"Thirty years before environmentalism became fashionable, Philip was being rapped as an 'eco-nut' when he pointed out what we all know now: that modern industrial society is ruining Planet Earth." Britania Biography
"In early August, (1999) Philip stuck his neck out yet again when he called town-dwellers 'ignorant' about country pursuits like hunting and shooting which various animal rights organizations want to see banned. Philip has been sat on several times for saying things like that, but it hasn't put him off one bit." Britannia Biography
Once again HRH Prince Philip has let humanity know what he thinks of it and, bonus!, unwittingly let slip just the type of world that he and his Globalist cronies wish to bring back into being. Oh,those good old days! You know, the one they want after they have culled the human herd down to a manageable size about 1/5 of what it is today.

at his second (or third, fourth, or fifth) home ~ Balmoral Castle.
September 29, 2009
Prince Philip (Great humanitarian) has taken a pot shot at supermarkets and second-home owners who he says are threatening the traditional village, in remarks published Wednesday.
Ah, yes, "tradition" one of the many luxuries that the Elite have forced the rest of the world to abandon due to a need to survive. What a shame HRH could not just let some of these urban invaders loose in his hunting grounds and hunt them down himself, non? Jolly good sport, I fancy! Give them 20 head start, that's more than fair, wot say?
In an interview with Shooting Times magazine, the notoriously straight-talking Duke of Edinburgh also blasted industrial farming methods, which produced cows with horns like a "hat-rack with an udder attached."
"I say! She should be a good breeder!" Philip and his clan celebrating the addition of virginal blue-blooded Diana to the stable of royal breeders.
They also created the "bizarre" situation in which a bottle of milk costs less than a bottle of water, he said.
And this bothers him why? When did this ordinary human being, puffed up with self aggrandizement, care about what the chauffeur's wife pays for milk?
The 88-year-old Consort/husband of Queen Elizabeth II ~ who has official residences in London, Windsor and Scotland as well as a vast portfolio of property ~ lamented the demise of the quintessential English village.
Then just BUY your very own village, Philip! This royal bloke misses the good old days when he used to have a pint at the local pub with the farmers, groundskeepers and other commoners who helped manage his vast estates? But hey, isn't he originally GREEK?
As a matter of fact, no he isn't. "A poll taken in 1947 revealed widespread dismay at Philip's alien origins. Never mind that he was, like Elizabeth, a great-great-grandchild of Queen Victoria. To the public he became 'Phil the Greek', an opprobrious nickname which still surfaces from time to time today. It was inaccurate. Philip was born a Prince of Greece, but his ancestry was actually Danish and German." Britannia Biography
1947, Philip, the Royal Consort and his wife Princess Elizabeth
"Villages used to have to be more or less self-sufficient: they had a butcher, a baker, a shoemaker. Now that has all gone because of the way retailing is concentrated in big centres and multi-stores."
Survival of the fittest perhaps? Sad to say, but that is how it seems to be in this capitalist system the European royalty and their bankers created. And now you weep because it is not exactly as you had hoped?
Ah, can you see Philip and Elizabeth, strolling about the market purchasing their turnip greens and sausage on a lazy afternoon after a day of statecraft?!
Yes, and of course, and he supported these villages by shopping there personally for his own fresh foods and breads? Perhaps some Bubble n squeak from the potter's wife? Is he, perchance, a tad nostalgic for those rambling political chats over the counter with the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker?
The First Gentleman complained that the huge increase in holiday home ownership, fueled by a decade-long property and economic boom, at least until last year's global financial crisis, had changed the make-up of communities around the country.
I see. A shame that the common folk are doing so well, isn't it? Just a wee bit hypocritical of you isn't it Philip, dear? Or is this, once again, the good old double standard of one set of rules for the titled, another for the common folk from whom you and your family leech many millions annually?
Phil misses tippling pub brewed stout and a rousing games of darts shared with the local coal miners and dairy farmers after a long hard day of helping his wife rule the family business, known to the commoners as The Empire.
"There has been a complete change in the population of the countryside," he added, quoted by the Daily Telegraph newspaper.
If perhaps farmers had not been driven off their land by the agribusinesses, perhaps they would still be there. However, you failed to protect the lifestyle you are so nostalgic about and helped, through the financial dealings of your buddies, to eradicate.
Philip added,
"The country villages have changed from the sense of being places where people who were associated with the countryside were living and now most of them are second homes occupied by commuters."
"They are constantly trying to produce cattle that will produce more milk and less cow ~ like a hat-rack with an udder attached. They can't really go on making such a travesty of an animal, there must be a limit to this. Even more ridiculous is the fact that milk is actually cheaper than bottled water. It seems quite bizarre to me."
Having just watched a film on the horror-filled life of factory raised dairy and beef cattle I tend to agree with Philip on this. However, remember this comes from a man who is focused on eugenics in the human species, totally obsessed with the bloodlines of all and sundry involved with reproduction within his family?
Wading into the highly contentious issue of climate change, he stressed the impact of population increase on the production of greenhouse gases.
Furthermore, His Royal Virus added,
"People go on about this carbon footprint, but they fail to realize that the amount of carbon going into the atmosphere is entirely dependent on the number of people living on the earth."
AH! Go on Philip, tell us what you really think. Are you saying that perhaps we need to cull the population a tad? Just so long, of course, as you have a boot polisher and chef on the premises at all times?
Ah, the goode man has more to add.
"There are now 60 million people living in this country and we are about the same land size as New Zealand ~ this country had three million people in Elizabeth I's day" back in the 16th century."
Preface to Down to Earth by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1988, p.|8. I don't claim to have any special interest in natural history, but as a boy I was made aware of the annual fluctuations in the number of game animals and the need to adjust the "cull'' to the size of the surplus population.
Press conference at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.
"It is now apparent that the ecological pragmatism of the so-called pagan religions, such as that of the American Indians, the Polynesians, and the Australian Aborigines, was a great deal more realistic in terms of conservation ethics than the more intellectual monotheistic philosophies of the revealed religion."Philip finally realizes he wants to dance with the wolves! It is rather late for him to figure this out after the forces of Imperialism and Colonialism ~ the Jewish/British Bankers and Royals ~ have subjected these people to horrific genocidal manipulation. Face it buddy, "intellectual monotheistic philosophies of the revealed religion" means NOTHING. It is just a stew of syllables representing your concept of religions, man made, no more no less. These indigenous people were "so simple and trusting" they were culled, most to the brink of extinction.
The native people LIVED their religion in natural harmony with the environment. ~ for many many thousands of years. They knew how to live lightly upon the land and with the environment. Your man-made religions, based on patriarchal superiority, saw the earth and its children as something to be plundered; for personal gain and you pray at specified times in elaborate buildings separate from nature. You may know the science, but you can never truly comprehend the complexity and beauty of the wilds. Philip, for an educated man, you are a dunce when it comes to what matters.
"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation."Philip, I have news for you. You already ARE a virus. A royal virus living off the hard earned money of the British people. Kind of a parasite if ya get my drift, Prince.
Prince Philip, in his Foreword to If I Were an Animal ~ United Kingdom, Robin Clark Ltd., 1986
I just wonder what it would be like to be reincarnated in an animal whose species had been so reduced in numbers than it was in danger of extinction. What would be its feelings toward the human species whose population explosion had denied it somewhere to exist. I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus.
What a drama queen you are! Yes animals have feelings. BUT they do not connect things as humans do. Can you hear the mother otter saying to her frisky kits, "No children, you cannot play in the river today! Those awful creatures have ruined it for us all because they had too many kits!"
Nor are animals our brothers and sisters! They are fellow creatures who inhabit the planet; each species living in its separate world of comprehension of the world about them. Due to senses being honed for specific ways of living, animals perceive the world in ways we cannot imagine
Address on Receiving Honorary Degree from the University of Western Ontario, Canada, July 1, 1983. Here Philip basically blames those who did humanitarian relief work in Sri Lanka for the environmental problems in that area today.
For example, the World Health Organization Project, designed to eradicate malaria from Sri Lanka in the postwar years, achieved its purpose. But the problem today is that Sri Lanka must feed three times as many mouths, find three times as many jobs, provide three times the housing, energy, schools, hospitals and land for settlement in order to maintain the same standards. Little wonder the natural environment and wildlife in Sri Lanka has suffered. The fact [is] ... that the best-intentioned aid programs are at least partially responsible for the problem.
I don't claim to have any special interest in natural history, but as a boy I was made aware of the annual fluctuations in the number of game animals and the need to adjust the "cull'' to the size of the surplus population.
Lecture to the European Council of International Schools. Montreaux, Switzerland, Nov. 14, 1986.
The great difficulty about "life'' is that we humans are part of it, and it is therefore almost impossible to study objectively.... It therefore tends to be anthropocentric and gives scant attention to the welfare of all the other life-forms which share this planet with us
Don't Interfere with the Balance of Nature
Once you have interfered with the balance of nature it becomes necessary to maintain the balance by artificial means. This means that some animals have to be killed in the interest of maintaining the health and viability of the species as a whole as well as the benefit of other more vulnerable species. Unfortunately there are many people who object to that sort of thing.Philip, the average person is quite happy to live their life. Who is it that is truly responsible for upsetting the balance of nature? Who brought out many of the tools and toys that have brought this about? Look to your banking and business amigos. NOT the average Joe citizen. The thing is you are pretty fast to point fingers but not accept any personal responsibility for this mess!
Ecology is not concerned with the fate of individual animals. It accepts the concept of the exploitation of surplus natural resources because that is in the way the natural system works, but it must always be done on the principle of maintaining a sustainable yield....
The inexorable rule of nature is that if you mess up your environment you will have to pay a heavy price sooner or later.... Just look around the globe today and you cannot fail to notice areas which at one time supported highly successful and civilized populations are either deserts or they have reverted to jungle.
Again I ask, dig past the obvious and place the blame where it properly belongs. Deserts where there were once forests is the greed of the wealthy. Contamination and death is from the owners frequently your com padres in crime.
The reason is quite simple: they over-exploited their natural resources and they paid the price. It is naive to think that we can escape the same fate for very much longer. We are only managing to put off the evil hour by frantically digging up and using mineral resources that can never be renewed. As if that were not enough, we are polluting the atmosphere, the land and the waters with every kind of noxious substance. The "greenhouse effect'' alone could well have devastating consequences for all life on earth.

The Rewilding of America. This is the planned layout of land and population use in the US after population has been lowered to a satisfactory level. Those areas designated to be set aside on this map will be swept of all human living and/or development, as part of the 1972 United Nations Biodiversity Protection program. This plan literally conceives of setting aside huge areas of the world where no humans can live ~ will be allowed to live ~ or work, or play. While this plan is global and is being instituted globally, we will limit our study of it to the United States
Introduction to "Exploitation of the Natural System'' section of Down to Earth by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1988
It took about three and a half billion years for life on earth to reach the state of complexity and diversity that our ancestors knew as recently as 200 years ago. It has only taken industrial and scientific man those 200 years to put at risk the whole of the world's natural system. It has been estimated that by the year 2000, some 300,000 species of plants and animals will have become extinct, and that the natural economy, upon which all life depends, will have been seriously disrupted.
The paradox is that this will have been achieved with the best possible intentions. The human population must be properly fed, human life must be preserved and human existence must be made safer and more comfortable. (Perhaps as well as my polo ponies) All these things are obviously highly desirable, but if their achievement means putting the survival of future generations at risk, then there is a pressing obligation on present generations to apply some measure of self-restraint.
Address to Edinburgh University Union, Nov. 24 1969.
The following is a major DUH statement, Philip.
We talk about over- and underdeveloped countries; I think a more exact division might be between underdeveloped and overpopulated. The more people there are, the more industry and more waste and the more sewage there is, and therefore the more pollution.
The Fairfield Osborne Lecture, New York, Oct. 1, 1980.
Here Philip in his great wisdom dares to even CONSIDER the element of human suffering! I am sure that was a change of pace for this elitist creature.
If the world pollution situation is not critical at the moment, it is as certain as anything can be that the situation will become increasingly intolerable within a very short time. The situation can be controlled, and even reversed; but it demands cooperation on a scale and intensity beyond anything achieved so far.
I realize that there are vital causes to be fought for, and I sympathize with people who work up a passionate concern about the all too many examples of inhumanity, injustice, and unfairness; but behind all this hangs a deadly cloud. Still largely unnoticed and unrecognized, the process of destroying our natural environment is gathering speed and momentum. If we fail to cope with the challenge, the other problems will pale into insignificance.
Introduction to "The Population Factor'' section of Down to Earth by HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1988.
What has been described as the "balance of nature'' is simply nature's system of self-limitation. Fertility and breeding success create the surpluses after allowing for the replacement of the losses. Predation, climatic variation, disease, starvation ~ and in the case of the inappropriately named Homo sapiens, wars and terrorism ~ are the principal means by which population numbers are kept under some sort of control.
Viewed dispassionately, it must be obvious that the world's human population has grown to such a size that it is threatening its own habitat; and it has already succeeded in causing the extinction of large numbers of wild plant and animal species. Some have simply been killed off. Others have quietly disappeared, as their habitats have been taken over or disturbed by human activities.
The Rewilding of America. This is the planned layout of land and population use in the US after population has been lowered to a satisfactory level. Those areas designated to be set aside on this map will be swept of all human living and/or development, as part of the 1972 United Nations Biodiversity Protection program. This plan literally conceives of setting aside huge areas of the world where no humans can live ~ will be allowed to live ~ or work, or play. While this plan is global and is being instituted globally, we will limit our study of it to the United States
Interview with HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in People Dec. 21, 1981 titled "Vanishing Breeds Worry Prince Philip, But Not as Much as Overpopulation.''
Human population growth is probably the single most serious long-term threat to survival. We're in for a major disaster if it isn't curbed--not just for the natural world, but for the human world. The more people there are, the more resources they'll consume, the more pollution they'll create, the more fighting they will do. We have no option. If it isn't controlled voluntarily, it will be controlled involuntarily by an increase in disease, starvation and war.
Address to the Joint Meeting of the All-Party Group on Population and Development and the All-Party Conservation Committee in London, March 11, 1987.
I do believe that human population pressure ~ the sheer number of people on this planet ~ is the single most important cause of the degradation of the natural environment, of the progressive extinction of wild species of plants and animals, and of the destabilization of the world's climatic and atmospheric systems.
The simple fact is that the human population of the world is consuming natural renewable resources faster than it can regenerate, and the process of exploitation is causing even further damage. If this is already happening with a population of 4 billion, I ask you to imagine what things will be like when the population reaches six and then 10 billion.... All this has been made possible by the industrial revolution and the scientific explosion and it is spread around the world by the new economic religion of development.
Interview with HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, in People magazine, Dec. 21, 1981 titled "Vanishing Breeds Worry Prince Philip, But Not as Much as Overpopulation.
I suspect that the single most important gift of progress to conservation has been the development of human contraception techniques. Yes, but you can't legislate these problems away. You've got to get people to understand the need for it: the more important people, the ones who have responsibilities have got to do it because they're at the receiving end. They've got to accept the measures.
Just what does THAT mean, Philip?
The Chancellor's Lecture, Salford University, June 4, 1982.
The difficulty with overproduction is that as each individual is slightly different to all the others it is probable that under natural conditions those individuals which happen to be best adapted to the prevailing circumstances have a better chance of survival. Well, so what? Well, take a look at the figures for the human population of this world. One hundred fifty years ago it stood at about 1,000 million or in common parlance today, 1 billion.
It then took about a 100 years to double to 2 billion. It took 30 years to add the third billion and 15 years to reach today's total of 4.4 billion. With a present world average rate of growth of 1.8%, the total population by the year 2000 will have increased to an estimated 6 billion and in that and in subsequent years 100 million people will be added to the world population each year. In fact it could be as much as 16 billion by 2045.
Population projection map for 2015.
As a consequence the demand on resources of land alone will mean a third less farm land available and the destruction of half of the present area of productive tropical forest. Bearing in mind the constant reduction of non-renewable resources, there is a strong possibility of growing scarcity and reduction of standards.
More people consume more resources. It is as simple as that; and transferring resources and standards from the richer to the poorer countries can only have a marginal effect in the face of this massive increase in the world population.
Speech at the Margaret Pyke Memorial Trust Dinner in London, Dec. 14 1983.
So long as birth control methods remain taboo subjects the chances of making any impression on the human population explosion is that much more remote.
In the introduction to the IUCN Red Data Books which list all animals and plants under threat of extinction, it says that virtually everywhere the major threat to a wild species is loss of habitat to a rapidly increasing human population requiring more space in order to build villages and cities and grow more food.
But starvation and poverty cannot be eradicated solely by increased food and resources at the expense of what remains of the natural world. Any increase in the provision of food and resources must be accompanied by a drastic reduction in the rate of increase in the human population.
Address on Receiving Honorary Degree from the University of Western Ontario, Canada, July 1, 1983.
The industrial revolution sparked the scientific revolution and brought in its wake better public hygiene, better medical care and yet more efficient agriculture. The consequence was a population explosion which still continues today.
The sad fact is that, instead of the same number of people being very much better off, more than twice as many people are just as badly off as they were before. Unfortunately all this well-intentioned development has resulted in an ecological disaster of immense proportions.
Can't you just hear HRH crying
The Chancellor's Lecture, Salford University, June 4, 1982.
The object of the WWF is to "conserve'' the system as a whole; not to prevent the killing of individual animals. Those who are concerned about their conservation of nature accept that all species are prey to some other species. They accept that most species produce a surplus that is capable of being culled without in any way threatening the survival of the species as a whole.
It is curious how many philosophers from Plato to Keynes' time have believed in and advocated the control of society by "philosopher kings.'' According to Plato, "its kings must be those who have shown the greatest ability in philosophy,'' but ~ realistically ~ he added, "and the greatest aptitude for war.''
"We are constantly being reminded of the plight of the poor, the hungry, the homeless and the diseased. What does not make the headlines is that even if the proportion of those unfortunate people remains the same in relation to the total population, their number is bound to increase as the size of the population as a whole increases ... The best hope of limiting the increase in the number of such people would be if the world population could be stabilized."
The one thing I found about Philip is that at least he is verbalizing what his buddies are thinking. It is no secret what they want to do. I am glad he is around to at least remind us.
Might I add, that many populations had systems of living that were stable and had been doing so for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years until Imperial greed tore entire societies apart. Then their major problems began, farmland was lost, cities became cesspools of overcrowding and imbalance.
When it comes to the disappearance of species, Philip your class has a lot to answer for. Many species were killed or removed due to the short-seeing arrogant idiocy of your breed. Perhaps the following illustration will point out to you what happened to the magnificent tigers of India, hunted to extinction for the pleasure of the great British sahib.
Then there are the clumsy dodo bird bloodily bashed out of existence in just a few hours of "fun" by idiotic British seamen.
Millions of Bison roaming the great American Plains for thousands of years were slaughtered within five years to starve those indigenous people you are suddenly so enamored of so that your ancestral companies could steal their land.
The wonderful Sea Otters of the West coast of North America still fight to survive, all but a dozen killed off so your ancestors could have stylish opera hats.
Those are but a few of the victims of imperialism.
My final say on this outbreak by the Prince of Arrogance. First Philip must recognize and accept some personal and class responsibility for the mess we are in. Indeed population is a serious problem on this planet, that cannot be denied.
Your ridiculous outbreak did no more than trivialize a serious situation and take it down to an exceedingly selfish level that shows the world just how the Elite and the have's look at the rest of us behind that thin veneer of care ~ it all boils down to selfishness.
A short list of excellent material.
The Population Myth by George Monbiot ~ It’s no coincidence that most of those who are obsessed with population growth are post-reproductive wealthy white men: it’s about the only environmental issue for which they can’t be blamed.
In this piece we discover that people who claim that population growth is the big environmental issue are shifting the blame from the rich to the poor! No surprise there, hmmm?THE IMPACT OF SEX AND WAR ~ This is a South African on line magazine that I have just found during the preparation of this piece. It seems to be pretty hardcore in terms of pulling no punches. The material I saw was presented well and intelligently.
And do not forget the oncoming CODEX ALIMENTRIUS due at the end of this year. That will definitely play a huge part in population reduction.
They are serious about this folks. It is a serious problem and we are facing drastic measures to deal with it.
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