I came across this page of links at Radio Islam and thought to share them with you. I cannot say I agree with everything said in the contents because I have only read about half of the material offered. So I cannot accept total responsibility for contents, however, I do have a feeling, going by what I have seen so far, it is all solid material.
So if you wish to educate yourself about who and what we are dealing with, here is a portal to enlightenment of a sort.
As for the cartoons, they are all done by Jewish cartoonist, laughing at things you and I could be called, horror of horrors, "anti semitic" for laughing at. I found them at a sight that was giving critique so the words beneath, are also another's writing.
Greg Berman is concerned whether Palestinian babies are Kosher.
Indeed a legitimate Talmudic question to ask your local Rabbi.
The Old Testament (the Torah) and the Talmud constitute the basics of Judaism and contain the principles by which todays Jews live. But see what an abyss of racial hatred and intolerance they contain, as one closer studies these Jewish scriptures.
• The Jewish scriptures and their racism
Talmud, Torah, hatred/racism against non-Jews, anti-Christianism
• Purim, Amalek, Yom Kippur
• More on Jewish racism, exclusivism
• Israel´s policies = applied Judaism
Israels genocidal policies sanctioned by rabbis
• Psycho-"religion"
Mental disease, pedophile rituals, blood libel
• In depth analysis of "Jews", Judaism
Judaism as a strategy for domination
• Khazar Jews from Russia
• "Anti-Semitism" - What is it?
Miki Mottes and Elad Cahana from Israel can probably see
some clear discrepancies within the Holocaust tale they learned in Israel.
- The Truth About The Talmud
By Michael A. Hoffman II and Alan R. Critchley
- Jewish Racism towards Non-Jews as expressed in the Talmud
- What The Talmud Teachees on Gentiles (PDF-file)
By Israeli-Jewish site Daat Emet
- The Talmud´s Teachings Concerning Christians Unmasked
By Rev. I. B. Pranaitis
- Jesus in the Rabbinic Traditions
- The name of Jesus in Hebrew!
By Dr. James D. Price
- What the Jewish Talmud teaches the Jews concerning non-Jews
By Jewish convert to Christianity Benjamin H. Freedman on Judaism vs Christianity - On the subject of Jewish hatred towards Christianity
By Prof. Israel Shahak
- Prof. Shahak´s book "Jewish History, Jewish Religion"
The widely acclaimed book on Jewish Racism
Greg found a very personal and funny way to express his doubts.
- "Jewish History, Jewish Religion" - Reviewed
A bookreview of Prof. Israel Shahak´s book
- Collection of quotes from Shahak´s book "Jewish fundamentalism"
Quotes illuminating the Jews´ racist views of non-Jews.
- Answer to the slanders against "Jewish Fundamentalism in Israel"
Response by Israel Shahak
- By Christopher Jon Bjerknes
- Judaism - Religion or Manual for Deadly Sins?
Includes an index of revealing passages from the Jewish Torah
- The Causes of Hostility Toward Jews: A Historical Overview [419 kilobytes] [about 102 paper pages] The religious origins of Jewish identity; the Torah (Old Testament); the Chosen People concept; the Code of Jewish Law; Jewish self-conception as a "nation apart"; brief overview of Israelite Old Testament violence; the Talmud;Jewish apostates and medieval Christian investigation of the Talmud; traditional Jewish racism, elitism, ethnocentrism, tribalism, and exclusionism; modern Jewish apologetics for traditional beliefs; the importance of Maimonides; the Jacob-Esau tradition; Reform Judaism and the modern euphemism of Jewish "particularism" (versus pan-human universalism); traditional Jewish messianic chauvinism in left-wing secular political movements; and more.
- From the Hebrew Press - A collection of revealing articles translated by Israel Shahak:- Israel is a Paradise for Money Launderers
- Burning the New Testament by Orthodox Jews in Israel
- A Farm for Raising Pure Priests to be Established Soon
- Storytellers in the Talmudic Tradition
By Professor Arthur R. Butz. On Jewish mathematics.
- Is there a connection between the word "racist" and the name "Razis"?
Checking out the Jewish Old Testament, the Torah
- Samples of Torah quotations
Some revealing quotes
- Profiles of Zionist Racists, War Criminals and Fanatics
Collection of quotes researched by Michael Hoffman
- Gems from "Jewish Medical Law" From zionistsout.blogspot.com. Jewish Medical Law has som interesting views on when and when not a non-Jew should get medical treatment from a Jewish doctor.
- Jewish Racism towards Blacks
Section on an aspect of Jewish racism that the Zionist controlled medias in the West have been very good in hiding from the ordinary folks
The Poetic Sherman may have something to say
about the real power behind the American $$$$$s.
- Jews Seek New Purim Massacre in Iran
By David Duke
- The Jewish Purim: What's It?
- On the Jewish concept of Amalek and Amalekites
From the Jewish Tribal Review homepage. On the Jews´ eternal enemy that they are ordered to exterminate.
- The Jewish Genocide of Christian Armenians
Includes lots of information on the Jewish concept of "Amalek" and their murder.
- The Jewish Yom Kippur: What Is It?
Leandro Spett doesn’t leave us much room for doubt.
Palestinians are indeed a necessary ingredient for Passover Matzos.
- Other Jewish Contributions to Modern Racist Currents[53 Kilobytes] [about 20 paper pages] Prominent Jewish racial theorists in the early 1900s; the Jew as "genius"; Jewish superiority claims based upon Ashkenazi (European Jewish) models ~ not the Sephardim (Jews from the Middle East); Jewish genetic diseases from centuries of interbreeding; genetic myths of Jewish identity.
- The Jewish Self-Conception of Intellectual, Moral, and Spiritual Superiority
[85 Kilobytes] [about 11 paper pages] The Jewish celebration of Jewish Nobel prize winners; Jewish celebration of alleged Jewish superiority in intelligence over other peoples; racist arguments that Jews are genetically more intelligent than others; Jewish arrogance as a solicitation of non-Jewish hostility; Jewish chutzpah -- pushiness, nerviness; Jewish claims to superiority as part of Chosen People ethnocentrism.
- Who/What Is a Jew?
[60 Kilobytes] [about 13 paper pages] Paradoxical lack of Jewish consensus about who exactly is a Jew; traditional racial definitions of Jewish identity; the enduring racial undercurrent definition today; popular Jewish identity as being "History's Greatest Victims"; Jewish need for anti-Semitism as an identity anchor; Jewish self-conception of superior intelligence; Jewish arrogance; lack of Jewish humility as an anti-Gentile hostility; Jewish preoccupation with "materialism and superiority." - Assimilation/Intermarriage/Conversion to Judaism[89 Kilobytes] [about 15 paper pages] Traditional Jewish resistance to intermarriage (marriage to a non-Jew); recent Jewish alarm at high rates of intermarriage; Gentile spouses' conversion to Judaism; Jewish spouses' intense connection to Jewish identity; popular Jewish rejection of converts to Judaism; centrality of Jewish racial belief that real Jews are born that way.
- Judaism - a collection of articlesThe Jewish Tribal Review´s article collection on Jews and Judaism
- Jewish Ethnocentrism, Racism and Resistance to Assimilation
Another collection of articles compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review
- Jewish Ethics and the Traditional Jewish View of Other Peoples
- More on Jewish "moral" and "ethics"
From the section on Jews and Crime
- On Chabad Lubavitcher Jews
A collection of articles compiled by the Jewish Tribal Review
Asaf Luzon from Israel is no different.
He can see that the numbers do not add.
The murderous doctrines in the Jewish holy scriptures are not just something peripheral or a thing "from the past". One has to understand that these very doctrines are todayYeshivas (Jewish religious schools) and by Israeli Army rabbis to the soldiers of the Jewish state. Israel, with F-15, F-16 warplanes, missiles, submarines and nuclear weapons thus has a military permeated with teachings of racism and genocide. And if any one tries to call this "anti-Semitic fantasies", please see the evidence from leading rabbis below AND the murderous policies of Israel´s military in for instance the 2006 Lebanon and 2008-2009 Gaza wars and the statements on divine rights and biblical references by Zionist leaders such as David Ben-Gurion, Golda Meir and likes.
indoctrinated in the
- The Ideology Behind Hebron Massacre
By Prof. Israel Shahak
- Israeli Discriminatory Practices are Rooted in Jewish Religious Law
By Israel Shahak (Washington Report 07/1995)
- The Old Testament and the Genocide in Gaza
By Gilad Atzmon. "The Jewish state is the ultimate threat to humanity and our notion of humanism."
- From Israeli paper Ha'aretz. "As for the population, it is not innocent ..."
- IDF Chief Rabbi: Troops who show mercy to enemy will be 'damned'From Israeli paper Ha'aretz. "In times of war, whoever doesn't fight with all his heart and soul is damned - if he keeps his sword from bloodshed, if he shows mercy toward his enemy when no mercy should be shown."
- Settler Rabbi publishes “The complete guide to killing non-Jews”Article translated from Hebrew, originally published in the Israeli paper Ma'ariv:"There is justification for killing babies if it is clear that they will grow up to harm us ..."
Alfred Breitman’s‘American Flag’ doesn’t leave us with much doubt.We are dealing with the ‘Jewnited States of JewMerica’.
- UN: Zionism - "a movement based on racial superiority"
By Janine Zacharia (Jerusalem Post)
- The Life of an American Jew in Racist Marxist Israel
By Jack Bernstein
- My Farewell to Israel, Thorn of the Middle East
By Jack Bernstein
- Confronting the Bible's Ethnic Cleansing in Palestine By Michael Prior (AMEU 12/2000). The Jewish bible - the Torah - commands atrocities and ethnic cleansing.
- Jewish Holy scriptures speak of occupation of Lebanon and slaughter of its inhabitants
Facts that every Lebanese citizen - Muslim, Christian, Druze - should know!
- Racist Jewish Fundamentalism a Factor
By Omar Barghouti, Electronic Lebanon, 30 July 2006
- Mamilla Pool
By Israel Shamir (04/27/2001)
- From The [Jewish] Forward and published on Israeli paper Ha'aretz website, 09/06/2009:"The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: Destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle)"
- Eliyahu advocates carpet bombing GazaArticle from The Jerusalem Post: "If they don't stop after we kill 100, then we must kill a thousand," said Chief Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu. "And if they do not stop after 1,000 then we must kill 10,000. If they still don't stop we must kill 100,000, even a million."
- Chief Rabbi Lau: IDF liquidations justified under Jewish law
(Reuters 07/27/2001)
- God must kill 'evil' Arabs, says rabbi
By Phil Reeves (Independent 04/10/2001)
- Israel’s Chief Rabbi calls for ethnic cleansing of non-Jews in Palestine
Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger says that the Palestinian people could have a nice country... in the Sinai desert. - 'Thou shalt destroy them utterly'
By Emad Gad, Al-Ahram Weekly
- Genocide announced
By Saleh Al-Naami, Al-Ahram Weekly
- Rabbi Ovadia Yosef: Six Million Were Sinners; Arabs are Snakes
(Jerusalem Post 08/06/2000)
- Rightist rabbis urge 'measure for measure' revenge on foes
By Ha'aretz Service, 15/03/2008
- Rabbis: Israel Too Worried Over Civilian Deaths
By Rebecca Spence, The Jewish Daily Forward, Aug 25, 2006
- Zionist rabbis says Torah permits killing Palestinian civilians
Source: PIC, 06-03-2008
- Rabbinic Council Says Dead Lebanon Kids Not Innocent
By Rev. Ted Pike
- Israeli rabbis: Don't spare civilians
By Khalid Amayreh in Hebron, aljazeera.net, Tuesday, September 07, 2004
- Settler Rabbi: Killing Civilians Permitted
By Eetta Prince-Gibson, The Jewish Daily Forward, Fri. May 28, 2004
- Rabbi in Hebron Says Annihilation of Non-Jews Acceptable
Palestine Chronicle, November 16, 2002: " 'Hashmadat goyem' (the extermination of non-Jews), he said was an established principle in Jewish theology."
- Religious Jews blessing rockets
Pictures from the 2006 July War
- Reporter feels mob's hate in the Holy CityBy correspondent Anne Barker, ABC News, who first-hand experienced the rage of orthodox Jews
- How to Kill a PalestinianBy Dr. Elias Akleh: "All of the Palestinians must be killed; men, women, infants, and even their beasts" cries the religious opinion of Rabbi Yisrael Rosen, the director of the long-established Tsomet Religious Institute. [...] The Torah states: "Annihilate the Amalekites from the beginning to the end. Kill them and wrest them from their possessions. Show them no mercy. Kill continuously, one after the other. Leave no child, plant, or tree. Kill their beasts, from camels to donkeys."Judaism in its finest hour! - The Hanukkah Massacre in Gaza.
By Mark Glenn.
- Jewish leaders kill for Jewish votesBy Gilad Atzmon, who has renounced his Jewishness and Israeli nationality. Atzmon explains Israel's massacre of Palestinians in Gaza in terms of Israeli culture, which is imbued with racism and a murderous hatred of Arabs in general and Palestinians in particular.
- A prominent Jew wants relatives of Palestinian suicide bombers to be killedArticle by the Jew Nathan Levin: "... can Jewish law and tradition accept this seeming punishment of innocents? The Torah commanded the total eradication - including women and children - of certain nations (Amalek being a singular illustration) because of the continuing threat its members presented to the survival of Israel."
For information on the Jewish state´s Apartheid policies, please see our section on Zionism - the practical application of Judaism.
For information on the Jewish state´s massacres and war atrocities, please see our section on Israeli violence, terror, massacres. lan Touri tries to tell us that the ‘six narrative’
is basically a Jewish orchestrated Hollywood movie. s basically a Jewish orchestrated Hollywood movie.
- New Jewish revelations on Jewish ritual murder and "blood libel"
Articles on Ariel Toaff - son of the Chief Rabbi of Rome - and his new book "Bloody Passovers"
- Bloody Passovers - Toaff's complete book in English translation in HTML-format, includes graphics - external link
- Bloody Passovers - Toaff's complete book in English translation in PDF-format
- Jewish "Ritual Murder"
A book by Arnold Leese
- Pedophilic Jewish "Religious" Rituals
- Physician Claims Jews are Schizo Carriers: "Is Mental Illness the Jewish Disease?"
From Psychiatric News, published by the American Psychiatric Association. Oct. 25, 1972
- The Lunatics of Zion
Jewish quotes on Jewish mental instability. "Maybe Jews are not so excellent by high intelligence but by their disturbed psyche"
- The Wit and Wisdom of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef
"... interprets bowel movements as Messianic sign"
- Leap ahead in treatment for Jews' genetic diseaseBy Charlotte Halle (Ha'aretz 09/08/2000). Again proof that Ashkenazi East-European Jews are interrelated and share a common, Khazar, origin. And a "religion" with genetic disease? Can Christians and Muslims also get genetic disorders? This shows again that the Jews are nothing else than ultra-racists, and that their policy of isolation from other peoples and intermarrying is finally taking its toll.
For more on modern "Jews"´ connection to the Khazar people of southern Russia, please see our section on Khazar Jews.
- The Shikse's Guide to Jewish Men - Excerpts from a revealing book
- On Jewish predominance in the Porn business and sex/trafficking industry
From the section on Jews and Crime

Book cover of "Jewish Genetic Disorders: A Layman's Guide", by Jewish author Ernest L. Abel.
Isn´t that a strange "religion" ~ ~Judaism where its adherents even can be plagued by genetic disorders?
lan Touri may try to tell us that the ‘six narrative’ is
basically a Jewish orchestrated Hollywood movie.
- Jews: A Religious Community, a People, or a Race?
By Mark Weber
- "Judaism created Zionism and not the other way around"
A letter to Radio Islam on Ahmed Rami´s TV appearance in Al-Jazeera.
- Can we really separate Judaism from Zionism?
By Ibrahim Alloush
Old Testament Ethics
- Judaism is Nobody's Friend By Mark Glenn: Judaism is not a religion. Judaism is not a race. Judaism is not a people. Judaism is a strategy. Judaism is the Jews' strategy to dominate non-Jews.
- "Jews, who want to be decent human beings, have to renounce being Jewish"
By Kevin MacDonald
- The Jewish terrorist State
By the Argentine Second Republic MovementCabbalistic Jewish Mathematics, A Call to all Jews around the World. Also includes...
- Ten Key Questions to The JewsIs it safe for the world to be dominated by very small minorities? How do Zionists explain the unconditional support that the United States of America gives International Zionism and the State of Israel? ...
- "Postville: A Clash of Cultures in Heartland America" By Stephen G. Bloom
A bookreview by Chad Powers, Jewish Tribal Review. What happens when Jews move into a small American town...
- Karl Marx on the Jewish Question
- "The Jews and their Lies"
By Martin Luther - the founder of the Protestant Church
- The Catechism of the Jew in Russia
Text published in Tel Aviv, but not in Russia
- The Hidden TyrannyThe most revealing and shocking interview of a Jew. "Most Jews do not like to admit it, but our god is Lucifer."
- The mind slaves!
By Lt. Col. Gordon "Jack' Mohr
- Facts every Muslim and Christian should know
The Jewish Holy War Against Goyim! (Part 1 of 3)
- Jewry´s four pronged Strategy
The Jewish Holy War Against Goyim! - (Part 2 of 3) By Lt. Col. Mohr
- The Jewish Holy War Against Goyim!
(Part 3 of 3) By Lt. Col. Mohr
- The Secret Kosher Tax That Raises Food Prices
- Jewish Communist Mass Mind-Control
- Important quotes on Jewish domination Quotes by Farrakhan, Napoleon, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Winston Churchill etc...
- 1000 Quotes By and About JewsA fantastic collection of quotes with many subcategories like; Media, Finance, Talmud, Zionism...
"Jewish humour" Anno 2009: "How to cook a Gentile". Comic strip taken from the Jewish homepage of Heeb Magazine, issue No15, 2009 (called "The Goy Issue"). The whole strip with its blood dripping gore and absurdities can be viewed, checking this link (recommended).
Hey Noor,...That is kismet par excellence! I have been struggling to post a new piece for hours, my blogger page kept freezing and crashing aaarrgghh! Well I have just got it up to a point where I am not unhappy with it's look and I figure, sweet, now I can sit back and read my favourite Blogs; I have had some open for hours! Then stuff me I as soon as I finish Greg's latest I move on to yours only to see I've been scooped, coooeee! Great work Noor, I am sure no one you know will notice mine, so I won't change the post; I was going to put up a post on roschalia's new warrantless home invasion laws empowering our Brown Shirts. Manyana.
ReplyDeleteGreat piece...