I’ve given myself the assignment of constructing a dark handbook of psychological operations against lightworkers. As little fun as this is, I’m going to think like a darkworker for a while. It really is not so hard to do if you have kept an eye on the doings of Israel in its dealings with the rest of the world, especially Palestine.
Here are a few strategies and tactics that I recommend to tie up lightworker resources, set them against each other, exploit existing weaknesses, wear them down through disappointment, etc. We who have been working in the light for a lengthy period of time find the work can be draining and demoralizing, just by the nature of the Beast. It is imperative that we renew ourselves with positive time away, as tough as that can be at times. However, it is necessary if one is to stay strong and alert. Again, knowledge helps so here are the results of just a few hours’ effort.
Sadly, this is all far too familiar to us living in the police state now known as North America.
Defeat lightworker opposition by turning lightworkers against each other to wear them down and split their ranks.
Take an actual incident and exaggerate it.
Or float a false rumor.
For instance, accuse a prominent lightworker of sexual crimes.
Pay someone to make the charge.
Pay dark mainstream media resources to publicize it.
Enlist the help of dark police resources to pursue the suspect.
Enlist the help of dark judges to obtain warrants and wiretaps.
Try the charges in a dark court.
Lightworkers are set to attacking each other and defending themselves.
Their resources are deflected from fighting the cabal and turned to the task of fighting each other instead.
Rather than realizing positive gains in turning back the dark, they realize negative gains in wounding and defeating each other.
If and when the whole tactic is revealed, lightworkers feel ashamed of their own actions and lack of insight.
Bring lightworker leaders’ morality and wisdom into question by creating significant public opposition to alleged moral lapses, faults, and flaws.
Play up an alleged incident or shortcoming in a lightworker leader, such as President Obama allegedly smoking a cigarette behind the White House. Enlist prominent darkworkers in the press, radio and television to question the lightworker’s conduct. Create widespread discussion of the issue on the premise that lightworkers will believe that where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
Sway the undecided.
Deflect lightworker time and financial resources from pursuing a light agenda to defending their leaders against a dark agenda.
Lightworkers who believe that smoke indicates fire abandon the lightworker leader. Lightworker resources are expended or tied up fighting the issue.
The lightworker leader is wearied or demoralized.
The lightworker leader realizes a net loss of credibility.
Darkworkers construct a “historical” account that prominently discusses the “moral lapses” of the lightworkers involved.
Destroy the credibility of and support for prominent lightworker leaders by leveling false legal charges against them or accusing them of phony charges.
Tie up scarce lightworker resources of time and money by obliging them to investigate and/or fight false charges.
Demoralize lightworker leaders.
Deflect attention from or sidetrack legitimate issues and lightworker campaigns.
Float the charges via dark resources in the press.
Use dark resources in the police to press the charges.
Use dark judges to grant warrants and wiretap and other orders.
Try the matter in a dark court.
Use suborned congressional resources to press for new legislation.
False charges are made and given prominent coverage.
False documents are mounted to the Internet and press supporting the charges.
Dark radio and TV talk-show hosts are enlisted to promote the charges.
Lightworkers are outraged against the individual.
Lightworker time and resources are devoted to researching the topic.
The research is based on materials disseminated by the dark and therefore support the charges.
If the charges are shown to false, retractions are buried in the back pages of the newspaper.
If the chages are proven “true,” the results are prominently displayed in the front pages.
Darkworkers construct a “historical” account that prominently discusses the “crimes” of the lightworkers involved.
Exploit the following facts:
- That lightworkers base their identity on outrage against moral lapses and exhibit lemming-like opposition to them.
- That most lightworkers have limited time to research matters and so would not discover the falsity of the charges.
- That lightworkers do not think several moves ahead but simply consider what is in front of them.
- That lightworkers tend to lose interest in a matter which is the subject of false predictions.
Float a false accusation against a prominent darkworker.
Enlist the services of people of dubious character and intent to make the charges. Use dark resources in organizations like Interpol to press them.
Use dark resources within the press to expose the charges as false.
Give the revelation of the falseness of the charges prominent publicity.
Reveal the ones who make the accusations as themselves being corrupt.
Enlist dark TV and radio talk-show hosts to question lightworker competence and discernment.
Ask lightworkers how they could make such a mistake.
Accuse them of not doing their homework or exercising due diligence. Accuse them of not paying attention to common decency and legal principles like the innocence of the accused until proven guilty. Accuse them of not doing their homework. Accuse them of being gullible.
Lightworkers line up behind the charges.
They vent themselves fully on the matter.
When the charges are shown to be false, lightworkers lose interest in pursuing further charges against the darkworker.
Their interest in the darkworker falls off.
The darkworker is able to escape lightworker attention.
Deflect attention from existing lightworker campaigns and issues.
Excite public indignation.
Create a scapegoat for public outrage; in the case of 9/11~ Muslims.
Force lightworkers to declare themselves for or against the scapegoat.
Cast lightworkers in a bad light as being unvigilant, careless, soft on security, overly tolerant, etc.
Create public support for a dark agenda or piece of legislation such as increased national security and decreased civil rights.
Decrease support for lightworkers.
Disempower and disable a minority.
Deflect attention from the dark’s agenda.
Create enhanced national security.
Create markets for dark military hardware.
Create a lack of support for government regulation of the guilty and the dark and enhance support for government regulation of the innocent and lightworkers.
Destroy a public landmark or put the public in peril.
Carry out the action at a time of the dark’s choosing to deflect attention from a lightworker initiative or create support for a dark agenda.
Cause deaths and injury among the populace.
Put property in jeopardy.
Raise insecurity and fear among the populace.
Fear is created among the people.
The people turn towards the dark for protection.
Dark legislation passes Congress.
Increased financial resources are devoted to dark agendas.
People’s freedom and civil rights are curtailed.
A market is created for dark military hardware and population-control devices and arrangements.
The national-security state is enhanced.
Questioning of government black operations represented as national-security measures is stifled.
Measures designed to transfer wealth from the many to the few are assisted through the sale of arms, national-security measures, curtailing of social services, etc.
Never give in and never even recognize the evil plotters as having any validity in anything for they don't!