WITH YOUNG GIRLS!! ~ Roman Polanski
Director Roman Polanski's life has been one of stunning professional success, crushing personal tragedy, and horrific criminal charges. His films are celebrated, but his life fell apart with the murder of his wife, actress Sharon Tate, who was slain in the couple's home by followers of Charles Manson in 1969. In 1977, he was convicted of raping a 13-year-old girl and fled the country to avoid jail.
Is everyone who loses a partner to violence given a"Get Out of Jail Free" card if they have the urge to rape a child? Or is that only reserved for Hollywood royalty?
First, Gunson read out the litany of charges Polanski initially faced:
“Mr. Polanski, you are charged in Information A-334139 with the crimes of Furnishing Drugs to a Minor, Lewd or Lascivious Acts upon a Child under 14 year of Age, Unlawful Sexual Intercourse, Rape by Use of Drugs, Perversion, and Sodomy, all felonies committed on or about March 10th, 1977.”
“Mr. Polanski, because this offense involved a girl under the age of 14, it is mandatory that MDSO proceedings be instituted. MDSO means Mentally Disordered Sex Offender. If you are found to be an MDSO, you would have to register that fact with the law enforcement officer of the community in which you resided.”Gunson then went on to ask: “….on March 10, 1977, the day you had sexual intercourse with the complaining witness, how old did you believe her to be?”
Polanski conferred with his lawyer and then answered: “She was 13.”
Gunson: “Did you understand that she was 13 on March 10, 1977, when you had sexual intercourse with her?”
Again, Polanski conferred with his lawyer, then answered: “Yes.”
The Lost Polanski Transcripts The Daily Beast

In Jewish owned American, especially a state run by Hollywood royalty, I doubt that here is very little chance anything would come of the old charges.

I hope Heidi and her goats escaped his clutches!

Poor Roman is the eternal VICTIM!

Since when do Hollywood stars have the right to rewrite laws? I don't think having the perennial whiner, Allen is a great addition. It seems to me that he too has a pretty shady history when it comes to very young women. Did he not rape and then marry his 17 year old stepdaughter?
He did the crime no matter how sympathetic one is. Sympathy does not make all right.
Whoa!. This movie ushered in a slew of Satanic films and introduced Satanism to audiences in a much more personal way than the old Vincent Price horrors. This was followed by The Exorcist and other such hits. The advisor for this movie was Michael Aquino, one of the most evil Satanists in North America, last seen working in the Pentagon. That association alone makes me wonder a bit about Polanski right there.The fact that this movie won a zillion awards tells me that he was being awarded by his fellow Jews for moving the agenda of the purification of American spirituality along with great success. That is how those awards usually earned.)

Note how it says "he was accused". Victim mode, not fact, "he gave champagne,..."

Word and Photos NYDaily News
By Christopher Sandford
Updated Last August 25, 2007
This was one of the great Hollywood sex scandals: The brooding but brilliant movie director Roman Polanski was charged with raping a 13-year-old girl in the Los Angeles home of actor Jack Nicholson.
In the wake of his trial ~ and Polanski's admission of guilt to one charge of unlawful intercourse - the director has never revealed the true details of what happened on that fateful afternoon in 1977.
Instead the Paris-born (but Polish-raised) director fled America. He remains a fugitive, living in Paris with his third wife and their two children at the age of 74.
He did not even return to the United States in the spring of 2003 to collect his Oscar as Best Director for the Holocaust drama The Pianist for fear that he would be imprisoned.
So what actually happened in Nicholson's magnificent house on that March afternoon three decades ago which has remained a secret ~ until now?
Polanski was forever marked as a dark and mysterious figure after his second wife, the actress Sharon Tate, was murdered by members of the Charles Manson 'cult' in August 1969 when she was eight months pregnant with their first child.
The truth is that 5ft 5in Polanski,
who was once described as
"a clinical megalomaniac" and
survived the Holocaust in Poland as a boy,
always polarizes opinion.
The actress Mia Farrow once described him "a brave and brilliant man, important to all humanity", while, at the other extreme, a Los Angeles magazine called for him to be chemically castrated, nicknaming him "the Hollywood paedophile".
But to understand the true nature of the acclaimed director of Chinatown, we need to go back to Munich, West Germany, in October 1976.
On his first night off from rehearsals for the Bavarian State Opera's production of Verdi's Rigoletto, Polanski went out to dinner with a German critic and two young women.
Afterwards, the four returned to Polanski's two-bedroom hotel suite.
The director took one of the girls to bed while the critic took the other, but when Polanski emerged from his room during the night he discovered that the critic had gone home, leaving his date ~ who called herself "Nasty" ~ sprawled in an armchair in the sitting room.
Polanski immediately invited her to join him and his partner for what was later described as a "threesome", and she agreed.
The girl's name, he learnt later, was Nastassja Kinski ~ an aspiring actress who was destined to star in his 1979 film Tess.
She was just 15, and he was 43. Within a matter of days Polanski had decided to photograph his new, young lover for the glossy pages of the Christmas 1976 edition of French Vogue.
Just before he returned to Los Angeles, however, the director accepted another commission to take a series of photographs ~ again of adolescent girls ~ this time for French Vogue's associate magazine Vogue Homme.
Mia Farrow has frequently defended Polanski
His idea was to "show them as they really are" ~ which meant "sexy, pert and thoroughly human" ~ and by adolescent, he meant girls of 13 or 14 years old.
When Polanski got to Los Angeles a friend suggested "the perfect candidate" for these photographs ~ the younger daughter of an aspiring actress.
Samantha Jane Gailey was 13, but no innocent.
She would later explain that she'd had sex twice in the year before she met the director, that she'd drunk alcohol and that "once I was under the influence of Quaaludes [a sedative used as a recreational drug in the 70s] when I was real little".
But Gailey was also a schoolgirl who kept pet rats and had a Spiderman poster on her bedroom wall.
She was also four years under the age of sexual consent then required in the state of California ~ and 30 years younger than Polanski ~ but that didn't matter to him.
When a friend later asked about her age, he snapped: "She was about to turn 14."
Polanski set off to visit Gailey, and her mother, at their small, nondescript home in the western Los Angeles suburb of Woodland Hills on the afternoon of February 13, 1977.
The director was disappointed on first sight.
She was "a good looking girl, but nothing sensational", he said. Nevertheless he showed her the photographs he'd taken for French Vogue and she agreed to a shoot the following Sunday.
When Polanski arrived a week later he found Gailey waiting for him wearing a pair of jeans and a patchwork blouse.
The director proceeded to take the girl to an isolated spot half a mile away. Then, after a few shots, he asked her to remove her shirt.
The published photographs, he assured her, would be cropped so there would be no "boobies", as he called them. Polanski maintained later that Gailey was "entirely at ease".
The director didn't arrange to see Gailey again until Thursday, March 10.
This time Polanski first took her to actress Jacqueline Bisset's house and then to his friend Nicholson's mansion on Mulholland Drive.
The Oscar-winning actor wasn't there, but his then girlfriend, actress Anjelica Huston was.
On the way over Polanski was reported to have asked the girl whether she was "still a virgin" but the director insisted she said she started having sex "when I was eight".
When they reached Nicholson's house, Polanski gave the girl a glass of Cristal champagne and again asked her to pose topless, which he insisted she did "with great aplomb".
Shortly afterwards he also suggested she get into the Jacuzzi, and quickly produced a Quaalude, which she took.
"I can barely remember anything," Gailey told the Grand Jury later. "I was kind of dizzy, you know, like things were kind of blurry."
Polanski cannot shed his dark and steamy past
Polanski took more photographs, before taking off his own clothes and joining her in the Jacuzzi.
The girl asked to go home, and he told her "I'll take you home soon".
But when she repeated her request, he told her to lie down in a nearby guest house.
Polanski said afterwards that Gailey had quickly assured him she was feeling better ~ after which, he maintained, "very gently, I began to kiss and caress her".
But the 13-year-old girl's account was different.
She insisted that she told the director she wasn't feeling better, and when he kissed her she told him: "No" and "keep away".
In the next few minutes, according to the girl, Polanski raped and sodomised her.
He later described them as "making love" but Gailey violently disagreed.
When asked if she resisted, she said: "Not really ~ because I was afraid of him".
Eventually an unrepentant Polanski drove Gailey home.
When her mother and sister saw the topless shots, they were horrified.
But her mother was even angrier when she discovered that Polanski had actually had sex with her daughter ~ so angry that later that evening she made a formal complaint to the police.
The following evening Polanski was arrested in the foyer of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, where he kept a suite.
Detective Philip Vannatter, a tenyear veteran, who 17 years later would go on to be lead investigator in the O.J. Simpson case, asked if Polanski had the slightest idea why he was being arrested. "I honestly don't know," the director replied.
Polanski's celebrity in Hollywood meant that he was never handcuffed.
Indeed one of the district attorneys called him a "great artist". Reality set in when the booking sergeant asked him: "What in hell do you think you're doing, going around raping kids?"
Released on bail of just £1,250, Polanski proceeded to hire the highlyregarded criminal attorney Douglas Dalton to defend him, and on March 24 was charged with six offences, including unlawful sexual intercourse, furnishing a controlled substance to a minor and the "infamous crime against nature upon the person of a human being" as California described sodomy.
He faced a potential 50 years in jail.
Three weeks later Polanski appeared for a preliminary hearing at the Santa Monica Supreme Court before Judge Laurence J. Rittenband, who was no stranger to celebrity cases.
Rittenband had presided over Elvis Presley's divorce, and Marlon Brando's child-custody battle.
At first the judge took a benign view of the "ferret-faced defendant with a malicious grin", renewing his bail at £1,250 and allowing him to travel outside the country ~ "should he so wish".
Within 24 hours Polanski had flown to London.
But that did nothing to stem the tidal wave of publicity that now engulfed him.
Polanski took most of the media coverage as a personal affront ~ insisting that
"they have been after me
ever since I had the bad taste
to have a wife who was murdered".
He showed no sign whatever of contrition. When his lawyer Dalton warned him against appearing too often with "nubile young actresses" the director retorted:
"I am not guilty, so why should I act guilty?"
Polanski was back in court on May 20, when Dalton attempted to introduce Gailey's previous sexual history into evidence, only for the judge to refuse point blank.
After the hearing, the lawyer raised the possibility of a so-called "plea bargain" with Polanski.
In the best case scenario, Dalton told him, he might avoid jail altogether by pleading guilty to one of the lesser charges ~ although the lawyer also pointed out that "ultimately it would all depend on the bench".
And Judge Rittenband was not an easy man to predict.
Then aged 71 and unmarried, he liked nothing more than to attend fancy-dress balls at the Hillcrest Country Club in Beverly Hills, often dressed as a woman ~ but he was also said to have conducted an "intense relationship" with a 20-year-old girlfriend when he was in his 50s.
Hollywood friends leapt to Polanski's defence. Mia Farrow said he was being "hounded".
No matter how fraught the public reactions, Dalton managed to negotiate a plea bargain for his client.
One reason was that the District Attorney's office knew that in eight out of 10 child sexual abuse cases in California the young plaintiffs declined to appear in open court, and even Gailey's lawyer had accepted that a trial would become "a circus".
Polanski, however, stubbornly refused to admit that he was a rapist.
Eventually, assistant district attorney Roger Gunson, a Mormon, came up with a compromise.
Polanski would plead guilty to unlawful intercourse, a crime punishable by anything from probation to the full 50-year sentence, but which nevertheless meant that he would not be pleading guilty to rape.
Giving reasons for the decision Gunson cited the need to maintain Gailey's privacy ~ up to that point she had never been named in open court ~ as well as her reluctance to testify, and the possibility of a "Hollywood Babylon' trial. But, Gunson's conclusion did not 'in any way involve a sentence commitment".
It was for still for Judge Rittenband to decide whether Polanski should go to jail.
On the morning of August 8, Polanski appeared in court to plead guilty to the single charge of unlawful intercourse. Rittenband was still in benevolent mood.
It seemed to Polanski as though the judge was not seeking his "incarceration".
After the hearing the director was still on bail, and only under instruction to meet two court-appointed psychiatrists ~ who were to decide whether he was a mentally disordered sex offender ~ and a probation officer.
Their conclusions annoyed Rittenband, who called the probation report a "whitewash" and said he would send Polanski to the California Institute for Men in Chino for a 90-day "diagnostic study".
Polanski later insisted that Rittenband "implied he would sentence me to probation" after the 90 days in Chino ~ but my search of the relevant court records show no sign of that whatsoever.
Nevertheless Rittenband did allow Polanski to go to the South Pacific to complete pre-production on his new film The Hurricane.
Displaying typical disregard, the director didn't go directly to the Pacific.
Instead he travelled via Europe ~ stopping off to be photographed by a newspaper at the Munich October Beer festival surrounded by a group of very young ladies.
Finally, after spending six weeks in Bora Bora, Polanski returned to Los Angeles and reported to Chino, where he was fitted with prison regulation blue overalls and shown to his new living quarters, a 6ft by 10ft cell, with a metal bunk and flush toilet.
The director was released 43 days later, on January 29, 1978, looking thin and haggard. Rittenband announced he would make his decision at a hearing the following day.
The hearing was a disaster for Polanski. Rittenband announced that he would be sending him back to the Institute to complete his 90 days sentence ~ and then would give him an "indeterminate" jail sentence.
"I did my time in prison" Polanski maintained later.
"That was supposed to be it. The judge reneged on the plea bargain that was accepted by all sides and wanted me to go back."
But Rittenband never agreed in open court that the diagnostic study would serve as a full sentence.
Enraged, Polanski went to visit his lawyer Dalton the following morning, and asked him: "Why should I go back to jail until I have to beg to be deported? Why not just leave?"
Dalton looked at some papers before answering, but when he glanced up Polanski had gone.
The director was on his way to the airport, and at 4pm boarded a British Airways flight to London. On his arrival on February 1, he phoned Dalton to tell him: "Rittenband has seen the last of me".
Hours later Dalton informed the judge, who immediately issued a warrant for the director's arrest but, by then, Polanski was on his way to his native Paris ~ having discovered that a British court could "send him back to America in chains".
The very next day, a spokesman for the French justice ministry confirmed that, as a French citizen, "Polanski may not be extradited under any circumstances".
Polanski has remained a resident of the French capital ever since.
In Hawaii, the former Samantha Gailey, now Mrs Geimer, with three children of her own, insists she has no "hard feelings" towards him.
Mrs Geimer accepted an out of court settlement reported to have exceeded £140,000 from Polanski for "distress".
But Polanski is not off the hook: the case of "The People v Polanski" remains an "outstanding matter", according to the California district attorney, and there is "no question" of an amnesty.
The events of three decades ago will haunt Polanski until his dying day ~ ensuring he will be remembered as much for being a criminal fugitive as one of the 20th century's great directors.
Polanski committed a crime. But he is an artist, a precocious type. He is encouraged to break rules, push boundaries. One concludes this may be the art community's view of the matter, based on the mad rush to the director's defense. As actress Debra Winger explained, "the whole art world suffers" with his arrest.
It’s a lot less complicated than the Hollywood “community” lets on. He pleaded guilty. And even if he hadn’t, a 43-year-old authority figure can’t really have consensual sex with a 13-year-old, anyway. Hollywood would have agreed with the above idea if the perpetrator were a Catholic priest and the minor a 17-year-old. But morality is relative.
“If I had killed somebody, it wouldn’t have had so much appeal to the press, you see? But having sex, you see, and the young girls. Judges want to have sex with young girls. Juries want to have sex with young girls. Everyone wants to have sex with young girls!”
ReplyDeleteGuess what, you piece of crap...not EVERYONE wants to "have sex" with young girls!
I prefer more adult partners, thank you...and I don't need to dope my partners up to get into their pants.
Take some responsibility for what you've done - you HAVEN'T yet gone to jail for what you've done.
everybody was fed some bullshit about the manson story. it was more to it!!! trust me. think about this; sharon tate was 8 1/2 months pregnant with roman polanski's child OR IT COULD HAVE BEEN JAY SEBRING'S CHILD. people need to wake up!!!!! roman polanski is hardly ever mentioned when talk of this thing. now we know he drugged a 13 year old and had sex with her! sodomized her! and ran! the first murders= HIT. others=to cover up hit. genious move from mind of a great film director! THINK
ReplyDeleteOf course Polanski would have been fine if a 43-year-old man had sodomized his own daughter, Morgan, when she was just 13 years old, right?