Svali, is a former mind control programmer and trainer for the
Illuminati. When her children were threatened she fled the organization and has been in hiding since then. However, her disclosures about a decade ago set the Illuminati programme back quite a bit because she brought topics such as ritual abuse and mind control into public focus.
Posted by Noor,
September 20, 2011
NOTE: If you are a survivor of ritual abuse, please be in a safe
place before reading the following article, as it mentions groups that practice
ritual abuse as well as the historical groups that they are descended from.
In this article, I will
be discussing ritual abuse in a historical context. Later articles will share
about ritual abuse from the perspective of its effects on the survivor as well
as significant others.
Ritualized forms of abuse
have been practiced since the dawn of human history. Violence in the name of a
religious or ideological belief is not new; it has been practiced for thousands
of years.
Here I will discuss a few
groups that have been documented as practicing secret, esoteric, or abusive
rites to place modern ritual abuse in a historical context. Please be aware
that this is only some of the documented ritualized abuse that we know of from
ancient until modern times, and is by no means complete.
The ancient Assyrians and
Phoenicians worshipped the sun god, Baal, who they depended upon for the
continuance of their crops. The antiquity of the worship of the god or gods of
Baal extends back to the 14th century BCE among the ancient Semitic cultures.
Worship of Baal extended
from the Canaanites to the Phoenicians who also were partially an agricultural
people. Baal, the sun god, was fervently prayed to for the protection of
livestock and crops, and the rites also included animal and human sacrifice.
Another co-current deity
was Moloch, whose rituals were also costly to human life. (Excerpted from Alan
G. Hefner).
Many of these rituals
were adopted by the ancient Hebrews, as mentioned in the Bible (Leviticus 20
and 2 Kings 23). These rituals were carried out for over a thousand years, both
openly and secretly.
Ancient Babylonia also
practiced Mystery Religions, which involved worship of the sun god, and
sacrifices to this deity.
In Europe and Indo-Asia,
the ancient Druids also were known to engage in human sacrifice and rituals
before the coming of Christianity to the areas occupied by the Celts in Europe
and Britain. Caesar commented upon this practice:
"The whole nation of the Gaels is greatly devoted to ritual observances, and for that reason those who are smitten with the more grievous maladies and who are engaged in the perils of battle either sacrifice human victims or vow to do so, employing the Druids as ministers for such sacrifices..."

Many of these groups claimed roots founded in the rites of the
ancient druids and Canaanites. The Knights Templar was one such order. They
were founded by medieval lords and barons to protect pilgrims who visited
Jerusalem, which had been captured during the First Crusade.
They were also quite wealthy, and financed the leading kings of
Europe at the time, creating the modern banking system of lending at interest.
They were disbanded in the early 1300s by the Pope and the King of France
because of fear due to their power, as well as their esoteric religious
The Knights Templar began corrupting their Catholicism, and
incorporating elements of mystery religions, which included rituals with
candles around the body of a young virgin, and homosexual practices.
They also began summoning demons during these rituals. Although
officially disbanded, the Templar knights continued practicing their rites in
secret, founding the thirteen orders, each with their own symbol.
Rosicrucianism. This group was publicly founded in the 17th
century in Germany, supposedly by an individual in a novel known as Christian
Resenkrutz. The order was based on the traditions of the "Rose Cross"
order. This group emphasized the need for "enlightenment" through
following certain spiritual principles, and had both a public and covert
Meanwhile, in South America and Mexico, the Incas and Aztecs
were also performing rituals which involved the taking of human life. This has
been documented in the annals of the early Spanish conquerors.
Up until modern times, esoteric, hidden practices have continued
around the world. Brutality, and sacrifices in the name of religion are not
limited to one locality or one time in history.
In Africa, ritual murder is still ongoing, and has been
extensively documented. (See articles by Oke (1989) for more information.
In Thailand, India, and Malaysia, sacrifices and rituals are
still conducted, similar to those of ancient times, and has been documented in
articles by Newton (1993) and Constantine (1995).
Modern Europe has also reported incidences of ritual murder in
recent years (see articles by Newton, 1993a for discussion of cases of ritual
murder that have been convicted in Dusseldorf and Spain).
In strife-torn Peru, human sacrifice remains a daily fact of
life, dating back to the time of the Incas. For some practitioners, the ritual
offering of human lives is believed to insure bountiful crops, control the
weather, and prevent such natural catastrophes as floods and earthquakes.

In neighboring Chile,
human sacrifice is such an established tradition that the courts recognize
"compulsion by irresistible psychic forces" as grounds for acquittal
in cases of ritual murder. (Tierney, 1989)
There is much, much more
evidence of documented continuing ritual sacrifice around the world. It would
take a strong denial system to refute both the historical and circumstantial
evidence that ritual abuse has been a reality throughout the ages, and
continues to be until this day.
Why am I sharing about
the history of ritual abuse?
One of the things that
often perplex survivors of ritual abuse is the denial with which their memories
or accounts are often met.
They are told:
"ritual abuse is a modern-day witch hunt,""Things like that don't happen in this day and age" (as if man's entering the Industrial Revolution changed human nature), or"I don't believe you."Comments like these can be devastating both to the survivor of ritual abuse, who often WISHES the memories were not true, and the family and support people for the individual, who know the individual, and that they are NOT lying.
Comments like these only
reinforce what the individual was told by the cult group:
"If you tell, no one will believe you," or"You will be laughed at, or shunned."The survivor courageous enough to not only remember, but then disclose their abuse, will be faced with a society that often appears in denial."Why isn't anyone doing anything about this?" the survivor wonders, as they share the atrocities."Why isn't it stopped?""Why do more children have to be hurt?"
Societal denial is
complex. People often do not want to think about or hear about painful topics.
Thirty years ago, teenage
girls who shared that their middle class father was sexually abusing them were
told that they were "lying", or worse, "delusional".

Society closed its eyes
to the facts before it, until enough people finally came forward and disclosed.
Hopefully, placing ritual
abuse in a historical context will help the reader see that:
Ritual abuse is NOT a "new" phenomenon, or a modern day "hysteria"Human beings have been capable of great cruelty throughout the ages, and to believe otherwise refutes the historical record.
Those who are abused tend
to abuse.
Why would this well known psychological fact be different in the context of familial, generational ritual abuse where the abuse has been passed down for generations, in a codified manner?
That ritual abuse is
occurring around the world. It is NOT a phenomenon limited to the United
States, or to people "recovering memories" in therapy. Newton, Ryder,
and Lockwood ("Other altars") have researched and proven this.
My hope is that at the
least, this article has helped raise some questions about a topic that is often
overlooked and misunderstood.
References: Crowley,
Aleister, The Book of Lies (Weiser, 1988)
Howard, Michael The
Occult Conspiracy (1989)
Shaw, Jim and McKenney
The Deadly Deception (1988)
Ryder, Daniel; article:
Satanic Ritual abuse: The evidence surfaces: ... (1999)
Newton, Michael: Excerpt
from essay published in the Journal of Psychohistory 24 (2) Fall
Out of Darkness: Controversy
over Satanism and ritual abuse; Sakheim, Devine (1998)
Smith, Margaret; Ritual
Abuse; (1993)
James, Simon: The World
of the Celts (1993)
The Book of Illumination
(age unknown)
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