Thursday 13 January 2011


This arrived in my email from Radical Press. this evening and I thought it was worth sharing. Please enjoy. .

I need some advice. I do not know what to believe about who did the hi-jackings on September 11. I have friends who have some pretty super nutcase that the United States of America did it...the government, that is...or some element of our government.

Meanwhile, quite a few friends are giving me stuff to read which makes it look like the USA government had foreknowledge, but didn’t do anything to stop it.

I find this stuff really impossible to believe. I know that the government is pretty creepy a lot of the time, but they aren’t THAT bad. Only very SICK people could have blown up those poor innocent people in the World Trade Center buildings and the passengers on the planes.

Skeptical in Skowhegan

Dear SS,

Yes, the people who murder thousands of innocent people are sick and crazy. Or anyone who assisted them. But your friends with their conspiracy THEORIES are not nutcases.

Let’s consider Bob Smith. He comes home from work one evening and finds his wife Babs is missing. She is missing for THREE MONTHS. When she returns, he asks where she was and she says, “I was just out in the garage to empty the trash.” A week later, she disappears for another three months. Returns. Bob asks, “Where were ya, Babs?” She says she can’t say due to “national security.”

Bob sits for hours PONDERING. There are a LOT of holes in Babs’s story. In desperation, Bob fills in the holes with theories. He imagines all sorts of things, but he definitely doesn’t buy the answers he has been given. Some of Bob’s ideas are pretty wild as he has talked with a lot of people who have evidence that Babs has done some pretty evil stuff over the years, not pertaining directly to the 6 months she was missing, but somewhat pertaining.

Meanwhile, another guy in another part of America whose name is Steve Jones, dearly loves his wife, Stephanie. She is a strong powerful woman who takes care of everything, even to the point of making Steve feel inferior. One day she is missing and is gone for awhile...about four weeks. She comes in to the dooryard with the trunk of her car smelling strange (like death) and she is smiling.

Before Steve can even open his mouth, she says in a commanding voice, “I was out in the garage emptying the trash.”

Bob looks slightly skeptical.

Stephanie narrows her eyes and snarls, “What kind of husband are you to question your wife! You are damn lucky, little man. You have the best wife. People who live with other wives can’t even speak their minds! They are made out to be fools. Terrorized, even. You are lucky! You have free reign here!”

Later in the evening, Steve notices that Stephanie has about ten hickeys on her neck and powder burns on her palms. He almost asks “What are those?” but Stephanie is quick as a flash, saying calmly, “I can’t tell you anything, little man. National security.”

Steve realizes he shouldn’t lose faith in his wife and understands what an ungrateful husband he would be to ask pointed questions.

Okay, SS, do you see where I’m going with this?

You can’t blame your friends for having theories. I, myself, ADMIRE them. Even if their theories are wild. At least they are TRYING, not being SUCKERS.

Because, there DEFINITELY are some VERY BIG holes in the stories the USA government is telling us.

You say that only very sick people would murder thousands of innocent people? True. I can tell, you do not want to hear this, but the USA government has murdered innocent people, millions of them, in about 18 wars, many of them secret or semi-secret, since World War II.

None of these wars were about defense of America’s shores. None of these wars were about preserving democracy. ALWAYS, they are about taking over people, land, resources, and strategic military positions (required for taking over MORE countries for all the same purposes: THEFT).

They have also murdered our own American people and tortured them in slow ways, including nuke tests in the backyards of poor Mormons out west, recently putting 1000’s of poor people on top of a uranium dump called Church Rock, also in the west. Most of them are dead or dying of cancer and other horrors now. Innocent children are included in all these fast and slow deaths.

What have these people done to deserve all this? The government has a term for them: THE LOW USE SEGMENT OF THE POPULATION.

I would say that the people who died of the hi-jackings on September 11 were the HIGH USE segment of the population. Oh, boy oh boy oh boy have they been USED. From VAST corporate subsidies to selling T-shirts, from government control of Hollywood, to the FBI having its dream bill finally passed into law (Patriot Act), to finally getting Americans to be scared enough (of what others will think of them) to allow THE DRAFT of their beloved sons into body bags and wheel chairs, all for what is called by the government, FULL SPECTRUM DOMINANCE of the entire planet so that a few raging power hungry locos can have what Napoleon and the Caesars and the Pharaohs never got but dreamed of.

The USA government and its corporate directors have funded secret death squads, paramilitary groups and brutal regimes in both hemispheres, particularly the southern hemisphere.

Let me tell you about SICK. If a guy robbed and old lady to get money for a heroin fix, and she got killed in the scuffle, would you call him sick?

If a guy who bets on horses or roulette wheels or black jack games, ran out of dough and murdered a lady in an alley in a desperate moment, trying to pay a loan he had which came from his addiction, would you call him crazy?

What about people who gamble with stocks, who are dazed with BIG DEALS, strategies, POWER, wiping out whole peoples and cultures, selling deadly products, enslaving millions, lying, stealing, bending laws, bribing, and letting people die (a thousand here, a thousand there) on THE PRODUCTS, or processing because of money to be made...had elected democratic leaders in many countries ASSASSINATED in order to install BRUTAL dictators so that $$$$$$$$ could be made. Is this sick?

This stuff is documented. This is not theory. It’s the USA government and its corporate directors.

If you learned that the USA government KNEW that any number of terrorist events will PROBABLY happen because of USA government murdering people and strangling democracies all over the world (this is documented), but just keeps on doing it because the BIG DEALS and POWER feel SO GOOD, would you call it SICK?

Would you call this sick? Our government and its corporate directors KNOW that climate change which may END OUR WORLD could happen suddenly and in as little as four to ten years! Formerly the most august scientists in the world thought it would be about or within 100 years. (These are independent scientists, not scientists working for fossil fuel companies). They realize now that the increasing use of fossil fuels by industry over the last few decades (200 years in all) can trigger a faster change. The change? Five degrees hotter temperature a year worldwide. Goodbye cruel world, goodbye people, trees, critters. Hello cholera and forest fires, floods, tornadoes, goodbye islands and seacoasts. Crop yields will shrink.

Guess what. Our government and its corporate directors (the same ones who had troops in Afghanistan before Sept 11, for OIL) have crushed all research in the past on biodiesel (hemp and veggie fuels) and any popular demand for these or other safe alternatives. They encourage us to fight each other over the sizes of our cars and pickups (that’s called shaping the debate), but they know that ANY MORE FOSSIL FUEL will end the world.

The USA government (and its corporate directors) PAYS millions (of our tax dollars coerced from us) to start up fake grass roots groups and fake internet info to call global warming silly and a that these gamblers (Mega-Investors) can keep on making MORE $$$$$$$$ in the next quarter and more in corrupt illegal deals as well.

Tell me, do you think the following is insane?

It looks like maybe bin Laden may have been behind the hi-jackings. Bin Laden is Saudi Arabian (not Afghani). Most of the hi-jackers were Saudi. The Taliban offered to turn bin Laden over if USA government could prove he did it. USA prez says “negotiations are over” in reply to that offer. TV etc tells us that the hi-jackers learned flying in a puddle-jumping flight school.

Over five hundred miles an hour into a building less than a city block wide.


Puddle jumping school, my ass.

Could it be that if we were allowed to think the pilots were experts, we’d assume BIG money was behind them, not poor Afghanis? Might we think it was a Saudi Arabian scheme if we all knew some of this documented but shrouded info?

But Saudi Arabia is friends with the USA government!!!! And will be until the USA government finishes OIL DEALS which will prop up its weird and oppressive and sick Wall Street economy, which takes its design primarily from a cancerous tumor.

You say if Wall Street falls, us regular folks would suffer?

Well, if they told us the TRUTH about climate change and Wall Street’s fragile condition, and how deadly the whole import-export scheme as been since the beginning, you and I could make some decisions for survival...and those decisions might not be the kind which would allow these Mega-Mammoner Sicko-el-Creepo Murdering Feelingless Thugs to continue their good-feeling suicide high.

Also, wouldn’t most Americans go apeshit if they knew that Afghani people were being attacked, not bin Laden?...innocent families...yeah kids!!!!!...a war planned looooonng before Sept. 11 just so a bunch of oil barons in the USA etc can get control of the world’s oil...a pipeline thru that country...nothing what-so-ever to do with terrorism??? (And they also have schemes to control the world’s water and food etc. etc. etc.) You think some Americans wouldn’t care, as long as they themselves are a-okay? Maybe so, but a LOT of Americans, THOUSANDS of them do know about this and are PISSED, but he media (controlled by the government and corporations [same thing]) does not report it.

The USA is protecting bin Laden.

How’s THAT for a theory, honey?

Bin Laden is not in a cave.

He requires continuous kidney dialyses. Last he was seen he was in an American hospital in France last summer being treated. Hey! Maybe he died then of total kidney failure and side effects of dialyses.

There are big enough holes in EVERYTHING the USA government and big corporations (same thing) tell us about EVERY VITAL ISSUE, that CONSPIRACY is too nice a word to use on them.

And no, this isn’t some recent trend. Every power hungry hot shit sick megamammoneer going back to George Washington and that bunch, writing up their Constitution in order to protect their power and their “sacred honor”, were CRAZED and they were conspirators and they were magicians. Brrrr, evil huh?

And theory?

Yep. Before there is an investigation, either scientific or legal, there has to be a theory. Theory comes from BRAINS, from imagination, from pondering.

Don’t count on these foaming-at-the-mouth corporate equipped sick monsters to investigate THEMSELVES.

The people will have to be the jury. The unofficial jury, therefore more just. We need to study as much documented evidence as possible (you won’t find it in government-corporate controlled mainstream media). Question the remaining BIG HOLES. Do not scorn your friends and neighbors who, lacking information, have theories. And those who have some real documentation, they will have even wilder theories, because the truth is probably AWESOMELY WILD.

P.S. If we have NO PROOF presented to us that Osama bin Laden is behind the guerrilla attacks...(or terrorism as it is called when an attacked nation is considered to have an innocent government)...well, if there is no proof, then saying he did it is just a nutcase theory, no?

This Revolutionary Abby is being brought to you by the Fringe newsletter and the Abominable Hairy Patriot. Voice of the No-wing Militia Movement. the Fringe appeals to Reason. We are OUT THERE!

(Carolyn Chute burst on the literary scene in 1985 with the New York Times best-seller, The Beans of Egypt, Maine. She followed this success with, Letourneau's Used Auto Parts (1988) and the epic Merry Men (1994). Her most recent work is Snow Man (1999).
Carolyn Chute, 2nd Maine Militia, P.O. Box 100, Parsonsfield, Maine 04047

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