Thursday 28 April 2011


I am thoroughly upset at the moment. I have spent the last three days when home at my pc working on a huge piece on the BP Disaster 1 year after the date.  And it just all disappeared somewhere in space. I mean as I hit "Post" it got completely lost in space. I cannot find it anywhere and I had it backed up.  Upset does not begin to cover my mood at this very moment!


  1. try looking under the keyboard ;-)

    i am just joking,I understand how you feel.

  2. Welcome to the club of "perfect" technology. I have been burnt a few times, too.


    1. Use MS Word for writing your long article because it saves document every few second.

    Blog Editor is not reliable. My experience. If you are using it, then save every paragraph as soon as it is completed.

    Using MS word is the best, and as soon as you're finished, select all, and then copy and past into blog editor, then format it as you like choosing font, font size, color, etc. This is what I'm doing and I am having no more problem.

    NP: When such incident happen, sit back and relax, have a deep breath and smile. Nothing is worthy getting upset and harming your blood cells.

  3. Rossoalloso, sending you a wet raspberry. Smart ass! lol

    Aadel, I never compose in blogger! sure route to disaster. However this was 26 pages in word, which I always use just as you do (How else would I get all these cool colours for type?) and I put it in in pieces. And somehow.... well anyhow, all over and soon to be posted. For now... gotta get some real work done around here...

    You know, laundry, dinner, tidying up this mess... and I have a hundred or so antique family photos to scan. Lord I have family photos here from the 1800's to work with... how cool is that?

  4. Scratch one 'automatically' (grin)



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