The locals have nicknamed the Denver Airport blue horse "Bluecifer".
Apparently the sculptor was killed during its creation. It crushed him.
Zen suggested that I “have some fun” with the first piece here (his writing) that was published at Before It’s News so I began to follow up on some of his provided links. Yes they are definitely worth looking into. However, the link to the Intel Hub was worth posting the entire thing below. The things mentioned elaborate on Zen’s words and throw in a few other very ponder-worthy items.
Sigh, Zen, having fun just ain’t what it used to be, or am I getting old?
By Zen Gardner
September 22, 2011
Seriously freaky time right now. If you're following the news at all, you now know:
1. Elenin is going into a major alignment with the Sun, Earth, Moon, Uranus and Mercury. Every significant alignment has coincided with a major earthquake.
2. September 23rd is the Autumn solstice, always a significant time.
3. This will be happening during another "super moon" when the moon at a particularly close approach to earth.
4. Major preparatory military "exercises" 'Operation Mountain Guardian" (which mountain?) to take place in Denver, home of the elite underground refuge under Denver Airport, with NASA in tow.
5. Obama is going to Denver the 27th.
Something ominous is happening on Wall Street, but nobody has noticed.
The insiders have vanished.
Chief executives. Board members.
The head honchos. The people who know.
Just a few weeks ago, they were out in force, buying up shares in their own companies with both hands.
No longer. They’ve disappeared. Almost overnight.

ED: The list of disappeared and missing stops here at 50, but there are more, including lots of board members and other executives.
1. Sun Microsystems
2. Royal Bank of Scotland
3. Bank Leumi of Israel
4. Lenovo
5. Wellpoint (on March 1)
6. Ingersoll-Rand
7. Gasco
8. Syntel
9. Motion Picture Television Fund
10. GrainCorp
11. Connaught Plc
12. Netplay TV
13. AgResearch
14. Zain Telecom
15. Ethan Allen Institute
16. Fahrney-Keedy Home & Village
17. Nordzucker
18. France Telecom
19. TransWorld Entertainment
20. Parlux
21. Medical Developments International Ltd
22. PBR (on March 1)
23. Aeropostale
24. Cook Islands Tourism
25. Uranium International Corp
26. San Francisco AIDS Foundation
27. Borders Books
28. YTB International
29. Western Australia Business News
30. Bergen Group Rosenberg
31. Phumelela
32. Bartow Regional Medical Center
33. NV Energy (CFO)
34. Shanda Interactive
35. NB Power
36. Empire Aero
37. Argentina Central Bank
38. Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing (CFO)
39. Arbitron
40. Lihir Gold Ltd
41. Meredith Corp
42. Red Bull
43. Golden Harp
44. Endo Pharma
45. Nuplex
47. Mirada (chairman)
48. Remedial Offshore
49. Abercrombie & Fitch Co
50. Commerce Resources (CFO)
8. A highly publicized extinct satellite is expected to re-enter our atmosphere and spread dangerous debris, perhaps over Los Angeles.
9. The Palestinian issue is at a peak in international negotiations, something the PTBs are intent on keeping the same and will do anything to assure it remains so. Integral to the Middle East anti-Muslim positioning.
11. The world's financial structure is accelerating its descent, the DOW taking huge dips the past 2 days while Europe continues to tank. Distraction and adjustment needed from financial collapse.
The world climate right now is begging for a major overhaul. The elite architects of our society have a plan in mind that gets hung up on the slow uptake of its reluctant cattle, I mean citizens.
When enough of a disaster appears, people will cry out for help....from guess who?
ED: Remember the Hegelian Dialectic: PROBLEM>>REACTION>>SOLUTION.
Those who've poised themselves as our beneficiaries who 'care so much about their populations'.
Complete BS, but most of the world falls for it.
"This present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for too long ~ We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." ~ David Rockefeller
If not now, big things will happen soon and continue to unfold.
Some "natural"....most not. Keep your eyes peeled.
This is all being manipulated and timed to take advantage of earth, solar and galactic trends, just like they use the ley lines and earth's grid to amplify their electromagnetic and occult-empowered control system, HAARP or nukes on ready-to-blow fault lines, etc.
They're nasty.
And what better way to usher in what they desire than blaming huge alterations in society on natural disasters and the need for drastic changes.
We know that "exercises" just happened to be coinciding with the events of 9/11, London's 7/7, the Haitian earthquake, and other false flag operations.
These bullies play rough....obvious if you're looking, but rough nonetheless.
Not to be alarmist here, but it's time to sit up and take notice and prepare ~ for real.
Love, Zen
A major terrorism drill has been scheduled four days before a supposed Elenin Alignment as world leaders plan recess and Obama joins NASA in Denver.
A sign at Union Station in Denver Indicating DHS Drill Set to Take Place
On Friday September 23rd, a large scale terrorism drill involving 81 agencies will take place in Denver, Colorado.
The drill, made possible by a FEMA Homeland Security grant, has been dubbed “Operation Mountain Guardian” and will include military personnel.
Residents have been warned to expect loud noises and smoke as well as many different emergency and military vehicles.
Operation Mountain Guardian is a terrorism-based, full-scale emergency exercise scheduled to take place in numerous locations in the Denver metro area on Friday, September 23, 2011.
The exercise will involve first responders from 81 different agencies**, will be conducted at ten separate locations and will include loud noises, simulated weapons, smoke, emergency vehicles and other equipment that will be audible and visible throughout the day.
The exercise has been designed as a learning event for regional first responders to test their capabilities in a scenario that will involve a terrorist-driven catastrophic situation.
Exercise play will occur at the four primary sites and DIA. Catholic Charities and Sports Authority Field at Mile High will participate in an administrative fashion to test student/teacher processing activities.Sky Ridge Medical Center, Denver Health Medical Center, and University of Colorado Hospital will participate for the purpose of testing medical surge capabilities and communicating within Incident Command.
The fact that most major terror attacks have coincided with “drills” used to confuse and distract first responders not privy to the inside plan has been heavily documented, with the 7/7 attacks in London and 9/11 attacks in New York City being prime examples.
Due to how close this drill is with a documented Elenin alignment date(whether or not you think Elenin will cause destruction or not, the alignment is confirmed by NASA) speculation has run rampant over whether or not this drill will either go live to distract from the 27th or be used to plan for the disaster that will be caused on that day.
Screen Shot From Elenin Document Found Here ~
This full scale terrorism simulation is planned just 4 days before the much talked about and feared Elenin alignment date.
Elenin will apparently be in exact alignment with the Sun, Mercury, and Earth. Past Elenin alignments, though heavily debated, do seem to correlate with major earthquakes around the world.
While there always remains a small possibility that this sort of groundbreaking earth changes information is purposely planted to distract conspiracy researchers, we believe that, at this point, it is unacceptable to ignore this possible danger.
The sheer amount of disinformation in regards to Elenin as well as the time spent spreading it shows the importance of this comet, possibly as a cover for something else.
It should also be noted that the idea that comet alignments can cause 6+ earthquakes seems to have been proven multiple times yet mainstream science continues to ignore this valuable warning tool.
Coincidentally, NASA is currently in Denver holding a new exhibit related to the International Space Station and space based research.
HOUSTON ~ NASA will share the accomplishments, promise and opportunities for research aboard the International Space Station through an exhibit and a series of events in Colorado during September and October.
NASA will display its newest exhibit, “Destination: Station,” at the Wings over the Rockies Air and Space Museum in Denver. The exhibit will be open to the public for six weeks from Sept. 16 through Oct. 28. It is included at no additional fee with admission to the museum.
“Destination: Station” is a multimedia exhibit that immerses visitors in the story of the space station. Visitors of all ages will learn about the 24-hour-a-day, 365-days-a-year space-based research that brings results down to Earth. The exhibit includes hands-on activities, imagery and audio and visual technology.
NASA, an agency started by Nazi party members secretly brought to American under a once top secret program called Operation Paperclip, has a long history of corruption, cover ups, and outright deceptions.
Further adding to the mystery and conspiracy is the fact that President Barack Obama is scheduled to be in Denver on September 27, 2011.
President Barack Obama will visit the Denver area as part of a series of stops in Western states to talk about the economy.
Obama will also be visiting several cities on the West Coast as part of his tour, according the White House.
What are the chances that 4 days after a full scale terrorism drill and on the day of a major alignment, the president of The United States will be in a city known for its secret bases and eerie symbology?
Strangely enough, leaders throughout the world are on or will be on recess during this alignment date.
(ED: I have elaborated on the original list given in this piece.)
Germany’s President’s schedule is empty after September 25, 2011.
American President leaves DC during this week to Denver. There is some sort of military DEFCON exercise going on this week.
Top NASA staff leaves this week for Denver.
Senate and House of Reps leaves DC this week on vacation from September 25th through October 2nd, 2011. They always take the month of August. This is the first time they are recessing again the next month.
The UK Parliament is in recess from September 15th through October 10th, 2011.
The main British royalty is nowhere to be found on these dates.
The United Nations has an empty schedule from September 23rd through October 10th, 2011.
The Russian Duma will be in recess this week.
The pope will be off this week.
Let us not forget the bizarre cryptic words of Obama during the 911 speech.
Psalm 46 ~
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea; though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof.
Folks, do not listen to what these NWO clowns say……watch what they do.
Do these world leaders as well as U.S. officials know something that most of the public is completely unaware of?
A report originating from Sorcha Faal claims that the real reason for Obama’s Denver trip is his plan to oversee a defcon 1 cocked pistol maximum readiness drill.
A disturbing report prepared by General Alexey Maslov, the Senior Military Representative of the Permanent Mission of Russia to NATO, states that he has been notified by the Americans of their plan to hold a DEFCON 1 “Cocked Pistol” maximum readiness alert drill on 27 September which will be overseen by President Obama at one the United States most secure bunkers located beneath the Denver International Airport.
This information has yet to be independently confirmed anywhere else on the net but is included due to it coinciding with other more confirmed information.

It is well documented that Denver is a major hub for New World Order activity, housing the CIA headquarters and rumors of deep underground military bases.
Perhaps the most mysterious aspect of the whole Denver NWO conspiracy is the one world airport in Denver Colorado.
Complete with weird murals, strange notes on the ground, and statues of death, the DIA airport has long been rumored to be an access way to a deep underground military base.(D.U.M.B)
Also let’s not forget about the apocalyptic horse with glowing red eyes at the front of the airport!
Some interesting facts as laid out by on
Even though the area is basically flat (with a stunning view of mountains all around, since it’s in a valley), the expense and time was taken to extensively lower some areas and raise others. They moved 110 million cubic yards of earth around. This is about 1/3rd of the amount of earth they moved when they dug out the Panama Canal.
The airport has a fiber optic communications core made of 5,300 miles of cable. That’s longer than the Nile River. That’s from New York City to Buenos Aires, Argentina. The airport also has 11,365 miles of copper cable communications network.
The fueling system can pump 1,000 gallons of jet fuel per minute through a 28-mile network of pipes. There are six fuel hold tanks that each holds 2.73 million gallons of jet fuel. This is somewhere in the “no one will ever ever need this much” range.
Granite was imported from all over the world ~ Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America ~ and used in making the main terminal floor. This is a ridiculous expense, especially when you’re already over budget. They say, “The floor pattern echoes the roof design and subtly reinforces passenger flows”. Ah…subliminal messages to move your ass. It might look pretty but would any of us know Chilean granite from Chinese granite? Or care? You can dye rock if it’s colors you’re after. Cheaper rocks. (I wonder what the “stones have power” people say about this…)
The huge, main terminal is Jeppesen Terminal, named after Elfrey Jeppesen, who was the first person to create maps specifically for aviation (the company is still in business today). This area is known as the “Great Hall”; it’s said this is what the Masons name their meeting place. It is 900 feet by 210 feet big. This is over 1.5 million square feet of space. All told, there are over 6 million square feet of public space at DIA. The airport brags that they have room to build another terminal and two more concourses and could serve 100 million passengers a year. The airport flew 36 million in 2001.
The only way to get to the other two concourses/terminals from the Great Hall, or vice versa, is via the airport’s train system.
There are more than 19 miles (30 km) of conveyor belt track, luggage transport cars and road in their own underground tunnels that move baggage and goods. They’re so huge you can drive trucks through them, and some remain unused.
The entire roof of DIA is made of 15 acres of Teflon-coated, woven fiber glass. The same material is on the inside as a layer, also. The place looks like a bizarre (but kind of cool) scene out of “Dune”, comprised of huge, spiked tent-like structures. The material reflects 90% of the sunlight and doesn’t conduct heat. So you can’t see into the place with radar or see heat signatures. I added helpfully.
Just taking a look at the numerous murals within DIA brings to mind death, Nazis, and a new world order. (To view all murals and a more in depth look at DIA visit Vigilant Citizen)
Considering all the different coincidences coupled with the location of the terrorism drills and the head officials involved makes one wonder what September 23-27 will actually bring.
Being aware of all possibilities as well as being prepared for them is just about the only way that the general public can, at this time, combat these coming threats.
Regardless whether or not something does happen later this month, the fact remains that this country’s economy is in shambles, its leaders corrupt to the core, and its population in grave danger if they do not start to prepare for whatever is on the horizon.
ReplyDelete- Aangirfan