Friday 11 November 2011


Read what you can on this 1934 Depression auto. These messages are applicable TODAY!

"Yes Columbus did discover America. We have discovered that the international bankers have taken it all away from us"

"Dirty Press! Lies are falling thick and fast."

"The truth marches on."

And now for Huey Long...... Passion such as we have not seen in decades... 
What struck Long particularly were the commandments [in Leviticus] that every seven years there should be a release of debts and that every fiftieth year, the "Jubilee" year, there would be a return of possessions to every man.... This was not the first time he had heard the question raised.... But now it was brought before him in a peculiarly authoritative and institutional way..... It was ironic that he should have learned the lesson at such a citadel of conservatism as Tulane University.

Educational and other services were poor for the additional reason that the ruling hierarchy was little interested in using what resources the state had available to provide services and was even less interested in employing the power of the state to create new resources so that more services could be supported.... A woman who was a member of the caste described its psychology frankly: "We were secure. We were the old families. We had what we wanted. We didn't bother anybody. All we wanted was to keep it."

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