The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today by Elizabeth Dilling Ch. VI. JUDAISM NOT MONOTHEISTIC
Groups like the American Jewish Congress and B’nai Brith International and their attack-dog the Anti-Defamation League, were always ready and willing to vilify anyone who dared to speak out about their plans to implement their one world government and Elizabeth Dilling was forced to deal with their Talmudic tactics from the moment she picked up the sword of truth.
Each chapter of her book is preceded by the Forward and an Introduction. Readers who go beyond Chapter One will find it convenient to just scroll down the page until the start of the new chapter.]
Elizabeth Dilling Stokes was born, raised, and educated in Chicago. After attending the University of Chicago she married, and for many years devoted her life to her children, social activities on the North Shore of Chicago, and being a concert harpist. After hearing of the great “humanitarian experiment” in Soviet Russia, she traveled there in 1931, and was able to go behind the scenes. She was shocked at the forced labor, the squalid living quarters, and deplorable living conditions, and the atmosphere of fear created by the Soviet dictatorship.
She was most shocked by the virulent anti-Christianity of the atheist Communist regime.
Following her return to the United States she lectured and wrote about what she had seen, realizing from the opposition which immediately arose that a substantial Marxist movement was active in the United States. In 1934 her first book The Red Network was published, an expose of the persons and organizations furthering Red causes in the United States. I
n 1936, her second book, The Roosevelt Red Record and Its Background, was published. Almost immediately after these books were published, she was attacked as “anti-semitic,” although she had actually offered her anti-Communist services to Jewish organizations, and knew nothing of organized Jewish involvement in the Marxist movement. After researching and studying, however, in 1940 she published her third book The Octopus, which dealt with these subjects.
After World War II commenced, Mrs. Dilling became convinced that, despite President Roosevelt’s protestations that not one American boy would ever again fight on foreign soil, there was a movement afoot to involve the United States, with the result that a substantial part of the world would be communized later.
In 1941, she led a Mother’s March on Washington to oppose the “Lend Lease” bill, proclaimed to help keep us out of war by its sponsors, but proving the last step for our involvement. The bill passed by only one vote. A few months later, the United States went to war.
In 1944, Mrs. Dilling’s views involved her in the now infamous mass “sedition” trial. The case was ultimately dismissed by a Federal Court as “a travesty on justice.”
She was later remarried to Jeremiah Stokes, a Christian anti-Communist writer, and she continued to write and lecture in behalf of Christianity and Constitutional Americanism, first publishing this book in 1964.
Mrs. Dilling Stokes died in 1966 at the age of 72.
from The Plot Against Christianity
by Elizabeth Dilling
Introduction to Elizabeth Dilling
Foreword to the 1964 Edition
Published by
The Elizabeth Dilling Foundation
Box 659, Chicago 90
Who is Elizabeth Dilling?

Elizabeth Dilling
Our family trip to Red Russia in 1931 started my dedication to anti-Communism. We were taken behind the scenes by friends working for the Soviet Government and saw deplorable conditions, first hand.
We were appalled, not only at the forced labor, the squalid crowded living quarters, the breadline rationcard workers’ stores, the mothers pushing wheelbarrows and the begging children of the State nurseries besieging us.
The open virulent anti-Christ campaign, everywhere, was a shock. In public places were the tirades by loud speaker, in Russian (our friends translated). Atheist cartoons representing Christ as a villain, a drunk, the object of a cannibalistic orgy (Holy Communion); as an oppressor of labor; again as trash being dumped from a wheelbarrow by the Soviet “Five-Year-Plan”–these lurid cartoons filled the big bulletin boards in the churches our Soviet guides took us to visit.
In the Museum of the Revolution we were shown a huge world map. As our Guide turned a switch, lights came on indicating the places all over the world where Communist Party headquarters were then functioning. Proudly our Guide announced: “Our world revolution will start with China and end with the UNITED STATES”.
“O, NO! Not THAT”, was my thought. But, country by country, the boast has been steadily advancing. I took pictures of the anti-Christ posters on the porch of St. Isaac’s Cathedral in Leningrad.
Russia Changes My Life
We were taken to the beautiful Church of the Redeemer in Moscow which was then, we were told, about to be dynamited to make way for a “Palace of Soviets”. There was a display of full-sized mannikins dressed in the robes of the Church carrying on the Good Friday Footwashing ceremony. Our Guide rasped: “This was to show that if the Archbishop could wash the feet of the humble priest the poor should endure their sufferings without complaint! Religion was always for the suppression of the people, to keep them working from dawn to late at night under the lash!”
I thought of our Savior washing the feet of His Disciples as an example, and telling them that he who would be great among you should be the servant of all (John 13:13-15; Matt. 23:11). I glanced up at the exquisite stained glass window of Christ, about to be demolished, and a little tear trickled down my cheek as I thought: “I can never hate You like that!” (I did not know then that the Pharisee Talmud gives Him FIVE sadistic deaths today).
Staying at my hotel was the representative of a foreign country. He told me of the police terror; how the last manager of that hotel had been whisked off in the middle of the night by the “Black Mariah”–like millions of others never to be seen again. Some of our party had been taken to the police station; they had laughed in a movie theatre. They were released when they explained that they had laughed at a private joke, not at the picture (which was Soviet-made). After this, and more, I returned to the “NICE” North Shore of Chicago where the “intelligentsia” were rendering brainwashed reverence to the “great Soviet Experiment”.
Behind the backs of the careless Guides I had taken movies of the rickety trains, etc., in Russia. By chance I started showing these movies to patriotic audiences, my husband running the projector as I told the story. Articles written for a little local newspaper were reprinted by the DAR and larger and larger groups called for my talks: District meetings of the Legion; the Military Intelligence; churches from coast to coast. I was recommended for all Chambers of Commerce, and spoke for the Minneapolis, Cleveland, Los Angeles, etc., groups. I broadcast over the Moody Bible Institute radio and its head became my closest friend to her death.
Dr. Ironside introduced me as the only woman he had ever asked to occupy his pulpit in the Moody Church. I spoke in the great church of Dr. W. B. Riley, organizer of the World Fundamentalist Assn., my defender to his death. I frequently spoke in Detroit churches and on numerous occasions was entertained at the executives’ table at the Ford plant.
Henry Ford (who never changed his mind about the role of Jewry) had me write (1939) a report on the U. of Michigan (80 pages). He contributed that year $5,000 to the cost of my office labor which cost $12,000 that year. The head of the National Sojourners had me airmail my two books to Sen. Royal Copeland to give to Vice Pres. Garner who, I was told, stayed up all night reading them and had his friend Cong. Dies of Texas start up the Dies Committee on Un-American Activities (later called the House Com.) as a result.
The hub of world Jewish anti-Christ power, the financial and industrial power best described in Rev. 18:11-, is the AMERICAN JEWISH COMMITTEE with its B’nai B’rith brotherhood, and its “secret police”, smear and ruin arm, the Anti-Defamation League.
After having pushed a reluctant USA into World War II–to spread Communism across the earth, and with its first world base, Soviet Russia, as our “ally”, it was decided to crush all ANTI-COMMUNISTS by trying them as “Fascists, Nazis”. A series of indictments against some 30 anti-Communists, of which I was one, was engineered by the American Jewish Committee, in 1942, 1943, 1944. The 1942 indictment never came to trial.
The 1943 indictment was dismissed in Washington by Judge Adkins. Only the 1944 indictment went to trial under a stooge judge Eicher. An unbelievable farce was staged without any legality or fact. After the death of judge Eicher, the case was dismissed by Judge Bolitha Laws with the scathing denunciation that it had been a crime to hold those people on trial all that time without a single piece of evidence in accordance with the charge being introduced by the prosecution against ANY defendant. The Communist press had been gloating that the “sedition trial” was part of the “Moscow Purge trials” then in session all over Europe. I reproduced the item on one of my Bulletins, sent to every Congressman.
Background of E. D.
Travel in more than 60 countries convinced me that the USA had the greatest system of government, and was the most fortunate nation on earth. I did not want it Sovietized, collectivized. Careful research and documentation have resulted in the fact that nothing I have ever printed has, to date, been refuted by friend or foe.
BORN in CHICAGO, daughter of Dr. L. Kirkpatrick, physician and surgeon, of Virginian, Scotch-Irish, Presbyterian ancestry. My mother. Elizabeth Harding, descended from a long line of Anglican bishops thru her father. Her mother, Jane Musquet, was of English-French descent with a Catholic priest uncle in Paris.
I married Albert Dilling, of Norwegian Lutheran ancestry. Mother of two children, married and active in Episcopal Church, of which I am a communicant. Graduate of the Starrett School for Girls, Chicago Normal School; Univ. of Chicago student, before and after marriage; pupil of world’s greatest harpist, Alberto Salvi; was concert harpist and pres. of Chicago Harpists’ Society. The RUSSIAN trip ended a musical career and a “nice” suburbanite existence.
* The ROOSEVELT RED RECORD AND ITS BACKGROUND — a second Red Network. of over 400 pages with two indexes.
* THE OCTOPUS — on the ramifications of Jewish power.
* [ THE PLOT AGAINST CHRISTIANITY, republished as THE JEWISH RELIGION: ITS INFLUENCE TODAY — directly addressing the teachings of Judaism and its influence in the affairs of the modern world ]
The Jewish Religion: Ch. VI.: Its Influence Today
by Elizabeth Dilling
Double-talk is the trade mark of Talmudic Judaism, called by Christ the "Synagogue of Satan." (Revelation 2:9, 3:9) Talmudists sanctimoniously declare that their devotion to "pure monotheism," or the "unity of God," precludes their belief in His Personality being Incarnate in Jesus Christ, His Son, and we Christians keep silent.
The Unity of God to which they refer is actually the oneness of the Pantheistic "en sof," a mass without a "Chief Engineer." This is the "unity of nature" in which the Pagans believed. For every form of spirit invocation, and for the deification of man, that is Judaistic Talmudism, a religion of polytheism, or many gods. Slyly, the polytheists say what they mean. We do not understand them.
Take any of the modem heresies, the "new" religions our tired Christians like to think were just evolved; you will find them all in Talmudism and its collection of ancient Old Testament paganism. The Jewish Cabala with its non-existence of evil, its deification of man, is a source book for modem "isms," the sources of which are largely unknown in modem times.
Turn to the Jewish Encyclopedia article on "Pharisees" (Exhibit 264) and the statements that when the God of Intelligence, the "anthropomorphic" God, was eliminated from the Bible by the Pharisees, "these used … the Angelogy and Demonology of the Pharisees … with the help of the Ma’aseh Bereshit and Ma’aseh Mercabah [Pagan rites to see the Sun God, Mithra, or Metatron, and learn the past and future] not only to amplify the Biblical account, but to remove from the Bible anthropomorphisms and similarly obnoxious verbiage concerning the Deity by referring them to angelic and intermediary powers [for instance Genesis 1:26] …"
In other words, the old mass of spirit or substance of which the universe is supposedly composed, god of the Pagans called pantheism, or god as the sum-of-nature, left spirits or "gods" of every phase of nature to be invoked by man himself. The "supreme" Sanhedrin 67b of the Talmud (Exhibit 78) boasts about the Rabbis being able to create calves by "studying the laws of creation, by means of which they created a third-grown calf and ate it." The Sefer Yezirah presumably does the trick if the Talmud fails!
And how they do other wonders! (See Exhibit 79) The "sages" are represented as gods indeed.
The claim is made in the Talmud (Sanhedrin 65b — Exhibit 72) that "Rabbah created a man," and this is followed by a long footnote on the use of the "Sefer (book) Yezirah," the Book of Creation, a part of the Cabalistic lore of Talmudism, and its derivation from Babylonian, and other occultism. Reference is made to Sanhedrin 67b where the claim mentioned above is made that by magic the rabbis created a calf and ate it. This is followed by supposedly turning a woman into an ass. (See Exhibit 80)
Creation by Hebrew letters is urged as a means of ascribing God's powers to asinine objects so as to dethrone Him and enthrone Man as the creator. This latter procedure is Pythagorean.
One thus is advised that: "In uttering a charm one generally expectorated" (Sanh. 101a, Exhibit 104); that "snakes and serpents may be charmed on the Sabbath." (Exhibit 105)
The dangers of Shabriri (a "demon of blindness") are pointed out, and reference made to repeating his name, each time dropping one letter until the demon "shrinks" away with the letters of his name, thus curing the blindness he causes. (Talmud, Abodah Zarah 12b, see Exhibit 176) The "cure" under "Abracadabra," is found in the Jewish Encyclopedia. (See Exhibit 281)
The Tetragranimaton (Y-H-W-H), the letters of the word Jehova (Hebrew lacks vowels), is reserved for summoning spirits and it is a "sin" for the unauthorized to use the word.
In the California Jewish Voice, and other current Jewish publications the word "God" is written "G-d" for this reason.
"The Tetragrammaton, the four-lettered Name of God was fully pronounced only by the Priests in the temple … Everywhere else it was pronounced 'Adonai.'" This refers to the time of the second temple when the Pharisees were in the ascendancy in Jerusalem. (See Talmud, Abodah Zarah l7b-18a. Exhibit 181)
Using the word as is is one of the "crimes" charged against Jesus (See Talmud, Sanhedrin 55b-56a, Exhibit 56). On this ground Jesus is called a "blasphemer" of this repugnant Pharisee pagan custom.

Baal Shem Tov, sorcerer and founder of Hassisism/Chassidism
In Judaism, Ba’al Shem ("Master of the Name") is the sorcerer who uses this Name of God to make the demons mind him (See Exhibit 265), and the Judaistic branch, Chassidism (also spelled Hassidism) is built upon this sort of demonology. Baal Shem Tob is extolled for his activities by Rabbi Louis Finklestein in his work, The Pharisees. (See Exhibit 2 and Exhibit 3)
The use of amulets to drive off Lilith, demoness of childbirth, and of the night, who collects "men's semen" to spawn demons, is part of current Pharisee demonology. (See Exhibit 287 for picture) By means of these demonistic devices [page 32] one may cause "terror diffused through the world … one's enemies set to tearing each other to pieces … cause anyone to perish."
All this is part of the Cabala or demonology of the Pharisees called "the art of employing the knowledge of the hidden world in order to attain one's purpose .… One may thus easily make himself master of creation." (See Exhibit 285, from the Jewish Encyclopedia)
Demon Lilith drunk with power and the life force of her victim
Blasphemy Approved
Not content with consistent reviling or blasphemy of God's Word, this subterfuge is taught by the Talmud to permit blaspheming the Divine Name: "Blasphemy is an indictable offense only if it is mentally directed against God. If, however, one reviles the Divine Name, whilst mentally employing it to denote some other subject, he is not punished!" (Sanhedrin 65a-b, see Exhibit 70)
Jews the Messiah
The untutored Gentile has been led to believe that adherents of the Jewish religion are simply believers in the Old Testament who are still awaiting their promised Messiah. However, in Judaism that Messiah is already here, and it is the "Jewish people" themselves.
For example, the Jewish Talmud, Kethuboth, 111a, states:
"The Messiah is ~ without metaphor ~ the Jewish people." (See Exhibit 147)
The existence of a spirit world, of evil spirits, is mentioned throughout the Bible. Christ drove out possessing spirits. There is one hard and fast rule taught on the subject, however: namely, to leave them alone, do no invoking or communicate with them. It is clear that spirit elements could deceive the finite powers of human beings.
"Thou shalt have no other gods before me," is the First Commandment. "And that you shall do no bowing to, or serving them," is the Second Commandment. (Exodus 20:3-5).
Whereas the Bible represents God as the Supreme Intelligence, Creator and Ruler, the pagan and atheist Judaistic concept is pantheism. In other words, there is a great nature essence, out of which individual lives percolate blindly without direction. "Pan" (nature) "theism" (god-ism) holds that the sum of nature is god. Man becomes the all powerful Luciferian "god."
It is foretold in Biblical prophecy that the Anti-Christ will personify that concept (Isaiah 14:12-19; Daniel 11:36-38; Matt. 24:15; Mark 13:14).
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (1943), as to the "Cabala," states:
"Although Palestine was the birthplace of Jewish mysticism, the land where the Cabala was conceived, it was in Babylonia that it attained its greatest importance." It cites "the mystic speculations of the Talmud and the system of the Cabala, originating in the one and reaching its completion in the other."The Jewish Cabala is a library of literature, all on magic, spiritism, and based on sheer pantheism. "Aaron ben Samuel is credited with bringing the mysterious doctrine from Babylonia to Italy about the middle of the Ninth Century; thence it spread to almost all the Christian countries of Europe." (same Jewish Encyclopedia, page 616)
Cabala, also spelled Kabbalah, means "tradition," and it is the tradition of the paganisms of Babylon, Egypt, and the pagan philosophers, enshrined in the Jewish religion.
Exhibits 285 through 292 herein (285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292) each deal with the Cabala.
The Hasidist branch of Judaism specializes in the Cabala. About half of all Jews were Cabalists at the end of the 19th Century, we are told.
Hasidism, like so many Talmudic words, is spelled in various ways: Chasidism; and with a "C" and two "s's," an "H" and two "s's." The Jewish Encyclopedias of 1905 and 1943 use the first spelling, however.
Hasidism is called a religious movement within the fold of Talmudism "which won over nearly half of the Jewish masses." Its leading promoter was one Israel Baal Shem Tob (shortened to the "Besht"). Father-to-son dynasties were set up of Hasidist leaders, wonderworkers, fortune-tellers, invokers of spirits, healers, who employed drunkenness, singing, and dancing, to create states of "ecstasy." Evil was indulged in to "purify" it.
Gershom Sholem, head of the Department of Jewish Mysticism at the Hebrew University in Palestine, in his book of lectures delivered at red Rabbi S.S. Wise's Jewish Institute of Religion in N.Y. (Schocken Books, N.Y., 1946), extolls Baal Shem Tob, the 18th Century evangelist of Hasidism, as does Rabbi Louis Finklestein, head of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America, in his The Pharisees. (See Exhibit 1, Exhibit 2, and Exhibit 3)
Sholem calls Baal Shem Tob "a true Baal Shem, that is to say … a master of practical Kabbalism, a Magician" (page 349). He closes his book with the prophecy that Jewish mysticism still has its greatest role to play. In that he certainly coincides with the Bible and the prophecies of the Anti-Christ and his wonderworking after the order of Satan. (II Thes. 2:9)
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, under "Hasidism" states that "Hasidism had not introduced any religious novelties into Judaism." (page 240)
To quote the Jewish Encyclopedia of 1905:
"The teachings of Hasidism … are founded on two theoretical conceptions: (I) religious Pantheism … and (2) the idea of communion between God and man … which was adopted from the Cabala … not only that Deity influences the acts of man, but also that man exerts an influence on the will and mood of Deity. Every act and word of man produces a corresponding vibration in the upper spheres. From this conception is derived the chief practical principle of Hasidism - [page 33] communion with God for the purpose of uniting with the source of life and influencing it .…"
Pantheism is the oldest pagan concept of God as being the composite of nature. The sum total of nature being "god," man can be ruler of everything if he but knows the right secrets.
In Jewish Hasidism, "Baal Shem," or master of the name, is also called a saint or Zaddik who, to quote the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia: "rules by the possession of the largest number of … 'sparks' of divine emanation … he stands on the same level as Moses and the Prophets, and not only speaks with the authority of the Torah, but may even change and abrogate it. The Hasidim must live in submission to the Zaddik, surround him with their love and confidence, bring him gifts, cater to his every whim, and not question his conduct even when it seems to depart from the accepted norm."
The Cabala is the bone and blood of Talmudic Judaism, which is itself pagan from start to finish. It uses the "whited sepulchre" of the Old Testament to cover its negation of every moral law in the Old Testament as it promotes practice of all the occult demonistic abominations excoriated by the Old Testament.
The Cabala has two aspects: theoretical and practical, or "theurgic" (wonderworking). The "God" of the Cabala is "the En Sof," the unknowing and unknowable sea of mind or matter out of which creation emerges. "The doctrine of the En Sof," says the Jewish Encyclopedia, "is the starting point of all cabalistic speculations. God is the infinite, unlimited being, to whom one neither can nor may attribute any attributes whatever." ("Cabala," page 472, Jewish Encyclopedia)
Maimonides, pillar of Talmudism in the Middle Ages, "contributed to the cabalistic doctrine of the En Sof by his teaching that no attributes could be ascribed to God unless it be of Pythagorean origin." (same Encyclopedia, page 465) Pythagoras was a pagan sorcerer who set up a dictatorship along Iron Curtain lines, and who attributed creative powers to letters and numbers, as does the Jewish Cabala.
The "Ten Intelligences" of pagan Aristotle, that is the Sun, Moon and seven planets each ruled by a Ruling Spirit who dominates affairs of the Universe in accordance with the complicated astrological time charts, are paralleled by the "Ten Sephirot" of the theoretical Cabala.
Three triads, the male and female spawners and their offspring, plus the overall or En Sof, form a design representing every condition of life, every quality, from A to Z. Sex is the glorifying King and Queen. The soul supposedly transmigrates around, and back into the unknowing and unknowable source, the En Sof, into a condition of "Nirvana" know nothingness, like in Hinduism.
"Jewish mystics described the highest degree of love of man for God in sensuous forms in terms taken from marital life." (Jewish Encyclopedia, page 465) "Closely connected … is the doctrine of the transmigration of the soul on which the Cabala lays great stress." (same reference, page 476)
There are "ten classes of angels with their chiefs presided over by Metatron who was changed into fire." (same reference, page 475) Metatron is the Ruler Spirit of this universe and Talmudic Judaism, and linked to the Sun God (called by another sect, "Mithra").

The Ten Sephirot, or intelligences of the Cabala, are designed as male and female procreative agencies: "Kether," or "Crown" or the "I am" emanates the "masculine or male potency," and from this "the feminine or passive potency .… The union of the masculine and feminine potencies … produced again," and so the male and female Sephirot spawn along: "Thus each triad is compounded of force, counter-force, and their connecting link: namely active and passive agents and combination." (Note: Incorporated as "progressive" in Karl Marx' dialectical materialism) "They were all combined in the Adam Kadmon (Primordial man)." (Jewish Encyclopedia, "Sefirot, Ten")
The Kabbalah (George Routledge & Sons, London 1925), as expounded by Jewish author Ginzburg, lays down as doctrine 1 of the "Kabbalah:" "God is boundless in his nature. He had neither will, intention, desire, thought, gauge, nor action." (Note: therefore, out goes the whole Bible and its Willing, Thinking, Acting, God of Intelligence.)
Continuing: "He cannot be grasped and depicted; and for this reason is called En Soph, and as such he is in a certain sense not existent." (Note: small letters for the Deity in original)
2. "He is not the direct creator of the universe since he could not will the creation .…" Then comes mention of the self-activating emanations, the "Ten Sephirot," and "the different worlds gradually and successively evolved. These evolutionary worlds are the brightness and the express image of their progenitors, the Sephiroth, which uphold all things."
The Sephiroth create the souls, and the souls must return to the source "whence it emanated .… The creature shall not then be distinguished from the Creator." (Note: this is nothing but the 'Nirvana' of Hinduism, which Webster defines as "the extinction of individual existence by absorption of the soul into the supreme spirit.") and, continues the publication: "the soul will rule the universe: she shall command, and God obey" (pp. 145-146).
In view of the distinction between Brahmins and untouchables in Hindu castes, and the difference in Talmudism between the Gentile "asses" who have no human status, alive or dead, and Jewish "humans," it will be easy to see who is supposed to do the ruling, and who does the obeying, God Himself being but a lump, a mass, an essence, a source stream, for Man to work.
That is Judaistic "monotheism!"[page 34]
Two qualities dominate the theoretical Jewish Cabala. Every attribute of Intelligence, of Knowing, Loving or Ruling is stripped from the God of the Bible and handed over to pagan spirits, who are invoked as in ancient paganism as "other gods," those which were so often denounced by the Prophets.
This act of stripping God of Intelligence and reducing Him to a mass of "self-percolating essence," the "En Sof," is nothing but pantheism (the sum of nature being God, without any Supreme Being).
Whether called "emanation" by the Jewish Cabala, "immanence" by Talmudic Spinoza, or renamed by Hegel - for "the real and ideal is taught in the same way in the Cabala as in Hegel" (Jewish Encyclopedia, page 474), or designated "dialectical materialism" by Karl Marx, the result is the same old atheistic concept of nature just waiting for man to run and dominate it. The Luciferian god is always man.
The great heresy of Gnosticism, which nearly swept Christianity from the earth in the early centuries, is admittedly Cabalistic. And the Gnostic and Cabalistic idea that evil is non-existent is currently revived in "Christian Science," which is neither Christian nor scientific, and has been a magnet for hundreds of thousands of Jews who can, as the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia states, be Christian Scientists without deserting their Talmudism. This Encyclopedia states: "As the divine has true being, evil is that which has no being, the unreal or seeming thing as it appears." (page 477) And: "Evil, according to the Cabalistic philosophy, is nonexistent, anticipating Christian Science .…" (same reference, page 620)
Every pagan trick of dethroning God and enthroning individual spirits is employed by the Jewish Cabalists. "Casting of Lots, Necromancy, Exorcism … Bibliomancy, and the mysticism of numbers and letters were developed into complete systems. Hence the cabalistic doctrine of the heavenly alphabet, whose signs are the constellations and the stars.
Thus Astrology was legitimized, and bibliomancy found its justification in the assumption that the sacred Hebrew letters are not merely signs for things, but implements of divine powers by means of which nature may be subjugated" [by Man], says the Jewish Encyclopedia, under "Cabala," page 479.
But the bloody business of making circles to circumscribe the spirits, of gouging out cocks' eyes, skinning lambs and throwing the blood around to weird incantations to bring up the spectres of the departed, as forbidden by Scripture, is hidden as an "esoteric" or secret lore entrusted to such as the Jewish Baal Shems ("masters of the name").
Reincarnation, or transmigration of souls, is a doctrine of the Cabala generally. Failing to wash off the demons of the hands may turn one into a river, says the Jewish Encyclopedia under "Transmigration of Souls." The theory is the cause of much degradation in Hinduism. In the Cabala, each soul corresponds to a part of the body of the Adam Kadmon universe, some being "lower" organs, some "higher." The "dibbuk" or possessing spirit who can only be expelled by a "Baal Shem" wonderworker came into the Jewish press recently (1955) when a dibbuk is alleged to have been seen leaving the body of its unwilling host. Jewish press publications all carried the report.
A newsreel I saw in recent years showed the knife-sticking and goat-bleeding Hindu rites of Kali in India, horrible sights. Kali, to quote, is "a Hindu goddess. She is represented as black, with four arms, wearing a necklace of skulls, and the hands of slaughtered giants round her waist as a girdle. Her eyebrows and breasts appear streaming with blood of monsters she has slain and devoured. One hand holds a sword, another a human head. She is the goddess of death and destruction, and goats and other animals are sacrificed on her altars.
Ancient Hindu books even enjoined human sacrifices to this bloodthirsty goddess. Her worship is said to be characterized by vile secret rites." (American International Encyclopedia, "Kali") In sex, filth, degrading treatment of baby girls, low status of women, and the caste system, Talmudic Judaism and Hinduism are closely allied. Whereas the appeasement of many spirits is secreted in Judaism and is open in Hinduism, the caste system, which numbers some 2,000 Hindu castes and sub-castes, is much simplified in Judaism, there being but two castes: the human and the animals, that is the "Jew" and non-Jew, the "Brahmin" or semi-divine "Jew," and the non-Jewish "Untouchable."
The Zohar, Principal Work of the Cabala
The Zohar (Book of Splendor) has been translated in several large volumes. It is more degenerately pornographic, if that were possible, than the Talmud itself.The Zohar is a veritable library. Like the Talmud it seeks to nullify all the literal meaning of the Bible. This the Zohar does by allegorizing. Whereas the "Sages" of the Talmud always give as "higher" meanings their own reversal of Biblical moral laws, the Zohar in more fanciful, and in sex language seeks to reduce to Nature the whole of life and to Deify Man.
Based upon the Cabalistic method and doctrines, the principal characteristic of Gnosticism was the "harmonizing" of opposites, or syncretism. By this means black can be represented as white. That Lucifer always arrays himself as an angel of light is a Biblical truth: "Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works." (II Corinthians 11:14)
The Cabala was the basis of Gnosticism, which today is expressed through such organizations as the National Conference of Christians and Jews, which deceives the unknowing public that there can be "brotherhood between 'Christ' and 'anti-Christ.'"
"Zohar ('brightness'), the principal work of the Cabala," starts the section in the Universal Jewish Encyclopedia and includes this: "Cabalistic groups raised the Zohar to the same rank … as that given to the … Talmud .… The reading of the Zohar was regarded as a religious duty by the [page 35] Hasidim and by the Oriental Jews and some parts of the Zohar were used liturgically .… The Zohar's teachings combine practically all the elements of the older Cabala: the doctrines of the Primordial Man (Adam Kadmon), of the Sephiroth, of Creation and of the Mercabah … number and letter mysticism, especially in reference to the names of God .…"
The Jewish Encyclopedia (1905) on the Zohar, states: "It contains a complete cabalistic theosophy," and calls it: "Not the work of a single author," under which subtitle the close relationship to Hinduism is cited: "it is necessary to ascertain where and when the Jews became intimately acquainted with the Hindu philosophy, which more than any other exercised an influence on the Zohar" (a parallel reading is quoted), and emphasis on the similarity follows.
The Mohammedan Sufis had similar doctrines: "All these sects had their sacred writings which they kept secret, and these writings probably formed the nucleus of the Zohar." One section is described as "explaining Scripture mystically by way of … Gematria … the doctrine of Metempsychosis … the importance of washing the hands .… The Zohar repeatedly endeavors to impress upon the mind of the reader that the Biblical narratives and ordinances contain Higher truths in addition to the literal meaning."
The Zohar in its later form (after the 13th Century) "spread among the Jews with remarkable celerity … representatives of Talmudic Judaism began to regard it as a sacred book and to invoke its authority in the decision of some ritual questions." (Same reference)
Glorification of Man
The Darwinian theory of evolution, like the Spinoza theory of "immanence," pantheism, are similar Cabalistic ideas in new word form.
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, will tell you how when the Dutch began to call the theories of Spinoza by their right name - Atheism - his own Cabala teachers who were members of the Beth Din (Talmud law court) quickly excommunicated him to prevent more unpopularity from fastening upon the already unpopular Jewish community. But, ever since, he has borne in Judaism the title of "Blessed Spinoza."
All that he did was to voice the Cabala, a foundation of the basically atheistic "Jewish" Babylonian Talmudic religion. Karl Marx, himself son of a Jewish Rabbi, called the "En Sof" by a still fancier name, "dialectical materialism," the mindless bashing of germ to fish to mammal to ape to man, with the Jewish-spawned Marxist revolution as its crown and triumph.
Says the Jewish Encyclopedia: "Zoharic elements … crept into the liturgy of the 16th and 17th Centuries … the characteristic features of which were the representation of the highest thoughts by human emblems and human passions, and the use of erotic terminology to illustrate the relations between man and God, Religion being identical with love … sensuous pleasure, and especially intoxication, typify the highest degree of divine love as ecstatic contemplation, while the wine-room represents merely the state through which the human qualities merge or are exalted into those of the Deity."
There is nothing new here that pagans who consulted the oracles, indulged in drunken and sex degeneracies, to worship the old sex-gods who were the deities of all pagan civilizations, did not have centuries and centuries ago. No wonder the unsparing denunciations of the Prophets have to be "allegorized" away into nothing!
Tied up in the Zohar and Cabala generally, are the doctrines of metempsychosis or transmigration of souls, the worship of the seven planets, Sun, Moon, and the over-all En Sof, diagrammed as the Ten Sephirot which propel themselves out and back into the mass, the En Sof, and which also corresponds with the pagan Aristotle's Ten Intelligences (or "Boss" Spirits of the heavenly bodies).
Sholem; "Divine" Talmudists; "Holy Communion"
Gershom Sholem, whose lectures here at Red Rabbi Wise's institute of Judaism in New York were compiled as "Major Trends in Jewish Mysticism" has been listed in Who's Who in World Jewry as holding the chair of Jewish mysticism at Hebrew University, Palestine.His excerpts from The Zohar, the Book of Splendor (Schocken Books, 1949) are revealing:
"The book of Zohar, the most important literary work of the Kabbalah … a work of secret wisdom," he calls it. Like the Talmud, which uses the Bible verses which admittedly are not there, the Zohar uses a non-existent verse to portray the Talmudists as Divine: "The Divine Presence as the mystical embodiment of the Community of Israel,"
Blasphemously, in Baal worship style, sexual intercourse is called Holy Communion."
God chose Israel and none other from among the peoples and established them in the world as a single unique nation … he called them 'one nation' .… When is 'one' said of a man? When he is male together with female …then and only then he is designated one without mar of any kind… only when male and female are conjoined do they form a single body; whereas, and this we have learned, if a man is not wedded, he is, we may say, divided into two .…" This is "holy communion."
The section of the book, "The Rose of Sharon" is another intercourse scene in which "the Community of Israel is called Rose of Sharon; because her desire to be watered from the deep stream .… She is named 'Rose' when she is about to Join with the King and after she has come together with [page 36] him in her kisses, she is named 'lily.'"
That excerpt, extended, however, is not enough. The Rabbis are quoted on: "the true devotion of the Community of Israel to God, and her longing for him, for these souls make possible the flow of the lower waters toward the upper, and this brings about perfect friendship and the yearning for mutual embrace in order to bring forth fruit.
When they cleave one to another, then says the Community of Israel in the largeness of her affections: 'Set me a seal upon thy heart.'" (same book, pages 69-70) There is much more of the same.
With that diversity of spelling characteristic of the Talmudists, God is called, in Sholem's study of the Zohar, the "en sof, the Infinite. Neither shape nor form has he [Note: small "h" always in referring to the Deity] and no vessel exists to contain him, nor any means to apprehend him." (page 79)
And then comes a vicious attack on Christianity so common in Talmudism. Our "crime" is in ascribing Intelligence to God, in accepting Christ's words that He is the personification of the Father, a real and Loving Spirit: "He that hath seen me hath seen the Father." (John 14:9)
The Zohar: "Woe to the man who would make bold to identify the Lord with any single attribute … and the less so any human form existent … there is neither attribute, nor likeness, nor form in him." (same book, page 78)
Sholem's work on the Zohar also states:
"The names and grades of the soul of man are three: 'nefesh' (vital soul), 'ruah' (spirit), 'neshamah' (innermost soul). The three are comprehended one within the other, but each has its separate abode. While the body in the grave is decomposing … nefesh tarries with it, and it hovers about in this world, going here and there among the living .… Ruah betakes itself into the earthly Garden of Eden .… On Sabbaths, New Moons and festival days. it ascends up to the supernal sphere … But neshamah ascends for forthwith to her place in the domain from which she emanated … when the children of men … betake themselves to the graves of those who are gone, then nefesh is wakened, and it goes out to bestir ruah, which then rouses … neshamah .…" (pages 96-7
The World is explained by a chart representing three copulating triads: male, female and offspring - given fantastic names. The En Sof surrounding these is the god-essence which "percolates" through the three sets back into itself.
According to the pantheistic Cabala God has no intelligence. To quote:
"God is the infinite, unlimited being, to whom one neither can nor may ascribe any attributes whatever; who can therefore be designated merely as En Sof 'without end.'" (Jewish Encyclopedia, "Cabala," page 472) Describing the ten sephirot, which include the three spawning triads, the same source designates as "Yesod - 'foundation' the reproductive element, the root of all existence." (page 475)
Under the title "Cabala" the 1943 Universal Jewish Encyclopedia emphasizes the same idea: "But the En Sof, being boundless, cannot become the direct creator, for He has neither will, intention, desire, thought, language, nor action, attributes which belong to finite beings." (page 619
Metatron is the prince of this world, the "demiurge" in the Talmud and Cabala. He is the same as the Persian sun god Mithra, according to the Jewish Encyclopedia. (see "Metatron")
With god a formless "lump," without any attributes, someone has to be Ruler, and Metatron (Mithra) is it. The Talmud sometimes gives the En Sof an almost comic character with big feet, splashing with the big fish in the sea, and teaching dead children the Torah one-fourth of the day. But Metatron teaches them three-fourths! This last, in the Talmud Aboda Zara 3b, is cited by the Jewish Encyclopedia (under "Metatron"), and also his being "lord of all the heavenly hosts, of all treasures, of secrets.
Mithra, slaying a sacred bull, a long lasting God, many similarities to Jesus, the Sun God and the god of war, in Troy known as Apollo.
The Zohar defines his nature exactly by declaring that he is little lower than God." He is not only identified here with "Zoroastrian Mithra," the Sun God, but in articles about "Mercabah" he is seen as inflamed with incantations, dope, "and other means," as comparable to the "demiurge." Under "Mercabah" the Jewish Encyclopedia describes the spiritualistic Mithra rites of "Metatron" whose name letters add up to those of Shaddai (God). Non-Jews are unaware that using letters for numbers ("Gematria") is as prevalent today in Pharisaic Judaism as it was in the time of Christ.
Not GodNote in Exhibit 285 herein that through the Cabala "one may thus easily make himself master of creation" - a Luciferian idea. Also wild animals can be slain and "terror diffused through the world." Note in Exhibit 288 that letters of the alphabet, especially of the four-letter word for Jehova, the Tetragrammaton, have magic power, in fact that letters created the world!
It is stated that this idea "seems to have originated in Chaldea" (Babylonia). That the rabbis worked the Cabala and created a third-grown calf and ate it, is cited as coming from the Talmud, Sanhedrin 67b. This is reproduced herein as Exhibit 78. Demonism is the subject also of Exhibit 77, Exhibit 79, Exhibit 80, which are from the Talmud. See also Exhibits 285-92 (285, 286, 287, 288, 289, 290, 291, 292) from the Jewish Encyclopedia.
Cabala Exalts the Jew
"the true Jewish view of life, and one that appealed to Talmudic Judaism. The Jew as well as the man was recognized in the Cabala. Notwithstanding the strongly pantheistic coloring of its metaphysics, the Cabala never attempted to belittle the importance of historic Judaism, but, on the contrary, emphasized it … the cabalists developed a Jewish Magic." (p. 478)
"… Demonology, therefore, occupies an important part in the work of many cabalists … many cabalists developed their theories on Casting of Lots, Necromancy, Exorcism. Astrology was legitimized and [page 37] bibliomancy found its justification in the assumption that the sacred Hebrew letters are not one.
With that old pagan deification of man idea in which nature as a whole is god and man is the doer, merely signs for things but implements of divine powers by means of which nature may be subjugated." (page 479)
The Cabala - Sefer Raziel
"Sefer" means book."Sefer Raziel," meaning book of secrets, is "an ancient Cabalistic book." The usual pretext to call pagan practices "Jewish" is to attribute them to some old patriarch such as Abraham, who has been dead for centuries and is unable to deny the attribution. This one is linked to Noah, Abraham, Shem, and so on. However, the voodoo in it is as old as the pagan "philosophers" themselves.
"The book contains mystic lore on the letters of the alphabet … and various magic recipes and amulets." (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, "Sefer Raziel") "From the Talmud … we learn that the alphabet played an important role in the creation of the world .… Sefer Raziel states that Adam engraved the letters out of the likeness of the fallen angels [demons] from aleph to Tav.
Every angel must appear as soon as his name is uttered .… Bezalel, the builder of the Tabernacle in the wilderness, knew how to combine the letters by which heaven and earth were created (Talmud, Berechoth 55a)." (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, "Alphabet")
See Exhibit 288 concerning letter creation.
Although the Bible refers to Bezalel only as a workman inspired to serve God in his efforts on the Tabernacle, the Talmud makes him into a demon evoker, a great intellect of whom Moses was jealous. Bible references to Bezalel: Exodus 31:2; Exodus 35:30; Exodus 36:1-2; Exodus 37:1; Exodus 38:22; I Chron. 2:20; I Chron. 1:5;
The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia states (under "Alphabet"):
"The most important letters of the alphabet are, of course, those which spelt out the Tetragrammaton, or Name of God, Y.H.V. (or W.H.). This word is not to be pronounced as written, but must be read as 'Adonai,' 'The Lord;' and each letter has an especial potency … The belief in the power of the word was common to all the religions of antiquity.
Thus the platonists had notions of the influence of anagrams made out of the names of persons … In the Talmud … there are many passages to indicate the rabbis were familiar with the various methods of permutation of the letters of the alphabet …
The first was that of codes [Note: the Atbash code of using the last letter for the first, etc., is described] … the second … was the anagram in which the letters of a word were reshuffled to form a new word. The third was Gematria, based on the numerical value of the letters. The fourth was Notarikon, which took each letter of a given word as the initial of another word, and thus interpreted it in mystic fashion."
The Cabalists' special alphabet is diagrammed.
The Cabala - Sefer Yetzirah
"Sefer Yetzirah," or Book of Creation, is another voodoo Cabalistic compilation frankly emanating from Chaldea, or Babylon. (See Exhibit 72 and Exhibit 73)
To quote the Jewish Encyclopedia under "Cabala:" "The belief in the magic power of the letters of the Tetragrammaton and other names of the Deity … seems to have originated in Chaldea … the theurgic Cabala … under the name of Sefer (or 'Hilkot') Yezirah, induced Babylonia rabbis of the Fourth Century to 'create a calf by magic' (Sanhedrin 65b, Sanhedrin 67b)." (See Exhibit 288, left column)
The Mercabah rites inspired by dope, incantations, etc., at the end of which the Sun God (Mithra), called in Talmudism "Metatron," Ruler of the world, are then referred to.
One familiar with Isaiah's description of the satanic Anti-Christ of the Babylonian world government now rising (See Isaiah 14), is struck with the following words concerning one's ability to be master of creation by means of the Sefer Yetzirah, and making the nether spirits obey and raise one to knowledge and power through cabalistic know-how.
The Jewish Encyclopedia states (see Exhibit 285): "'Practical Cabala' or the art of employing the knowledge of the hidden world in order to attain one's purpose, is founded upon the mysticism developed in the Sefer Yezirah ('Book of Creation'). According to this work, God created the world by means of the letters of the alphabet which He combined in the most varied ways. If one learns these combinations and permutations, and applies them at the right time and in the right place, one may thus easily make himself master of creation .…" Then the ridiculous statement appears that "these formulae all proclaim monotheism."
Note from the same section of the Jewish Encyclopedia (Exhibit 285) that by writing demonistic Amulets on a "fetus," that is, an unborn creature or child, the rousing of "demons" can sometimes be accomplished with success.
By "monotheism," the Talmudists really are saying "pantheism," which is the pagan concept that the sum total of all nature is God, an unknowing, unknowable mass of essence, spirit or matter, of which the universe is composed, without the "anthropomorphic" God of the Bible which the Pharisees have proudly eliminated, transferring all the powers attributed to Him to "intermediary powers" - yes, to those hosts of pagan spirits or gods of which Metatron, the Sun God, is chief today. Plato, Pythagoras, and the pagans the Prophets tried to reach during the long centuries before Christ, had the same "monotheistic" world in which they, as the "Supermen," could make themselves Masters of Creation and Dictators of the people.
Stripped of its deceptions and falsehoods, there is nothing monotheistic about Judaism, nor does it have anything in common with Christianity to which it is irrevocably and diametrically opposed.
Nice info...That's why (most)Jewish people show to be such adults on things...