By Noor
Amidst statistics that show rising numbers of kids ~ yes, little kids ~ are having unprotected sex
Family-planning and anti-AIDS advocacy groups pressed for the kid-friendly option after studies in Switzerland showed that teens were having unprotected sex. The new condoms will be 1.7 inches in diameter, compared to the 2-inch standard condoms. (According to a German study of about 13,000 people, a quarter of 13- to 20-year-olds reported that standard condoms were too big.
Oh, NWO stench here. Reeks of the indulgent permissiveness that permeates our society in the age of "just say yes". This fits in well with the European approach to sex education in schools about which I have written in the past.

Video games and babies with babies. Where were the parents and why did these two become the poster children for such behaviour?
My real question about the condom ~ besides wanting statistics on what percentage of young boys are sexually viable and at the same time not regular condom-sized ~ is the aforementioned "Hotshot" business.
While I get that "extra-small" isn't exactly going to move inventory with the middle-school set, a name that plays into the age-group's penchant for manhood-proving leaves the manufacturers open to exactly the sort of criticism you'd think they'd want to avoid. Or, they've got a much better sense of irony than most of the advertisers we're used to.
Personally, I think they want to make money and came up with a name that attracted. And of course along with the condom, comes the interest, etc etc. Gosh, to think we used to get upset if my brother, at 14, snuck off with my Dad's Playboy so he could "read the cartoons". WELL! That is what he SAID he did it for!

But get this, folks. the Hotshot is pure marketing anyway. Smaller condoms ~ marketed as the snug-fit variety ~ have graced American pharmacy shelves for years. Most brands make them, and they're the same 1.7-inch width as the new Swiss option. The only difference is, the packaging isn't designed to entice an adolescent.
So in our increasingly sexualized society, another not so subtle way to encourage sex at an even younger age. When I was a kid, if things like a 12 year old having a child occurred, it was a thing of shame, certainly it was kept secret and the whole world was not privy to such sordid matters. By creating sensational headlines over this and other such situations, the media is, once again, complicit in lowering the general moral standards even lower than they were already.
And in turn, with this awareness, another company cashes in on little weenies by selling condoms that should not be necessary. These kids should be out playing sports or studying, not slipping the rubber on to procreate with another lost child.
Call me an idiot for dreaming of the past, but dang, kids were a lot happier and a lot healthier back then. A little boy playing nintendo and holding his infant child, knowing his life is now devoted to this sweet infant, cannot possibly truly be a happy boy. There is NO way. Meanwhile, his generation of children is being encouraged to act on their impulses...
Noor you can bet Britain will get in on this one. I don't know which is worse this or the lady gaga craze. It simply amuses them to turn people into savages. That seems to be the bnttom line.
ReplyDeleteWe used to have music in these United States now we have noise.
ReplyDeleteAnother leak 5 miles away, bigger than this one
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Prominent Oil Industry Insider: "There's Another Leak, Much Bigger, 5 to 6 Miles Away"
Matt Simmons was an energy adviser to President George W. Bush, is an adviser to the Oil Depletion Analysis Centre, and is a member of the National Petroleum Council and the Council on Foreign Relations. Simmon is chairman and CEO of Simmons & Company International, an investment bank catering to oil companies.
Simmons told Dylan Ratigan that"there's another leak, much bigger, 5 to 6 miles away" from the leaking riser and blowout preventer which we've all been watching on the underwater cameras:
I have no idea whether or not Simmons is right. The government should immediately either debunk or admit his claim.
If accurate, the bigger leak could have been caused by the destruction of the well casing when the oil rig exploded. That is Simmons' theory.
Or it could be caused by a natural oil seep, although the odds of a seep of that size occurring right around the time of the Deep Horizon disaster is nearly zero.
ReplyDeleteJames Carville To Obama On Oil Spill: 'Get Down Here And Take Control... We're About To Die'
Democratic strategist and New Orleans resident James Carville is not relenting from his frenzied plea for President Obama to take a more direct and active role in addressing the Gulf oil blowout.
"The President of the United States could've come down here, he could've been involved with the families of these 11 people" who died on the rig after an explosion, Carville said on ABC's Good Morning America. "He could be commandeering tankers and making BP bring tankers in and clean this up. They could be deploying people to the coast right now. He could be with the Corps of Engineers and the Coast Guard...doing something about these regulations. These people are crying, they're begging for something down here, and it just looks like he's not involved in this."
His voice rising, Carville cried out, "Man, you got to get down here and take control of this! Put somebody in charge of this thing and get this moving! We're about to die down here!"
ReplyDeleteSafina says the Gulf is the worst imaginable place for this to happen in terms of ocean health as millions of fish and mammals migrate through it and it is a breeding ground.
Renowned Marine Biologist Carl Safina on the BP Oil Spill’s Ecological Impact on the Gulf Coast and Worldwide
As we continue our discussion on the BP oil spill, we turn to its long-term ecological impact. Carl Safina, the founding president of Blue Ocean Institute, warns the ecological fallout from the spill may be felt across much of the world. [includes rush transcript]
I knew there was another leak. How I knew it, honestly I do not know. Maybe I read it in the deluge of information, or maybe I just "knew".
ReplyDeleteObama is pulling a Bush on this. It would be great if he grew some integrity and did something. He just does not seem to care about much other than making sure he reads his speeches without skipping over a word.
Another thing about a bad place... the strip of land between the two oceans is very small. I live up that coast.... we had the Exxon a few years ago. North of here, but too close to home.
Meanwhile, Harper leaves environmental issues off the agenda for the upcoming summits!
Perhaps because he is flirting with BP up north still.
They are actually mentioning this on the news tonight, but it is all full of hope about their latest attempt to clog it up. They have called BP for giving figures at least 1/3 only of the truth. With this force of emission built up, the oil could easily seek the closest weak spot to continue on its ugly way.
Maybe... I would like to hope not.
An invaluable warning article Noor. This ties in with the glamorous 5 years with their range of make and sexy clothing or the little girl home pole-dancing kits. I am not attempting humour – they are genuine marketing campaigns here in Britain.
ReplyDeleteThis fits right in with the other agendas (militant gay and feminist) to decimate healthy societies. Kids are giving birth to kids and I believe it parallels the increased sex “education” in schools. None of the usual knowledge and parenting skills gets passed down through the generations. Youth and beauty are massively pushed by the media and marketing as the only thing that matters.
The final result will be lots of individual consumers with zero communication and relationship skills. Without the acquired lifetimes knowledge passed down through the generations these dysfunctional robots will be easy meat for whatever the elites push on them. The turkeys will finally vote for Christmas.
I now live in Britain and this is the situation now and it has been getting worse for nearly 10/15 years. It’s also getting that way back home in Ireland. There will be a backlash. Societies have undergone these forms of permissive conditioning before and the outcome is always a hard-line retreat to old fashioned morals and values.
I think that process is starting to occur. Where I live the natives are restless on a whole range of issues. The herd is spooked. It is up to us to ensure that the farm managers don’t lead us off to follow the usual Judas goats.
V word = eatenums (WTF?)
What's the problem? If kids of 12 are having sex they NEED condoms don't they? Clearly "tut tut naughty boy" is not working, so society needs to change its attitude!
ReplyDeleteAlso, there are LOTS of people including me who need very small condoms anyway, so they should be on the market.
Wake up !!!
OK IF you are an adult and have been given a tiny manhood fine.
ReplyDeleteBUT IF THEY ARE MARKETED to children it is NOT fine.
"society needs to change its attitude" is a thoroughly decadent tail-wagging-the-dog idiocy. Reeks of the liberalism that has brought the world to its knees before the cultural Marxists eager to impose their vile laws upon us. Then children won't need condoms. They will be treated "bare" even if they have a box of them. YOU wake up.