Many people have told me that, to them, history is a dead matter to be left where it is ~ in the past ~ so they can get on with the future. It has always been alive to me and the older the culture, the more fascinated I was. I am no scholar but still press on, learning whenever I can. The except following is one of the most amazing things I have read in many many years.
Those who change our history, those who rewrite that which was, are stealing from us all. YES, stealing our heritage and our true memories. Today for these they substitute emptiness or, equally criminal, false tales to move us in the direction THEY wish. By removing our memories, of course history repeats itself. Meanwhile they learn from the experiences while we only save ourselves in the nick of time, and history is slowly changed to denigrate our achievements. Or lost in the fogs of time.
These are things I have learned about all my life; I am called "fanciful" or "imaginative" or "nuts" However I ask you this. WHO removed the books and wisdom that spoke of the past ages of man, leaving us to eke possibilities from a few forgotten clues? Meanwhile, the wisdom of those past ages is kept by these others and used against us because we are naive, trusting, and UNEDUCATED to what really was!
THAT is how important history is. KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.
The following excerpt from “The Babylonian Woe” by Capt. David Astle is the first thing that has actually tied in the past with our future on a level even my simple mind can grasp. Here you have an amazing read that should leave you understanding more than you already do. This is one of the most amazing things I have read in many many years. That is all I can say. Read it and let it sink into your consciousness and see what surfaces.
I have also thrown in some of my own deductions and conclusions as I read along, my words are all in this deep green. The illustrations come from me as well to illustrate connections since we are such visual creatures. After this, I hope you are inspired to dig into our deep past and realize, it did not start with Egypt. It did not start with Sumeria or Ur or any of these places. Keep on digging....
. . . in their folly the men of the city are willing to wreck our great city, being won over by wealth. False are the hearts of the people's leaders. ~ Solon, 600 BC
From earliest times and apparently without exception down to the present day, the leaders of nations have been the puppets of money men who hire them to rob the people they pretend to rule.
From the ruins of Lagash, a city-state in ancient Sumer c. 2400 BC, where archaeologists unearthed the estate of a banker that was much larger than the king’s, up on through the fabled empires of Egypt, Assyria and ancient Greece, each of which was finally consumed in flames due to the machinations of the always secret international money power, humanity has always ruined its own paradise by letting the incredible lure of money overpower its own common sense.
In his book “The Babylonian Woe,” the late Capt. David Astle (1916-2008) shows that the legends recorded in the Old Testament reflect the history of the international money power, and eerily parallel what is happening now.
(readers who click this link should be forewarned the book is badly edited and arranged, yet nevertheless contains extraordinarily rich detail of ancient events, which seem alarmingly similar to what’s happening today).
From chapter 7:
“Through “liberalism,” and so-called “progressive teachings” . . . (the) international money creative force seems to have brought the host land of Egypt to where it was at the time of Akhenaton (1375 to 1358 B.C.), and the Tel Amarna letters which tell of self-destruction and decay, the rejection of old values and beliefs, and the indifference of the a Egyptian rulers to their trust, and to the crumbling of Empire.
"The degeneracy and complacence of the age was revealed by the fruitless outcry out of Asia from the vassals of the Pharaoh; being particularly exemplified by the despairing pleas of king Abdikhiba of the most ancient city of Jerusalem for assistance against the pressure of the armed assaults of the Habiru.”
Tell me true: is this not the way things are today? These same forces have wreaked their havoc on every generation between then and now.

Yet this is a story we have never heard. Part of the power of money, it seems, is that stories about itself ~ about what money really does ~ are seldom written, and less often published. The real history is seldom known.
As Astle writes:
“ . . . the growth of warfare into a very cancer eating into the vitals of mankind, and more particularly the white races, is parallel to the growth of that other cancer which is private, and therefore irresponsible, money creation and emission... It seems that almost none of the scholars make any serious effort to throw light on the real meaning of this matter of private monetary emission, and the disastrous effects that it has had, and in finality, will have, towards the defining of the remaining period of time of man upon this earth, as being brief and uncertain.”
Who was it we had hoped to be?
The legends of our kings have faded from actual reality as we know it.
“Kings largely became the mouthpiece and sword arm of those semi-secret societies that controlled the material of money as its outward and visible symbols came to be restricted to gold, silver, and copper,” Astle writes.
“The fiat of the god in heaven which had been the decisive force behind that which brought about an equitable exchange, was replaced by the will of those classes controlling the undertones of civilization, leaders of the world of slave drivers, caravaners, outcasts, and criminals generally, such as was to be discerned on the edges of the ancient city civilizations, and followed the trade routes between them.
"The instrument of this will was precious metal, whose supply was controlled by the leaders of these classes through their control of the slave trade, since mining was rarely profitable in the case of the precious metals, except with slave labour, even after the development of hardened iron tools and efficient methods of smelting.”
This development turned our lives over to the bankers in perpetuity.
“The line of communication from god to man through priest-king and priest was cut, being replaced by their own twisted purposes such as they were; not however guiding mankind into the heaven that could have been and where all would be life, and light. and hope, but into such a hell as to escape from which men might gladly come to accept the idea of Mass Suicide...”

Astle calls it “a conspiracy against mankind.”
“Hence the people never questioned the existence of the temple but as the place where the will of the god was exercised through his servants... That it had come to function more as instrument in the capacity of sanctifying front for an international power concerned largely with money creation and the control of the slave trade, itself mainly of criminal antecedents, was something they never came to fully understand; nor that this whole thing of prayer, worship, and devotion was dangerously near to becoming a cruel hoax manipulated by a handful of aliens, who looked at them and their fervour and belief with dead eyes...”
Although plague and disastrous political decisions brought about the destruction of ancient Greece, Astle convincingly describes the process by which the international bankers captured every Greek city state except Sparta by introducing silver coins (banks controlled the silver mines) and credit ledger entry banking, which allowed them to create money out of nothing, a thoroughly destructive practice which has led to our present financial impasse, the way the big bankers always shake us down, generation after generation.
“Previous references to banking in the Grecian centres and sanctuaries as being conducted by aliens are also verified by Professor M. Rostovtsev,” writes Astle. “The question therefore arises "What aliens?"
Would they be members of the same fraternity as the Aramean, Apollonius above mentioned, manager for the economic affairs for Ptolemy Philadelphus; men who were standing almost above and beyond mankind in their manipulation of powers that not so long previously had been reserved solely to the gods and which had been exercised only by that dedicated priesthood surrounding the king, son of god, on earth?
The practical purpose of Ritual Sacrifice does serves to reinforce support for the Ruling Elites from the Populace. Behold the awesome and terrible power of your rulers! Wars are a form of ritual sacrifice. Often their planning and opening salvos correlate to various occult guidelines.

Now consider the Ritual sacrifice that has been denied by the Elite today but is carried on in private and on the higher levels. Consider the rise of Satanic rituals and murders as well. It is all related, an old old nightmare of humanity.
Executing someone is by all forms of the meaning...a ritual sacrifice, which, sadly, is surprisingly effective, even though it has no direct benefit to the populace itself.
It’s a carefully crafted fantasy, justified by precedent and authority, just as carefully crafted. yesterday...not much ever changes!
"Such power being lost to kings forever when in the first place they permitted the institution of accounting to a silver standard in ancient times in the Lands of Sumer and Akkad.”
“The answer may be found to lie in the existence in very ancient Sumeria of a privileged class, who, having access to the “credit” of the temple, thus were able to control the masters of the great donkey caravans who carried such “credit”, or will of the god of the city, from one place of business to the other; incising records on their tablets, of loan of such credit made to enable purchase, or interest overdue, or repayment of such loan as had been made the previous trip.
"These persons, who may be considered themselves to derive from the hereditary caravaneers and who must have functioned as bullion broker and banker, would have been fully clear on the subject of silver and its function in settlement of foreign trade balances and its use as a standard on which to base money accounting.

In the latter days of the city states of Sumeria, it is reasonably clear that during certain periods of decay, a languid and corrupted priesthood might delegate to these persons, not only matters of trade, but also those decisions relative to foreign states so essential to the continuance of the might and right of the god of the city.”
“The special international character of the outlook of these people, sprung as they undoubtedly were from the donkey caravaneers, born to be at home amongst all peoples, yet to always bear in mind the peculiar business of the caravan merchants, their trade and profit, may not have made for decisions as from a true and dedicated god-servant.
Habiru. This word could easily have come down the ages and altered to Hebrew. This is quite possible.
"Thus it may very well be that we must look to the professional caravaneers, from whom descended the Habiru, for widespread dissemination of the knowledge of the possibilities offered to merchants by development of the practices relating to private money creation deriving from a clear understanding of the meaning of accounting to a silver standard, and later the potentialities towards development of monopoly of trade inherent in the actual use of silver as the material on which the numbers of the abstract unit were stamped.
"The full extent of the possibilities towards the accumulation of wealth through exploitation of varying ratios between silver and gold in different parts of the world, and the possibilities of a private and secret expansion of the total monetary circulation which was open to those who were held in such esteem in the cities that persons were glad to deposit their valuables with them for safe-keeping, may also have been known to them.”

Astle writes that the same power base that controls reality spins it in a deceptive way, usually cloaked in the sanctimonious drivel of a religion.
“...But who was who, or why, or what, little concerned that brain centre in Babylon or Ur, or wherever it was... Whoever they professed to be, or to belong to, meant nothing. Out of death and destruction was their harvest, whether those they said were their own, were theirs or not. The only reality was control of precious metal... Out of death and destruction came the releasing in that day of the all important hoards of stored bullion, and the renewal of the slave herds to be consumed in mining ventures in distant places, garnering the increase of such precious metals...”
Since time immemorial, it has all been shrouded in the secret sanctimony of religious ritual.
“While the purpose of the temple was to cause the people to live godly lives according to the customs of the day and to preserve them from straying out of the ways of righteousness, as it were, the secret and private money creative power, being more concerned with the opposite, the needs of the anti-god, the destruction of the people’s lives, whether of king, priest, nobleman, or merchant, or he who laboured in the field, loaned without such discrimination...”
“Out of the resulting confusion amongst rulers could come nothing but advantage to themselves and their purposes; out of the break up of family and home and tradition, all that the dedicated servant of the god has in life, would come an exhausted and confused people, more ready to accept slavery.
Corruption of the priesthood, as in today, was the chief aim of money conspiracy, and by causing such priesthood to lose sight of its high purpose and itself as the voice of god on earth, success in all its other purposes naturally followed.”
Decoration on a musical instrument. This golden bull wears the beard which is seen in much art from this time. Man turns to the bull as a symbol of fertility, power, and domination throughout almost all myths of ancient peoples. The smooth faced Egyptian rulers also donned a heart of rituals of various types.

Now here’s a quick history of the world.
This battle was over a long time ago.
This battle was over a long time ago.
“After the final triumph of the international money creative fraternity, which may be identified in Mesopotamia with that period of conquest, reconquest, and conquest again that began with that invasion of Sumeria by the Gutim in 2270 B.C., and ended with the collapse of the Empire of Ur of Ibi-Sin before the Elamite rebels with their Amorite allies in 2030 B.C., and their taking away to Susa as captive, both the cult statue of the Lord Nannar, the Moon God together with the King Ibi-Sin himself, earthly viceroy of that God,THIS is EXACTLY what I have been telling people for decades! Destruction of decent societies has been going on from at least thousand of years before Christ. The record keepers have been skillful in removal of all evidence from previous times, so they keep getting away with it. It is only through our ignorance of such events that they are enabled to try again and again with their schemes. Things need to change!
Those agents of International Money Power, quickly concluded the work of destruction through liberalism and permissiveness, no doubt, so that by 1900 B.C., the Sumerian had totally lost his national and racial identity and will to be... What continued from then on was, without a doubt, a mixed breed with no special allegiance to anything other than "money".”
So whatever culture these people wanted to overpower was broken by corruption of the values that gave them cohesion. In our North American culture, they planted the seeds, and nourished them well through media ~ feminism, Playboy-ism, both designed to break the power base of our society, the family. Then, for good measure they threw in the sexual revolution, permissiveness, drugs, enforced acceptance of sexual deviances, materialism, and 'cultural diversity". Political correctness is their tool.
Are you "getting it" yet?
Do you see how long they have been stacking the deck against humanity? This same formula eventually killed Egypt, Rome, Berlin, Venice, London, France, and now Europe and the Americas.

Who is it really who has done all this, and is still doing it?
“Such agents”, Astle continues, “are shown by the general evidence of history to be a class of dubious origins and antecedents. Imbued with racial self-hatred, these rascals, who are raised up in a time of national exhaustion, against the former natural system of rule, by a triumphant money power, too often are particularly distinguished by a readiness to please those who it seems to them are the masters; even to the downgrading and debauchment of their own kind.”
“The apathy of a controlled public opinion to the deluge of perverted sex drenching the Anglo-Saxon countries today, which could not take place without the connivance of the so-called rulers, if only through their failure to take any serious steps towards controlling its source, is, herein, instance enough.”“Secretly promoting the concept of “Permanent Revolution” as being most suited towards the maintenance of their control, no sooner did stable and natural god-ordered government come again, then, feverishly digging at its roots, they tore it down.”
“Out of break-up of family and home, out of lust and drunkenness, out of the people living in disorder, and love giving way to hate, they throve.
Where they saw signs of nobility and natural aristocracy in living and thought, returning, financial preferment was automatically withdrawn...
(Are you beginning to draw some comparisons of these people to the enemies of humanity today?)

He who was consumed with animal desires and ignobility of purpose, was their man and eagerly their slave, and willing betrayer of his brethren into what was planned for them by his master.”**
“Cruel private monopolization of wealth
and capital grew, and where the people
had been sheep in the flock,
and the king their loving and devoted guide,
now that kings concerned themselves
with those false policies prepared for them
in the interest of the private money creators,
the people became lost and disheartened,
driven hither and thither
as they were by the crazed wolf
masquerading in the place of
the shepherd's diligent sheep dog.”
** GW Bush comes to mind with his raising up of the Rabbi Schneerson to such status unknown to Americans and his signing in of the Noahide Laws which, 16 years later, most Americans still know nothing about. Are you beginning to see the value of the history hidden from us yet?
“In this time, as today, the people were almost entirely at the mercy of the private persons controlling their money, who then controlled the inflow of precious metals, silver and gold, the foundation of the people's money. The policies of these controllers from their standpoint as internationalists, were necessarily directed towards the stimulation of war against the well-being of mankind.”
“So to sum up the situation so far as pre-Solonian Athens was concerned, a simple unlettered people offered all the luxuries of another world as against the new money whose function is so little understood by lettered people even in this day, without going back 2500 years, had become swamped in debt.
Untold centuries to work out their financial trickeries left us wide open to their chicanery. 2500 years have passed and today Athens is in tatters from rioting people who now refuse to pay and pay despite their compromised "leaders" concessions to these bankers.
The law in respect to this debt had been upheld by a corrupted nobility in favour of the bankers. No doubt it had been represented to them by these same bankers that this pressure of debt on the growing population would keep the masses docile and tied to the land as was indicated by the prevalence of the mortgage tablets on the farms of Attica.
This condition, favouring the corrupted nobility of Greece and the international money power, ignored the needs of the new-rich manufacturers of Athens, who were neither able to obtain sufficient supply of local free labour, nor to obtain slaves.”
The squeeze employed by the international bankers was exactly the same one they use today.
“The situation is very clear. The kings and aristocracies as descended from ancient days, as a derivative of their folly in permitting the unrestricted activities of the new bankers, who were now well established in all the major cities of Greece outside of Sparta, saw a class of manufacturers and entrepreneurs come into being, largely foreigners and men of lowly origin.
These men, more often than not with the means of nobility but the outlook of slaves, were clearly a serious threat to kings and nobility and the order they represented.”
“The tyrant, therefore, was that force by which international money power as it derived from the control of silver bullion and the slave markets, destroyed all resistance to its total ownership of life and labour and human hope ...”
“The tyrant was one who the banker could rely on to put through his "Leveling" programme, or in the double talk of today, could be relied on to "Press ahead with Democratization", and to work against the class from which he was supposed to have come.
He was one who could be relied on to put through programmes of public works, maintain military expenditures etc.; for all such activities strengthened the banker's position as creator and regulator of the exchange unit, and therefore, from those exclusive courtyards wherein he schemed, designer of the life of the city.

The banker could not maintain his hold over the city, except his product, ledger credit page entry money, however created, was in constant demand, and the local government deeply embroiled in his schemes.
The tyrant had to be one completely in accord with that so-called "democratic" political attitude, which the banker always seemed to espouse ... His ostensible purpose had to be to "Level"; such leveling meaning of course, tearing down everything above themselves, (and above the banker too! ...)”
Why has it been the same formula for evil, all this time, that has ruined what seemingly could be a more peaceful world?
“The evil about money derives in consequence
from lack of understanding of its true nature,
and particularly from the confusing
of money and treasure.
It is the persistent failure of mankind
to realize that money is
but the result of agreement
being arrived at amongst
a sovereign people
through their ruler,
to provide themselves
with a system of numbers
by which their exchanges
might be facilitated,
and so help them to live a better life... ”
Image courtesy of Real Zionist News
“The evil lay and it may be said,
lies, in the forgetfulness of the ruler
to respect his duty
to provide an adequate money supply
for his people
regulated by himself
and free of obligation
to external forces,
in such manner as had existed
in the Ancient Oriental civilizations
in earlier times...
Evil lay in the permitting to private and hence irresponsible persons the power to intervene in that which was the most sacred responsibility of the ruler through the priesthood, the creation and regulation of the medium of exchange: his people's money.”
The trail of betrayal, blood and tears, all bound up in lies, stretches from the very dawn of civilization down to our present day. Astle continues:
“World Government is total government worldwide in which no independent race or people shall be except the rulers, who necessarily will have to be an exclusive caste.
Today we refer to these thugs as "the Elite", bankers, Wall Street traders.

Total consent of all presumptuous, if not imaginative, bankers will never be;
but out of the weakness and confusion
created by them amongst us
towards these their own vain purposes,
the world Government they mutter about,
may come through conquest,
though it is not they who will be the conquerors,
though indeed,
they will be the principal instrument.
created by them amongst us
towards these their own vain purposes,
the world Government they mutter about,
may come through conquest,
though it is not they who will be the conquerors,
though indeed,
they will be the principal instrument.
There would be no way of bringing about that total monopoly of money, industry and empire, which is world government, save through the manipulation of the credulity of mankind, and the pathetic trust he still maintains that his rulers are the voice of God on earth for him, as he blindly stumbles on, except it be by armed conquest.”
“Armed conquest in its turn in these latter days, cannot be effected without the connivance of conspiratorial money power, although such conspiratorial money power in its virtually insane search for paths towards its own establishment towards World Rule forever and ever, has now become an institution, which in the horror of the weapons of total destruction and obliteration leading to final subjection that it has called into being, and, in its blindness, has also given to our enemies, can only be described as a juggernaut completely out of control, an all-engulfing Terror . . . ” Capt. Astle created a vivid description of what most historians have feared to reveal. This was the picture 2000 years ago. It remains the same today, and now we know the reason why....
We are facing the juggernaut now, not from a "safe" seat 2000 years ago!

This is a wonderful site to learn about the distant past of so many cultures. Where it all began. Writing. Counting. Numbers. Social organization. Sigh, it is true, taxation has always been with us as you learn. Many beautiful examples of the art to show just how advanced these societies became before their falls.
**Mosopotamia, for those who do not know, included Iraq and adds significance to the fact that Iraq was sacked also for its artistic and historical treasures which will pop up in private collections around the world.
The Babylonian Woe
**Mosopotamia, for those who do not know, included Iraq and adds significance to the fact that Iraq was sacked also for its artistic and historical treasures which will pop up in private collections around the world.
alaam al-Maseeh, May the grace and mercy of Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, be upon us,
ReplyDeleteAssalaamu alaykum, akhti Noor wa algmi,
Great article akhti Noor, shukran jazeelan. This shows the ancient Babylonish roots to the evil that now confronts us.
Quote - “The apathy of a controlled public opinion to the deluge of perverted sex drenching the Anglo-Saxon countries today, which could not take place without the connivance of the so-called rulers, if only through their failure to take any serious steps towards controlling its source, is, herein, instance enough.”
** GW Bush comes to mind with his raising up of the Rabbi Schneerson to such status unknown to Americans and his signing in of the Noahide Laws which, 16 years later, most Americans still know nothing about. Are you beginning to see the value of the history hidden from us yet? -end quote
The ancient human sacrifice of infants to false gods/goddesses including Moloch and Chemosh and Melkart and the "immaculate children" of Egyptian divination and Graeco-Egyptian sacrifice and divination, which even included throwing the babies into kettles at one point - all of this murder took place in societies that had abandoned God's command to protect children and be fruitful and multiply. Family and family values were God's idea first. Modern abortion and fornication go hand in hand and are a return to this craven evil "adulterous" generation of vipers that Christ condemned and all of the prophets before Him condemned.
The final result will be the human sacrifice to Satan in the rebuilt temple of Ashtoreth in Jerusalem by the Jews acting as a priesthood for the Illuminati New World Order.
We must protect all babies and women and society at large and then ask God to send fire upon and destroy the plans of the Jews and Illuminati - then He will. He did once before, at the time of Julian the Apostate (Roman Emperor who tried to empower the Jews to rebuild the temple in Jerusalem in the 4th century A.D.). God repeatedly burnt the temple they were trying to rebuild on the temple mount. Even the pagan historians record this fact completely. They failed in this vain attempt to erect another tower of babel. The Christians' prayer was answered BECAUSE they led Godly lives.
God then allowed His other great edifice of monotheistic believers, Muslims - which He raised up a few centuries later, to build the Dome of the Rock Mosque and Noble Sanctuary and did not allow it to be harmed.
We must keep it this way - but first lead Godly lives and God will give us victory over these enemies of God, the Jews and New World Order Illuminati etc.
What the enemies of God are most scared of is that Christians and Muslims will unite to take the world back from the Noahide Jews and Illuminati.
May all Christians and Muslims unite to protect all babies, women and society at large and the Dome of the Rock and destroy God's enemies.
Baarakul laahu fiik,
Jazak'Allahu khairan akhti Noor wa algmi