it’s family connections that gets you entré to the circle. Uncle Ariel tells your father that he can get you a job in the Foreign Bonds department of Goldman Sachs once you graduate from Princeton, just as long as you stay out of trouble with all the Goyim shiksas at the Phi Beta house. You don’t even have to be particularly bright. In fact, most of those in the inner circle are usually no smarter than you reading this and sometimes even a whole lot dumber.
At this stage, you get married and go to cocktail parties. People pay attention to how well you married and how you come across when socializing with the crew. Don’t put away too many martinis! If you got what they like, you get promoted fast. Before you know it, you’re apart of the next circle in the power structure. If you belong to this level and start talking in public, you immediately get the ax, usually financially bankrupted, but possibly even worse. Or your wife might even kill you!
The next circle in is the fairly to very wealthy. This is the golden ring on which all the other circles in the Merry-Go-Round revolve. You will either make it here or just become another forgotten cog in the machine. Most of the time, these people did not do all that much to get here. They were literally handed the keys to something sweet because they fit in and knew the right people at the right time. Of course, the public will end up being told he’s a “self-made man.”
Buried deeply within the Mega-wealthy circle is the core power group, far beyond even the description “mega-wealthy.” No one ever sees the real engine in a Merry-Go-Round, just like these people. But we do know for a fact that one serious as hell ”Money Trust” exists, simply because the Federal Reserve is owned by privately held stocks in banks that control the issuance of our money. It doesn’t grow on trees!
This whole sweetheart deal (Federal Reserve act of 1913) provides the inner power structure with a virtual river of wealth from the labors of all us chumps out here in Chumpland. If you had the right to print up 1 million dollars in wealth, for about $300 in printing costs, and then get to charge the government a nice interest percentage on top of that sum, would you not have it made in the shade?
With that kind of financial power you can pretty much do whatever you want, as long as it does not draw undue attention from the unwashed masses and even then your buds already own the media, ready to
keep the schmucks in the dark. You can start wars, bankrupt nations, have putzes elected (look at the last few presidents) and generally pretend you are God himself.
Jews love to think of themselves as Gods. They say so all the time. The inner core is at the controls of the biggest SIM game of all time.
It’s probably so few people to this inner cor
e, that I could type out the names of them and all their family members in less than a half hour. There’s probably only a dozen or so, “in the know” at the very center.

And we know that this inner core has to be Jewish. Why? Well, for a multitude of reasons. One, we know that certain people are Jewish to begin with. Just outside of this inner core are the braintrust, men like Henry Kissinger and secretive organizations like the Bilderbergs. The international subversive Jew, George Soros is the “go-to guy” or point man for national destabilization efforts, creating situations with NGO’s (Non-Government Organizations) and “Color Revolutions” that the inner core eventually wants to see accomplished for the final “Agenda.”
Do you think Jews like the Kissinger and Soros would be doing all this kind of thing for some secret group of White Nazis or a “Big Oil Cabal” of Texas good old boys and pampered Saudi princes? No way. And you call me crazy? This is another sure-fire proof which points to a secretive core of Zionist Jews in the driver’s seat.
Soros is tied in with the mega intelligence Globalists, who go far beyond the mere government-style agencies deemed the CIA or Mossad. In fact, there probably is a new Globalist group created from the Intelligence Underworld, a veritable Super and Supranational group of spooks. This group originally had the name “COREA” and derive much of their operating expenses by running drugs with the compliance of Globalists in control of our nations.
These people are like the fictional ”CHAOS,” a real-life evil organization that spans continents. Responsible for destablizations, political assassinations, renditions, human trafficking, you name it. False-Flag ops like 9/11 are likely their handiwork, at the behest of chums in the US/Great Britain/Israel Zionist Globalist axis.
And we see that much of what is going on today is obviously Talmudic (Jewish religious books) in character. From the Holocaust promotion of “six million dead” as a burnt offering for the religious establishment of Israel, to clear efforts in blending Talmudic law into American jurisprudence. They even had “our” politicians pass a resolution that declared America to have been founded on Talmudic law in 1991. Bet you didn’t know that, did you?
Plus, we all know where they are going with it. Nationhood and sovereignty are being gradually dissolved before our eyes for the NWO. This has always been the goal for the Jewish people, pretty much overtly. These people don’t care a lick about what happens to the regular citizens of America, nor any national patriotism anywhere (except Israel, of course). Never did.
“We will have a world government whether you like it or not. The only question is whether that government will be achieved by conquest or consent.”
~ Jewish Banker James Warburg, February 17, 1950, as he testified before the U.S. Senate. James was the son of Paul Warburg, who represented the Rothschilds when they came up with the Federal Reserve at Jekyll Island in 1910. He also formed the Council of Foreign Relations.
Sometimes, people question “how could Big Jewry be so heavily involved in Marxism?” Or, “why would Capitalists, like these people, want to do such a thing? It just doesn’t make any sense!” But it’s true ~ we know historically that the International Banking Jews, like Jacob Schiff, financed the Bolshevik revolution in 1917.
It’s just that they don’t want unrestricted Capitalism for you. All they really want is unrestricted Capitalism for them! As far as they are concerned, they would have you sleeping in some hole, slaving 12 hours a day while they feed you gruel, if they could get away with it. To them you mean about as much as some dot-head in Timbuktu, or worse since your uptake is so expensive. You’re bad for profit ~ for the moment.
We also know that these people are behind the creation of the State of Israel. In fact, it’s a matter of historical record that the Rothschilds have been behind it from the start. From Edmund Rothschild buying up property in the Palestine at the turn of the last century, to them constructing monumental government buildings today. Take a look at the Supreme Court building on the outskirts of Jerusalem for a big dose of Jewish Illuminati symbolics!
Look at all the Jewish influence on Israel's Supreme Court building. Note the pyramid hidden in the roof. in our government here in the USA. Our “elected” politicians in Congress and Senate, never say JACK against the sacred State of Israel ~ if they know what’s good for them! It’s not so much Zionist OCCUPIED Government (ZOG), but Zionist OWNED Government (still ZOG). So far.
The one real danger to all these plans has long been evident and targeted. And that’s White solidarity. I’m not talking about just white skin, now. But the non-Jewish White Goyim, who sometimes get the inconvenient notion that Jews are bad for them and must be put a stop to. They’ve had to deal with our type for way too long. Why not take care of us, before we get wise to the real deal?
This is why certain corrosive social and racial movements are well-funded from afar (like mega educational foundations such as Ford, Carnegie-Mellon and Rockefeller). They work on a wide variety of levels to destroy our hold on moralities and social institutions. The introduction of non-Whites into our countries through immigration, legal or otherwise, kills two birds with one stone: Cheap labor and the further weakening of White demographics and political power.
All the politically correct stuff, is designed to keep you silent, to muzzle the White majorities of the West (not just America), and to keep us divided and distracted about what they have been gradually planning all along. These people certainly don’t want 100 million angry Whites with guns coming to look for them!
OK, we can talk about all this “Conspiracy” stuff till the cows come home, but we really don’t know all the real inner details. That part can easily be kept hidden within a tight group of the same racial members, when all is said and done.
So, let’s just mention some of what it means for your White butt.
For one thing (a very big thing), you’re always on the GD treadmill working for these people, dealing with inflation and all the other day-to-day BS. Like getting laid-off, paying through the nose for bread and gas every five minutes, having to deal with real aliens (illegal Mestizos) and the usual Multicult pile of crap every which way, every day.
You, my friend, are just another “Nigger” to these kind of people, even if you’re a blond, blue-eyed Aryan, who looks like a real Übermenschen. Sorry to say.
How about all the American soldiers, the sons and daughters, dying for these people? A lousy 17 so-called “American” Jew soldiers have died in BOTH Afghanistan and Iraq, out of over 5,000 from the rest of us, 74% have been White Christian Gentiles.
How about all the innocent civilians in these countries that get blasted to hell by our Military/Industrial complex fire power, while they steal these countries for Globalist designs? Yeah, the powers that be are all so altruistic and humanitarian in what they have planned for us Whites in the end. Right.
And guess what? You are the one paying for absolutely everything they do! Yep, with inflation and your Federal Income taxes. Hell, some of you have paid the ultimate, by losing your very own flesh and blood in wars for their global chess games.
Had enough yet?
So, getting back to all the “Conspiracy” business, what I’m trying to say here at my little old blog, is not some unbelievable “Conspiracy” nonsense after-all. It’s real history (albeit never discussed openly in the mainstream media) combined with good old common sense logic and extrapolation from current events. Sure, I don’t know everything, if I did, I’d probably be dead right about now.
What these people are really doing is running this country straight into the ground. Quite purposefully too. I’m firmly convinced that they are now far along in the process of bringing Americans to our knees so they can roll out what they want ~ which will be called Socialistic to those who cannot bring themselves to say “Jew Commies” ~ the reality is that it will be “Fascist, Anti-Fascist” nightmare, which will eventually turn into Marxist Jew World governance. Big Jewry is now going for the whole bag of marbles.
You think things are bad now? Just you wait. Whites will be an openly spat-upon race. Should you finally come to your senses and dare say a word in public, you can expect harsh treatment at the hands of a legal system geared to shut Whites up. Jews themselves will have their own private legal system, carefully unmentioned in the media.
The general zeitgeist for all this is now in place, one only has to have the guts to realize that’s the case. It will become dramatically worse, changing virtually overnight, once they’ve finally rendered Whites powerless.
We are now already seeing puppets being installed as presidents, no two ways about it. People will laugh at that, but take a hard look at things with Obama and you’ll see that he’s not any real “change.” Some of the smarter people on the left are now coming to this very conclusion. Even some blacks think he’s a joke.
Obama has broken every campaign promise he’s made, or buried them in double-talk and half measures. He’s surrounded himself with NWO Jews, the very same who have put America in this economic situation by destroying the Glass Steagall act in 1999, creating the bubble that put us here. Obama is deep in the pocket of Big Jewry.
Bush, Cheney and Rove are noticeably still coming in handy as PC-allowed targets for the left. No one would dare to criticize Obama like they get away with the Old White guys, for fear of being called racist. Obama acts good on camera and he’s a person of color (but depends on teleprompters and agreed-upon questions). Plus, they have the goods on him and if he decides to get a little too independent, well, a phone call or two and he’ll reap the scandal whirlwind.
Another good thing about Obama for the real rulers is that he’s also a major ace in the hole for them. Should a majority in this country come to their senses and wake up, they could do a Kennedy on this pretend Kennedy, sparking a real race war to occupy us in a big, big way. This will also give them the excuse to use all the cool tools in the police state quiver and kill off as many intelligent Whites with leadership qualities as they can get their hands on.
This may be the final end game. By doing this, they can also segue way into the Marxist police state that Jews so love. It would all be a “two-fer” for Big Jewry and their minions globally.
In any case, White people have got themselves into a real racial jam, and all because of activist regular Jews and liberal Whites who have sucked down the diversity slogans making them the unwitting foot soldiers for the real “man.” The so-called conservative Whites are no better, cowardly toeing the PC line and putting all their energies into hating the Muslim, the designated hatees.
One more thing, before I go. If you pay attention to the media these days, you’ll notice a curious two dimensional quality. It’s like everything seems flat, not quite real. This is because they have to elevate the minor things to fill the time, resulting in a continuous white noise. Muslim fear-mongering and Islamophobia, too, is falling on the deaf ears of a public tired of it all.
You can also sense a quickening, that we are now rapidly moving towards a dramatic goal of some sort. It’s all coming to a head.
The Globalist powers have to be very careful at this stage of the game. With the Internet having so many eyes and people talking fairly unencumbered, they need to find a way to silence those Whites who dare to say “Jew,” without all the sheeple taking notice. And they need to do it fairly soon, because of Iran and the next planned stage of the NWO.
Unfortunately, because of the Multicult cover these people have fostered in White, Western countries, the next false flag event may very well be laid at the feet of racially awakened White patriots. Get ready, White America.
— Phillip MarloweTo be honest, I could fill in almost 3/4 of the things Marlowe says here with either answers and sources or just validating quotes. However I like the way he ties the race angle into it, something I had never really considered before. All in all, not a bad round up of what we are up against, but still very short on specifics many of which I have already written about. But more to come!
The first part of the equation: Are Bigfoot and Aliens Jewish?
To be honest, I could fill in almost 3/4 of the things Marlowe says here with either answers and sources or just validating quotes. However I like the way he ties the race angle into it, something I had never really considered before. All in all, not a bad round up of what we are up against, but still very short on specifics many of which I have already written about. But more to come!
ZOG no longer stands for "Zionist Occupied Government," but "Zionist Occupied Globe."
ReplyDeleteMohamed Atta loved pork chops, cocaine, hookers and 49 other things you may not know
Interesting Rant.
ReplyDeleteI however subscribe to the theory that no one on this earth is conscious enough to do.
That is, in my opinion, one of the reasons we are all here.
To awaken ourselves from this incredible sleep of negative emotions.
You have a point. Most of us are so immersed in a prefabricated world that part of our learning process is to develop the skills to see past and work through. This also included building a character strong enough to hold on to its own beliefs despite much opposition from those not ready to take that journey. Another part of this is learning to trust your own instincts and to have the wherewithal to seek answers. It is not easy at all to have one preconception after another fall apart and learn you have been duped. You need to get past your own feeling of having failed to see, or having made terrible mistakes on the information you used to operate on. At times, there is despair at your mistakes. At other times, you take leaps of faith over deep pits knowing if you are not strong enough, you can go mad. I would say, my journey has been very difficult at times as one delusion or illusion has fallen away. Sometimes I have felt myself walking a high wire over a deep canyon of fire knowing full well that to fall would leave me mad. It is also a lonely path because it is not popular and one can feel very alienated from those around you. So yes I do fully agree. but... would I do it again? How could I not? As they say, if you eat the red pill there is no going back, and I ate a bottle of them 40 years ago. Never was one for half measures! That is why I love blogging, at last I have found an outlet and the work I have done in the past finally can be heard. I do not have all the answers, but I sure do have a good head start. What good does it do me? I dunno, but it feels right to open eyes and share.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing. I agree life is a veil that has to be lifted. We can change the past by working in the present. This will ultimately affect the future, then perhaps in recurrence, we can avoid the mistakes of the past. Life is a circle not quite closed.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your blog so I am pleased you found this as a form of release. Wisdom should be shared.