Wednesday 8 June 2011


Posted June 8, 2011

A study published in the New-Scientist recently, indicates a direct connection between the Sun's solar storms and biological effects on humans.

In 2006 Tesla’s outlined the connection between our Sun’s solar flare charged particles and its effect on animals, humans and the Earth in the book 'So Now You Know What’s Happening'.

The New-Scientist article: "Many animals can sense the Earth's magnetic field, so why not people, asks Oleg Shumilov of the Institute of North Industrial Ecology Problems in Russia. Oleg Shumilov looked at activity in the Earth's geomagnetic field from 1948 to 1997 and found that it grouped into three seasonal peaks every year: one from March to May, another in July and the last in October.

Surprisingly, he also found that the geomagnetism peaks matched up with peaks in the number of mood disorders i.e. depression, anxiety, bi-polar (mood swings) and even suicides in the northern Russian city of Kirovsk over the same period."

Butterflies and other migrating creatures 
navigate according to the earth's magnetic field.

Kelly Posner, a psychiatrist at Columbia University in the US says
"The most plausible explanation for the association between geomagnetic activity and depression and suicide is that geomagnetic storms can desynchronize melatonin production and circadian rhythms.

The pineal gland which regulates melatonin production and circadian rhythm is sensitive to magnetic fields. The circadian regulatory system depends upon repeated environmental cues to [synchronize] internal clocks. Magnetic fields may be one of these environmental cues."
NASA scientist Mei-Ching Fok, an astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. has uncovered new details about how plasma from superstores interacts with Earth’s magnetosphere.
Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland (in the brain) which regulates other hormones. The circadian rhythm is an internal 24-hour time-keeping system that determines when we sleep & when we wake up.
The New-Scientist article now confirms what we at Tesla’s have been saying since 2,000.
“The Sun's charged particles and its influence on the Earth's magnetic field is the cause of many of Earth’s environmental changes. As humans we also have magnetic fields which surround each of us, it’s quite realistic to believe that what’s happening externally is also happening internally. It’s not just the earth which is shifting, but humans as well, thereby causing a change or transition.”
Perhaps this is what the Mayan elders have been trying to tell us for centuries!


On April 25, 2008, NASA's satellite “Swift” carrying an Ultraviolet/Optical X-ray Telescope picked up a record-breaking flare from a star known as EV-Lacertae. This flare was thousands of times more powerful than the largest observed solar flare ever. The star remained bright in X-rays for 8 hours before settling back to normal.

A solar flare is an explosion of charged particles, and can devastate satellites, power grids, and the magnetic field around the Earth, humans and animals. EV-Lacertae is called a red dwarf and has a mass between 0.08 & 0.4 times that of our Sun. Red dwarfs are quite plentiful in the Universe and this one is only 16 light-years away, making it one of our closest neighbors apart from our known Planets.


The answer is youth; EV-Lacertae is a toddler and spinning rapidly, whereas our sun is middle-aged and has a slower rotation. The fast spin produces a magnetic field that is much stronger than our sun's magnetic field.

These giant flares come from the energy stored in its magnetic field. NASA believes the charged particles from EV-Lacertae’s solar flare affect the strength of solar flares from our sun thereby affecting Earth. Remember this event actually happened 16 years ago. Our Sun is 8 light-minutes away and it takes 24 to 48hours for geomagnetic storms to reach Earth.

For many years scientists have known that our sun gives off powerful explosions, known as sun spots and solar flares which go in cycles. These flares contain charged particles which are millions of times more energy than an atomic bomb.
During “Cycle 23” the world saw the largest solar flares ever recorded from our Sun."Cycle 23", ended March 2007.

The sun entered "Cycle 24" in August 2007, which NASA has predicted will be 50% stronger than “Cycle 23”, “Cycle 24” is due to peak between2011/12.

Over the next 4 years we can expect some whopper flares and therefore larger earth changing events such as more earthquakes, volcanoes and hurricanes etc.
This also means we humans
will be bombarded with
even more charged particles than ever
via the same geomagnetic storms
from the Sun,
hence more changes within us.

Our ancestors (Druids, Mayan & indigenous peoples) knew there was a connection between the Sun and other celestial events, which affected humans and animals on Earth. As you know the charged particles from the Sun affects the Earth's weather, by affecting the Earth’s magnetic field.


Animals and humans have a magnetic field which surrounds them in a similar way as the magnetic field surrounds the Earth.


Ancient texts and teachings in all forms from; the Bible, the Qur’an, the Dead-Sea Scrolls, the Hindu, the Cherokee, the Mohawk, the Buddhist, the Sumerian’s, the Hopi& of course the Mayan calendar, all tell us of the challenging times ahead as we adjust, into a new state of being.

Change is happening to our Earth in the form of ever increasing earthquakes, volcanoes, tornado’s, severe storms, heat-waves, and freeze-waves, all manner of natural phenomena, celestial disturbances, and man-made trauma being instigated by charged particles from solar flares.

Personal Conflict is in the form of personal challenges, emotional, mental-anguish, grief, bewilderment, depression, rage, fatigue, anxiety and fear, as well as challenges to our physical health with the onset of new viruses and diseases.
We humans are at the cross roads
and having to choose direction,
venturing into the unknown
and attempting to maintain our true integrity.

But it’s the challenge to our character
which will be the most difficult
and the old saying “to thine own-self be true”
has never been more appropriate than now
and over the next few years.

Many of us may try to choose sameness, placing great effort into maintaining what appears normal and familiar, in an effort to experience a sense of safety and predictability.

We are all facing a paradigm shift, a form of metamorphosis.
The Hopi call this passage of time The Great Purification and every one of us will face these personal challenges.

The Earth with all the weather changes, earthquakes and volcanoes etc is also going through a similar process.

* Every Sun flare and solar storm
gives off charged particles far greater
than the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima & Nagasaki.

* These Sun flares and solar storms
have a direct reaction on our planet and our bodies.

* Do not think that everything
that’s happening to you mentally or physically
is from the meal you just ate
or the work stress you have just gone through.

* Your restless nights may be due
to your Melatonin levels having been affected.

* Depression and anxiety may be due
to your pineal gland
affecting your Melatonin production.

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