just watching varieties of clouds pass by overhead.
When I was a kid, we would look for ~
and often find ~
amazing shapes in the skies above.
Limited only by our imaginations,
we could find anything.
We learned to read clouds as part of nature
to know what to expect weather wise.
When a rare jet sped overhead,
we would watch its swiftly dissolving trail drift
as it disappeared into the ether within a few moments.
That was in the 1950's through to the 1980's.
Then somewhere, somehow, things changed.
Nature has been turned into the enemy.
Waters are polluted,
forests torn down,
the sun creates diseases,
and those beautiful clouds
are harbingers of doom,
raining poisons upon us all.
forests torn down,
the sun creates diseases,
and those beautiful clouds
are harbingers of doom,
raining poisons upon us all.
Around 1995-96 there began to be large Jet Aircraft over-flying much, if not all, of the United States.
They would leave behind them, not the usual contrails ~ which evaporate in seconds, or a minute or two ~ but persistent white trails behind them, which would literally stretch from horizon to horizon and then they would spread out to completely cover the sky with a haze ~ with what looked like to most people to be clouds.
Morgellons Disease... Morgellons Syndrome... Morgellons Infliction... Morgellons Infection...
Nanotechnology is the assemblage ~ atom by atom ~ of machines or devices. Anything is possible with Nanotechnology.
They would leave behind them, not the usual contrails ~ which evaporate in seconds, or a minute or two ~ but persistent white trails behind them, which would literally stretch from horizon to horizon and then they would spread out to completely cover the sky with a haze ~ with what looked like to most people to be clouds.
But it was not...
It was spray aerosol from these Jetliners.
It was spray aerosol from these Jetliners.
These trails criss-crossed the country ~
criss-crossed most of The World,
in fact ~ for years ~
and they're still being reported.
in fact ~ for years ~
and they're still being reported.
Morgellons Disease... Morgellons Syndrome... Morgellons Infliction... Morgellons Infection...
A communicable invasion of human tissues in the form of self-assembling, self-replicating visible tubes, colored fibers, wires, arrays with what seem to be sensors or 'antennae', and other visible configurations, some carrying what may be genetically-altered and spliced DNA/RNA.
These 'machines' use the body's
bio-electric energy,
its minerals and other
unidentified elements for power.
It is reported by nearly all afflicted
that Morgellons machines
seem to have some kind of
hive or 'group intelligence'.
There is substantial evidence linking Chemtrail aerosol fibers to Morgellons fibers. The mental and neurological effects include brain fog, serious personality changes, fear, depression, physical coordination issues. Morgellons victims also suffer rapid spikes in body heat levels, severe malaise, and chronic fatigue.bio-electric energy,
its minerals and other
unidentified elements for power.
It is reported by nearly all afflicted
that Morgellons machines
seem to have some kind of
hive or 'group intelligence'.
Nanotechnology is the assemblage ~ atom by atom ~ of machines or devices. Anything is possible with Nanotechnology.
How smart are these machines?

Until now I have not spoken at all of chemtrails. I just felt it too complicated, too much an unknown, that other more qualified people did a lot of work much better than I. However I came across an article by John Kaminski, the ever trustworthy, on this horror and have to pass it on. But not without a few words of course.
The average person finds it almost impossible believe that humans can commit unspeakable atrocities against other humans. Consider the planned genocide of the Palestinians, the terrors of Rowanda, Darfur, VietNam, Bosnia, not disregarding the tens of millions murdered over 30 years in the Soviet Union by Lenin and Stalin. Then there was the Armenian genocide, the genocide of the German people of WW2, the 60 million murdered in China within the last 60 years.
The tragedies of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, a huge scientific experiment of war, could only have been dreamed and orchestrated by psychotic minds, so addicted to their power that they will stop at nothing to keep it. The arrogance of being right and the ignorance of any other position, compounded by their fear of loss when challenged is too overwhelming for private corporation psychopaths that they will revert to whatever tactics imaginable to protect and enhance their power and control over us.
The lust for greater power is be unquenchable.
Just ask a Neocon.
Any Neocon!
Other despicable acts carried out by The Private Corporation New World Order operatives are Pearl Harbour, 9/11 with its manipulated war on Iraq, Afghanistan and soon Iran,Depleted Uranium, Hurricane Katrina, the Asian Tsunami, The Bali, Madrid, London and Oklahoma bombings, the Port Arthur Massacre, Waco, Vaccination, Fluoride, Refined Sugar, Aspartame and MSG.
And all of the above without even stretching a brain cell ~ there are so many more. These are just in my lifetime, what about before? Oh, there was no world until I was born? OK I can live with that.
If you weren’t present at any of the above events, you aren’t vaccinated, if you cleaned and drank fresh un-fluoridated water, ate only natural pure foods containing no Refined Sugar, MSG, food colouring, Aspartame or GMO alterations, you are probably thinking you’re o.k.
But there is another attack being carried out on the human race that is impossible to escape: Chemtrails have been occurring regularly, infecting the air we breathe, influencing the weather and carrying disease. This movie is
The Ultimate CHEMTRUTH: Chemtrails, Morgellons Disease, and Global Depopulation, and I recommend you put the time in and watch it.
By John Kaminski
April 19, 2010And all of the above without even stretching a brain cell ~ there are so many more. These are just in my lifetime, what about before? Oh, there was no world until I was born? OK I can live with that.
If you weren’t present at any of the above events, you aren’t vaccinated, if you cleaned and drank fresh un-fluoridated water, ate only natural pure foods containing no Refined Sugar, MSG, food colouring, Aspartame or GMO alterations, you are probably thinking you’re o.k.
But there is another attack being carried out on the human race that is impossible to escape: Chemtrails have been occurring regularly, infecting the air we breathe, influencing the weather and carrying disease. This movie is
The Ultimate CHEMTRUTH: Chemtrails, Morgellons Disease, and Global Depopulation, and I recommend you put the time in and watch it.

Forget about the 9/11 hoax, the continuing extermination of the Palestinians, the bogus wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, depleted uranium, election frauds, financial robberies, and poison medicines. All those colossal catastrophes pale into insignificance, are wiped from your mind when the impact of this one sentence hits you.
The snow on top of Mt. Shasta,
the California mountain that has
become the picturesque symbol
of New Age hope,
has been poisoned.
the California mountain that has
become the picturesque symbol
of New Age hope,
has been poisoned.

Why have 90 percent of the salmon in the rivers near Mt. Shasta disappeared in the last seven years?
And why, all over our country and perhaps our world, are all the trees dying, while the experts shake their heads and say they don’t know why?
Retired wildlife biologist Francis Mangels told writer Michael A. Murphy about the rapid decline of fish in the rivers and streams of northern California
“Mangels brought me to a nearby creek that had an abundant supply of fish just a few years ago. Because the primary diet of the fish in the creek is aquatic insects, he performed a standard sample method to measure the amount of insects present.
“The samples he had performed before the alleged aerosol spraying campaign had yielded an average of 1000 aquatic insects. Our sample yielded only 31. This is over a 96% decline from samples taken just a few years ago. Mangels stated that because the fish live off of the insects, they are literally starving. This rapid decline is likely due to changes in the chemistry of the water. The only changes that Mangels is aware of are the dramatic increases of aluminum, barium and strontium which he believes is from SAG programs. ”

SAG stands for “stratospheric aerosol geo-engineering”, a.k.a. chemtrail program, spraying aerosol aluminum, barium and other particles into the sky to block the sun as a means to "reduce" the Earth's temperature.
Murphy also interviewed Dane Wigington, owner of one of the largest residential solar systems in Northern California on his beautiful 2000 acre property overlooking Lake Shasta, who noticed his solar power decreased by as much as 60 percent on what he calls "heavy spraying days". He also went on to say that he regularly samples the fine dust layers on top of his solar panels and other outdoor surface areas and frequently finds very high levels of aluminum and barium. Wigington believes that these are a product of SAG programs.”
Wigington stated that according to The National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration, the salmon run, once seen in abundance in this area has declined from 769,868 in 2002 to 39,530 in 2009. That is over a 90 percent decline. Amazingly enough, this decline started occurring about the same period of time when residents began to see a dramatic increase in what they believe to be SAG programs.

Mangels also pointed out that snow on Mt. Shasta was tested and sent to the EPA, who found results that contained 61,100 ug/l or parts per billion of aluminum and 83 ug/l of barium.
The normal amount of aluminum in the snow at Mt. Shasta is 0.5 ug/l. Drinking water allowable is 50ug/l. That means that the snow on Mt. Shasta has tested at 1200 times more poisonous than water standards allow for aluminum. Mangels said, "Mountain climbers that come from around the world are drinking the poisonous water from the snow on the mountain"
If things are this bad in one of the more remote areas in America, what are conditions for the rest of us. The same? Or worse?
One of my oldest friends and staunchest allies in the fight to make people understand that it was the most powerful men in America who engineered 9/11 and the perpetual wars that followed is Sofia Smallstorm, creator of 9/11 Mysteries, the most professional and accurate of the 9/11 movies that have been yet produced. It was my great privilege to help introduce her to some of the early 9/11 tangents of investigation, and since then she has far surpassed any information I may have gathered about that horrible day.
So, for years now, she has been trying to get my attention about the real dangers of transhumanism and geoengineering, and I must say, intimidated as I have been by the complex scientific information, I have been slow to respond.
is the physical changing
of the human structure
right before our eyes
that is already taking place.
is the physical changing
of the human structure
right before our eyes
that is already taking place.
Geoengineering is primarily
the subject of chemtrails.
The constant spraying of
crisscrossing chemical trails in the sky
have been reported by my friends
in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania
and California.
In Florida where I live
they have been relatively few
but consistently deployed
for at least the last ten years.
the subject of chemtrails.
The constant spraying of
crisscrossing chemical trails in the sky
have been reported by my friends
in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania
and California.
In Florida where I live
they have been relatively few
but consistently deployed
for at least the last ten years.

Recently Smallstorm, who is under siege by the Jewish provocateur Rick Siegel keeping her tied up in court over a trivial point of her movie and draining her finances, started an informal newsletter which provides an excellent syllabus of the contours of the threat of poisoning from both above and within. Here are a couple of quotes from that first newsletter, called Avatar Update.
“Fact: Because of high levels of heavy metals (aluminum, barium, strontium, titanium) showing up in our drinking water soil and air, the natural world is dying. See my tree decline page on www.AboutThe Sky.com for pictures of white “tube socks” showing up on trees all over California. In other areas of the country, green and black fungus is coating rooftops and tree branches. All this is choking and sickening growing things, which are becoming systemically weakened and keeling over.”
“Fact: when something begins to die in nature, it attracts insects, bugs, blight, molds, even viruses and bacteria. This is nature’s way of hastening decomposition so that whatever it is can compost itself into nutritive material for other lifeforms.
Today, trees are ailing everywhere in the country ~ drawing fungus, mites and blight, which arborists explains as “too many bugs” and infestation. an epidemic and we don’t know why!
Try telling them the trees they are experts on are attracting bugs and blight because they are systemically weakened from aerosols being sprayed in the sky, and they will shake their heads and stop listening.”

And here’s my two cents worth.
“Fact: all life on this planet is being choked to death by a poison rain that was devised to fight a phony problem that was concocted for profit, a fitting end to humanity on this planet, a manifestation of the karma of the lie that we do not die.”
If you’d like a look at this newsletter, ask for the Avatar Update at avatar products@earthlink.net. This is definitely the advanced course in contemporary politics.
I had been meaning to call Sofia to tell her about an epiphany I’d had as a result of her newsletter. For the first time in more than two decades, I had spent the winter NOT wearing the sunglasses I always wear. My eyes are sensitive. But last winter, I never wore them. I found myself craving more light.
For a long time I ascribed this as my deteriorating physical condition. I just turned 65. I’ve had a heart attack. My knees are creaking. I’m getting older. So I thought my nearsighted eyes were just starting to fade.
I called Sofia to tell her I’d finally realized the Sun is not as bright here in the Sunshine state as it has been. The plant growth in my own personal Garden of Eden does not fully complete its growth cycle over the course of a year.
It’s not my eyes that are fading.
Whatever is being put in the sky
by the government officials and
business criminals who are doing it
is suffocating all life on this planet.
Everything is getting dimmer.
Whatever is being put in the sky
by the government officials and
business criminals who are doing it
is suffocating all life on this planet.
Everything is getting dimmer.
Our days are numbered, and the number’s getting rapidly smaller every day!

We are living in a white world. Gone is the deep cerulean expanse (almost inky at times) we once called the sky. In its place is a sea of white particulate. The change has happened slowly enough that people don't even notice it's no longer the same kind of "beautiful" day. The sun doesn't shine anymore ~ it glares.
"The sky shone with a blue to ravish the heart ~ that limpid, celestial, holy blue that is only seen when the light is golden." ~ From a novel by Willa Cather, written in a bygone age.
My very first thought upon awakening this morning was,
I thought of the plagues loosed upon humanity over the past thousand years ~ the Black Plague, the Bubonic Plague, the spreading of disease laden blankets to the North American First People came to mind immediately. Nothing new there,. Although there were many unanswered questions, I had loosely pieced these together years ago.
Who gained the most from theft of lives of the victims? Who survived to reap the spoils of the victims?
The privileged classes consisting of the Vatican, the money changers, come first to mind, and of course nobility. Each group lost (expendable) members but nothing to the degree of the common folk. For great advancement towards any evil cause, a few sacrifices are always necessary. Consider the case of the Jews sacrificed in WW2 by the Zionist leaders as the perfect example in today's world. These victims are still being exploited beyond the grave! Even Herzl, founder of modern Zionism is on record discussing the need for sacrifice to "earn" Israel legitimacy in the eyes of the world.
After the European plagues died down, lands and establishments were rapidly snapped up by the strongest agents of the above groups.
Who recorded the histories of these times if not the scribes or survivors? In the Dark Ages, it was criminal for any but clerics and nobility to have the ability to read and write, so look to the Vatican for record keeping. The Vatican, so wealthy, created by criminals, recorded much of history as we have it today.
True evil knows no race, creed or country. These Satanists have no conscience and use anything to forward their cause of world domination. We have spoken of the theft of spirituality before, the replacing of spirit and truth with cold empirical evidence in society, especially law.
This whole Morgellon onslaught, tied in with the past 50+ years of fascination with what is now known as trans-humanism fits in well here. To name just a very few ~ The Bionic Woman, Terminator, Frankenstein Dr. Who, Metropolis, Robocop, and a great number of children's cartoons. Consider the famous line of Transformers our children played with.
Most of the truly strange diseases throughout history have been the work of dark forces, and for 30 or more years, those without conscience (or terribly misled) have directed the laboratory development of diseases such as AIDS, SARs, Avian Flu and various other “flu” names given the virus concoctions that in some cases are airborne and in others spread through inoculations.
These dark assaults to compromise our bodies’ functioning and natural healing ability are exacerbated by the electromagnetic waves in cell phones, computers, and the very atmosphere that sustains life. Other factors are the effects of pollution in our water, soil and air, and the proliferation of prescription drugs with their contraindications. This is a formidable combination intended to cause illness, debilitation, depression and death, and to some extent, it is difficult to avoid at this time.
This whole premise is just too mad to consider real. But then again, these are very nasty insidious creatures of Satan and nothing is impossible in their cumulative madness. Just considering the contents of the everyday vaccine was hard enough to swallow at one point but now it is proven fact but I still spoke of it early on.
And also, it is behind such disbelief and calls of flakery that these evils are able to flourish and gain in power. Many of the things we have spoken of and been called "conspiracy nuts" over, have been proven true in the past few years. I will stand by what I have written.
My head spins. You have not heard the last of this, but I need time to process what I have learned in research this past few day.
"Oh my goodness, this whole premise makes you sound like a raving idiot! NO ONE will take you seriously and your kids, who already openly tolerate their mother's eccentricity with a pat on the shoulder, will think you over the edge. This is really pushing the envelop!"Sometimes in that half world between sleep and consciousness, thoughts and ideas that would otherwise be missed drift to the fore, so I lay back and opened up to possibilities.
I thought of the plagues loosed upon humanity over the past thousand years ~ the Black Plague, the Bubonic Plague, the spreading of disease laden blankets to the North American First People came to mind immediately. Nothing new there,. Although there were many unanswered questions, I had loosely pieced these together years ago.
Who gained the most from theft of lives of the victims? Who survived to reap the spoils of the victims?
The privileged classes consisting of the Vatican, the money changers, come first to mind, and of course nobility. Each group lost (expendable) members but nothing to the degree of the common folk. For great advancement towards any evil cause, a few sacrifices are always necessary. Consider the case of the Jews sacrificed in WW2 by the Zionist leaders as the perfect example in today's world. These victims are still being exploited beyond the grave! Even Herzl, founder of modern Zionism is on record discussing the need for sacrifice to "earn" Israel legitimacy in the eyes of the world.
After the European plagues died down, lands and establishments were rapidly snapped up by the strongest agents of the above groups.
Who recorded the histories of these times if not the scribes or survivors? In the Dark Ages, it was criminal for any but clerics and nobility to have the ability to read and write, so look to the Vatican for record keeping. The Vatican, so wealthy, created by criminals, recorded much of history as we have it today.
True evil knows no race, creed or country. These Satanists have no conscience and use anything to forward their cause of world domination. We have spoken of the theft of spirituality before, the replacing of spirit and truth with cold empirical evidence in society, especially law.
This whole Morgellon onslaught, tied in with the past 50+ years of fascination with what is now known as trans-humanism fits in well here. To name just a very few ~ The Bionic Woman, Terminator, Frankenstein Dr. Who, Metropolis, Robocop, and a great number of children's cartoons. Consider the famous line of Transformers our children played with.
Most of the truly strange diseases throughout history have been the work of dark forces, and for 30 or more years, those without conscience (or terribly misled) have directed the laboratory development of diseases such as AIDS, SARs, Avian Flu and various other “flu” names given the virus concoctions that in some cases are airborne and in others spread through inoculations.
These dark assaults to compromise our bodies’ functioning and natural healing ability are exacerbated by the electromagnetic waves in cell phones, computers, and the very atmosphere that sustains life. Other factors are the effects of pollution in our water, soil and air, and the proliferation of prescription drugs with their contraindications. This is a formidable combination intended to cause illness, debilitation, depression and death, and to some extent, it is difficult to avoid at this time.
This whole premise is just too mad to consider real. But then again, these are very nasty insidious creatures of Satan and nothing is impossible in their cumulative madness. Just considering the contents of the everyday vaccine was hard enough to swallow at one point but now it is proven fact but I still spoke of it early on.
And also, it is behind such disbelief and calls of flakery that these evils are able to flourish and gain in power. Many of the things we have spoken of and been called "conspiracy nuts" over, have been proven true in the past few years. I will stand by what I have written.
My head spins. You have not heard the last of this, but I need time to process what I have learned in research this past few day.
Sighing. At 1:02, Seal makes the Satanic handsign.
Re: Chemtrails.
ReplyDeleteHere in Britain we had six warm, bright days of unbelievably blue skies with hardly a cloud in sight - and not a single chemtrail.
We now learn that the "ash cloud" it was blamed on didn't exist, but whatever the real reason for closing European airspace, those six days were a real treat.
Extremely interesting and informative, Noor.
ReplyDeleteThe Aluminum and Barium really caught my attention. All substances have, what is called in the Physical Sciences and Engineering, three properties as regarding all light waves, both the visible and the invisible spectrum. These three are: 1) – Reflectance, 2) - Absorbtance and 3) - Emittance. All three vary for the substance in question. Air is a substance, like all substances it has all three. In the case of air, it has very low Reflectance (the quality of reflecting light) and very low Absorbtance (the quality of absorbing light) for visible spectra, therefore air is very permeable to visible light and we “see” through it easily. Glass is a bit less than that. By the way, with low Absorbtance, the Emittance (the quality of re-emitting the light back out of the substance that absorbed it) is also low. Something with high Reflectance and Emittance and low Absorbtance in the visible spectra is what we call a mirror. Polished Silver is most effective. All three of these properties vary according to each of all of the wavelengths of the spectra of light, both visible and invisible. In the case of the two substances mentioned above, especially Aluminum, the Reflectance and Emittance on many wavelengths, both visible and invisible is some of the highest. When it is dispersed as dust particles in the air – it will not act as a mirror to reflect back out to space. What it will actually do is diffract the light coming down in many directions. The effect is a giant microwave oven. It will still interfere with solar panels when it collects on them, the way the article relates. But in the air, while airborne, it will have the effect described above – a giant microwave oven. I noticed this beginning in the 1990’s in the mountains of California most emphatically but also lower down as well, though not as much. The radiant energy in the air was cooking everything to death, even though there was plenty of rainfall. This is the real reason for the so-called drought in California. This excellently written, and commented on by Noor, article speaks of “a phony problem that was concocted for profit” (And here’s my two cents worth. “Fact: all life on this planet is being choked to death by a poison rain that was devised to fight a phony problem that was concocted for profit,…). If we are speaking of global warming, then the truth about that is that the Scientist, who first concocted the theory of a “hole” in the ozone layer years ago, was alone and only given credence because she was a woman and it was considered the politically correct feminist response on the part of all the male Scientists to do so. There is no global warming, except that which is induced by this kind of reckless meddling with these damned Chemtrails. That must cease immediately.
Thank you for a great article Noor.
You covered all the bases Noor. I don't know how I missed a this cd from the morons for my car collection. Just kidding. I would never have heard of them if not for you. I tuned modern music out long ago. I suggest Yanni.
ReplyDeleteWe are being saturated with various metals. The best thing I recommend you do right now is try and get proper metal ions into the body. This would be copper, silver, gold and iron. You want more of this in your brain and spinal chord than aluminum, barium etc. Barium is used in MRIs also. It might slow things down in order for some us to survive until the pole shift anyway.
It is one reason eastern monks the world over are fond of cooking in bronze. Some older bronzes actually contain a touch of gold and silver along with copper and zinc. Asians are drinking copper and silver along with the tea!
Copper of course with the other metals will rise in price drastically I am afraid as China realizing the value of it is buying copper mines in South America.
Cook in iron skillets, (Most lack iron) use a copper pan with tin lining not stainless as it contains nickel and cadmium. Get you a good silver jubilee cup and a pitcher if you can for tea and juice.
You cannot form proper blood protein if copper if you lack copper also. I think you noticed this topic on my other blog once. These are things you can do until the "spraying is stopped)
The destruction of man through copper deficiency