Saturday 12 March 2011


Japan has "lost control" of 4 out of 5 nuclear reactors at two facilities hit hard by the earthquake. Radioactivity outside the buildings was reported earlier at 8 times 'normal' ~ a six-mile radius has been evacuated.

Potentially, this could be the worst nuclear accident in history. If you have an iodine supplement (even kelp) take it immediately at a maximum dose and be prepared for fallout across North America in three days, lasting indefinitely.

It would be unprecedented to get accurate news about this event. Read and share my fallout page:

March 12, 2011

Continuous fallout detection became a US military priority after the 1946 test series Operation Crossroads. By 1948, a system of seismic, acoustic, and aerial sampling was a regular feature of activity involving all branches of the services and extensive civilian facilities, especially at university laboratories. 

The Air Force dispatched relay sorties that operated a bi-weekly ‘circuit’ of the northern hemisphere ~ this method of sampling detected the Soviet’s first test in August of 1949 with great accuracy. 

The aerial ‘filters’ which were changed on schedule within geophysical coordinates allowed US scientists to determine the type, chemistry, and location of the Soviet test. High altitude “weather” balloons were also part of the fallout-detection program, which only expanded its range and sophistication after the ’49 experience. 

Radiation and air-borne chemical pollution of all types including X-rays, from all sources, is considered fallout. A newer technology of Terahertz (micro) waves, used in radio-astronomy, is the next radiation hazard to people used in airport body scans: 

The authors of Deadly Deceit: Low Level Radiation, High Level Coverup estimate the era of atmospheric testing was equivalent in fallout to the detonation of 40,000 Hiroshima-sized bombs. 

This is fallout…..
March 11, 2011 ~ “TOKYO ~ Japan declared states of emergency for five nuclear reactors at two power plants after the units lost cooling ability in the aftermath of Friday’s powerful earthquake. Thousands of residents were evacuated as workers struggled to get the reactors under control to prevent meltdowns… A single reactor in northeastern Japan had been the focus of much of the concern in the initial hours after the 8.9 magnitude quake, but the government declared new states of emergency at four other reactors in the area Saturday morning… Authorities said radiation levels had jumped 1,000 times normal inside Unit 1 and were measured at eight times normal outside the plant…”

Compare what happened at Three Mile Island and Chernobyl ~ in both cases, meltdowns were denied. The Chernobyl explosion was unavoidably obvious; however, Three Mile Island’s reactor status was unknown for many years while regular ventings released pressure and dispersed a wide pattern of radioactive fallout. Scroll down the page to read about TMI.

NUMEC Used Apollo, Parks as Guinea Pigs[headline, Aug.28,2002] ~
“If you lived near the former NUMEC nuclear fuel plants in Apollo and Parks in the 1960s, you were part of studies to determine how much nuclear fallout was safe for humans. You just didn’t know it. And neither may have the workers inside the plants, who were studied to see just how much radiation the human body could absorb… But what were the results of the tests? The extent of the tests will most likely stay unknown… ‘Private contractor sites like NUMEC fell off the map’ said [Dan] Guttman… results of the ongoing [lifetime] study are not available

CHEMTRAILS ~ the field of Health Physics developed for the Atomic Energy program taught the authorities everything they needed to know about fallout and ‘uptake’, exhaustively studied ad nauseum. 

It is not possible that ignorance of biological damage caused by chemtrails is valid

Nano-particulates, metals and synthetic ingredients in the atmosphere and food chain describe the components of semi-conductors, ‘soft machines’ and engineered life forms.

The field of Health Physics, created in 1948  determined a need for “large population surveys” to study radiological hazard effects.

In 1972, Canadian nuclear researcher Abram Petkau published the results of his work studying the effects of ‘low dose’ radiation. The ‘Petkau’ effect describes a non-linear relationship, what’s called a “paradoxical dose response”. 

Petkau observed that small doses over longer time, such as fallout, were much more damaging and that substances like fluoride (and other halogen compounds) have similar non-linear effects. [Dr. Albert Schatz on fluoride:

Three Mile Island, 1979 “partial” meltdown; five days later, the worst known anthrax contamination in history occurred in Sverdlovsk, USSR as the fallout cloud reached the Soviets. 

The event is regarded as an intentional bio-warfare release.

Chernobyl, 1986

The April 1986 Chernobyl accident provided ‘cover’ for the US to secretly vent the radiation from the “Mighty Oak” underground test at NTS


March, 1957 “The Nuclear Radiation Handbook”, report by Nuclear Development Corporation of America, White Plains, NY [military document in the National Security Archive]

1957 “The Nature of Radioactive Fallout and Its Effects on Man”, 
2 volumes, presented to Congress May/June

“Medical Consequences of Nuclear Warfare”, Part 1, Vol 2 in the Textbook of Military Medicine series 

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