BUT, I resent being told that through multiculturalism all of that is for nothing and soon we will be a homogeneous blend of humanity. I know that is the Talmudic ideal to erase the white race from the planet. But for our media to now espouse this ideal is pushing it a little too far! Perhaps this is so primarily in the larger cities like Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal.

But most places are primarily white and that is just the way of it. If people immigrate to Canada they come here because of the safety, the opportunities, etc etc. It is up to them to adapt to Canadian culture such as it is. It is NOT for Canadians to give up their essence so everybody is comfortable and at ease. That ease comes with fitting in with what is already here.
If I moved to, say Cochin, I would not expect the Malayalam to change for me. I would expect to have to learn to speak Malayalam and learn the culture! That would be MY responsibility not that of the local populace. So why should it be any different here?
How The (Taxpayer-Funded)
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
Has Become The Voice
Of Colonial Occupation
October 8, 2009
By Tim Murray
“MULTICULTURALISM: A term used to refer to the phenomenon, in Canada, of promoting, among immigrants, the retention of their own cultural practices. It also refers not only to the different ethnic backgrounds of many people in Canada, but to the growing number of those backgrounds.
Multiculturalism has been widely criticized. Some critics have said that multiculturalism requires a continuous inflow of immigrants in order to survive. If multiculturalism is to continue, immigration (particularly high and unnecessary immigration) must continue. As some critics have said, Canada's multiculturalist policies are a prescription of what Canada will become, not a description of what we are.
Multiculturalism has positive connotations for some, but for many Canadians, it is a euphemism and a disguise for a continuation of Canada's present unprecedented, unremitting high immigration levels. In fact, one critic has said that continued, high immigration levels are the oxygen for multiculturalism. Without continued high immigration, multiculturalism would die the death it richly deserves.
To others, the words "multiculturalism" and "diversity" are the positive-sounding "artillery" used against an unsuspecting Canadian public to get them to accept unjustified immigration. In other words, these terms are more examples of the deceit used to perpetuate high immigration levels.”
“Canadian multiculturalism is fundamental to our belief that all citizens are equal. Multiculturalism ensures that all citizens can keep their identities, can take pride in their ancestry and have a sense of belonging. Acceptance gives Canadians a feeling of security and self-confidence, making them more open to, and accepting of, diverse cultures. The Canadian experience has shown that multiculturalism encourages racial and ethnic harmony and cross-cultural understanding, and discourages ghettoization, hatred, discrimination and violence.” ~ This is certainly the ideal but not the reality.
In the annals of media bias, the October 2, 2009 edition of CBC Radio’s "The Current" should be promoted to the Hall of Shame. The lead-off topic revolved around an incident where Canadian officials in Kenya confiscated the passport of a Canadian citizen , Suaad Hagi Mohamud, whom they concluded was faking her identity after she failed to correctly answer elementary questions about the city and country she had lived in for many years. DNA testing subsequently vindicated her contentions.
Canadian officials in Kenya confiscated the passport of Suaad Hagi Mohamud and concluded she was an impostor.
The issue for the discussion panel was "cultural competence" ~ "What should a Canadian be expected to know?"
Or, as the interviewer, longtime CBC journalist Jan Wong, framed it, "Whether it is fair to assume that there is a common set of cultural reference points" that Canadians relate to.

Suaad Hagi Mohamud, a Canadian woman stranded in Kenya, as seen in her Canadian passport photo. (CBC)Suaad Hagi Mohamud, a Canadian woman stranded in Kenya, as seen in her Canadian passport photo. (CBC)
As VDARE.COM readers would expect, the verdict was "No" ~ exactly the answer that Ms. Wong had engineered, with loaded questions and a loaded panel, all of whom were members of visible minorities, like Wong, and all of whom were foreign-born, except for Wong. The only missing ingredient in this classic formula for manufactured consent was a soundtrack from the usual "rent-a-crowd" cheer-leading section for politically-correct pronouncements.
Jan Wong made no pretense of neutrality or objectivity. Throughout the discussion, she consistently offered excuses for Suuad Hagi Mohamud’s memory lapses. So what if the woman struggled to remember what a T-4 [tax] slip was, or that she didn’t remember the date of her son’s birthday ~ "she was only off by two days", Wong exclaimed, and besides, "not every culture uses the same calendar."
Suaad Hagi Mohamud was reunited with her 12-year-old son at Toronto's Pearson International Airport on Aug. 15, 2009. (CBC)
And why would anyone have to name the transit stops on their way to work? And how many Canadians know who the Prime Minister is? As for forgetting who her employer was, heck, it was just a courier company after all.
Wong even played her own victim card for emotional impact. She intimated that she, too, was wrongly detained by customs officials in Toronto after returning home from her assignment at the Atlanta Olympics.
She was "thrown in a pen with illegal immigrants" and felt "powerless" and fearful. No matter what knowledge she acquired, people would always make assumptions about her from her appearance, not knowing that her family’s Canadian roots went back to 1880.
Of course, Wong didn’t reflect that all of us are judged by our appearance in one fashion or another. That is why we dress formally at job interviews, or why those in wheelchairs are assumed to be without capabilities, or seniors are often patronized like children. But not everyone nurses these grievances to score verbal points or angle for sympathy.
Wong made a point of ridiculing the comments of a representative of an immigrant settlement centre who argued that to be successful, immigrants must acquire so-called "soft skills" like making eye contact and shaking hands upon greeting people, which are common to North American culture.
She turned to her main witness for the prosecution, Debbie Douglas, [Email her] the Executive Director of the Ontario Council of Agencies Servicing Immigrants [OCASI], and remarked sarcastically, "Actually, Debbie, with the threat of the H1N1 virus, we are told not to shake hands. What is acceptable culture?"
Silly question, according to the CBC and their champions. Canada doesn’t have a culture, at least not of the home-grown variety.
It is a measure of the CBC’s stacked-deck strategy of rigging an "open" debate that it was left to panelist Nick Noorani, editor of Canadian Immigrant webzine, a man not normally known for his objectivity, to defend the importance of learning soft skills: "If I moved to Japan, I would learn to bow and leave my shoes outside at the door."
But OCASI’s Debbie Douglas interjected that learning soft skills were only necessary within the culture of institutions, but there was no general set of soft skills external to them in this new and wonderfully diverse Canada of ours.
Lending emphasis to a point that she made a few times during the discussion, she said that Canada is no longer "this white, Western, European place ~ we need to move away from this whole notion of what ‘Canadianism’ means."
It is a mistake, she asserted, to assume that there are "basic cultural reference points…we are as diverse as the rest of the world." And why, Douglas asked, "should immigrants have a heavier burden of having this knowledge than Canadians themselves don’t have?"
But Mr. Noorani felt moved to draw a line: "Is that what we really want, to have immigrants still oblivious to what is going around them even after having lived in the country for 10 years?"
However, Dr. Izumi Sakamoto, a Professor of Social Work at thezG came to the rescue. She cited the case of a Greek immigrant who had not had a vacation for ten years because, like so many immigrants, he was too busy working to put food on the table and hadn’t the luxury of taking the time to explore his environment.
Debbie Douglas concurred ~ "it is a class issue for everyone". Douglas concluded the debate by stating that the conversation should be about “How do we get our communities engaged."
Precisely. Should the question also not be "If there is in fact no longer ‘a common set of cultural reference points’, should we not set about re-establishing them?"
Can a nation-state function without any cultural cohesion, a shared cultural vocabulary, a common knowledge of a shared history?
Or are we to become merely an amalgam of ethnic solitudes more psychologically connected to foreign homelands than to other Canadians?
Is Canada just, as Debbie Douglas would argue, just a microcosm of the United Nations? Is it already a "done deal’?
That seems to the (taxpayer-funded) CBC message. Its motto is "Canada lives here". But the reality is that, on the CBC, "Canada dies here". Its advice is to traditionalists: throw in the towel and park your nostalgia.
Give it up. Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated into the global shopping mall culture. We will never again be the country you yearn for. We are diverse, and getting more diverse with each passing day.
My response: Sorry, Mother Corp ~ the news of our death is greatly exaggerated. Eighty per cent of Canadians are not immigrants, and 83% are not visible minorities ~ 60% of whom congregate in just two major cities.
Believe it or not, there is a world outside of Toronto (= New York), even of Ontario (= East Coast). A world where the real Canada still is alive and kicking, and not defeatist. You haven’t heard the last of us yet.
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