September 21, 2011
New York City, New York.
Shock is a curious thing.
The human mind is at its most susceptible when the proverbial
rug has been pulled from under its feet.
When a momentous, shocking event occurs we are thrust into an
uncomfortable, unfamiliar, frightening place.
We look for explanations; try to make sense of chaos whilst we
are at our most vulnerable.
Our malleable minds accept and subconsciously cling to the first
narrative our ‘protectors’ offer, whether real or imagined, whether plausible
or nonsensical.
The events of 9/11 were not only faithful to this rule, but they represented a paradigmatic example of this concept in play. The ‘shock therapy’ that has been unleashed on nations by means of bombs, bullets, and economic warfare, equally applies to the human psyche.It is not only nations but also people, which can be remade.
While a shell-shocked America reeled over the most shocking,
heinous, and dramatic terrorist attack the United States has ever suffered, the
very architects of this attack moved to cement their ‘new world order’
narrative ~ ushering in the ‘War on Terror’.
Before the toxic dust had even settled on Manhattan, the afraid, angry masses would be given their enemy and they would be given their saviours, as an equally toxic cloud of delusion descended on the American consciousness.
As the largest broadcaster in the world with over 20,000 employees, the Zionist-controlled BBC was the chosen outlet for the birth of the myth that is the ‘War on Terror’. As the attacks were unfolding, the BBC already had its pre-prepared propaganda agenda in hand. Later in the day the BBC would unwittingly expose this fact most obviously when they reported, ticker and all, the fall of WTC-7 over 20 minutes before it even happened. Former Prime Minister of Israel and former commander of the elite IDF intelligence unit ‘Sayeret Matkal’, Ehud Barak, would narrate the macabre theatre.
It is important to remember at this point, this is precisely how
such events work; ‘false flag’ terrorism is a form of psychological warfare. In
order for the operation to be successful, the perpetrator must be able to
establish the intended narrative at the very outset ~ as soon as the minds of
the subjects have been traumatised, dazed, and ‘blank-slated’. This is the
fertile ground needed for the lie to take root, and the lie must be planted as
soon as possible.
Relinquishing his post as Israeli PM to genocidal war criminal
Ariel Sharon in March 2001, Barak was to travel to the United States and spend
the months preceding 9/11 consulting for Electronic Data Systems and SCP Partners, which is a Mossad-run
company specializing in security-related work.
Within SCP Partners’ business portfolio are a
number of firms which specialize in the creation of advanced niche specialty
metals and complex metals products for industries such as energy, aerospace,
infrastructure, and specialty metals and chemical industries.
Of course on the morning of the 9/11 plot’s gruesome conclusion,
he would be miraculously present at the offices of the largest broadcaster on
the planet. Literally as American Airlines Flight 11 and United Airlines Flight
175 hurtled towards the twin towers, Ehud Barak (born Ehud Brog) was backstage
at the BBC World offices in London, preparing to forge the War on Terror’s
Zionist narrative in the vulnerable shell-shocked minds of his global audience.
“We are Israeli. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem.”
Within the BBC’s pre-prepared news report ~ immediately before
Barak is given the stage ~ a peculiar thing happened. Yasser Arafat, proudly
clad with his Keffiyeh ~ the ultimate symbol of resistance to oppression ~ is
interviewed in what was on the face of it a bizarre display of the utmost
What on god’s green earth did the Palestinians have to do with
an ongoing terror attack halfway across the globe, the perpetrators of which
were at the time a complete mystery?
As the BBC report would indicate with increasing clarity, the
purpose of this was very simple: the Zionist narrative of the ‘War on Terror’
was being pulled out of its box and the Cellophane removed.
Palestine ~ the righteous resistance at the very epicentre of
Israel’s expansionist, hegemonic, genocidal ambitions ~ was the threat.
Israel, the ‘only democracy in the Middle East’ was the solution
and here was its former Prime Minister with the answer.
As if
presiding over a court case with a defendant and a plaintiff, the BBC reporter
proceeds with his script, “That’s the view from the
Palestinian side,” and Ehud Barak takes to the screen.
“This is an attack on our whole civilization“.Who did it?“I believe we will know in twelve hours“.But that’s not important.What we need is a “globally concerted effort, led by the United States, the UK, Europe, and Russia“.Notice that Israel is conspicuously absent from the list; Israel doesn’t get its hands dirty unless it needs to.
“Bin Laden sits in Afghanistan“, the
oracle tells us, but he’s not saying bin Laden did it. Yet. Ask him again in 11
hours, 59 minutes. “Within six or ten years“, Barak
insists, Iran, Iraq, and Libya, the ‘rogue states’ must be taken down. Six or
ten years on, and it’s three down, one to go.
At four minutes and fifty-nine seconds through the video you see a Reuters feed flash up during the BBC’s live report. The dispatch alludes to: “Palestian [sic] celebrations” in Jerusalem. The next act of the script is being played out as Palestinians, and by extension Muslims, are dehumanized and portrayed as heartless, bloodthirsty animals.
Scenes of ‘Palestinians celebrating’ in occupied al-Quds
(Jerusalem), filmed by Reuters and AP, were later broadcast on TV on the BBC,
Fox, CNN, and several other corporate-Zionist controlled media outlets:

It transpired that the lady who can be seen cheering and celebrating in front of the camera was told to do so, and offered cake in return.She later told German reporters of this, and was absolutely horrified to learn of the fraudulent context in which the footage was broadcast to an information-hungry world in the wake of the 9/11 attacks.
Further to this, you can clearly see in the video that there are
only a very small number of children and people celebrating. In the background,
one can see several people standing around nonchalantly, or simply walking from
one place to the next.

This footage, consisting of no more than a few seconds and a few
people, was repeatedly broadcast to global audiences, alongside the chilling
footage of Flight 175 slamming into the South Tower. By the time the hoax was
exposed (albeit only by a German-language paper), the damage had already been
The ‘mainstream’ 9/11 truth movement exhibits an acute case of selective vision.
Whether through fear of the dreaded ‘anti-Semite’ epithet, or through aversion to the ubiquitous (but not entirely unfounded) ‘Jewish power & conspiracy’ stereotypes, the obvious and central Israeli connections to 9/11 are ignored.
The 9/11 false flag, and the torrent of Israeli-prescribed
propaganda that followed as the towers fell,
was engineered to instigate the War on Terror.
Without a doubt, the axis consisting of the military-industrial
complex, Wall Street, and the myriad of ‘disaster capitalism’ multinationals,
benefited greatly from and colluded to differing degrees in 9/11.
However, attributing the central role of planning and
orchestration of 9/11 to these actors is born of short-sightedness.
The BBC’s evidently pre-planned Zionist propaganda set-piece
provided a clue to this, but this was merely the tip of the iceberg.
Not only did Israel benefit economically, politically, and
militarily from 9/11 more so than any other nation on the planet, but ardent
Zionists with close links to Israel, US-Israeli dual nationals, and even
Israelis, are found at every pivotal nook and cranny of the plot.
The clues are abundant, and lay at the very core of the 9/11
conspiracy (how absurd it now seems to use that long-abused word in its proper
From the unprecedented privatization of the WTC six weeks prior
to the events, to the sophisticated hardware used to fly the
remotely-controlled jets; from the missing trillions at the Pentagon, to the
Israeli spies caught with explosives and subsequently released in New York, to
the man who let them go ~ the same man who co-authored the Patriot Act and
headed up the Department of Homeland Security; from the advance warnings
received by Israeli communications company
Odigo and part Israeli state-owned company ZIM (which terminated its
WTC tenure one week before the event incurring a $50,000 bill), to the Israeli
company that ran security at the 9/11 airports.
This company, ICTS
International, even ran security for the ‘shoe
bomber’ airport, the ‘underpants bomber’ airport, as well as the 7/7 London bus
service that was bombed in 2005.
Yet another Israeli company,
Verint Systems, ran the camera system in the London Tube network when it told
the world that its cameras ‘weren’t working’, in an attempt to explain why
there was no footage of any of the alleged bombers entering their respective
tube trains.
But I digress. The blue and white six-pointed star can be
uncovered in all of the most obvious central aspects of the 9/11 game plan.
Six weeks before 9/11 the WTC ownership was transferred into
private hands for the first time in history. Ronald Lauder lobbied for this to
happen. Lewis Eisenberg, head of the Port Authority, presided over the deal.
was awarded to Larry Silverstein and Frank Lowy. All of these men are staunch
Zionists with close links to Israel; Silverstein ~ former IDF soldier ~ even
speaks to Benjamin Netanyahu on a weekly basis.
Billionaire Lauder is closely
involved with several pro-Israel Jewish organizations including the JNF (which
appropriates Palestinian land for the exclusive use of Jewish settlers). He
even accompanied President Bush on his 2008 delegation to Israel,
celebrating the 60th anniversary of the Nakba.
Lowy fought in the Nakba as a member of the Golani brigade and,
like Silverstein, miraculously steered clear of the WTC on that fateful Tuesday
morning. All four men are intimately involved in the abhorrent Anti-Defamation
On September 10, 2001, the very day before 9/11, Donald Rumsfeld
announced $2.3 trillion in missing
funds at the Pentagon.
The Bush-appointed man responsible for the Pentagon’s finances
at that time was staunch Zionist and Rabbi Dov Zakheim ~ a man who had been the
Chief Executive of Systems Planning Corporation for the previous fourteen years
~ since 1987.
On the morning of September 11, 2001, residents of Bergen, New
Jersey, saw five men stood atop a white van. These men had set up a camera to
record the twin towers before the first plane had hit.
Upon the impact of Flight 11 and the instantaneous, hellish
death of hundreds of innocent people, these men celebrated and cheered
together. The horrified residents reported the men, who were later apprehended
by police.
The Israeli men tested positive for explosives, but were not charged with anything and were later released.
A second van was found later that day in even more suspicious
circumstances. By the George Washington Bridge, which connects New York City to
New Jersey, two Israeli men were caught driving the van containing a truckload
of explosives. Dan Rather, news anchor
for CBS, would report:
“Two suspects are in FBI custody after a truckload of explosives were discovered around the George Washington Bridge. That bridge links New York to New Jersey over the Hudson River.Whether the discovery of those explosives had anything to do with other events today is unclear, but the FBI, has two suspects in hand, said the truckload of explosives, enough explosives were in the truck to do great damage to the George Washington Bridge.“
All of these Israelis were subsequently released ultimately by
Michael Chertoff ~ ardent Zionist and son of a Talmudic Rabbi and the first
hostess for El Al Airlines, a suspected Mossad front.
Chertoff also co-authored the Patriot Act ~ legislation used to
spy on Americans and stifle dissent in the name of ‘national security’.
It cannot be denied that politically and militarily, Israel
benefited from 9/11 more than any other nation on the face of the earth. The
false flag terror attacks afforded the Zionist entity endless political capital
to pursue and accelerate its genocidal ambitions against Muslims in Palestine,
and its goals of regional hegemony in coaxing the U.S. to invade Iraq.
In addition to this there is the important element of economic
benefits; even the Israeli government admits that its
economy is centered around the homeland security and weapons industry.
As a direct result of 9/11,
the homeland security industry has boomed to astronomical proportions, eclipsing Hollywood and the music
Unprecedented security paranoia, war, and conflict are racking
the planet. An ever-growing number of U.S. and Israeli-made drones (and Israel is considered the
leading player whilst five NATO countries are using Israeli drones in Afghanistan) are
patrolling the skies of the Middle East and Central Asia.
Is it any wonder that Israel is one of the few nations on the planet that has largely avoided the post-9/11 economic slump?
The Zionist-controlled BBC’s pre-prepared ‘kick-off’ propaganda
set-piece ‘hosted’ by Israeli Zionist heavyweight Ehud Barak, erected the ‘War
on Terror’ before the events of 9/11 had even come to pass.
The former Israeli Prime Minister’s appearance in what was a uniquely
Zionist and anti-Palestinian news report as
Manhattan burned provided a telling clue as to the perpetrators of
the 9/11 psychological warfare operation.
While real Israelis
cheered in Manhattan, the world’s TV screens showed manipulated footage of Palestinians
‘celebrating’ 9/11.
Not only are Israel’s fingerprints all over 9/11 (something
which is apparent even from the incomplete
break-down above), but the new global paradigm that was forged on that day,
empowered and benefited Israel in every conceivable way.
Your cause may be the Palestinian struggle, waged in the occupied holy lands of the Middle East.Your cause may be the fight against the unstoppable, destructive free-market neoliberal economic doctrine.Your cause may be the battle against fear, struck into our hearts by the ‘al Qaeda’ ghost ~ kept alive by psychological warfare outfits such as the Zionist-run SITE group.Your struggle may be against the decade of wars now expanding into Libya, Syria, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia.Perhaps your cause is all of the above.In any case, what cannot be denied is that 9/11 is the seminal event, inextricably and intimately linked to almost every major problem the world faces today.
Only through establishing the whole truth about this Zionist
deception can we even begin to glimpse peace.
I see what my problem was of not buying the news right from the start of 9/11. I was expecting a false flag attack as early as the fall of 2000. So when it happened I was not in shock. First thought, so they got their "Pearl Harbor" event. Ya know, the one I read about that PNAC had wanted in their paper. Next thought, they'll blame bin Laden. Then I went back to sleep as I worked nights.
ReplyDeleteYou were one step ahead of me. I had not known of PNAC at the time.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I was on a conference type call with my two sisters who were (both are deceased) extremely psychic.
Both had that sight thing and about five minutes prior to the action each had described nausea and a very sick feeling and one had actually gone off to vomit from the sensation, and the news flash hit the screen.
Then I had to go to work for my Zionist boss of the time. I got there and told her just as her son asked her what was he looking at because she was not in the room. She got down on one knee and gave him that serious eye to eye you give little kids and said, "That shows you how much the Muslims hate us, Michael." RIGHT off the BAT!
I, wearing my hijab, called her on that and within a month I had quit after 5 years as her house slave, er, keeper/nanny.
THEN I really began to wake the hell up!