From the "OH THIS IS SWEEET" files. Hear them scream as the slightest thought of an insult POSSIBLY yet scream the blues when a genuine slur to a gentile is discovered!
The more insulting terms for non-Jews are shiksa (feminine) and shkutz (masculine). I gather that these words are derived from the Hebrew root Shin-Qof-Tzadei, meaning loathsome or abomination. The word shiksa is most commonly used to refer to a non-Jewish woman who is dating or married to a Jewish man, which should give some indication of how strongly Jews are opposed to the idea of intermarriage. The term shkutz is most commonly used to refer to an anti-Semitic man. Both terms can be used in a less serious, more joking way, but in general they should be used with caution.~ Judaism 101
I am not in favour of hate speech, but we all know that the ADL and the JDL and so on look for it where often it does not even exist. So this, a comon anti-gentile racial slur falls fully into the racist mindset of even the average Jew, so much part of the culture that they might not even be aware of this. How they scream when they are called up on its usage!
While you chortle over the following, remember according to the Talmud, Gentile women are as cattle, fodder for slavery, unclean. I have to go out and did not have time to find the juicier quotes concerning relationships with non Jewish women that are truly racist but these will do in a pinch. They get the general tone across. All from the Talmuck, excuse me, Talmud.
Abodah Zarah 36b . Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth.
"Animals must not be allowed to go near the Goim, because they are suspected of having intercourse with them. Nor must women cohabit with them because they are over-sexed."
"...because when Gentile men come to their neighbors' houses to commit adultery with their wives and do not find them at home, they fornicate with the sheep in the barns instead. And sometimes even when their neighbors' wives are at home, they prefer to fornicate with the animals; for they love the sheep of the Israelites more than their own women."
"Why are the Goim unclean? Because they were not present at Mount Sinai. For when the serpent entered into Eve he infused her with uncleanness. But the Jews were cleansed from this when they stood on Mount Sinai; the Goim, however, who were not on Mount Sinaim were not cleansed."
"The sexual intercourse of a Goi is like to that of a beast."
"If a Jew enters into marriage with an Akum (Christian), or with his servant, the marriage is null. For they are not capable of entering into matrimony. Likewise if an Akum or a servant enter into matrimony with a Jew, the marriage is null."For they give birth to sucklings the same as dogs.
From Paul Fromm
The Canadian Jewish Congress, going back into the 1930s, has been the loudest voice pushing for legislation to throttle opinions of Canadians through “hate” legislation, aimed at silencing those critical of Jews or Israel or of massive Third World immigration, and, more recently, of the homosexual lobby.
("Mommeee, I called him a kike queer" could be jail time for a kid under these watching eyes. Bring on Richard Warman.)
So, it’s especially delightful that Bernie Farber, executive director of the Canadian Jewish Congress, who has seldom met a censorship measure he didn’t like, is now in full howl because Toronto Police have investigated the use of the word “shiksa” as “hate.”
“Shiksa” is a nasty Yiddish word for a non-Jewish female. It is strongly pejorative and contemptuous, carrying the notions of pig, slut, an exploitable woman who is not one of us: you can have sex with a shiksa, but you must marry a good Jewish girl.
The National Post explains “And Jewish dating sites market themselves with the cheeky slogan ‘Shiksas are for practice’” (National Post, May 17, 2010) The Urban Dictionary defines “shiksa” thus:
“A Gentile girl or woman, especially one who has attracted a Jewish man. The term derives from the Hebrew word ’sheketz’, meaning the flesh of an animal deemed taboo by the Torah. Since a Jewish man marrying a non-Jewish woman is taboo also, this word applies to her. Traditionally this is a derogatory term, though in modern times it has also been used more light-heartedly.”Wikipedia adds that “shiksa” means “abomination”, “impure,” or “object of loathing, depending on the translator.”
So, in other words, bad meat, loathsome, abominable ~ not fit for a Jewish male to marry, but fine for sexual exploitation. Interestingly, while Jews are enjoined to marry their own ~ and rightly and healthily so ~ politically correct propaganda would have all the rest of us see no problem in miscegenation or mixed race coupling or marriages.
“A ‘non-Jewish Shiksa‘ is now considered as a victim category in Toronto Police Service’s latest hate crime study The Canadian Jewish Congress says the Toronto Police Service is pushing anti-hate law ‘to its most absurd level’ by listing ‘non-Jewish Shiksa‘ as a victim category in its latest hate crime study.
The statistical report reveals that officers investigated hate crimes in Toronto last year against such unusual victim groups as teachers, feminists, infidels, police, Nazis and pedophiles.

The report, not yet released on the TPS website, shows an increase in ‘hate/bias occurrences’ over the year before, from 153 to 174, with 23 charges laid.” (National Post, May 17, 2010)
So, if one calls a Negro a “******” or a Jew a “kike”, that’s a hate incident, but, according to Bernie Farber, calling a non-Jewish woman involved with a Jewish man a piece of tainted meat ~ “shiksa” ~ is fine.
This “anti-hate” world of censorship is so much fun.
Metro Toronto’s Police certainly do not have much of a handle on the drug pushing violent Jamaican gangs who’ve been shooting up a storm these past few years.
It’s a waste of taxpayers’ money bleeding off personnel to worry about names people call each other.
So, in a whole year, there were 174 “hate/bias” occurrences and, get this, “by far the most common crime was mischief, usually graffiti.”
So, some kid writes “******” or “faggot” on a toilet stall and some busybody reports it.
Now, we have another “hate/bias” occurrence to keep the “hate squad” in their easy jobs with plenty of Tim Horton’s donuts and coffee.
Paul Fromm
Article Source: SF-Canada
Who's your shiksa?
Authors and entertainers have weighed in on the mystique of the shiksa.
American is one
"It may have been gold in the streets for my grandparents, it may have been a chicken in every pot for my father and mother, but to me, America is a shiksa nestling under your arm whispering love love love love love." ~ Philip Roth, Portnoy's Complaint
You can love one
After a reading in Montreal, "someone stood up and asked [Mordecai Richler] 'how come' he'd married 'a shiksa.' There was a pause ~ a hush as the audience registered the offence ~ and then Mordecai said, with chilling forbearance, 'Because I love her.' "~ Daniel Richler
Not like mother
"You've got 'shiksappeal.' Jewish men love the idea of meeting a woman that's not like their mother."~ George, to Elaine, on Seinfeld,
Less bossy, but still a threat
"The shiksa is regarded as sweet and less demanding, quieter, not like the Jewish mothers, less bossy. Jewish women see that as a threat. When they see 'willing to convert' [on Jewish dating sites] they think, 'these women are taking our guys.' Now you have to go up against these non-Jewish women."~ Laurie Graff, author of The Shiksa Syndrome
To fly away on the wings of one
"To fly away on the wings of a shiksa. To be near a shiksa, hold her, feel the warm downy mouth of one traditionally detested by my own people. To touch a shiksa ~ there, there and especially there. To be beloved by another kind. Essentially, to be free." ~ Gary Shteyngart, author of Absurdistan
Read more:
Will The Shikse Rights Committee
File A Complaint Against The Canadian Jewish Congress?
NOTES FROM A SHIKSA"I’ve always liked the term “Jewish Rabbi”. “Non-Jewish Shiksa” has a similarly redundant charm.
Okay, as a gentile girl, I hereby declare that me and my kind need space to heal; “schiksa” is now our word..
honestly, I had never realized it was even mildly pejorative, but then I’m just a dumb lapsed-Protestant Blonde with nice legs and loose morals. Frankly I’m pretty clueless.
Okay, so, for future reference: We schiksas get to use the word “Schiksa” amongst ourselves; Bernie Farber doesn’t ever get to say it, because that would be a hate crime, and I’d have to go straight to the HRC.
To recap: I’m reclaiming the word schiksa; this empowers me, it makes me feel whole.
Um… any questions? black mamba
Mother nature seems enraged! What time is it?
Explosive eruptions shook two volcanoes into life in Central and South America this week, killing two people, forcing thousands to evacuate and causing air traffic disruption.
Volcanic ash drifted over major cities in Guatemala and Ecuador, grounding planes at international airports after volcanoes in the two countries sent lava and burning rocks showering onto nearby villages.
Guatemalan President Alvaro Colom declared a 15-day state of emergency around the Pacaya volcano, 50km (31 miles) south of the capital Guatemala City.
The volcano burst into life on Wednesday and erupted again on Friday, killing two people, including a television reporter covering the event, and injuring 59. Three children remain missing after the eruption, which damaged 800 homes and caused up to 2,000 people to evacuate to nearby emergency shelters.
You are blonde beautiful and very smart . In fact science found out that blondes have a higher iq than brunettes and redheads . Saying you are cluelesss is disgusting and discriminatoire . You should know better .
ReplyDeleteThat is a quote from a woman. Certainly not me. I have never been blonde. But I have had some brilliant blonde friends.
DeleteAnd I have never been a shiksa.