The first time my older daughter jumped out of a tree and hurt herself (nice and bloody, she bit right through her lower lip) I drove
her to emergency; I did not mind that they checked over her whole body looking
for marks, figuring, “That is fine. If this procedure saves even one child ~ great!” That is still my belief but it seems, in Great Britain, things have
gone way way overboard and the entire “child protection” racket has become a scandalous
not-so-covert money making scam for various governmental agencies.
This article explains
just how horrendous the situation is and just how easy it is to lose your
children before they have even been born. The solutions suggested are, to be
honest, radical but legal and necessary for so many young parents.
Chris Spivey,
September 17, 2011
Not so many years ago in
cases where children were taken from their parents by the social services the
general consensus amongst the public was that there had to be a good reason.
Not so any more. Many parents in the UK are now so afraid of the social
services that they think twice about taking their children to casualty should
the need arise. It’s certainly not unfair to say that the fear, mistrust and
suspicion afforded to the social services by some, is akin to that afforded to
Adolf Hitler’s S.S.
Quite appropriate then
that both share the same initials. Then again, the Nazi SS was extremely well organized
and efficient. The same cannot be said for Britain’s SS.
We are led to believe
that the SS are here to protect our children from cruelty and neglect. Any
decision made by the SS is supposed to be in the best interest of the child.
That would be commendable were it true!
What we are seeing now is
an organized program of child stealing in order to meet the adoption targets
set up under the Blair Government. There are huge financial incentives offered
by the Government to ensure their targets are met. Under-performing leads to
job losses and reduced budgets. It is therefore not an option. This is why
Social Workers seek out easy targets. Invariably these tend to be Young single
mothers lacking in family support, poorly educated mothers on benefit and
children with injuries, which are often no more than minor bruises etc.

However in cases such as Baby P and Victoria Climbie, the lack of
intervention from social workers is to blame.
This lack of intervention stems from the social workers often being intimidated and subject to abuse by the parents of the children they are investigating.
Quite often the social
worker is even denied entry into the home to check on the child’s well being.
Social workers, despite what people are led to believe, have very little
authority. Because of this, cases such as Baby P are neglected in favour of
easier targets.
It is this lack of knowledge on what social workers can and cannot do that leads to a lot of parents losing their children. Aware of the public’s ignorance, a social worker will resort to bullying, duping and scaring parents into signing over their children.

The child’s welfare and wishes are secondary to performance targets.Reporting restrictions on court proceedings mean children are removed from loving and perfectly capable parents on the flimsiest of evidence.The SS can get away with this safe in the knowledge there will be no public outcry.Neither do parents have any recourse because just discussing their case with anyone other than their legal advisers can result in a prison sentence.
More often than not, it
will be a parent’s legal team’s incompetence that will lead to them losing
their child/children. Invariably the vast majority of child order cases see the
parents being represented by legal aid solicitors. Far be it for me to suggest
that the outcome of a case is decided before hand or that the SS and Law
Society are acting in complicity. However Parliamentary figures show that child
care orders average around 8000 a year. Of these only between 0.1 and 0.2
percent are refused.
Ian Joseph, a Monaco
based businessman was so alarmed about what goes on in our law courts that he
set up a website specifically to help parents who have had their children
snatched by the state.
The first thing he tells parents who are receiving legal aid is that if they want their children back they have to get rid of their solicitor and represent themselves.

Unfortunately, such is
the scale of the problem both are limited on what they can do.
John Hemming, knowing the likely outcome of court proceedings will often tell parents to be who are in danger of having their unborn child snatched, to flee the UK for either Southern Ireland or Sweden.
The fact many couples
follow his advice only add credence to their innocence. But does this major,
life changing step mean you get to keep your unborn child?
I know of one such couple
who John Hemming helped relocate to County Wexford in Southern Ireland. They
cannot be identified by their real names so I will call them Steve and Emma.
This is their story:
Emma, now aged 30 was living
alone with her daughter (Child A) in Kent when she Met Steve now aged 37. The
couple were both delighted when Emma found out she was pregnant with Steve’s
baby (Child B).However Emma was ill throughout the pregnancy with Pre-Eclampsia
and with Steve out at work, the couple had no choice except to get a babysitter
to look after Child A.
It was at this time that
Child A was found to have a vaginal injury. To their horror, Steve was accused
by the SS of being responsible, despite there being no evidence to support this
claim. Child A, a month short of being 2 years old was then forcibly taken into
Worse was to follow when
Emma gave birth to Child B on Christmas Eve. Barely 5 hours after giving birth,
Child B was taken from Emma and handed over to foster parents. Despite no
charges being brought against Steve for the injury to Child A, the couple was
unable to stop the children being adopted out.
When Emma fell pregnant
with Child C, she was immediately told by the SS that the baby would be taken
into care once Emma had given birth. In desperation the couple contacted John
Hemming, who advised them to go to the Republic of Ireland. He told them that
even if the Irish SS got involved, the couple would at least receive a much
fairer hearing. Arriving in County Wexford on the 1st of June 2009, Emma gave
birth just 3 days later.
With no Medical records
available, The Hospital had no choice but to contact England. In doing so the
hospital was made aware of Emma’s previous history. With limited information to
hand Irish social services had no choice except to take Child C into care
pending reports. On contacting the English SS the Irish SS were told that under
no circumstances should Child C be returned to the couple. This despite there
being no evidence or criminal proceedings to suggest either Steve or Emma was a
danger to the Baby.

However concerned at the
speed things were moving, the couple’s Solicitor tried to speed proceedings up
by asking for a review of the evidence regarding the injury to Child A. This
review brought to light the facts that Child A had only been subject to one
injury(inconsistent with parental abuse) and neither had she been ‘Groomed’ as
had been previously suggested by English social workers.
More importantly, the
review revealed that the babysitter Emma had used, although a registered child
minder who had been working with disabled children, was under investigation for
abuse. Emma was also becoming increasingly concerned about the level of care
offered to Child C by her Foster carer. Emma voiced these concerns to social
workers, which included the complaints that Child C often had head lice, sore
looking rashes and the fact that Child C called her Foster carer Mummy. As far
as Emma is aware these concerns were never addressed.
When Emma gave birth to
her 4th child (Child D) the couple were devastated to learn he was to be
removed from their care. However the couple was able to secure a temporary
court injunction forbidding social workers from snatching Child D.

Steve and Emma now get to
see him twice weekly along with Child C. They had been categorically told that
the SS plan was for reunification. However at a court hearing in April of this
year, the couple was horrified to learn that despite what they were told about
reunification, the SS intend to keep both children in permanent foster care.
Not only does this course
of action contradict what they were told by social workers, no one had bothered
to discuss it with them and neither has it been discussed with them since.
Steve and Emma are now left in limbo. Despite the agony of having their 4
children taken off of them they have stayed together as a couple, whereas most
relationships would have collapsed under the strain years ago.
Children A and B were
removed on the flimsiest of evidence and quickly adopted out effectively making
it impossible to get them back. The fact that they gave up their home, family
and friends in order to flee to Ireland, for the sole reason of keeping their
unborn baby apparently counts for nothing. The couple was only too well aware
that should their Irish children be returned to them, they would be forever
under the scrutiny of the social services. That fact alone would be enough to
ensure that Steve and Emma were nothing short of perfect parents.
Unfortunately, without the financial backing, it’s hard now to see where the couple
goes from here.
So, is there anything
that couples in a similar position to Steve and Emma can do?
To answer that you have
to understand that Steve and Emma put their faith in the British legal system.
When that let them down they followed the well intention advice of John
Hemming. They then put their faith in the Republic of Ireland’s legal system
and that too has let them down.
In reality however there
is but you have to take command of the situation from the start. You cannot
afford to show any weakness in your resolve. To do so will result in you being
bullied into submission.
Firstly, never trust a social worker. I’m not saying they are all bad, but by far the vast majority are. Do not be fooled by their friendly approach this is quite often a trick. Remember they have no authority to do anything without a court order.Film and/or record everything. They will tell you you’re not allowed to but you are allowed to film who and what the hell you like in your own home.Be polite but not friendly. Offer no other information than what they ask for. If they try to get you to sign consent forms to take your child tell them to do one until they have a court order.Check that you are dealing with a fully qualified Social worker who is registered with your social service department.You can tell them to leave at any time.
If they do feel they have
a strong case against you then the chances are they will return with a court
order. This being the case there is nothing you can do to prevent your child
being taken.
However as the statistics
have shown, you’re wasting your time employing a solicitor. You must represent
yourself in court. No one will fight harder or argue more passionately for the
return of your child than you will.

However you will soon be told that you have to register your baby for a birth certificate.Flatly refuse. No one except the parents can register a baby’s birth. If they could, the SS would do it rather than subject an already heartbroken parent to more mental torture. Refuse to do this because there is emerging evidence to show that an unregistered child cannot be snatched by the state.No doubts you will be threatened with all kinds of things including prison but stand your ground. No charges will be brought against you if you do not consent.
It does pay however to be
clued up on the workings of Admiralty law before you adopt this course of
Without a birth
certificate the SS have no choice but to return your baby. The most conclusive
evidence to support this followed a request submitted to Torbay Council under
the freedom of information act. The request was in the form of a question
asking that, if a child is not registered at birth, do they have the authority
to remove the child.
Torbay Councils answer?
No they
don’t. However, you should be aware that having no birth certificate could
present problems for your child later on in life. Never the less, these
problems which are mostly financial can be overcome and are secondary to
keeping a loving family together.
Stop I'll advising people .Admiralty law has nothing to do with this .If you dont register your childs birth within a certain amount of weeks you can be prosecuted .These Sov Cit and Freeman nuts are the cause of all the child stealing .It was they who went about sticking their beaks into other peoples personal lives , calling other peoples children their property in the first place .These Admiralty law pedlars are now finding themselves the targets , and they're squealing like stuck pigs . In 2000 they took my 8 year old and told a pack of lies such as that I had stolen him from them to begin with .Even the judges were confused and had to ask me if I was the actual mother in this case .These creeps are now under fire themselves , but that's their own faults .They are so determined to carry on with this that the group of them ,Gerrish ,McKenzie and co have attempted to erase all trace of my son from everywhere All there little minions are having their kids snatched using the methods created by themselves to begin with .Oh the irony ...