On December 9, 2001, the US Assistant Secretary of Defense, Paul D. Wolfowitz, who gives public lip service to the Middle-East "peace process," lit the "National Menorah" on the Ellipse. He shared the podium with Lubavitch Rabbis Abraham Shemtov and Levi Shemtov. Levi Shemtov, of course, is the unofficial rabbi of Capitol Hill, the rabbi acclaimed by the Washington Post and the Jerusalem Post. The lighting of the menorah was reported by the Washington Post, "The Warm Glow of Hope," December 10, 2001.
The Post quotes one of the attendees: "This year, it's more important than ever to celebrate our freedom. . . It's important for my kids to see that we can practice our religion openly in this country."
Yet if the Lubavitchers have their way, Christians and Muslims will be put to death for practicing their religions in this country. And George Bush, the "Christian," honors the Lubavitch Rebbe as a great humanitarian. If Jews think Gentiles are cattle willing to be led to slaughter, can you blame them?
Come to think of it -- we have just read about a high US official lighting the National Menorah. Have you read any articles about high US officials visiting the National Nativity Crèche? In fact, do we even have a National Nativity Creche? No, that would violate the principle of the separation of church and state. Right?
The Post quotes one of the attendees: "This year, it's more important than ever to celebrate our freedom. . . It's important for my kids to see that we can practice our religion openly in this country."
Yet if the Lubavitchers have their way, Christians and Muslims will be put to death for practicing their religions in this country. And George Bush, the "Christian," honors the Lubavitch Rebbe as a great humanitarian. If Jews think Gentiles are cattle willing to be led to slaughter, can you blame them?
Come to think of it -- we have just read about a high US official lighting the National Menorah. Have you read any articles about high US officials visiting the National Nativity Crèche? In fact, do we even have a National Nativity Creche? No, that would violate the principle of the separation of church and state. Right?
As Christianity spirals downward into strife and theological confusion, it becomes a vacuum unable to defend itself against either the lies of Amalek [members of an ancient nomadic tribe reputedly descended from Esau's grandson] or the truth of Torah. Amalek can exploit the worldwide collapse of Christianity only by default ~ that is, only when the Jewish people do not seize the unprecedented opportunity.
" . . essentially all six billion gentiles are quite ready to ask the Jews for spiritual leadership in these times of darkness," we are informed.
Nearly two-thirds of Americans describe themselves as 'born-again' or fundamentalist Christians, most of whom believe that the coming of the Messiah is imminent (despite their confusion as to his identity), and that, as the Bible clearly prophesied, the forces of evil are waging war against Israel.
"In essence, the Torah is showing us that Moshiach cannot come until tile (sic) entire world- including the gentile nations ~ is ready. On the other hand, the gentiles are essentially ready now, requiring only a small Jewish effort to complete the task."
Let me repeat those words from the page above:
"While Christianity spirals downward into strife and theological confusion . . . all six billion gentiles are quite ready to ask the Jews for spiritual leadership in these times of darkness."
People like Dr. Laura Schlessinger have an important role to play in this scenario. Dr. Laura, of course, is a famous talk show host who defends so-called traditional values.
She has been an outspoken critic of homosexuality, pornography, sex before marriage, etc. etc., and a defender of all that is Good And Holy. For this she is very popular with Catholic and Protestant Christians.
Meanwhile, Dr. Laura publicly proclaims that she follows Orthodox Judaism. What does Orthodox Judaism have in common with the so-called traditional Christian values Dr. Laura champions?
Turn to Sanhedrin 54b to see just one of the many Talmudic discussions of pederasty. Rabbis Rab and Samuel are arguing about sex with children. Rab's words are followed by footnote, as follows:
Meanwhile, Dr. Laura publicly proclaims that she follows Orthodox Judaism. What does Orthodox Judaism have in common with the so-called traditional Christian values Dr. Laura champions?
Turn to Sanhedrin 54b to see just one of the many Talmudic discussions of pederasty. Rabbis Rab and Samuel are arguing about sex with children. Rab's words are followed by footnote, as follows:
Pederasty with a child below nine years of age is not deemed as pederasty with a child above that. (2).
We now turn to Footnote 2:
I.e. Rab makes nine years the minimum; but if one committed sodomy with a child of lesser age, no guilt is incurred. Samuel makes three the minimum.
This from another subdivision of the Talmud, the Kethuboth (11b).
When a grown up man has intercourse with a little girl it is nothing, for when the girl is less than this [less than three years old] it is as if one puts the finger into the eye . . .
Another footnote explains that as "tears come to the eye again and again, so does virginity come back to the little girl under three years."
Remember, Dr. Laura is an Orthodox Jew. Orthodox Jews accept the teachings of the Talmud as the righteous interpretation of Scripture. In practice, it replaces the Scripture. Yet while she is on the air, Dr. Laura does not tell her listeners that the theology of her religion permits the sexual abuse of young children. Surely her listeners would be interested in knowing.
Dr. Laura is a Chabad Lubavitcher. According to an article cited in the Jewish Tribal Review, she and her family attend the Chabad of the Conejo, in Agoura, California.
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Dr. Laura fills a void for those who believe in "traditional values," of course. I know a number of "traditional value" Christians who look up to Dr. Laura.
Dr. Laura fills a void for those who believe in "traditional values," of course. I know a number of "traditional value" Christians who look up to Dr. Laura. Dr. Laura is on national radio to offer "spiritual leadership" to these Gentiles, holding out Judaism as a wonderful ideal. But she is a Judas goat, preparing her listeners to be led into their Noahide pens. Do you notice how much wiser she is than all the dummies who call it? Dr. Laura is an important player in the Lubavitch program.
Now let's see how the leadership of one denomination of Christians, Roman Catholic Church and Pope John Paul II, is helping the Lubavitchers with their program on another front.
Dr. Laura is a Chabad Lubavitcher. According to an article cited in the Jewish Tribal Review, she and her family attend the Chabad of the Conejo, in Agoura, California.
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Dr. Laura fills a void for those who believe in "traditional values," of course. I know a number of "traditional value" Christians who look up to Dr. Laura.
Dr. Laura fills a void for those who believe in "traditional values," of course. I know a number of "traditional value" Christians who look up to Dr. Laura. Dr. Laura is on national radio to offer "spiritual leadership" to these Gentiles, holding out Judaism as a wonderful ideal. But she is a Judas goat, preparing her listeners to be led into their Noahide pens. Do you notice how much wiser she is than all the dummies who call it? Dr. Laura is an important player in the Lubavitch program.
Now let's see how the leadership of one denomination of Christians, Roman Catholic Church and Pope John Paul II, is helping the Lubavitchers with their program on another front.
When referring to Christianity disappearing, no doubt the Lubavitchers are referring to preachers like Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson who have done much to convert American Protestant Christianity into worship of the state of Israel. See:
But the Lubavitchers have other friends, working from the inside, making sure Christianity "spirals downward into strife and theological confusion." Recall that earlier in this article, we learned from the Jerusalem Post of October 19, 2001, that the Chad Lubavitchers control most of Judaism in Italy. With this in mind, meet Pope John Paul II.
Pope John Paul II reverently holding
the obscene and demonic Bent Cross to his forehead.
"For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." ~ Proverbs 23:7.
Being Jewish is a mental state, sometimes induced by an inherited family culture, sometimes induced by believing lies concerning Jewish history and Jewish religion, or sometimes induced by imbibing too much popular culture and TV.
This writer was brought up in the Roman Catholic Church when Catholics were taught their Church was the one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church; that the Pope was Christ's Vicar on Earth and that he sat on the throne of Peter. Whether or not one agrees with the teaching, it is clear as a bell.
Please read a 1999 cnn.com biography on Pope John Paul II, "The early years: an unhappy childhood."
This writer was brought up in the Roman Catholic Church when Catholics were taught their Church was the one, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church; that the Pope was Christ's Vicar on Earth and that he sat on the throne of Peter. Whether or not one agrees with the teaching, it is clear as a bell.
Please read a 1999 cnn.com biography on Pope John Paul II, "The early years: an unhappy childhood."
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In that CNN article we are told this Pope, Christ's Vicar on earth, calls Jews "our elder brothers." This is a metaphor: younger brothers of course look up to elder brothers because elder brothers have something to teach. The word "our" of course connotes Catholics or Christians: those who follow Jesus Christ.
Christians believe Jesus was God made flesh, and that he was not conceived in the ordinary manner. Mary's virginity is one of the fundamentals tenets of Christianity. It is part of the Apostle's Creed.
Christians believe Jesus was God made flesh, and that he was not conceived in the ordinary manner. Mary's virginity is one of the fundamentals tenets of Christianity. It is part of the Apostle's Creed.
Jesus was
"born of the Holy Ghost,
conceived of the Virgin Mary . . . "
But Jews don't believe that. They believe Jesus was conceived in the ordinary manner. Not only that, but the Jewish belief is that the Virgin Mary was a harlot, that she "played the harlot with carpenters," (Sanhedrin 106a). There are many such references to Mary's sluttish character in the Talmud and other religious Jewish writings.
The Jewish legends in regard to Jesus are found in three sources, each independent of the others ~
(1) the New Testament apocrypha and Christian polemical works
(2) in the Talmud and the Midrash, and
(3) in the life of Jesus ("Toledot Yeshu") that originated in the Middle Ages. There is the tendency of all thee sources to belittle the person of Jesus ascribing to him illegitimate birth, magic, and a shameful death. (Jewish Encyclopedia, 1903, VOL 7, pg. 170.)
Moreover, the people Pope John Paul II calls "elder brothers" ~ today's Jews ~ belong to a religion that "traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees." (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, 1948, Vol. 8, pg. 474.)
John Paul II pays homage to those who had Christ put to death 2,000 years ago, and, as we have seen in this examination, have stated their intention to put his followers to death as soon as they are in power.
Those who deny Jesus Christ, who call him a bastard born of a harlot, a false prophet, a sorcerer, and idol-worshiper -- cannot be the "elder brothers" of those who believe he is the Son of God and follow Him, despite what the Pope says.
Those who will wish to defend Pope John Paul II may tell you, "Gee, he just didn't know all of that . . ." Such a statement would be disingenuous. The Pope is Polish, and the Polish Catholics and Polish Jews have had a somewhat tortured history. It is highly unlikely that, as a Polish Catholic prelate, he would have been ignorant of Jewish beliefs. And even if he was ignorant of Jewish beliefs when he was elected, he has lived in the Vatican for years. The Vatican is a storehouse for Church history, staffed by some of the most erudite Catholic scholars in the world. No, that excuse won't fly.
On November 29, 2001, the British newspaper, The Independent, published an article.
The title merits our close examination:
"Publishing's new sensation: Dead Sea Scrolls.
Source material: The blockbuster papyrus that
exposed Mary and shocked theologians ~ now
available in 37 scholarly volumes."
Source material: The blockbuster papyrus that
exposed Mary and shocked theologians ~ now
available in 37 scholarly volumes."
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Notice the phrase " . . . that exposed Mary and shocked theologians . . . "
So the Blessed Virgin Mary is being exposed ~ as what? And why would theologians be "shocked"? These sound like headlines on a supermarket tabloid. What are we in for?
The article goes on to say said that the Qumran Project of the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, which has been studying the scrolls for years, recently concluded that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was not a virgin.
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Notice the phrase " . . . that exposed Mary and shocked theologians . . . "
So the Blessed Virgin Mary is being exposed ~ as what? And why would theologians be "shocked"? These sound like headlines on a supermarket tabloid. What are we in for?
The article goes on to say said that the Qumran Project of the Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies, which has been studying the scrolls for years, recently concluded that Mary, the mother of Jesus, was not a virgin.
The completion of publication is a landmark for academics and for Christians and Jews, whose most dearly held beliefs have been challenged by the scrolls ~ including that of the Virgin birth of Christ, which arose from the use of the word for virgin in early Greek versions of the Bible. The scrolls reveal that this was a mistranslation: the original Hebrew word used simply meant young woman.
When you read the entire article, you will notice that the reporter does not mention ONE Jewish belief that is being "challenged" by the scrolls ~ the only belief being challenged is one that is fundamental to Christianity.
If you visit the URL for the Oxford Centre's Qumran Project, you will learn that the scrolls are being published, and that the editor in chief is Professor Emanuel Tov of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
If you visit the URL for the Oxford Centre's Qumran Project, you will learn that the scrolls are being published, and that the editor in chief is Professor Emanuel Tov of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
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The Independent mentions that the Oxford Centre's Qumran research director is Geza Vermes, and that the scrolls are under the control of the Antiquities Authority of Israel.
You can see a listing of the Oxford Centre's staff here:
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The Independent mentions that the Oxford Centre's Qumran research director is Geza Vermes, and that the scrolls are under the control of the Antiquities Authority of Israel.
You can see a listing of the Oxford Centre's staff here:
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The president is Peter Oppenheimer; the staff: Glenda Abramson, Martin Goodman, Ronald L. Nettler, Emanuele Ottolenghi, David Rechter, Alison G. Salvesen, Joseph Sherman, Piet W. van Boxel, Joanna Weinberg, Tali Argov, John Elwolde, Miri Freud-Kandel, Kerstin Hoge, Jeremy Schonfield, Norman Solomon, and Sara Sviri.
As of this writing, the photos of these individuals appear on the Oxford Centre URL given above. Many of the staff people are experts in Talmudic or Rabbinical studies. Many of the staff people are Jews.
All in all, the Dead Sea Scrolls project is a Jewish/Israeli/Talmudic project.
These Jews and Israelis now challenge
the translation of a single word.
For 2,000 years, the word
has been translated as "virgin."
Now SUDDENLY it means "young woman."
The Independent's headlines tell us
this has "exposed" Mary.
Exposed her as what?
Perhaps ~ exposed her as not a virgin;
perhaps ~ exposed her as someone who
"played the harlot with carpenters,"
just as the Talmud says?
What did the Vatican do in face of this "discovery"?
According to The Independent:
Now the completion of the scrolls' publication coincides with an admission by the Vatican that it is to revise parts of the Bible accordingly, a task likely to take five years.
We wait to learn how the Vatican will explain away Luke 1:34, wherein Mary talks about her virginity in no uncertain terms. When told of her pregnancy, Mary says:
How shall this be, seeing I know not a man. (Luke 1:34)
If the Vatican is willing to rewrite the Catholic Bible
to accommodate the Talmudists
who run the Dead Sea Scrolls project,
Talmudists who believe Mary was a harlot
and Jesus was a bastard,
we are on a VERY slippery slope.
It's easy to see where it's going and what the Vatican will do to the Apostles' Creed, give or take a few years: I can see it now:
"I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
the Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, who was really an ordinary human bastard:
Who was conceived by an unknown person,
And born of to a harlot by the name of Mary . . . "
the Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, who was really an ordinary human bastard:
Who was conceived by an unknown person,
And born of to a harlot by the name of Mary . . . "
Remember what we read above about Christianity spiraling "downward into strife and theological confusion, becoming a vacuum unable to defend itself . . ." You see it happening before your eyes, with a little help from the inside.
Realize that by calling Jews "our elder brothers," the Pope is repeating the Lubavitcher line, taken straight from the Lubavitcher program:
"All people are God's children, of course, but the Jews are like a 'firstborn son' who brings God's word to his younger brothers . . . "
As the Christian doctrine of the virgin birth of Jesus Christ is being destroyed, so also are the relics of His birthplace being destroyed. For information on the Pope's role in the staged siege of the Church of the Nativity media event:
http://www. Public-Action.com/911/stagedsiege.html
Now if the Pope is following the Lubaviticher program for world domination ~ and he seems to be doing so ~ you can bet the Lubavitchers are providing a smokescreen to hide the Papal role ~ and they seem to be doing so.
What better smokescreen
than a staged "struggle"
between Jews and the Pope/Vatican?
Visit the Jewish Tribal Review. It hosts a page that is devoted to reproducing stories about this so called struggle, all the while failing to mention Papal and Vatican cooperation with the Lubavitcher program as I have outlined above. The URL to visit is this one:
When I visited the page on May 10, this story was one of the features:
Two Held for Curse Ritual against the Pope
Jerusalem Post
March 23, 2000
Former Habad activist Meir Baranes of Safed, who was arrested on Tuesday on suspicion of putting a religious curse on Pope John Paul II, was remanded for five days yesterday by the Acre Magistrate's Court.
A second suspect was arrested yesterday, and will be brought for remand today. Three haredim took part in the pulsa de nura ('lashes of fire') ceremony in a Safed cemetery, aired on Channel 2 on Monday just before the pope's arrival and broadcast on foreign networks worldwide. Police are searching for a third suspect.
Last night, Itim reported that police investigators suspect that the ceremony was staged in cooperation with Channel 2, which denied the charge . . . The midnight rite, which Channel 2 said was enacted last Thursday in a cemetery in Safed, recalled rabbinical curses cast on prime minister Yitzhak Rabin prior to his 1995 assassination by Yigal Amir.
Participants in the ceremony, sounding ritual calls on ceremonial ram's horns, cursed the pope as a 'hater of Israel.'
A second suspect was arrested yesterday, and will be brought for remand today. Three haredim took part in the pulsa de nura ('lashes of fire') ceremony in a Safed cemetery, aired on Channel 2 on Monday just before the pope's arrival and broadcast on foreign networks worldwide. Police are searching for a third suspect.
Last night, Itim reported that police investigators suspect that the ceremony was staged in cooperation with Channel 2, which denied the charge . . . The midnight rite, which Channel 2 said was enacted last Thursday in a cemetery in Safed, recalled rabbinical curses cast on prime minister Yitzhak Rabin prior to his 1995 assassination by Yigal Amir.
Participants in the ceremony, sounding ritual calls on ceremonial ram's horns, cursed the pope as a 'hater of Israel.'
There are a number of remarkable aspects of the story. The first is that those who performed the curse were well-connected enough to have the performance aired on Channel 2 in Jerusalem and then on foreign TV networks throughout the world.
The alleged culprit(s) were not insignificant cranks; these people were well-connected to the world-wide Jewish media infrastructure. The second remarkable feature is that the state of Israel would grant enough credence to "a religious curse" to arrest anyone for its performance.
I found the complete Jerusalem Post story on Usenet archives, and have reproduced it here:
Note that curser Meir Baranes is described as an expelled Habad member. The alleged expulsion gives Habad deniability, of course. And it gives the world the impression that there is Jewish opposition to the Catholicism of Pope John Paul II; no one notices that he is following the Lubavitch program. Everyone wins including the Pope and the Vatican. Full deniability all the way around.
I found the complete Jerusalem Post story on Usenet archives, and have reproduced it here:
Note that curser Meir Baranes is described as an expelled Habad member. The alleged expulsion gives Habad deniability, of course. And it gives the world the impression that there is Jewish opposition to the Catholicism of Pope John Paul II; no one notices that he is following the Lubavitch program. Everyone wins including the Pope and the Vatican. Full deniability all the way around.
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When you re-read the above-cited cnn.com article, you will also learn John Paul II was the first Pope to visit a synagogue, the first to visit Auschwitz, that he did not share the "anti-Semitic" views of many other Poles, one of his playmates was a Jew, etc.
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When you re-read the above-cited cnn.com article, you will also learn John Paul II was the first Pope to visit a synagogue, the first to visit Auschwitz, that he did not share the "anti-Semitic" views of many other Poles, one of his playmates was a Jew, etc.
Pope John Paul II with the B'nai B'rith, March 22, 1984
That Jewish playmate is quoted:
The people in the Vatican do not know Jews, and previous popes did not know Jews, but this pope is a friend of the Jewish people because he knows Jewish people.
The Pope's boyhood friend is an ignoramus or a liar. Many Popes in history knew "the Jewish people," and knew what made them tick.
From the time of Pope Innocent III, the Talmud was burned at the stake in nearly every century from the 11th to the 18th in Italy, France, Germany, Spain, and may other countries . . . (Babylonian Talmud, Rodkinson translation, "The History of The Talmud," pg. 2 of Introduction. )
But this CNN biography of the Pope would have us believe John Paul II is ignorant of the history of the Roman Catholic Church and its confrontation with the Talmud and Talmudists.
If John Paul was so ignorant of Church history when he was a Polish prelate, surely one of the cardinals on the permanent Vatican staff would have tapped him on the shoulder by now and clued him in.
The Pope and Vatican officials are clearly cooperating in another campaign to make Christianity disappear. The Catholic policies on priests who break their vows of celibacy ~ whether they do so with women, young boys, or great woolly mammoths ~ has been established by the Vatican for centuries. Priests are not permitted to do that sort of thing, and their bishops are not supposed to look the other way when they find out about it. Catholics are expected to obey the laws of God and His Church, and the law of the land, in that order.
If Catholic priests and prelates in the US have not been doing their jobs, there is no need to stage a media event. The proper policies should now be applied with penalties, as appropriate. Certainly the Roman Catholic Church has the infrastructure to make these corrections. In a world full of telephones, faxes, and e-mail interfaces, there is no need to have the American cardinals travel to Rome to meet with the Pope and stage a media event.
But on April 24, 2002, both the Washington Post and the Washington Times carried a front-page, large colored photos of the Pope, head characteristically lopped over to one side, sitting on a dais flanked on either side by at least a dozen and a half cardinals. The caption under the Washington Times photo reads: "Vatican voice: Pope John Paul II addressed the closed-door meeting with American cardinals yesterday."
But the meeting was not "closed door" at all. The Associated Press was invited inside the private library; the Pope and cardinals posed in their respective positions before the picture was shot. A double paged, almost identical photo appeared in the May 6 edition of Newsweek, pgs. 24-25. We may assume the room was full of newsmen, popping, snapping, flashing, buzzing, and calling instructions for poses.
What is the most likely effect of this? The effect could only be the demoralization of Catholics worldwide. "As Christianity spirals downward into strife and theological confusion, it becomes a vacuum unable to defend itself . . . "
If Catholic priests and prelates in the US have not been doing their jobs, there is no need to stage a media event. The proper policies should now be applied with penalties, as appropriate. Certainly the Roman Catholic Church has the infrastructure to make these corrections. In a world full of telephones, faxes, and e-mail interfaces, there is no need to have the American cardinals travel to Rome to meet with the Pope and stage a media event.
But on April 24, 2002, both the Washington Post and the Washington Times carried a front-page, large colored photos of the Pope, head characteristically lopped over to one side, sitting on a dais flanked on either side by at least a dozen and a half cardinals. The caption under the Washington Times photo reads: "Vatican voice: Pope John Paul II addressed the closed-door meeting with American cardinals yesterday."
But the meeting was not "closed door" at all. The Associated Press was invited inside the private library; the Pope and cardinals posed in their respective positions before the picture was shot. A double paged, almost identical photo appeared in the May 6 edition of Newsweek, pgs. 24-25. We may assume the room was full of newsmen, popping, snapping, flashing, buzzing, and calling instructions for poses.
What is the most likely effect of this? The effect could only be the demoralization of Catholics worldwide. "As Christianity spirals downward into strife and theological confusion, it becomes a vacuum unable to defend itself . . . "
The pedophilia circus
will help bring about the disappearance of Christianity;
disappointed Christians will turn to the Jews,
become Hasidic Gentiles,
and solidify the Jewish Empire.
Just as the Lubavitchers said.
Upon seizing the reins of government, the new Noahide leaders will move quickly to implement a full agenda of reform. All economic and technological aid to the Communist Bloc, including the PLO, will be terminated immediately. (As has happened in Chabad ruled Canada under Jason Kenney).
Full support will be given to Israeli forces to re-invade PLO-controlled areas, with military assistance offered where necessary

The Rothschild World Court ready for business, in Jerusalem
Jewish courts (the batei dini of the rabbis) will be granted full legal sovereignty over Jewish citizens within each country, who will no longer be subject to the authority of gentile courts. The pre-existing Noahide judges and courts will replace the existing court system of each country, and the legal code will be drastically rewritten to conform to halacha [Jewish law] . . . And law and order will be fully restored through the establishment of internal security measures, again in accordance with Torah law.
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Look at this sentence from the above quote:
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Look at this sentence from the above quote:
Jewish courts (the batei dini of the rabbis) will be granted full legal sovereignty over Jewish citizens within each country, who will no longer be subject to the authority of gentile courts.
This is no less than a plan for insurrection. The Jewish fifth column is in place; when the rabbis give the word, it will jump out and overturn whatever is left of our system of justice, based as it was on the principles of Anglo-Saxon law.
And law and order will be fully restored through the establishment of internal security measures, again in accordance with Torah law.
This is the police state, with Hasidic Gentiles used as front men, Lubavitchers as commissars.
Should any officials of Chabad Lubavitch be questioned about statements from the "Jews and Hasidic Gentiles--United to Save America (JHG-USA)," these officials may deny that JHG-USA is officially connected to them. Similarly, the White House, Ari Fleischer, Joseph Lieberman, etc., will also perhaps distance themselves. But they cannot distance themselves from the Rambam, or from the Talmud. No, what you have read here represents the age-old beliefs and ambitions of Judaism.
WASHINGTON, (March 11 (JTA) [Jewish Telegraphic Agency] ~ Lubavitch rabbis from across the United States and 40 countries launched their 100th birthday commemoration of the spiritual leader, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, by marking the six-month anniversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.
A photo of the ubiquitous Rabbi Levi Shemtov appears in the article. The caption tells us that the memorial service/birthday celebration was held outside the Pentagon.
Why are the Lubavitchers combining the celebration of a great and holy man with the service of mourning for the deaths of 125 Americans? What could these two events possibly have in common? An American Friends of Lubavitch publication, "15 Minutes," reported that 500 Lubavitch emissaries were at the Pentagon that day. Five hundred.
Five hundred is not the fringe. Five hundred is the carpet. Once again: Why was 9-11 so significant an event for the Lubavitchers?
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Now back to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency:
Why are the Lubavitchers combining the celebration of a great and holy man with the service of mourning for the deaths of 125 Americans? What could these two events possibly have in common? An American Friends of Lubavitch publication, "15 Minutes," reported that 500 Lubavitch emissaries were at the Pentagon that day. Five hundred.
Five hundred is not the fringe. Five hundred is the carpet. Once again: Why was 9-11 so significant an event for the Lubavitchers?
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Now back to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency:
Standing Monday in the cold wind and bright sunshine across from the crash site at the Pentagon, the rabbis sang 'Oseh Shalom' and 'God bless America' at 9:38 AM, the time that the hijacked passenger plane hit the center of the American defense establishment . . . .
If you search Google on "Oseh Shalom" and "lyrics," you will discover a number of translations similar to this one:
"May he who makes peace in high places, make peace for us and for all Israel, and let us say, amen."
Officially, the 9-11 terrorism had nothing to do with Israel, nothing at all. (We all know better than that now, of course!) Factually, however, the dream of the Reeb and his followers for Jewish world domination had everything in common with Bush's war on Islam. By this war, the Jews hope the US will annihilate Islam, the most vigorous religious rival to Judaism.
And how does "peace for Israel" relate to 9-11? Think back to the massive slaughter of Palestinians Israel has been able to effect since 9-11. There is no sweeter peace to be found than at the graveyard of one's enemy . . .
And how does "peace for Israel" relate to 9-11? Think back to the massive slaughter of Palestinians Israel has been able to effect since 9-11. There is no sweeter peace to be found than at the graveyard of one's enemy . . .
Dov Zakheim, the US undersecretary of defense and reportedly the leading candidate to become the next president of New York's Yeshiva University, quoted from the Torah and said that to 'tie the freedom of the country to the memory of the rebbe is a marvelous thing.'
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency "Lubavitch Recall Sept. 11 Attack")
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Zakheim mocks everything America has stood for by mentioning "the freedom of the country" at the Schneerson birthday party/wake. Schneerson did everything in his power to destroy Bill of Rights traditions in our country, and Zakheim violates his oath of office by endorsing Schneerson. According to "15 Minutes:"
Calling America 'the greatest country in the world,' Zakheim delivered a dvar Torah (sermon), expounding on the halachic (Jewish law) requirements of a poor man bringing a meal offering in the Temple,
Chabad Rabbi Dov Zakheim,
former Comptroller of the Department of Defense
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This is a concatenation of the bizarre. Dov Zakheim is the Comptroller of the Department of Defense. If you do a Google search on him, you will learn that he is also an ordained Orthodox rabbi, and was a contender for the presidency of Yeshiva University. And here he is, lecturing on Jewish law ~ on a trivial topic ~ at a birthday kickoff for the Reeb-come wake for the Pentagon victims . .
Your search on Zakheim will reveal that he publicly deplored Jonathan Pollard's treason and incurred Israeli ire when he opposed the US production of Israel's Lavi jet fighter planes. Zakheim said the production of these planes for Israel would cost the US taxpayer billions of dollars.
Rabbi Zakheim sounds like the guardian of the public purse and quite a patriot, doesn't he?
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This is a concatenation of the bizarre. Dov Zakheim is the Comptroller of the Department of Defense. If you do a Google search on him, you will learn that he is also an ordained Orthodox rabbi, and was a contender for the presidency of Yeshiva University. And here he is, lecturing on Jewish law ~ on a trivial topic ~ at a birthday kickoff for the Reeb-come wake for the Pentagon victims . .
Your search on Zakheim will reveal that he publicly deplored Jonathan Pollard's treason and incurred Israeli ire when he opposed the US production of Israel's Lavi jet fighter planes. Zakheim said the production of these planes for Israel would cost the US taxpayer billions of dollars.
Rabbi Zakheim sounds like the guardian of the public purse and quite a patriot, doesn't he?
On the other hand, Zakheim lauds Schneerson, and says that to "tie the freedom of the country to the memory of the rebbe is a marvelous thing." Rabbi Zakheim is familiar with the Reeb's work. He knows about the Noahide laws. He knows about Schneeron's life-long dedication to destroy the Bill of Rights, to create a Talmudist theocracy where Christians and others can be put to death for following a non-Noahide religion . . .
I suspect Rabbi Zakheim is not a guardian of the public purse. I suspect Rabbi Zakheim is not a patriot at all ~ at least not an American patriot. DoD Comptroller Zakheim stands with his hand in the Pentagon's till. What a wonderful ruse. Perhaps Rabbi Zakheim poses as a "good Jew" publicly, but behind our backs he is robbing us blind and siphoning US tax dollars to the Lubavitchers and Israel.
Given his endorsement of Schneerson, given Schneerson's exhortation for Jewish world domination, why wouldn't Rabbi Zakheim do exactly that? You think he'd be worried about Donald Rumsfeld looking over his shoulder? Funny name, that one. Rumsfeld. RumsFELD . . . You don't suppose? Naw . . . .
Now here's what Rabbi Levi Shemtov while at the March 11, 2002 Birthday kickoff-Pentagon wake:
I suspect Rabbi Zakheim is not a guardian of the public purse. I suspect Rabbi Zakheim is not a patriot at all ~ at least not an American patriot. DoD Comptroller Zakheim stands with his hand in the Pentagon's till. What a wonderful ruse. Perhaps Rabbi Zakheim poses as a "good Jew" publicly, but behind our backs he is robbing us blind and siphoning US tax dollars to the Lubavitchers and Israel.
Given his endorsement of Schneerson, given Schneerson's exhortation for Jewish world domination, why wouldn't Rabbi Zakheim do exactly that? You think he'd be worried about Donald Rumsfeld looking over his shoulder? Funny name, that one. Rumsfeld. RumsFELD . . . You don't suppose? Naw . . . .
Now here's what Rabbi Levi Shemtov while at the March 11, 2002 Birthday kickoff-Pentagon wake:
"It was not the rebbe's[Schneerson's] goal to be Maschiach," the messiah, "but it was his goal to bring Maschiach by making the world a better place."
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From Shemtov's lips, we learn Schneerson did not use "Mashiach" to mean a person, but the Jewish people. And we have already seen Schneerson's goal was bring the rule of the Jewish people over everybody on Planet Earth... That certainly would make the world a better place -- for the Jews. And the Jews are the only people who really matter. Gentiles are a different species . . .
By their own actions and words, the Lubavitchers tell us that 9-11 would have been Schneerson's dream: Their actions and words lead us to an almost inevitable conclusion: 9-11 was a Lubavitch event. That's why they "launched" the celebration of Schneerson's birthday outside the Pentagon ruins.
By their own actions and works, the Lubavitchers tell us they are the vanguard of expansion and consolidation of the international Jewish Empire. Their enforcement arm is the office of the Presidency of the United States, the US military, and Congress.
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From Shemtov's lips, we learn Schneerson did not use "Mashiach" to mean a person, but the Jewish people. And we have already seen Schneerson's goal was bring the rule of the Jewish people over everybody on Planet Earth... That certainly would make the world a better place -- for the Jews. And the Jews are the only people who really matter. Gentiles are a different species . . .
By their own actions and words, the Lubavitchers tell us that 9-11 would have been Schneerson's dream: Their actions and words lead us to an almost inevitable conclusion: 9-11 was a Lubavitch event. That's why they "launched" the celebration of Schneerson's birthday outside the Pentagon ruins.
By their own actions and works, the Lubavitchers tell us they are the vanguard of expansion and consolidation of the international Jewish Empire. Their enforcement arm is the office of the Presidency of the United States, the US military, and Congress.
The Spanish genocide of Mexican natives was particularly bloodthirsty, but this is not common knowledge. Few know of natives been fed live to armoured dogs.
Now let's briefly visit the sixteenth century. In what we now call Mexico, there lived a civilization of fierce warriors, the Aztecs. Aztec legends said that one of their gods, Quetzalcoatl, who was tall, light skinned, and had a beard, had been put out to sea by a rival. Aztec prophecies predicted Quetzalcoatl's return.
Cortez was tall, light-skinned, and had a beard. When he sailed up the Aztec coast and came ashore, the Aztecs thought he was Quetzalcoatl. So instead of fighting their new conquerors, the Aztecs became slaves to their returning "god." Cortez's small band of Spanish soldiers conquered Montezuma's thousands easily. ("The Conquest of New Spain," Bernal Diaz, 1963 translation published by Penguin Classics.)
Moving forward to our times: Jews can read the Book of Revelations as easily as Christians. How simple it is for the Jews to create and enact scenarios which parallel Biblical prophecies. Christians become convinced that "End Times" are around the corner and welcome the Jews as the harbingers of Christ's return. So instead of resisting their Jewish conquerors, many Christians welcome them and eagerly become their serfs.
Our Jewish conquerors are well-versed in Christian myths about the End Times -- they have read the New Testament, they take minister's courses, they even write books and tell Christians how to interpret the symbols in Revelations. Is it any wonder that so many Christians think the salvation of Heaven requires the Jews to be well set up with all the wealth imaginable, including whatever they want in the Middle East? Is it any wonder that many Christians think that a slaughter of the Moslems is what God wants?
Even if others are sucked in by this manipulation, there is no need for the rest of us to follow.
Cortez was tall, light-skinned, and had a beard. When he sailed up the Aztec coast and came ashore, the Aztecs thought he was Quetzalcoatl. So instead of fighting their new conquerors, the Aztecs became slaves to their returning "god." Cortez's small band of Spanish soldiers conquered Montezuma's thousands easily. ("The Conquest of New Spain," Bernal Diaz, 1963 translation published by Penguin Classics.)
Moving forward to our times: Jews can read the Book of Revelations as easily as Christians. How simple it is for the Jews to create and enact scenarios which parallel Biblical prophecies. Christians become convinced that "End Times" are around the corner and welcome the Jews as the harbingers of Christ's return. So instead of resisting their Jewish conquerors, many Christians welcome them and eagerly become their serfs.
Our Jewish conquerors are well-versed in Christian myths about the End Times -- they have read the New Testament, they take minister's courses, they even write books and tell Christians how to interpret the symbols in Revelations. Is it any wonder that so many Christians think the salvation of Heaven requires the Jews to be well set up with all the wealth imaginable, including whatever they want in the Middle East? Is it any wonder that many Christians think that a slaughter of the Moslems is what God wants?
Even if others are sucked in by this manipulation, there is no need for the rest of us to follow.
As the Lubavitchers point out, "Judaism has always been a conquering religion . . . "
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We know Jews will not live side by side with their non-Jewish neighbors and share the good life. Jews must control and dominate.
Again, as the Lubavitchers have pointed out, Jews cannot achieve world domination without help from Gentiles. They must induce Christians and non-Christian Gentiles to act like the Aztecs did before Cortez -- Jews must create a willing untermensch. They must create Noahides.
Now comes hope. History has shown time and time again that the Jewish Supremacists overplay their hand. That is why, historically, the Jews have been expelled from one country after another.
I suspect they are overplaying their hand again. I suspect that if enough Americans, both Christians and non-Christian, discover the true plans of the Jews, the conquest may be thwarted. I believe it is possible to stop these tyrants.
I recommend that all non-Jews buy a copy of the Soncino translation of the Talmud's Tractate Sanhedrin (Tractates are subdivisions within the Talmud). I suggest the Soncino translation because it is accepted and unchallenged by Jewry, having been translated into English by Hebrew-speaking rabbis. The Sanhedrin will cost you $29.95. You can order it at:
You can also order through amazon.com and other bookstores.
Verify what I have quoted in this article and read the hundreds of other astounding statements. (For example, look at the conditions under which grown men may have sexual intercourse with three-year old girls (Sanhedrin 55b, 69a.) Pressure your minister to buy the Sanhedrin and become familiar with its contents. Ask him to buy the full set of the Talmud volumes for your Church library ($850 for a 30-volume set).
Every non-Jew and every Christian needs to know what the Talmud contains. There has been quite a bit of discussion about the Qur'an since 9-11. Now it's time to discuss the Talmud.
We have already seen examples of premeditated and deceitful programs have been carefully executed over decades. Recall that Schneerson's birthday has been observed by the government of the United States since 1978, artfully disguised as Education and Sharing Day. But let's put another face on all this.
We have already seen that Lubavitch missionary Ari Fleischer was a leader in the organization of the Chabad Lubavitch Forum on Capitol Hill, and that Fleischer "lavished praise on the active Chabad effort that emphasized the army of young staffers in government and political jobs."
We have seen that Ari Fleischer praised the Capitol Hill rabbi, Levi Shemtov, thus: "In political Washington, it's very easy to get caught up in your job. Your focus can wander from your religion. He [Shemtov] made it easy for me to find even more of a Jewish life on the Hill."
Now see what Fleischer told the Jewish Times (Baltimore, Md.) on January 5, 2001:
We have already seen that Lubavitch missionary Ari Fleischer was a leader in the organization of the Chabad Lubavitch Forum on Capitol Hill, and that Fleischer "lavished praise on the active Chabad effort that emphasized the army of young staffers in government and political jobs."
We have seen that Ari Fleischer praised the Capitol Hill rabbi, Levi Shemtov, thus: "In political Washington, it's very easy to get caught up in your job. Your focus can wander from your religion. He [Shemtov] made it easy for me to find even more of a Jewish life on the Hill."
Now see what Fleischer told the Jewish Times (Baltimore, Md.) on January 5, 2001:
'I believe deeply in my religion and I believe in the principles of my party. I don't commingle the two.'
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But Ari Fleischer, by his deed and words, has made it clear that his religion and his party are one and the same. His on-the-job- purpose is to destroy what remains of our First Amendment and whatever remains of traditional American culture, and replace it with theocracy run by Pharisees. Truth means nothing to folks such as Fleischer.
Review what you have read here:
mirrored at:
But Ari Fleischer, by his deed and words, has made it clear that his religion and his party are one and the same. His on-the-job- purpose is to destroy what remains of our First Amendment and whatever remains of traditional American culture, and replace it with theocracy run by Pharisees. Truth means nothing to folks such as Fleischer.
Review what you have read here:
According to both classical Judaism and contemporary Chabad Lubavitch, Christians should be put to death (beheaded) for the practice of their religion. Obedient Noahides will be deprived of education in math, science, history, English, social studies, computers and other technical studies and be fashioned into a permanent underclass.
Yet see what Ari Fleischer told the Jewish Times on January 5, 2001:
'The Jewish religion teaches people to be responsible, to be open-minded and to care about others . . . '
If you have your $29.95 copy of the Tractate Sanhedrin, you will be impervious to lies such as these. You will be able to read for yourself what the Jewish religion really teaches.
You may be called "anti-Semitic" for discussing the Talmud and other Jewish religious works. Should this happen, ask this question: "Is it anti-Christian to read and discuss the Gospels?"
Point out to your accusers that Jewish doctrines demand "idol-worshipers" (Christians) be put to death, and that set of 30 Noahide laws specify they be put to death by decapitation. Then ask them:
Point out to your accusers that Jewish doctrines demand "idol-worshipers" (Christians) be put to death, and that set of 30 Noahide laws specify they be put to death by decapitation. Then ask them:
What is anti-Semitic about reading classical Jewish religious literature and protesting plans for my own decapitation?
Follow that up with this question:
What is American about forbidding this discussion?
Key Lubavitch doctrines have been captured and are available through the mirrors I have provided in this article and supplemental documentation on Lubavitcher goals is plentiful on the Internet. I propose that we make mirrors of those websites; please feel free to mirror this article.
But, you ask, how can we let the truth be known to those not already aware?
Circulate fliers which you can print out on your own printers or have professionally duplicated. The fliers should say this, no more, no less:
Circulate fliers which you can print out on your own printers or have professionally duplicated. The fliers should say this, no more, no less:
Learn about the campaign to
and the political forces behind it ~ Bush White House connections
Each of us lives under different circumstances. But each of us know people of good will, friends and neighbors or casual acquaintances, people who enjoy the good cheer and conviviality of the Christmas season ~ people who want to live in Liberty, and who want to live at peace with one another.
Most of these people have access to computers. These are the people we must reach. Good, honest, decent people will be awakened from their sleep.
The first step in any program for constructive reform is awareness. We must awaken good, honest, and decent people by spreading the word. Most of them know something is “out of whack” already. Enlighten them!
The first step in any program for constructive reform is awareness. We must awaken good, honest, and decent people by spreading the word. Most of them know something is “out of whack” already. Enlighten them!
Footnote 1. Some consider the Zohar the basic book of magic in Judaism, but in fact the Talmud itself focuses heavily on sorcery, demonology, astrology, necromancy, etc., giving credit to even earlier Jewish manuscripts.
For example,
The Talmud's Tractate Sanhedrin tells a story of two rabbis who spent every Sabbath eve studying the laws of creation and then created a calf and ate it (65 b and 67b);
of one rabbi who created a man (65b);
of a rabbi who gave enchanted water to a woman and turned her into an ass. "He then rode upon her into the market. But her friend came and broke the charm [changing her back into a human being], and so he was seen riding upon a woman in public." (67b);the correct way to conjure up the dead (65b);
determining whether the hour is "propitious" to make purchases (65b); etc.
The Sanhedrin can be purchased individually, or as part of a 30-volume set of the Talmud, from Soncino Press, http://www.soncino.com . The Soncino Talmud was translated from Hebrew by rabbis and is the accepted standard translation.
Footnote 2: See pages of related interest: Visit the homepage of Kevin McDonald, author of number of works about the sociological aspects of Judaism, including "A People That Shall Dwell Alone," and "Separation and Its Discontents," http://www.csulb.edu/~kmacd/ and http://www.csulb.edu/~kmacd . Kevin MacDonald's "Shaping America's Immigration Policy," is available at: http://www.p-m-s.freeserve.co.uk/texts/USpol.htm
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